Fallout - TIL if you rescue Nick and investigate Kellogg's house before going to Red Rocket Gas Station and meeting Dogmeat, Nick summons him with a dog whistle and the quest continues as normal

TIL if you rescue Nick and investigate Kellogg's house before going to Red Rocket Gas Station and meeting Dogmeat, Nick summons him with a dog whistle and the quest continues as normal

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:46 AM PDT

Things you discover when you purposely ignore the northwest corner of the map but push the main quest because you want free power armor.

submitted by /u/OldManBasil
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Just finished the main quest after sinking 16 real days worth of time into Fallout 4

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:08 AM PDT

Gotta say I was really impressed with the brotherhood twist and despite trying to play nice with all factions I knew deep down Ad Victorian was the way to go.

Still I love this franchise and despite the DLC being aweosme but capped at 3, I am really still invested in Bethesda's Fallout world. Despite it's occasional flaws and poor circular dialogue options at times.

Anyway just wanted to share. ;) Also which ending is likely to be canon do you think?

submitted by /u/DocNoob
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Literally playable

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:09 PM PDT

"Airship down" made me so sad ;(

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:15 PM PDT

lol this isn't serious but the synth virus you have to protect while he hacks into liberty prime dies once the quest is over and we bonded seriously I treated him like other players treat dogmeat. No one touched him because I launched fat mans all over the place to ensure his safety XD RIP synth virus :((((

submitted by /u/Renroh2003
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Does Fallout 4 render things the player isn't looking at?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:52 AM PDT

If it does, is there a way to change that? I don't want to sacrifice fps for things I can't see, since even on my PC which is above the minimum requirements I still only get 20 fps max on lowest settings.

submitted by /u/Sombrere
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I played Fallout 1

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:22 AM PDT

I'm the same guy who posted this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/6636jr/i_tried_playing_the_original_fallout_and_i_find/

Once i got past the combat system and outdated mechanics, the game wasn't that bad. I liked how it felt more like proper survival, instead of being some magical dude who can kill everything. Also how the pip boy doesn't tell you anything except for basic info, so you have to ask around and figure out stuff yourself. Plus it was nice playing the original Fallout.

However i stopped playing at the military base. I have a good character with reinforced power armor, turbo plasma rifle and alien blaster, i also have a shitload of stimpacks and drugs. So it's not because the game is hard, i just don't care about fighting dozens of mutants. I'm tired of this boring tedious combat system. I'm not saying it's the game's fault, but as a modern gamer, it just feels bad. I'm happy Fallout is so short and i completed 90% of the game in 30 hours. I don't think i would ever be able to finish Fallout 2 if the game mechanics are exactly the same.

Also Dogmeat is just useless by the end of the game. He does pathetic damage and keeps getting killed by miniguns and forcefield. And there's no way to tell him to wait in one place or just go away, so he has to die in order for me to finish the game. As a dog person, i can't really get behind this.

So, in the end i didn't complete it, but it was a nice experience overall. I think every Fallout fan should play it at least once since it's so short and cheap.

submitted by /u/Kush-Cookies
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Obsidian was experimenting with Mart's Mutant Mod at one point in development

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 10:22 PM PDT

If you load up the Feral Ghoul Roamer entry in the NV GECK (or at least a version that has error logging enabled), you'll get this odd error yet the model still appears to load in fine both in the GECK and ingame. However if you load up the entry in FNVEdit you can actually see what model that the GECK's error was about, and it turns out it's one of the feral ghoul variants added by Mart's Mutant Mod from FO3.

If you install just the models and textures from MMM the Roamer variant will work ingame right off the bat, but they'll have two models constantly Z-fighting. I kinda wonder what Obsidian was planning with it, but it's interesting to see which FO3 mods they were messing with during development.

submitted by /u/hopper31
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A Line drawing I made

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:02 PM PDT

Does anyone else wish modern Fallout games had co-op mode?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:43 PM PDT

Imagine exploring the wastes with one, two, or three other friends! Chatting it up, having some fun, shooting some shit, completing co-op story lines. Man, that would just be the bomb.

submitted by /u/Mechanik_J
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The Far Harbor Level 1 Challenge!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:51 AM PDT

Last time I played Far Harbor it was just ok. Even in Survival, my 134 lv character had no issue at all so I thought it was time for something more challenging.

I started a new Very Hard run, reached Sanctuary and used the scrapall console command. I took from the settlement as much as I could carry and then used:

coc DLC03CommonwealthMapMarker

After the loading I was under water getting radiation damage. I went up before my character died and started to swim to a small rock with a house in front of Far Harbor. I went from level 1 to level 3 just for reaching the island. Inside the House there was a chest with some minor items + some chems. The radiation was still going up so I had to swim to shore and reach the harbor.

I talked with the guys there and until the monsters attacked the wall. I went up and started shooting to the enemies but even that I was hitting them I did not get any XP….. probably because I was not making enough damage.. then I realized this would be tough.

I'm now level 17 and I'm having a blast, I'm using a lot of tricks that I was not doing before (mines, grenades, using the environment, etc...) .. every small item counts again, every legendary is a big step and of course every enemy a challenge. I've seen more enemies with the skull icon than in any other playthrough before.

So, if you guys want a real challenge try this!

I'm seriously considering doing the same in survival although I haven't seen much glowing fungus in the island so it will be much, much harder!

submitted by /u/Vault119
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Cant talk to Sturges? [Question]

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:31 PM PDT

I am in one of the sections of the questline for repairing Sanctuary, and finished the deffence one. The next objective for the quest is to talk to Sturges. However, when i try to do this, i only get the ooption to trade with him. Is there any way to fix this? (I am on PC)

submitted by /u/CasaNovascape
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Create a Unique Weapon/Armor!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:56 PM PDT

So, let's spitball some ideas for new unique stuff to get that you'd like to see or think would be cool. You can either be descript or vague if you're unsure but like the idea of something. I'll give a few examples to kick us off.

  • Name: Drifting Comet
  • Type: Laser Rifle
  • Clip Size: 24. Primary fire uses 1 shot, alt uses 4.
  • Weight: 8 lbs.
  • Damage: 22
  • DPS: 86

Drifting Comet is a Laser Rifle with blue and green tron-like lines starting from the barrel and going across the gun to form a spiral on the back where the hammer would be. If you tap, it shoots a purple laser that has weak damage, but causes a poison effect over time (5 damage for 10 seconds, doesn't stack). But if you hold fire button, it will instead start charging. After a two second delay, if fires a single purple orb a medium distance away which explodes with a plasma grenade's range. Does poison damage as well.

  • Name: Green Tide
  • Type: Power Fist
  • Weight: 11
  • Damage: 50
  • DPS: 100

Green Tide is a Power Fist that has corrosion along it's base and fingers, leaving the knuckles looking sharp and jagged. It causes radiation/acid damage that does stack and it degrades slightly faster than other Power Fists due to the corrosion. However, critical strikes will deal double physical and radiation damage.

  • Name: Schism's .44
  • Type: .44 Magnum
  • Clip Size: 8
  • Weight: 5 lbs
  • Damage: 84
  • DPS: 22

This is a magnum that has a bit of an odd tendency to it. It shoots extremely powerful shots with great range. However, the gun may occasionally shoot plasma or laser shots in addition to the regular bullet, and it will be immediately after the usual one. It will consume one type of ammo that requires it. (MFC for Plasma, Energy Cell for Laser). It looks like a .44 that has Damascus Steel waves on it and has "duo in carne una" inscribed along the barrel, which roughly translates to "two become one".

Thoughts? Please submit your own as well!

submitted by /u/foxfatal
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In Fallout 3 DO NOT go get the Winterized T-51b and the Vengeance Gatling Laser and Experimental MIRV until you've done everything else...

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:16 PM PDT

I did these things​ too early and the game has pretty much nothing left to throw at me. I cut down the entirety of Evergreen Mills including the Behemoth while singing loudly along to The Ink Spots.

Then I promptly whistled off into the sunset to the Nuka-Cola Factory to get the formula. I immediately bent any and all Nukalurks over like I was a lottery winner in a Texas whorehouse.

I never have to repair my armor and the other stuff is easy to locate. I'm seriously the pissed off second coming of the Wasteland Messiah. If I don't like something it's dead in an instant. It's boring.

submitted by /u/InterdimensionalTV
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With all it's flaws Fallout 4 has decent voice acting

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 07:55 PM PDT

It sucks that the facial animations weren't as good as it, and there are times where it's cringy. But it was a massive step up from Skyrim, from variety to some actual fucking emotion.

Take for example, 'Institutionalized' when the SS meets synth kid Shaun. They captured a parent's reaction to finding their lost son perfectly.

The voiced protagonist decision was still a massive step back. 4 felt like there were two directors who argued over everything. One wanted a linear, story based game while the other wanted to keep the game open and free. The resulting game is a weird compromise. Still enjoyable tho.

Beth shouldn't try to be Bioware nor CDPR; if they get better writers, maybe.

If TES:VI improves on this more, it will be immersive as fuck.

But if there's another voiced protagonist...who's gonna bring the pitchforks, 'cause I'll bring the torches.

submitted by /u/MehEds
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Why does FO3 feel bigger than FO4? Not in gameplay necessarily, the world just felt bigger.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:16 PM PDT

Is it just me?

submitted by /u/coryandtrevorforever
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Connections between Fallout 3 and 4

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:44 AM PDT

I was pleased to discover today that Fallout 3 references the Commonwealth and the Railroad,hinting at the existence of the Institute. Almost makes you think Bethesda has a plan.

submitted by /u/RabbiMoshie
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Discussion Topic: 7 years, helpful or hurtful.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:29 AM PDT

Do you think fallout 4 being in development for 7 years was helpful the the game or hurtful. I personally love Fo4 but think the 7 year development really took a tole on the games atmosphere, tone, and consistency, i feel like if they had maybe say a 4 year development and concept time the game would've felt more complete and connected

(to be fair the game was only being worked on in the engine 4 of the 7 years but still concept for 3 years is a lot to do and a lot of ideas to sift through.)

submitted by /u/superdudeseth
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Does NV stop after ending?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:10 PM PDT

So I just recently got into Fallout NV, and I've seen a lot online saying the game stops after the main quest line. I can't seem to find anything saying whether or not it ever got patched out or if that is still the case. Help appreciated!

submitted by /u/rfmv
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A Question about manufacturing in FO4

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:12 AM PDT

[Question] Can you craft mini-nukes any of the mills and/or is it something you need to unlock in some way?

submitted by /u/MisterVultureMann
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About to finish Fallout New Vegas, anything else I should do?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:46 PM PDT

I will probably side with either NCR or Yes Man. I've done most of the quests for the NCR and the strip. Haven't done too much around Westside or Black Mountain. So what do you guys think is necessary to complete before I finish New Vegas?

submitted by /u/BarbaricPacifist
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In FNV, which unique weapon was the coolest to you?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:44 AM PDT

This isn't about which was the best, or most effective. It's simply the one you really liked using. I'll give you mine, along with honorable mentions.

For me, it has to be the Red Glare. I had a blast using it ever since I found it, and although I try to frequently mix up my arsenal I have a hard time convincing myself not to go with this one.

What about yours?

submitted by /u/foxfatal
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Playing Fallout Shelter has made me want to give Fallout 4 another shot. I have a few questions.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:15 AM PDT

I downloaded Shelter a few nights ago and I've been having a blast playing it for some reason. And it really made me miss the Fallout universe.

I received FO4 for Christmas back in 2015 but I didn't really put much time into it. Alot of the negativity on Reddit killed my hype for the game, plus it was a pretty busy holiday season with plenty of other games that were taking up my time.

Well enough time has passed that the opinions of others won't affect my enjoyment of the game and honestly it's about time I give it a proper shot. Fallout 3 is in my top three games of all time, after all.

Anyways my questions are these:

1) How important is settlement building?

If there's one thing I remember of the few hours I played it was how much I detested this. It felt clumsy, unpolished, complicated and a huge waste of time. But it sounds like it's a pretty important part of the game. Will I miss on anything important if I never even touch this part of the game?

2) Are there any items (like magazines) that you only have one chance to pick up?

3) Any other tips or advice? Thank you.

submitted by /u/Letracho
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What are your Top Ten Survival tips for the Wasteland?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:18 PM PDT

Any wasteland

submitted by /u/ShawshankHarper
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