Pokémon GO - Mareep in its natural environment :)

Mareep in its natural environment :)

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:06 PM PDT

Epic gym battle in forest!

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:32 PM PDT

I love Sudowoodo's attack

Posted: 29 May 2017 10:59 PM PDT

[Photo] Caught a Venusaur in my tiny town today!!!

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:27 AM PDT

[Discussion] Anybody else meet someone amazing playing Pokemon Go? I did. Here's my story. What's yours? (Sorry for the wall. Can't stop bragging :P)

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:17 PM PDT

It was the first nice Monday in April. I got off work and decided to go to my usual pogo spot. It's a lake, that's also always a nest, with about 15 stops around it including a tri-lure spot (more on that later). There's a giant fountain in the middle that is lit at night with blue and pink LEDs, from under the water. There are mountains to the north and the city skyline to the west. It's incredibly beautiful.

I did about 10 laps that night I think. Each lap is about a kilometer. I hatch lots of eggs! Finishing my last lap, I see that 2 of the 3 stops at the tri-lure are lit. I know from experience that the tri-lure is only accessible by car in one spot that not a lot of people realize. My phone is dying a bit. I figure since only 2 are going, this player must not know the spot, so I decide to cruise over, mooch off of theirs, and lure the 3rd one while I charge up.

I get there, and put up my lure. The other 2 eventually go out. They're back up right away. Soon, mine ran out as well. About that same time, I see a car pull up behind me. It's clearly trying to reach this third stop, but I'm parked in the only space that can. I decide to be a nice guy, since I'm not pulling my weight with the lures. I lure the 3rd stop again and back up to tell him he can have the spot for this round.

I get my car even with his, and there she was. All by herself. I don't know why I expected a guy, I was legitimately stunned and speechless for a moment. She was beautiful. I had rolled my window down. She was surprised I was trying to talk to her. After a second, I said she could have my spot. At first she said "No, that's ok" but I insisted it was no big deal. "I'll just get out and chill in the park. It's all good!" She thanked me, hesitantly with a little smile. I parked my car and sat on a bench up the hill and around the corner a bit.

I wanted to talk to her. More than anything. She was all I could think about for that 30 minutes. It was like 11pm by now. I couldn't be that creepy dude at the park late at night. Who is she?!

The lures ran out. I went back to my car. I'm not sure what I did at this point, I honestly think I just sat there, waiting for her. I saw her back out of the spot. She pulled her car around and parked next to me. I met her eyes with a puzzled look and rolled down my window again. "I'm just gonna walk around the lake, if you want to come..." she said.

I did.

So, we're on the same team... We're both night owls, with day jobs and a love of Pokemon Go... We crush gyms and lure until 5am. She put her number in my phone, and thanked me for not being a kidnapper. We do it again the next night. And the next. We hang out every chance we get. We lure for hours and hours and just talk. We sing along with the radio and tell each other childhood stories. She sleeps over. We talk about our difficulties, failures and successes. What we like and what we don't. What we want and what we don't. We don't watch anything. We listen. It's a dream.

A couple of weeks ago, I asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend.

She did.

Thanks, Pokemon Go :D

If you're reading this, I hope you're having an amazing day :* can't wait to see you tonight!

submitted by /u/luckiestinstinct
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Chansey hanging with her squad

Posted: 30 May 2017 04:14 PM PDT

I think I finally have enough Ultra Balls now

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:26 AM PDT


It's been a longggg time since I hit level 20 back in July. I've been collecting ultra balls just in case I needed them, but could never find any Pokemon worth using them on! Well today I finally have enough, 10 months later.

This sort of turned into a minigame or sorts. It never really inconvenienced me until this last week when I had passed 980, so I started grinding pokestops to get to the end faster. Never bought any ultra balls during the Xmas event, just great balls for the incubators.

What're some self-imposed minigame or challenges you guys run? I'm suddenly in need of a new challenge that doesn't involve gym battles, lol.

submitted by /u/Foodbandlt
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Age 30+ players Reveal yourselves

Posted: 30 May 2017 11:19 AM PDT

As title says, lets hear your stories as to why you still play PMGO. Personally, i was around at the time of the original and i enjoy the nostalgia as well as walking around finding and hatching pokemon with my 8yr old son. Sometimes i feel a little embarrassed sat outside a gym furiously hitting phone but ive played it since day 1 and i cannot see me ever getting bored.. Anyone else?

submitted by /u/Yoshic87
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Somebody's Doggo ended up inside our building

Posted: 30 May 2017 08:56 PM PDT

[PSA] New pokéstops & gyms expected in the next hours

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:08 AM PDT

As you probably know by now Ingress is seeing an influx of new portals (their version of pokéstops/gyms).

Over the past weeks these new points of interest have been ported over to the P-GO map on Tuesday around 8pm (GMT+1 1 ).

So keep your eyes open and let us know if and where the new pokéstops/gyms pop up.


1 : may be an hour off on the timezone, anybody who can confirm?

submitted by /u/liehon
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We need the gym work over fast. I beg you Niantic, please hurry up.

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:44 AM PDT

Those damn gymhoarders in my neighbourhood of all three teams have claimed several streets and districts they won't attack and leave to a specific team. And they stack them up to 10 with their multiple accounts even if they drive around in a car with only 4 people inside. Once someone takes one of those claimed gyms they are fighting each other on their whatsapp groups. People who aren't involved in this BS are left out of the gym game and being shaved out by their own team pretty fast. The current gym mechanics really need the work over fast and the game needs the possibility those asshats can duel each other without harming the fun with gyms for the rest of the players. Niantic, I beg you please hurry up with the gym work over. Thank you

submitted by /u/spityy
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[Screenshot] After playing since day 1, i have finally got a perfect iv pokemon!

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:32 AM PDT


As the title says, i have been playing since day one and have never come across a perfect IV pokemon until yesterday. I normally get junk from 10ks and have had one sitting so i decided to walk it. Out popped this guy, guess my unlucky streak of 10ks is over. Time to start walking.

submitted by /u/GodsFavoriteAngel
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More bag space and pokemon storage?

Posted: 30 May 2017 12:17 PM PDT

Do you think it's inevitable that they will be upgrading both of these soon? I feel like it's necessary when they add more Pokemon and items into the game. I also don't see any down side to them releasing more space for purchase.

submitted by /u/Dudesweater
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Spoofers suck. Gym by my house now has 10 maxed out Blisseys all from level 40 trainers.

Posted: 30 May 2017 01:12 PM PDT

The worst part of this is they've done it before... these same trainers have ravaged our town for the better part of the last month or so. Still, this is the worst. 10 Blisseys, all well over 3k CP.... oh, and the trainers are all variations of the exact same username.

Before you ask, yes, I and countless others have reported them numerous times. No, nothing has been done.

The worst part is absolutely no one has any interest in attacking this gym, for obvious reasons. We don't get potions or revives fast enough to make it worthwhile, and even if we did, no one has the time to waste on 10 blisseys.

Niantic, please do something about this. It's utterly ruining the game.

submitted by /u/NewtonPippin
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Next event?

Posted: 30 May 2017 10:58 AM PDT

Is it bad I'm already excited for the next event? Any ideas on what it may be or when we will get legendaries? Let me hear your thoughts and theories? I'm gonna say Fire event because of the summer time.

submitted by /u/wolf13b
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PSA: What to expect as additional generations get added into the game, from a longtime main series player. [Discussion]

Posted: 30 May 2017 02:01 AM PDT

Well, I've been playing the main series games for some 18 years, and I know quite well how the franchise has been evolving in that regard, so, let me put you up to date in terms of what to expect from the future:

-Gen III: This generation introduced 135 new species, of which 2 are babies of gen II lines (Marill and Wobbuffet), and 10 are legendaries. In this gen, 2 important features made their debut in the main series: Passive abilites and double battles. Double battles meant there are plenty of "paired" species in this gen, unevolving version exclusives introduced mostly to showcase them, and this gen remains to this day as the one with the most unevolving 'mons. As for abilities, they are quite important for some Pokemon, and if I were to guess, they will probably be implemented in GO. Otherwise Slaking will dominate the game. In addition, this gen has some downright weird evolution conditions, keep an eye on Nincada, Wurmple and Feebas. Oh, and we get two pseudo-legendaries (Dragonite equivalents) this gen, and Dragon types become quite a bit more common, thanks to Swablu and Trapinch.

-Gen IV: Introduces 107 species, but, of those, 29 are related to old Pokemon, and 14 are legendaries. To note, Aipom, Misdreavus, Murkrow, Sneasel, Magneton, Lickitung, Rhydon (!), Tangela (!), Electabuzz, Magmar, Togetic (save your Togepi candy until then!), Yanma, Gligar, Piloswine and Porygon2 get evolutions, while Sudowoodo, Mr. Mime, Chansey, Snorlax and Mantine get babies, and Eevee gets Grass and Ice evolutions. There is some expansion on gen III families, and gender-based evolutions are introduced.

-Gen V: 156 new species, 13 legendaries, NO relatives to older families. Most of the stuff introduced here parallels gen I species, as this gen started up as a "fresh start". Has many 3-stage families, as well as many candidates for 10 km eggs.

-Gen VI: Introduces just 72 species (6 legendaries), and only one of them is related to older families (a Fairy-type Eeveelution). The main featured to be added is Mega Evolution, which is basically a battle-only evolution for already fully evolved Pokemon, and I have no ideas about how it may be implemented in GO, but will probably end up making it.

-Gen VII: The current one, introducing 81 species, and doing odd stuff with legendaries (officially there are 11 legendaries, but there are an additional 9 legendary-esque species, AND among those 20, there are 2 evolution families: a 2-stage one, and a 3-stage, branched final form one). This generation introduced Z-moves (once per battle nukes, pretty much), and regional variants of older Pokemon, which are, well, different versions of already existing species (for example, standard Geodude is Rock/Ground, while Alola Geodude is Rock/Electric). No new species related to older ones, however.

Also, seeing Legendaries are about to hit, we'd better keep in mind the three categories they fall into in the games, because the incoming gens will increase the number of them a hefty load:

-Regular legendaries: They are pretty much hard to get Pokemon with stats in Dragonite's ballpark (hence why Dragonite and Tyranitar are known as pseudo-legendaries). The games usually have no limitations whatsoever about their usage. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Raikou, Entei and Suicune fall in this cathegory.

-Special legendaries: The strongest species in the games, usually only found in the climax of the game or the postgame, they have stats quite beyond anything else, but the games usually limit their usage (no Battle Tower, no Poke Cup in the Stadium games). Mewtwo, Lugia and Ho-Oh fall in this cathegory.

-Mythical Pokemon: The rarest Pokemon, they usually AREN'T found in the games and are only obtainable via official events. They tend to have stats on par with the regular legendaries (in fact, the original mythical, Mew, had stats on par with Dragonite and both were second only to Mewtwo in the original games), but the single strongest species, Arceus, is also a mythical. Mew and Celebi both fall in this cathegory.

And I think that's all so far, feel free to throw any question, and I hope this was of help or, if anything, of interest.

submitted by /u/Erior
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Is it just me, or are pidgeys/rattatas the most difficult pokemon to catch with a nice/great/excellent?

Posted: 30 May 2017 06:06 PM PDT

Because of how close they are to the screen, i almost always hit the pokemon outside the circle, making it impossible to land in the inner circle.

submitted by /u/focusyou
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As American players, this was a big highlight of our Honeymoon...

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:02 PM PDT

Caught this guy in London on the way to our cruise ship! We live in South Dakota so moderately rare pokemon are extremely scarce, let alone regionals. It felt good to throw him up in a gym when we got back home!

submitted by /u/cashflow605
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We're nearing the 1 year mark of Pokémon Go's release. What is one Pokémon that has continued to elude you?

Posted: 30 May 2017 03:37 AM PDT

For me it's Vulpix. I've never even seen one nor have I hatched one from one of the many eggs I have hatched. Particularly disheartening considering Ninetales is one of my favourite Pokémon.

submitted by /u/MyTeaIsMighty
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[Discussion] Evolution Item Drop Rate Problems?

Posted: 30 May 2017 08:15 PM PDT

Is anyone else having problems getting one type of Evolution Item? I've gotten an item every single 7th day streak (when they were guaranteed) and a random one here or there (25 in total) but I can't get a metal coat to drop. All I need to finish off my pokedex is an Unown and some metal coats and it's getting to the point that I'm not sure which I'll find first.

Is this just bad luck? OR is the drop rate skewed to make it harder to get your last type? OR maybe could your biome affect your droprate? I live in a grass biome and have about twice as many sunstones as any of the other ones. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/BVtok26
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Beijing Trip. Anything I should be wary of?

Posted: 30 May 2017 07:45 PM PDT

I'm heading to Beijing in the upcoming weeks and would like to know what I should be careful of when hunting. How should I go about mobile data? regional pokemon? dangerous areas to avoid?


submitted by /u/Finalraver
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[Question] Sprint promo code

Posted: 30 May 2017 09:57 PM PDT

How does this one work? I have been to my sprint store, and they do not know how to make it work, as in I was asked if I was meant poke stop instead of promo code. I even go the, there is nothing in our email about it. Apparently it's supposed to be released in email, and I only have two from the site, none have any promos

submitted by /u/Inuyasha8908
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