Destiny - Daily Reset Thread [2017-06-11]

Daily Reset Thread [2017-06-11]

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 02:04 AM PDT

Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Horseshoes and Hand Grenades Kill 15 enemies with attachable grenades.
Quick Drops Get 30 precision kills.
Captivating Light Get 30 kills with Void abilities.
Oryx's Horde Defeat 50 Taken.
Taken Hunting Defeat 10 Taken Majors or Ultras.
Cosmodrome Reconnaissance Collect resource nodes, open chests and kill enemies in the Cosmodrome.

Vanguard Elite Bounties

Name Description
Vanguard Elite Complete Strikes in the SIVA Crisis Playlist to earn points.
Called Shots Get assists to earn Concentrated Fire Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Primary Master Rapidly kill 3 or more enemies with a Primary Weapon to earn Primary Streak, Primary Spree, or Primary Rampage Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Demolitions Expert Get grenade multikills to earn Explosive Streak Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Secondary Fire Rapidly kill 3 or more enemies with a Special Weapon to earn Special Streak, Special Spree, or Special Rampage Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Tandem Fire Get 30 rapid enemy kills with your Fireteam to earn Fireteam Streak Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.

Crucible Bounties

Name Description
Killing Wind Rapidly defeat 3 Guardians.
Settle the Score Take down the Guardian who last defeated you.
Erupting Light Defeat 3 opposing Guardians with your grenade ability.
Support Network Assist your teammates in defeating 10 opposing Guardians.
Healthy Balance Complete a match with at least 10 kills and no more than 7 deaths.
Diligent Win 3 matches in one day.

Queen's Wrath Bounties

Name Description
Take the Wanted WANTED: The Blighted Descendant. Mars or Venus. Fireteam recommended.
Take Them Out: Venus Kill Taken Lieutenants on Venus.
Take Them All Kill 100 Taken.
Queen's Sovereignty Defeat 50 Fallen in any strike playlist.
Queen's Champion Defeat 50 minions of Darkness before completing the Challenge of the Elders.
Queen's Curse Get 30 Void Kills on the Dreadnaught.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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You Never Know When You'll Run Into Another Guardian!

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 06:23 AM PDT

Yesterday afternoon I received my Age of Triumph t-shirt. I was super excited to wear it, but unfortunately when it arrived I was already running out the door to take my five year old to a birthday party or I would've put it on.

Not knowing any of the other parents of the children attending the party, I wasn't all that excited about having to make small talk with them for a couple hours.

As my daughter and I were walking into the venue for the birthday party, my daughter sees one of her friends from afar. They run to each other and her parents and I approach. Not knowing these parents from Adam, I'm thinking of what I'm going to open with; the weather? the traffic? Then I notice something...

THE DAD IS WEARING THE GODDAMN AGE OF TRIUMPH T-SHIRT! So I opened up by explaining to him that I just got mine in the mail today.

We talked Destiny from all sorts of angles while the kids played. D1, the raids, awesome moments, rage-inducing ones, D2. We also ended up having to monitor a "real-life Clash Crucible match" (Laser Tag) in which I was dropping subtle Shaxx quotes at the five year olds.

Needless to say, the party ended up being a breeze. Unfortunately we are on different consoles so we aren't able to group up, but it was still cool to kill time with a fellow guardian.

Side note: his five year old believes the Destiny tricorn is just a Fidget Spinner...

Edit: werds

submitted by /u/RRunner316
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People who don't go after crests, what kind of water do you pour on your cereal?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 10:23 AM PDT

Seriously what are you doing?

submitted by /u/acreshaker5353
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Through all of this, where was Rasputin when the Cabal invaded?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 05:14 AM PDT

At the core of the game, and in most expansions, Rasputin is the last functional Warmind. The Warminds were created to defend Earth from the Darkness and the invasion of foreign invaders. WE have spent countless missions, strikes and even, by proxy, a raid to protect Rasputin and maintain its functionality. Yet the first glimpses of D2, we see that we were surprise attacked by the Cabal in huge force.

Was Rasputin finally disabled? Rasputin never directly attacked the Fallen, so it maybe that his programming can only detect the Darkness, but even modern technology can detect interstellar phenomenon and air contacts. Was Rasputin's sensors disabled in the fight with SIVA?

I understand that when the original Warminds were taken offline, Rasputin had developed additional programming to combat the departure of the Traveler in self-defense of Earth, but it is hard to swallow that a sophisticated Warfare AI would allow a full on invasion of Earth without giving us any warning.

The programming of Rasputin should have detected the invasion "Sunroutine: CARRHAE WHITE", took control of the other Warminds (though possibly deactivated completely), and outfit Guardians with weaponry, via Subroutine: DVALIN FORGE and counter-attack "Subroutine: YUGA".

Did we exhaust all of Rasputin's defenses countering the Hive invasion and the creation of SLEEPER SIMULANT? I feel as though we would have gotten something for the entity that we spent 3 years protecting.


EDIT: Thanks, all! This is exactly the conversations I was looking for. Grimoire is what sets this game apart from any other I have played, with the only comparison being Elder Scrolls (which is 6 games deep).

submitted by /u/MayoInjection
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My friend's awesome Destiny logo he put together.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 10:54 AM PDT

When Ghost takes one for the team.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 04:47 AM PDT

The fall of a Gunslinger

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 10:58 AM PDT

Sometimes, the only one you can't save is yourself.

A screenshot I took of a friend that I really liked, thought I share it with you guys.

submitted by /u/Drokantoro
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Just found another clip of clamber in D2!

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 08:08 AM PDT

So i was watching Th3Jez's D2 pvp in a nutshell video and when he says "why am i getting outplayed by this potplant" he actually clambers onto the potplant! It is really hard to see if you aren't looking for it because of the angle and effects so i am proud of myself for seeing this.

This takes you to the timestamp in the video so you don't have to go through it yourself.

edit: go to 2:21 if time isnt working

edit2: Gifv thanks to the Gifv lord

submitted by /u/RoboThePanda
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Funny story for you, Cayde considers us his friend when we have never said a word to him in 3 years.

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 08:18 PM PDT


submitted by /u/IamSnokeO_o
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Why you should always wear Twilight Garrison if you're a Runner

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:13 AM PDT

Sword to Snipe mid-air

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 10:08 AM PDT

It's been years, why haven't we gotten that dead guardian's body back from the moon?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 04:54 PM PDT

It's been several years since that one guardian somehow stayed dead on the moon. Why haven't we gotten his body back yet?

Edit - Hi mom!

submitted by /u/Fireheart318s_Reddit
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I glitched Destiny into third person

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 09:29 AM PDT

Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with it, but still an interesting experience nonetheless!

submitted by /u/Kitty_Blakeadonna
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Destiny 2 Concept Art

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:16 PM PDT

I use a website called artstation to find new desktop backgrounds for myself and came across one of the concept artists that did work for the trailer reveal last month. I thought you guys might like to have one of his photos for your background.

The artist's name is Darek Zabrocki and he is from Poland.

Edit - More

More 2

submitted by /u/TinySpaceships
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The Community Benefits From Having a Single Featured Raid At Any Given Time

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 10:04 AM PDT

After the D2 reveal event, there has been some concern expressed about the implication that there will only be a single raid at launch.

It's definitely legitimate to be concerned about having enough endgame content at launch (and the more the better when it comes to strikes, meaningful patrol content, etc). But when it comes to raids specifically, I think that the community at large will benefit from having a single "featured" raid (i.e. allows you to achieve max light), both at launch and moving forward.

This is because the focus on a single raid generates a critical mass in terms of the LFG population (including the incoming guided games population) and the focus of the hive mind on this sub (and elsewhere among the community).

If there were two (or more) raids at launch, I think you'd see the community quickly focus on the "better" raid (either faster to complete or better loot), with the other raid getting shunted to the side for the most part. If it's always in the shadow of the "better" raid, the secondary raid may never be broadly accessible to the larger population, largely wasting content that has the potential to be among the best in the game (and is surely expensive to produce).

I should note that this isn't nearly as much of an issue for static raid groups that run with the same 6 every week. But even they could benefit from the effective strategies that bubble to the surface when everyone is focused on the same raid.

This doesn't mean there should be less content overall -- the pace of introducing new raids could certainly increase, up to a rate of 3 or 4 per year. But always with a single featured raid at a time to allow the community to focus.

submitted by /u/FactBringer
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[Something I found on IMDb for D2]

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 06:15 AM PDT


So, as you can see, there's a role called the "Iron Guard" voiced by Bob Carter, wonder what this is?

submitted by /u/BladedAbyss2551
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Destiny 2 Rainmeter Desktop

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 07:37 AM PDT

[Media] I'm pretty excited for Destiny 2 and I couldn't wait for E3 info, so I made a rainmeter desktop for Destiny 2

submitted by /u/Unreal_Jaguar
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After 3 Years and 4 DLC's what is your favorite piece of Lore in Destiny?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 09:58 AM PDT

Far and away Praedyth being held within the Vault of Glass trapped for Centuries is for me.

submitted by /u/Oryxhasnonuts
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[TowerThoughts] What if there was an exotic armor piece that made a super activation sound silent?

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 01:32 AM PDT

My wife and I wants to say thank you

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 10:06 PM PDT

My wife and I absolutely love Destiny and the community. We love what we see here on DestinyTheGame Reddit, and we want to say thank you for bringing funny and heartwarming posts, we want to say thank you for being the best community my wife and I have been apart of. We always loved helping people to the lighthouse. We loved meeting new people and doing late night raids with them. We loved doing everything the community does. So we thought it would be nice to be part of the community as well and show what I have created for her. We hope to see you all in Destiny 2!

Edit: Thank you for the kind words and comments! We are very honored to be apart of this community!

submitted by /u/King_Venita
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Biggest Fear for D2: Lost Sectors/Adventures(Less So) will be pointless until higher levels.

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 11:13 AM PDT

I say this because if Lost Sectors: A. Have Random Loot Drops and B. Don't reset weekly then there will be no point in doing them because the loot will become outdated and useless(because getting a bunch of greens to then be immediately out classed by some random engram drop from a dreg feels lame) unless they drop low level infusible legendary gear, but that wouldn't make sense. The same worry goes for Adventures if the main focus is going to be random loot, but less so because there will most likely be exclusive adventure drops. TL;DR Lost Sectors will be pointless at early levels if they drop low level gear because it will become obsolete so the best solution would be weekly reset on lost sectors

submitted by /u/JollySieg
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For Destiny 2, Do you want Quests for Exotics to go as far as Outbreak Prime (Math, Algebra Side) in that regard?

Posted: 10 Jun 2017 02:58 PM PDT

Honestly, I really hate that part of the quest and find it way more annoying than anything ever in the game.

A quest can be complex, but why do we need to know advanced math to do them. And I understand that people made services to do the quest easier, but that that shouldn't be needed to get a weapon.

EDIT: Also requiring 2 other people with the same quest to progress is probably worse.

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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Murmur nostalgia

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 01:40 PM PDT

Just recently I decided to start a new character in destiny as I bizarrely had never played as a warlock and also wanted to re-experience the campaign with all destiny's updates in play. I was awarded the murmur fusion rifle from eris. My God!? How was awesome was this gun. Why did it never return? Why was it's key burn switch Perk also never recycled? #justiceformurmur

submitted by /u/TheBeardedSlug
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Late to the party, but finally got the family together for a photo

Posted: 11 Jun 2017 09:50 AM PDT

Been needing to brush up on my Photoshop skills for a while, hope this is good

submitted by /u/HashtagWallace
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