Smite - Mods VS Subs starting today around Noon EDT

Mods VS Subs starting today around Noon EDT

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:27 AM PDT

Join The Discord to know exactly when we will be starting matches.

These matches will be played on PC and a combination of NA/EU. We will have a few different types of Matches being played. Some will be 5 Mods vs 5 Subs and some we will have a Mod on each team with 4 subs as well to see who's the best! Keep in mind these matches are just for fun, anyone who is being an asshole will be removed. These matches will also happen tomorrow and maybe later if our schedules allow for it.

Srixis will be streaming matches at as well for those who want to watch as soon as he is available.

submitted by /u/TripleCharged
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/r/Smite 100k Subscribers Celebration Megathread

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:30 AM PDT


Thank you so much to everyone in this community that helped us reach this monumental milestone! We are all so proud of what we've built here, and we're so happy to share it with all of you.

To celebrate this incredible achievement, we are going to be having all kinds of contests for the next two weeks!

This post will be a hub that will house links to every event we're running, and a brief summary of everything you can be a part of.

This will be a party unlike any other!

The Great /r/Smite Scavenger Hunt

  • The Great /r/Smite Scavenger Hunt
    • Partake in a scavenger hunt unlike anything /r/Smite has seen to win prizes and a very special 100k user flair!

Design Contests

  • 100k Reddit Banner Contest
    • Create a banner for /r/Smite to promote and celebrate 100k subscribers!
  • 100k User Flair Contest
    • Create a user flair to be the prize for the 100k Scavenger Hunt, that will live on forever as a piece of /r/Smite history!
  • Reddit Avatar Contest
    • Design an avatar to be added to Smite, celebrating 100k subscribers on /r/Smite!

Art Contests

  • Fan-Art Contest
    • Paint, draw, sketch, or design digitally an original piece of Smite-inspired fan-art!
  • "Other" Art Contest
    • Sculpt, knit, weave, build, write, compose, or program some Smite memorabilia!
  • Video Montage Contest
    • Create the greatest video montage that /r/Smite has ever seen!
  • Original God Concept Contest
    • Describe your idea for a new God to add to Smite!


  • Retro Flairs!
    • For the entire duration of the event, all Retro flairs will be publicly available to choose from! Let's celebrate the history of Smite together!
  • Play Games of Smite with the /r/Smite moderators!
    • See here for more information!
  • Random giveaways!
    • We'll be throwing out skin codes left and right on /r/Smite and on Twitter, so keep an eye out for those!

This is going to be the biggest event in /r/Smite's history, and we hope you have as much fun competing as we've had moderating you!

submitted by /u/DrYoshiyahu
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Smite is the only eSports title I know of that doesn't perform like one.

Posted: 06 May 2017 10:40 AM PDT

Let me start off by saying I love Smite. I've been playing since early open beta and since then it's given me a lot of joy, frustration, and sense of accomplishment when I win games - as well as a learning experience when I lose them.

But unlike early beta days, into Season 1, and somewhat Season 2 (though this is where it all starts); Smite has had suffering performance and terrible inconsistencies not only for myself, but I would assume the majority of the player base as well.

For example, I have a moderately powerful rig built from upper mid range components from 2013. An AMD FX-8320, 16 gigs of RAM, a factory overclocked R9 270X, and I run the game off a standard 7200 RPM disk. My framerates used to be extremely consistent and I wouldn't dip during teamfights or anything even on the highest settings. But now I'm forced to play on low settings with medium shaders and high textures to get the same experience. And hell, my rig can still play AAA titles and much more taxing games from 2016-17 on higher settings with consistent frame rates, so it's definitely not my rig.

So that was my complaint from a performance point of view. Let's move on to inconsistencies then. I'm sure I'm not going to cover all of these, but I have a few I want to touch base on. For example, many different abilities consume mana, apply CC, and apply damage all in different orders. This can make things difficult such as leaping out of base without consuming mana on Odin, confirming Odin's jump on targets with fields of silence or cripples (Nox, Poseidon, Cupid), or determining if Nemesis is going to reflect the damage you're dealing to her or if your CC will hit first to break her shield. This is inconsistent yes, but some may say that it adds a dynamic to the game to keep things interesting and I respect that opinion. But some things should be normalized.

Server and patch stability has been a sore sight as well. With game breaking bugs like the relic bug discovered today, as well as what appeared to be a lack of play testing when it came to releasing the Morrigan, issues with EAC, multiple server crashes almost daily, and broken Adventures releases (how does something so broken as butchered scorekeeping get to live)?

Let's not forget how bloated the game is becoming. And no, I don't mean from a power creep standpoint or anything. I have things I hate about the recent meta, but overall I believe it's quite balanced. I mean in size of the game itself. Smite started as being a 4.8GB to about a 6.4GB install from the points of open beta to Season 2 (rough estimate, I can't remember the exact numbers but I know it was around 5-6GB). The game has now grown to a staggering 11.9GB in size over what seems to be the last two years.

It's not the file size that scares me so much, but how it's affecting the game that does. Now I'm not sure if Hirez is going through and cleaning out unused assets, or just leaving them in the game files, but often with the extreme amount of skins, ward skins, announcer packs, and voice packs in the game at this point - and the increasing in use of expensive tech to produce ability FX (Ah Puch ultimate, and what seems to be now the Kraken remodel, and the upcoming MAP WIDE PAINT of Sylvanus' Bob Ross skin), the game is becoming bloated to the point where some players are having trouble running the game fluidly on rigs that could previously handle it well.

I think we could all agree that Hirez needs to look into upgrading their server infrastructure, perhaps rewriting more of the code base to better handle all the content in the game at this point (which they said they were doing); as well as do the same for the client and look to better optimize effects and the loading of all the assets they have in game currently.

TL:DR - Smite has recently become a bloated game. Too many assets, terrible servers for the increasing player base, and terrible quality assurance all lead to an inconsistent game that performs poorly for an eSports title. This is especially bad because in the past Smite ran smooth as butter on most rigs.

Also, I'd like you to post in the comments what inconsistencies you've noticed with the game, so hopefully there'll be a good enough list for Hirez to know what to work on if they read this post.

EDIT: Another big issue that's propped up more so recently (within the last 2 years after performance went downhill) is "ghosting". As in, line skill shot abilities not hitting when the visual effect does, or large circle abilities hitting you when the visual effect doesn't. I know Hirez is developing new server infrastructure including back end code, but are they making it worse and not better?

Also, another inconsistency - you've always been able to spectate your friends' duel games and tell them what their opponents are picking during drafting phase with no delay.

I think the closest thing to compare Smite's development to is modding games like GTA San Andreas or Skyrim. You can plug in as much content as you want, but you're going to gradually lose performance the more you add if you're not careful about when it's loaded.

submitted by /u/ACanadianNoob
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Zapman LUL

Posted: 06 May 2017 03:14 PM PDT

The 15 mastered gods and level 30 minimum for ranked needs to be drastically raised.

Posted: 06 May 2017 06:05 PM PDT

I'm guessing this is the old requirement for ranked just so HIRez could get as many people into ranked as possible as quick as possible.

At this point, having 15 gods mastered really means nothing. It means you haven't played the game yet. It means you can literally be out banned and picked, forcing you into a god never before played (9 picks + 8 bans).

There's almost 90 gods. How can ranked be taken seriously if you have people trying to qualify who literally cannot play 70+ gods.

submitted by /u/TylertheDouche
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Feels console, man

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:11 AM PDT

Marvalz Rama clips #15

Posted: 06 May 2017 10:41 AM PDT

Best thing that happened to me while playing Smite

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:55 AM PDT

I was playing my first qualifying game for this split and our Zhong Kui started flaming later on in the game, and he said "i hope your mother died to cancer like allied" to every single one of our teammates, and after the game ended he got 9 reports and got banned immedeately after the reports. Thank you Hi-Rez

submitted by /u/Micr0Flash
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Just console things ...

Posted: 06 May 2017 07:43 PM PDT

Can we have a Bride of Frankenstein skin for Isis

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:01 PM PDT

To match with Osiris ya know? I just thought of it and thought it would be a cool idea.

submitted by /u/Kurtygbobcat
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is it true

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:46 PM PDT

that this GLORIOUS SKIN has made it into the concept board?

A friend showed it to me and I just can't believe on how good it looks.

submitted by /u/-excalibrO-
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TIL Hou yi's abilities do less damage to marked targets.

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:04 AM PDT

Only about like 15-20 damage less with full build, but still its less damage. Against a full health odin bot, a unmarked 3x bounce did 692 and a marked 3x bounce did 672.

submitted by /u/xRealVengeancex
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FP Roster

Posted: 06 May 2017 04:01 PM PDT

[100k] The Great /r/Smite Scavenger Hunt

Posted: 06 May 2017 09:30 AM PDT

<< Back to 100k Hub

16 lightning bolts have been hidden, as of 21:30 Saturday, 6 May 2017

The Great /r/Smite Scavenger Hunt

This is an event that was first an idea, over nine months ago, tested and refined on /r/Paladins, and is now finally being put to use to celebrate 100k subscribers. Over the next two weeks, one hundred lightning bolts will be hidden all over the internet. You can find them on Reddit, Discord, Twitter, YouTube, and maybe even some other places, hidden by the /r/Smite moderators, some other content creators, maybe even a Hi-Rez employee or two!

Find the most lightning, and you could win a stack of prizes! Find enough of them, and you could earn yourself a very special 100k user flair, which will be created by the community!



  • Find a , click on it, send the message as is.
  • /u/SmiteRobot will track the number of bolts you find.
  • The competition will end and the bolts will be tallied at 23:59 on Saturday 20th May, [UTC time]
  • The users with the most bolts found (or the first users to find every bolt) will receive a special prize!

Please do not reveal the location of any bolts. Sharing hints is fine, but if you're blatantly giving out answers, you may be penalized.



  • 1st Place - Ultimate God Pack, 400 Gems, Such Cold Skadi
  • 2nd Place - Ultimate God Pack, 400 Gems
  • 3rd Place - 400 Gems, Such Cold Skadi
  • 4th Place - 400 Gems

If you can find 50 lightning bolts, you will unlock the strictly limited 100k user flair to keep forever!


Need Some Help?

As of making this post, there is already one on Twitter and one on Discord. Go and have a look!

The lightning bolts are the unicode character U+26A1. If you can't see this bolt: , click here for troubleshooting regarding unicode display problems.

Good luck!

submitted by /u/DrYoshiyahu
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Hi-Rez CEO: Palȧdins Will Be Bigger Than Smite By Next Year

Posted: 06 May 2017 06:42 PM PDT

[Idea] Promotion Code Tool

Posted: 06 May 2017 06:56 AM PDT

This idea came to my mind today as I was trading skin codes. It would be very useful to have a tool where you can enter a code and it then tells you all the information about it without claiming it. The following example would of a Firelord Ne Zha code for console, expiring on May 5th 2019.

  • Firelord Ne Zha
  • PC: Unavailable
  • Xbox: Unclaimed
  • PS4: Claimed
  • Expires on 05.05.2019

This would really help if you have a code but no idea what it is, for what platform, if it's claimed and so on. Because at the moment, the only way to check a code is to claim it.

Tell me your thoughts about this please :)

submitted by /u/Daredust
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Posted: 06 May 2017 02:40 PM PDT

The Fatalis affect

Posted: 06 May 2017 02:49 PM PDT

Fatalis. A love/hate relationship. But after 4.8 patch comes out, I can safety say thats its not going to be picked up nearly as often as it is now - if any at all.

It's 2600 gold now...thats a lot of gold for an item that has no actual damage - only a small amount of pen. Heck you could buy Jotunns instead now.

The reason why you bought fatalis was mainly for the fact that it removed the AA penalty. Great boxing and kiting potential. The added pen in s4 made it too strong to deal with for the price that it was at.

Honestly, fatalis was perfect where it was before they changed it. Not too expensive but if you bought it, you lost a lot of DPS for its passive. It was a niche item.

Hirez took an OK item and made it too strong, and made it undervalued at the price in 4.8.

This is a recurring theme. Take Raijin. On release, he was OK. Not OP and not weak. Sure, he wasn't being played a lot but that doesn't mean the god is terrible.

Hirez took a god that was fairly balanced,added immunity frames on his jump / teleport ability; and that was the tipping point.

It was soon apparent after the Raijin that he was more than a "utility" god and was actually OP.

How did HiRez adjust the drummer? By nerfing him into nonexistence.

Now let's compare the two - Raijin and Fatalis.

Both roughly balanced at the beginning. Both being OP at first. Hirez realizing the changes they made were OP and nerfed them into the ground.

The reason of this post is for players and hopefully Hirez to realize what is going with questionable changes Hirez has made.

submitted by /u/Blitzkov
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There has to be a way to disable pinging from specific team members.

Posted: 06 May 2017 05:28 PM PDT

Unless I'm missing something, there's no way to mute pings from team members who decide to be dicks all match. Just had a 20 minute match with a 3 man party who because of the last game we all played in, spammed VGS for the first 5 minutes. Normally I don't care and mute them while putting the game to the back of my mind as an incoming loss but there was no way to mute all 3 of their pings.

It's obnoxious and I don't care at this point if they'd point out something incoming or to take on a specific objective, if they were mute-worthy, it's not worth hearing anything come from them. May be an unpopular opinion here but the option being a thing wouldn't be bad, would it?

submitted by /u/Kel_Casus
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Should Ganesha's 2 also give magical protections?

Posted: 06 May 2017 06:07 PM PDT


submitted by /u/zentizog
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Smite Console Community

Posted: 06 May 2017 06:04 PM PDT

I know this gets posted every once in a while but, I feel like I can't have that bad of luck that almost every single game I play there's someone feeding, VGS spamming, or just not playing at all. I don't get it. I just played a game where the healer refused to heal. I messaged jokingly "For the love of the gods, please heal" to which the reply was "nope :)"

A game before I used a "You Rock" when I assisted our Kulkulkan with a kill as Genesha (I stun knocked up when he ulted". To which the recently deceased Medusa thought I was commenting on her death. She messaged with "I don't like playing with trash talkers" and went AFK for a long time.

I love this game so much and put so much money and time into playing and supporting it that continuous games like these just make me want to walk away. I use the report system when it's necessary but it just seems like every match is bad.

submitted by /u/SnugglesSoft
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Ah PS4 ranked, where you see stupid shit...

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:59 PM PDT

Such as a Hel support when the only support that is banned is Ares. Literally every other support was open but they went hel.... died to first blood and left.

As someone who was dropped from masters last split to silver 3 this split.... I'm probably gonna cut my losses and get the recall then not touch this shit again. Hi-rez done fucked up when they did the soft reset.

submitted by /u/Midazgo
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[Skin Concept] Stand-up Comedian Anubis

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:53 AM PDT

After 2 years of playing I will finaly get my pent....... SCREW YOU OSIRIS!

Posted: 06 May 2017 07:19 AM PDT

Quick Question

Posted: 06 May 2017 08:47 PM PDT

Hi, just a silver pleb here. What is the blue symbol I see that is in the background of my tp meter when I go on my profile? I noticed when that blue thing is around if I lose when my tp meter is at 0, I don't get placed into the division below me. I've also noticed that when I win I get like plus 17 tp, which is unusual for me. This blue thing has been there ever since quals of this split.

Sorry this is probably a stupid question, but I've googled it and can't find anything about it

submitted by /u/iamyeezusalmighty
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highest match I've ever been in

Posted: 06 May 2017 01:08 AM PDT

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