True Dota 2 - Unpopular Opinion Time: Techies' Remote Mines should not be able to be triggered at all while they are dead.

Unpopular Opinion Time: Techies' Remote Mines should not be able to be triggered at all while they are dead.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:33 PM PDT

Now hear me out here. I'm sure all of the Techies mains will come out of the woodwork saying this is a terrible idea and downvote me to oblivion, but like the Proxy Mines sound change, this would be good in the long run, so long as Icefrog buffs other aspects of the hero as well. Heck, I even have some suggestions to help with "rebuffing" Techies with this change, but first, the thoughts on why to change this.

We all know the main problem with Techies for pretty much all of the time since their inception was the fact that they make high ground defense nearly impenetrable, while at the same time not doing much in a teamfight. Well with the 7.00 rework, Techies now has sufficient tools to teamfight and end a game without being fully farmed with big items, however, they are still not the absolute best at doing so even still, but it isn't as bad as it was pre-7.00. This leaves Techies at the moment a rather okay teamfighter, but can still stop high ground defense, which makes them a bit too strong, as Icefrog has obviously seen with the consistent nerfs since the rework. But since it is becoming quite clear that IF wants Techies in Captain's Mode at some point in the near future, I think the final huge nerf needs to be this so that the "real" balancing can begin while Techies is able to be used in professional games.

Aside from these logistical issues, the fact that Techies is the only hero in the game where death, the worst condition you can be placed under, is simply a minor inconvenience screams poor game design to me, a budding game designer. Now I know I'm a novice at this sort of game design thing, but having a character that can technically make the efforts of eliminating them completely moot by lessening the punishment all other heroes can (and should) have from death is, pardon me being completely cliché, unfair in the purest sense.

I hope these are some reasons why Remote Mines should not be able to be triggered while dead. But of course, with this gigantic nerf, I have many buffs in mind to other aspects of Techies that would be good at not making them such a outlier of a hero.

First, talents.

  • Change lvl 10 right talent from 20 Movement Speed to +(6-8) Health Regen

This talent compared to the +2 Mana Regen at the moment is rather neglected, so with the extra health regen, it would help with a Techies that likes to use Blast Off and pickoff opponents, since Blast Off is much better when Techies has increased health regen rather than increased max health

  • Increase lvl 15 right talent from +30% XP Gain to +35% XP Gain

Now that Techies can't explode mines while dead, the -60 Respawn Time talent at lvl 25 will be more sought after. With the cast range talent being so much better usually, this buff, plus the big nerf, may make it actually valuable to get sometimes.

  • Change lvl 20 right talent from +120 Gold/Minute to +1 Second Stasis Trap Root

No hero that can farm so well like Techies should have a GPM talent, so now you get a choice between better disable or better damage in a teamfight. I think that's a fair choice.

Now to abilities.

  • Proximity Mine trigger sound volume increased while away from camera (also shouldn't completely be mute depending on camera position)
  • Proximity Mine trigger and damage radius from 400 to 475
  • Proximity Mine detonation delay from 1.6 to 1.75
  • Proximity Mine bounty from 50 to 40
  • Proximity Mine cooldown from 12 to 9

So these changes are to make Proxy Mines' job mostly area denial by hearing the sound and discouraging enemies from entering. I think the damage, even at early levels is fine as it is, especially considering it adapts as you level it up, as well as the increased radius here making it potentially give out more AOE damage. For reference, 475 is the same radius as Scream of Pain. The increased radius combined with the lower cooldown means a Techies can cover much more ground to deny the enemy than they can now, which makes this ability also good for protecting a lane farmer without the Techies having to be there. These changes should allow these mines to still be efficiently used despite the trigger sound "making them useless" like everyone says.

  • Stasis Trap root duration from 2/3/4/5 to 2/2.5/3/3.5
  • Stasis Trap trigger radius from 400 to 475
  • Stasis Trap root radius from 600 to 675
  • Stasis Trap cast animation from 1 to 0.5
  • Stasis Trap activation delay from 2 to 1.5

So these changes are to make Stasis Trap a bit better in a teamfight by making them activate much quicker. The root duration was reduced because of the new talent and the fact that the root radius was increased to accommodate for the Proxy Mine changes.

  • Blast Off self damage from 50% max health to 45%/40%/35%/30% max health

This one change is done because it both helps with Techies' teamfight capability as well as making it so they don't die as easily, especially considering death is no longer a minor inconvenience to the hero anymore.

  • Remote Mines bounty from 10 to 5
  • Remote Mines cooldown from 10 to 8/7.5/7
  • Remote Mines damage from 300/450/600 (Aghs: 450/600/750) to 350/475/600 (Aghs: 475/600/725)

So with some of the comments, I feel like these suggestions that I neglected cause I thought it wouldn't be necessary are probably necessary. The ultimate would be much less effective with the big nerf, especially on time. I figured this before making this thread, but again, thought it wasn't necessary.

Anyway, the earlier levels of the ulti get a slight buff in damage, and the Aghs gets a measly -25 damage at level 3 (mostly to keep with the scaling of the damage). The cooldown now slightly scales at higher levels, so the time needed to get a trap up will be less, especially when Techies will most likely start dying, which also has the effect of keeping Techies on the move a tiny bit more. Lastly, the bounty is lowered when destroying mines, since now all heroes can do it if Techies dies and it doesn't cause a Techies placing down mines to feed as much gold, especially now that if they are dead, their work would be in vain should their mine stack be found.

Well, this is my unpopular opinion, I guess. I'm ready for the downvote shower now.

Also did this thread on r/DotA2, if you want to check it out from there.

EDIT: Added some Remote Mine changes.

submitted by /u/TheSnowballofCobalt
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Storm Spirit 7.05

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:07 AM PDT

When playing storm in the last months, i havent had much success. I used to play the hero a lot and won most games, when his laning stage wasnt that hard but now on i cant seem to make it work. The laning stage is really hard and once you get bloodstone you have no escape most of the times. Can someone please enlighten me on how the hero can be played correctly as i have been having a lot of trouble.

submitted by /u/obssesed_stickman
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Invoker's lvl 15 talent, Which, When and Why?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:43 PM PDT

Being invoker one of my favorite heroes, I still struggle when choosing the level 15 talent. To me it seems like a important high impact talent that should shape your play-style and strategy, so on what kind of situation should I to go 30% XP Gain and when should I go +1 Forged spirit?

submitted by /u/Chapi92
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Which carry heroes can be first picked?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:50 AM PDT

Title, also, which carry/semi-carry junglers can be first picked?

submitted by /u/DaarkGhost
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Chaos knight aghs ulti

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:27 AM PDT

When you cast it on an ally are the illusions made under your control or the ally ypu cast it on? And how does it work with faceless void's ulti and terrorblade's metamorphosis? Do the illusions get the benefit or not?

submitted by /u/breadloser4
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Bristleback Builds and Playstyles

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:34 AM PDT

Over the past week, I've played 13 games of Bristleback to determine whether or not this hero has been deserved of being ignored in competitive and high level pubs. The hero boasts an abysmal 43% winrate in 5k+ pubs over 140 matches and a 41% winrate in the professional scene going 3 wins 4 losses. I managed a 53% winrate going 7 wins 6 losses, and 3 wins and 1 loss in ranked matches. Here's what I noticed:

hero analysis

You are going to have to itemize versus a silver edge in many games. This is a huge limiting factor on what makes a build viable or not. Most games, I ended up stacking auras exclusively and finishing off builds with an octarine core.

Bristles level 18 is very strong. 45% movespeed and 270 attack damage with max stacks. The one HUGE downside to this is that quill sprays will only allow you 5 stacks out of the maximum 9. If you do not have a target to goo, you cannot build up enough stacks. This is one of the reasons why his Aghs has viability. Removing the targeting requirement for goo allows you to run around with max ms and a free rapier in addition to goo being everywhere.

Bristle can jungle quickly, farming two camps at once with quills. His stack clear is unaffected by the magic resist neutrals. This hero makes exceptional use of downtime.

Juke paths are bristles best friend. Choke points in tree lines make it impossible to get in front of bristleback, and being constantly in fog of war allows you to fire off more quill sprays.

The mana regen talent at lvl 10 is almost always better than 8 strength. Despite 8 strength looking quite good on paper, being able to keep warcry stacks up will likely lead to higher dps output with more survivability through movespeed.

Quill spray is undispellable and pierces magic immunity.

Nasal goo is a 116% slow with -17.6 armor at level 4 with 8 stacks.

With this in mind, Bristleback needs two things on a team; physical damage, and sustain. TA and Dazzle are some of the best choices you can have with a bristle, but there are many others that have similar tier synergy.


For what lane to play bristle in, I haven't quite decided. In my ranked matches, I tried one game in each lane. I had a mid match up versus Lina that went quite well. The 700 range on quill spray was able to keep up in harass with Lina and I actually managed a first blood solo. Bristle's wave clear becomes excellent at the tail end of the laning stage and allows for quick rotations from lane to jungle back to lane. Offlane bristle felt strong. With 640 base hp and 3.5 armor, the hero is quite survivable and requires a heavy commitment to keep out of lane. With 2 points in quill spray and 1 in bristleback, clearing stacks is a simple task of firing 5 or so quill sprays and tanking a bit from behind.

Safelane bristle imo is quite weak. It requires a draft around it to make it work. Bristle really likes to expend all his mana and hp in his lane, getting off as many quill sprays as possible. Without nearby shrines, it's difficult to maintain and can lead to an overly static laning stage. If you have KotL or CM with a hero that can provide healing, I believe safelane bristle is viable. However if you're committing two picks to bolster a heroes laning stage, you're better off running an aggressive lane where the shrines can be utilized more efficiently among multiple heroes.


Starting item builds almost always include mangoes, often 2 or more. One game I even bought 5. My mid build was stout quelling and stick however, no mangoes there. Typically, I went ring of protection into whatever I regen deemed necessary. Basi is core on bristleback.

From here I almost always went treads, occasionally opting for mek builds with mana boots. I build Vanguard into crimson in a majority of games. The damage block stacks on top of the bristleback passive to block an absurdly large percentage of incoming physical attacks. Partnered with a greaves, a 300 damage auto attack to the back would get reduced nearly 100% depending on the armor situation when the greaves threshhold is triggered with the crimson guard active. Always always always consider this item combination.

Something to consider is building "fluffy". Bristleback's passive quill spray proc is based on damage taken after reduction (210 damage), so having a high hp pool with low armor will actually allow for higher dps if being focused. Building too fluffy however will allow you to get OBLITERATED doing 0 damage if you get broken. This is why I typically opt for building "tanky".

Buildinig DPS is interesting on bristle. His DPS output is highly dependent on his mana situation, and having the 3rd point in warcry makes a pretty big difference. Opting for DPS in the later stages of the game is recommended opposed to building early items such as an SnY. Bristle's spells do most of his damage until you can sustain max warcry stacks. Solar crest is the single best item for bolstering high DPS in the early stages of the game. I cannot recommend an item more highly. Can be built out of the basi as well.

Radiance is underwhelming, but works with octarine core and can be a sufficient option versus illusion heroes. This item just tends to eat a slot in the later portions of the game and doesn't synergize well with his skill set.

AC and Shiva's are almost always picked up. Shiva's is typically prioritized. Bristle loves a big mana pool.

Octarine is core. Typically always a 4th, 5th, or 6th slot. Maybe not justifiable into AA, but still almost always amazing on this hero.

I actually don't think there are too many times you should stay completely away from. I'd avoid building items that provide lockdown unless you absolutely need to. Orchid and bloodthorne seem decent, but I have not personally found the situation to use them. Hex seems superior in most instances, as bristleback lacks a way to cancel TPs.

All in all, building survivable will allow you to do more damage; however at some point in the game, you will be able to dish out high dps with right clicks and should properly choose a balance. Building too survivable can prevent you from dishing out adequate damage.

skill build and talent choices

1-2-1 by level 4

1-4-1-1 by level 7

1-4-4-1 by level 11

Deviation from this is going to be highly situational and this is my skill build 95% of the time.

level 10 talent 2 mana regen vs 8 strength

Strength when behind, mana regen when ahead. The mana regen scales amazingly well with bristles high int gain.

level 15 talent +4 max goo stacks vs 225 health

1 more quill spray proc vs 8 more minus armor and 48% more slow. The goo stacks are great versus roshan and extremely tanky heroes.

level 20 talent - 40 respawn time vs 50 attack speed

always a tough call for me. If I reach level 20 with 1 or no deaths, I take the attack speed. Otherwise, the respawn time.

level 25 talent +25 quill spray stack damage vs 30 health regen.

This one is also a very tough call. The quill spray stack damage makes you reach that 550 damage quill spray that much faster and can provide more health regen through an octarine core. However, the 30 health regen can help you survive getting disabled and broken. Offence vs Defence. Would love to take the +25 quill spray stack damage every game, but sometimes its the wrong choice.

friends and enemies

For friends, KotL, CM, OD, and Dazzle are tier 1. Burst heals are amazing. Every 200 hp you heal gives bristle another quill spray proc. Omniknight is god tier. Constant source of magic immunity preventing silver edge breaks eliminates one of the largest weaknesses.

Backline DPS heroes such as Sniper and TA are great with the disruptive front line of bristleback.

Ogre magi suits bristles laning stage playstyle and will help him scale immensely into the late game.

I'm sure there are many more great synergistic heroes and ways to play bristle. These are just a few.

For enemies, natural silver edge builders. Slark and SF were two heroes I encountered quite a bit and gave me a lot of difficulty. Lina also gave me a lot of trouble.

Burst damage. Passive quill sprays proc every 210 damage. However they can only proc per 1 instance of damage, so if you get hit for 400 or 500, you only pop out 1 quill. Food for thought.

Mana burn. This hero loses his ultimate without mana. That's a huge counter.

feedback and suggestions

I am making this post mainly because I think that this hero is deserving of more play than he's currently getting and seems 1 buff away from being broken, but I'd love to hear some ideas and fresh theorycrafts about what could be changed playstyle wise, build wise, or whether this hero simply needs 10 more buffs before he's viable.

submitted by /u/thadpole
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Venomancer 7.05 Hard Support

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:44 AM PDT

I posted this on the playdota forums, reposting here for more discussion.

I've seen quite a few high MMR players experimenting with Venomancer as a mid or jungler, building around his +75 damage talent, and getting stats and dragon lance to be a decent dps-er. Although he farms fast, and has decent impact throughout the game, he simply doesn't scale as hard as a true agi carry can.

Recently I've been playing Venomancer as the positiong 5 hard support, and it seems to work even better. At mid 4k MMR (currently 4.3k), I have a 100% winrate over 13 games in 7.05.

My starting build is: tangoes (2 for mid), chick, 2 obs, 1 sentry, mana potion, and 2 gg branches. If I get a second support to buy the chick, I'll get a windlace. Observers go to mid and offlane, and I use the sentry ward to deward either mid or safelane, if I can catch them warding. Item build is basically tranquils + windlace + mana pots/obs/sentries. Then some combination of Veil, drums, or aghs, depending on how the game is going. Skill build is gale first, then poison sting, then maxing wards. Talent build is +30ms, +150 range, +75 damage, 3x ward health.

The cool thing about Venomancer, is that with no items he can zone out most offlaners, as well as quite capably gank mid once the offlaner leaves the lane. Once he gets 2 levels in wards, he can comfortably jungle, and with 4 levels in wards he can easily push a tower himself, as well as defend against enemy pushes. As far as I know, there are no other position 5 hard supports that can have such a high impact, with minimal levels and farm. Also, aside from KOTL and nightstalker, there is no other hero that is better for vision.

Generally when I go hard support in pubs, I get concerned that even if I win the early game, my team will screw up and I won't have any impact. With Venomancer I don't need to worry so much, since if need be I can hold high ground, and farm up to become a core myself. As an example, here's a 90 minute game I played as a position 5 support, but managed to have the highest hero damage in my team:

Anybody have any suggestions on builds/strategy/etc? What other hard support heroes should I try to learn that have this similar playstyle? I've been trying out Jakiro, I find a die way too often with him though.

submitted by /u/True_Stock_Canadian
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When to pick Tusk

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:10 AM PDT

I have been recently trying to practice the fourth position and was wondering when to pick the "snowball from cobalt"?

submitted by /u/Reydota1
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What make's Dendi's Magnus to potent?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:21 PM PDT

His mid magnus carries like no other. Also, I do not see any other mid player playing magnus mid. It surprises me to see how relevant he is all game. What exactly does he do which makes the hero so potent? I used to be a huge magnus fan and I want to try it out.

Match ID's would work too so I could watch.

submitted by /u/orange_fuckin_peel
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When do you like to actually build boots on weaver?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:24 AM PDT

Last few patches I go bootless weaver the majority of games and it usually feels fine. A lot of high level players opt for no boots but sometimes you do still see treads. In what kinds of games, what kind of lineups you're facing do you prefer to build boots? Bonus - anyone ever experiment with phase?

submitted by /u/neglectron
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What would be the difference of a 3k player with 3000games or another 3k player with 100 games?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:23 PM PDT

If mmr represent true skill, then will there a difference between those two kinds of people?

Even they both have the same mmr, but one is more experienced than another, I just don't logically get that.

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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Should you use shrine as a support?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:39 AM PDT

As a support who babysit mid, or offlane, should I use shrine if I have low hp and mana?

Sometimes in low mmr, I ping "gather for shrine" and my midlaner has 5% mana refuse to respond me; or mid offlaner has 40% hp and 20% mana refuse to respond me for 20 second.

Should I just use it because my team are too noob to understand what it is for? Or should I leave it there expect they may use it later( or may be never...)?

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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What to do as a support when you carry split with the team?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:21 PM PDT

What to do as a 3,4,5 position, when you carry decide push alone, or stay in enemy base after a team fight, while other 3 people in your team went to another objectives on the other side of the map. Since your carry is the most farmed hero on you team, should you stay behind this guy(maybe feed with him, maybe trade few more enemies you can't know), or should you follow you team and let him die?

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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Gray color on dire?

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 03:49 PM PDT

I feel kinda dumb for needing to ask this but... I see ppl all the time referring to the "Gray" player on dire. But I don't see a Gray. I see pink, dull yellow, pale blue, brown, and green. So, is Gray the yellow or the blue (or something else)?

submitted by /u/shawnsterp
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