True Dota 2 - Razor's ultimate must be the least intuitive ability with his items and talents

Razor's ultimate must be the least intuitive ability with his items and talents

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:28 PM PDT

Razor's ultimate has a radius of 500. Razor has a base attack range of 475. This works well because his attack range is just inside his ultimate range meaning that anything he attacks will also be being hit by his ultimate stacking up damage and reduced armour.

However one of the most popular items on Razor, Dragon Lance/Hurricane Pike - the third and fifth most common item pick ups, increase his attack range to 615. He also has a level 25 talent which increases his attack range by 175 to 650 (or 790 if you also get the dragon lance).

So if you either build one of his most core items or pick one of his level 25 talents you are effectively either wasting that talent/item or wasting his ultimate. If you attack from the max range then the thing he is attacking won't be in range for his ultimate. If you move close enough to a range for the ultimate to hit then it's basically a complete waste of the talent and half a waste of the item.

Increasing his ultimate's range to 800 would solve the issue easily as well as give another needed buff to hero who has been perennially weak ever since the 6.82 nerfs.

submitted by /u/Murranji
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How do you play sf/storm vs tinker solo mid?????

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:39 PM PDT

Obviously lina/sky can shit on him. But if im playing a right click hero and i get no rotations mid how do i stop him from being 2 lvls higher than me and 2 shotting me in lane????

submitted by /u/Otaku-Trash
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Slark itemization

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:38 AM PDT

What are situational alternatives to the normal treads > shadowblade>echo build? I have seen some players picking up blink and even drums. When do you build these items

submitted by /u/Tiencha69
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Is necrophos a proper pos 1?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:53 AM PDT

Necrophos is a decent offlaner, a good mid, and an (imo) overrated support. The carry role doesn't seem to be used as often but it seems quite strong. Is pos 1 necrophos his best role?

submitted by /u/Tiencha69
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Am i wrong in thinking that vipers level 25 talents are garbage?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:05 AM PDT

compared the other heroes talents his just horrid to me. Do they need to be buffed or completely changed?

submitted by /u/KieranParsons_
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Why people (even pros) take 15% Evasion as lvl 20 talent on lifestealer instead of 25 ms which has 4% more winrate?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:57 AM PDT

So... Invoker is wildly unbalanced, right?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:31 PM PDT

Let me just say, I know calling a hero unbalanced is cliche and calling a popular hero unbalanced will yield countless comments about how wrong I am. But, I mean, I've been playing Dota for 5 years and Invoker has never romped every pub game I've been in quite like this.

Sure, he is as gankable as any hero, but he has several psuedo escape, and if he manages to get his spells off, you could be in serious trouble. I wouldn't say he is truly weak to ganks. He isn't OP at getting out, maybe, but he's not weak at it.

And killing him a couple times doesn't slow him down like it did in the past. He really isn't bad in lane, and he has good range, projectile speed and regen. He doesn't need bottle like most mids, and he can transition to the jungle and have a midas at a good time.

If you go an early hero that used to shut him down early, like Ursa, the comeback seems requiring flawless play, while the Invoker can make mistakes and be fine. He can engage from afar and dip out if it turns bad. We're seeing this in DAC.

He delivers loads of magical and physical damage, some of the highest in my recent games. His control is almost second to none. I'm pretty sure you can't even purge his attack silence. The range on tornado, emp, meatball and deafening blast means he can control huge swaths of the teamfight. I mean, he does what clock can do, what magnus can do, the damage of a carry, and the damage of zeus in one package.

He gets tank items and can euls and then drop spells, lifestealing back up off octarine if he's gone on.

Passive benefits from orbs? Great. Ice wall? Amazing. Alactrity? Amazing. Forged Spirits? Very good. Emp? Strong. Meteor? Sunstrike? Ghost walk? Tornado?! Tornado, again!?! ANOTHER TORNADO?!?

Sure, he takes time to get there...but, not as long as most lategame monsters (30% exp talent, really?). And unlike most lategame heroes, he's pretty damn good in the midgame.

Also, no hero that does everything that invoker does should be that ungodly fast.

submitted by /u/sunofagundota
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Slark Talent Question?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:38 AM PDT

I was watching DAC and slark seems to get +15 damage over 10% lifesteal, why?

submitted by /u/Tydefc
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How to increase players' microphone volume

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:46 AM PDT

While I was playing game, the player was very good and used only with microphone to communicate. But I can't hear anyone well whenever I listen to low voice people in game. Are there any way to increase microphone volume over the game?

submitted by /u/Mercynary5
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Is early yasha pickups just for farming speed

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 06:49 PM PDT

Like i see lots of heroes that will build it later get it as a part of manta or sny get it early .... is this usually to boost farming speed ?

submitted by /u/-memberberry-
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I need some advice or some kind of guide.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 06:24 PM PDT

Hey, I've been lately playing alot more of RMM, and I'm gaining MMR at a faster rate. I usually play Offlane, or Roam or Support (in that order of preference). But sometimes my teammates don't want to play Carry so I have to play it... So there is my trouble. Maybe for an offlaner position or a roamer I'm good but when I have to play as a Carry I underperform and I don't farm properly.

Can someone give me advice or a tutorial on how to farm properly at about 3.250 MMR?

tl;dr: Post a guide about how to farm as carry pls

submitted by /u/TanKer-Cosme
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Why meta isn't a thing

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:27 PM PDT

As many of you, I've been playing for a while. My game play is focused on building to the situation and not toward the meta or expected items for a hero. Those builds get the job done so I build them 90% of the time. Most items are critical to certain heroes. But in some cases a team needs an item and they look to you to build it.

Now back to meta. Draft pick is another story but I want to bring up ranked all pick for a second. As the meta develops and certain heroes emerge from large pick rate/win rate trends or picked just because they're always in meta. No amount of invoker or pudge nerfing will stop people from playing them. The not so recent changes allowed for heroes to benominated and, has essentially, curved the meta. Game in-game out people see heroes that are frequently banned and want to pick them if they see someone who was not banned. They may be less familiar playing said hero and not pick something they may be more comfortable with. If they feel uncomfortable they look up a build and follow it exactly (must build blink dagger before xyz) then they do what they've seen the hero do for practically every game. The meta. Do not get sucked into it. This ploy is designed to get people stuck in trench dota. It goes deeper than "we need a tank", "we need stuns", because those things don't actually mean anything to actual dota and the many cool and interesting ways to formulate a team.

submitted by /u/Comewhatevermaycry4
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