Smite - When you gotta afk at the beginning of a race but your momma didn't raise no quitter.

When you gotta afk at the beginning of a race but your momma didn't raise no quitter.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:08 PM PDT

Just a moment of silence for how cool Season Ticket used to be

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:48 AM PDT

I'm not trying to whine, I still absolutely adore the game, I just hate seeing my gems do less and less each season I play this game.

I miss the skins, chests = lame

submitted by /u/BerkeSmerks
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Let's NOT take "a moment of silence" and appreciate how rewarding Smite is to the Consumer

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:15 AM PDT

Seriously log in rewards/ weekend 2x worshiper/ gems for fwotd rewards / cheap god pack / Awesome Events / a season ticket that can be done only by playing...

I got to say I got more rewards playing smite in a month than what I received from playing Lol for 2years. And seeing people that rather complain and take"a moment of silence" instead of reflecting and comparing with other mobas... it's dumb

submitted by /u/aitorkaranka27
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The Reality Of Ranked And How to Get out of "Bronze/Silver Hell" From someone who has been there.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:34 PM PDT

I will open this with the fact that I am an average smite player. I was Masters in Duel, and Plat in conquest and diamond in joust.

In s3 I was stuck in bronze 5 on qualifications due to shit luck, and just general toxicity and bad play, when I sat in bronze 5 for the first game losing horribly even though I was positive and carrying, I changed my outlook on the game for the next game, It went from what is my teammate doing wrong, into how can I get my teammate ahead. If you believe you are lower than you belong, change the strategy from how can I get ahead of my laning opponent into how can I get my teammates ahead of theirs.

This is easiest from JG, Then solo, Then MID, then ADC, Then support,

From the JG in elo hell, Communicate with your mid at the start of the game if you are going to elementals speed or mids if you win, and where you want to go if you lose clear, this will clear up any confusion and allow you mid to follow you into the proper spots so you can help him/her farm efficiently, Consider playing a Jg that can counter one of their players aggressivly, like a serqet vs a ra, or a awilix vs hunbats. Late game, focus on peeling for your teammates as the enemy team will have extreme tunnel vision and you can probably kill them as they try to kill your teammates, It's alot easier to kill the guy trying to kill your teammate than it is to kill the guys in the back.

From Solo , Play a Lane bully if possible, and rotate to mid lane as often as possible. If you can take advantage of your early game, providing support for your probably lack luster mid and jg combo will greatly help them get ahead and build their confidence. You losing a little bit of farm wont hurt you as much if you are getting confidence for you mid laner and jungler. Lower ranked opponents almost have no freaking clue what to do when a herc or osiris strolls into their lane from the solo side and will flame their teammates rather than blame themselves, and will continue to play up in the wave making for free kills for your team.

ADC If you have no confidence in your team because you are stuck in silver/bronze etc etc, buy wards after your first back and try to bully your opponent adc, If you are as good as you think you are for this level, you should be able to out clear him with any god you pull out such as rama, hou yi, anhur, and cupid, you should bully your enemy and ward in between enemy purple and red, If your support sticks with you, you can get kills easily, if your support leaves and theirs stays, take advantage of the extra farm, and target the tank, most tanks don't know how to dodge autos at this rank and if you force them back it can cause the lower leveled adc to panic and blow his escape allowing you to capitalize.

MID Same info as what you did as jungler, but in this situation, after you get a slight lead, you should always get a slight lead, and if you don't play passively and focus on your farm. But when you clear, wave, always move into the duo side jg if there is no farm to be found in the right jungle. Hiding from your enemy can ensure panic and relieve alot of pressure off of your duo lane, NOthing scares a bronze player more than "enemy missing middle spam" and if they don't back off in duo lane, youre absolutely free to go hit them with a powerful ult, as you should hit 5 and 9 before the duo lane will. Bullying the duo lane as a mid laner will greatly improve how fast you win games.

Support This one is tricky, it is the hardest to carry from, but at the same time it is the easiest to influence a game from. Consider playing bacchus, sobek, fafnir, or Ymir and getting pen boots, MOst lower players have absolutely no idea how to juke your abilities like flop, freeze, and pluck. Your first priority in the lower ranked games is to delete their support, due to the same reason as the adc, if you clear out the enemy guardian, they will panic and gives your adc plenty of room to play aggressive. Sometimes however your team will just flat out be bad and unable to hit things. So if you realize this could be the case, try picking up void stone and providing peel by damage. I would not reccomend khepri, or geb in your lower ranked games because it is very difficult for them to get you through the match if your team isn't setting up properly or hiding behind you.

These are techniques from each role that will greatly help you get out of elo hell. Also, channel your inner big brother and if anyone starts flaming someone on your team, protect them and tell them that they are important and that with them focusing on hitting abilities, that we can win together, you would be amazed how many games are lost just from salty teammates f6ing due to bm and losing one gold fury.

TL;DR To carry your way out of elo hell get your teammates ahead, the role order should be JG, solo, ADC, mid, Support. JG focus on killing people who dive your team, Solo, Rotate mid lane as frequently as you can. ADC buy a ward and play like a bully, Support get a powerful support and try to peel by damage.

You will lose games where you think you should've won, and you will lose games in which you carried, but if you can get your teammates ahead, you will almost always win your games.

Good luck to everyone hope this helps.

submitted by /u/LeoFireGod
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ViewSonic ripping off Smite imagery. Even if they have permission, there's no Smite advertisement in the image.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 11:10 AM PDT

HiRez isn't charging you to play their game

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 11:06 AM PDT

"My gems are worth less and less each year"

"They're just making more and more useless s*** to dry our money"

Don't forget that everything that costs gems in Smite is AESTHETIC, if not, you can buy it with favor aswell like gods.

You don't have to spend gems to play the game, if YOU want, you can buy aesthetic items with your money, but no one is forcing you to do so.

submitted by /u/Blizzin
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Do you guys remember when we got cool skins in the season ticket instead of recolors?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:57 AM PDT

I've been playing since beta on the X1 and have got the season ticket every year because I knew there was gonna be a few good skins as well as a super cool Guardian skin at the end of the ticket. This season all you can get is recolors of skins you have or passed on because you didn't want, 3 modern skins and possible 2 exclusives (Vampire Scylla and whatever they make next)

Then I look at the Adventure skins and realize, had this been previous years those skins would have been in the season ticket.

I honestly would pay 500-600 gems per split if those Adventure skins were on the ticket.

As it is now, looks like I'm gonna have a lot of gems for the Odyssey. Well, hopefully, they might raise the price for those skins again too

submitted by /u/bipbophil
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Smite Community Satisfaction Survey RESULTS

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:02 PM PDT

Hey everyone! A HUGE thank you to everyone that participated in the Smite Community Survey I conducted here on Reddit! We had a very big turn out and thanks to everyone who participated and made this so great, I would be happy to do another one for each split and see how the numbers change throughout the season. Well, let's get to it. The survey is posted below. The questions as listed with the answers along with different data to follow them. Thank you to everyone again and please try to keep the discussions civil :)

EDIT: 753 Total Votes

Question 1: Which platform(s) do you use to play Smite? * PC (69.2%) * Xbox (21.6%) * PS4 (16.9%) * Mac (0.7%) Console total was 37.8%. The total is lowered from the combination of the Xbox and PS4 numbers because there are people who play both on Xbox and PS4, therefore only counting as one person in the console community. 7.9% play on multiple platforms.

Question 2: Which game mode, Ranked or Casual, would you say you play the most? • Conquest (45.0%) Console 47.5%/ PC 45.3% • Joust (16.9%) Console 17.7%/ PC 15.1% • Clash (11.9%) Console 10.6%/ PC 12.6% • Arena (11.7%) Console 6.7%/ PC 13.8% • Assault (11.4%) Console 12.8%/ PC 10.3% • Siege (1.5%) Console 2.1%/ PC 1.4% • Duel (1.2%) Console 2.1%/ PC 1.2% • MotD (0.4%) Console 0.5%/ PC 0.4%

Question 3: Which other game modes do you play? • Clash (57.3%) • Joust (56.6%) • Assault (51.8%) • Arena (46.5%) • Conquest (41.5%) • Siege (33.1%) • MotD (29.0%) • Duel (16.1%)

Overall Map Ratings (Questions 4-9): • Assault (7.14) • Arena (6.61) • Conquest (6.57) • Siege (6.42) • Clash (6.26) • Joust/Duel (5.93)

Question 10: How would you rate the balance in terms of gods according to conquest? • 6.86/10 (2.6% voted 1/10, 3.3% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 6.93. PC averaged a 6.83

Question 11: How would you rate Ranked in season 4 as a whole? • 5.43/10 (8.7% voted 1/10, 2.1% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 5.37. PC averaged a 5.45

Question 12: How would you rate matchmaking in season 4 as a whole? • 4.58/10 (14.2% voted 1/10, 1.1% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 4.74. PC averaged a 4.52

Question 13: How would you rate the new "Adventures" modes? • 3.57/10 (31.1% voted 1/10, 1.8% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 3.52. PC averaged a 3.65

Question 14: How pleased have you been with the "Adventures" bundles? • 3.68/10 (34.0% voted 1/10, 3.3% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 3.59. PC averaged a 3.73

Question 15: How pleased have you been with new god released in season 4? • 7.12/10 (2.7% voted 1/10, 12.6% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 7.05. PC averaged a 7.20

Question 16: How pleased have you been with new skin releases in season 4? • 5.37/10 (14.7% voted 1/10, 6.7% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 5.51. PC averaged a 5.29

Question 17: How likely are you to buy a skin you like if it is direct purchasable? • 7.87/10 (3.6% voted 1/10, 35.9% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 7.93. PC averaged a 7.87

Question 18: How likely are you to attempt to buy a skin you like if it is in a chest with 5-10 items? • 5.42/10 (16.2% voted 1/10, 9.1% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 5.78. PC averaged a 5.19

Question 19: How likely are you to attempt to buy a skin you like if it in a chest with 11-20 items? • 3.86/10 (29.7% voted 1/10, 4.8% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 4.32. PC averaged a 3.63

Question 20: How likely are you to attempt to buy a skin you like if it in a chest with 55 or more items? • 2.47/10 (62% voted 1/10, 4.4% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 2.67. PC averaged a 2.32

Question 21: How likely are you to buy a skin you like if it in an event bundle? • 5.58/10 (12.3% voted 1/10, 9.5% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 5.54. PC averaged a 5.55

Question 22: Did you buy the season pass for the spring split? • Yes (68.3%) • No but I still go after the rewards (24.0%) • No and I don't care about the season pass (7.6%)

Question 23: If you bought the season pass, how pleased were you with your purchase? • 7.15/10 (3.6% voted 1/10, 20.8% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 7.05. PC averaged a 7.22

Question 24: How would you rate patches based on quality this season? • 6.13/10 (5.7% voted 1/10, 3.7% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 5.51. PC averaged a 6.45

Question 25: How would you rate the patches based on time of released this season? • 5.60/10 (13.9% voted 1/10, 7.5% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 3.39. PC averaged a 6.75

Question 26: How would you rate community involvement from HiRez? • 5.95/10 (6.2% voted 1/10, 6.7% 10/10) *Console averaged a 5.68. PC averaged a 6.08

Question 27: At this current time, how would you rate Smite as a whole? • 6.93/10 (1.2% voted 1/10, 3.2% voted 10/10) *Console averaged a 6.84. PC averaged a 6.97

submitted by /u/Real_sg4bomb
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Being placed lower will be healthier for ranked in the long run.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:10 AM PDT

All the diamonds placing silver, don't fret. The problem with spring split's matchmaking was that nobody was dropping. So much so that "Lol s4 diamond" was a joke. Numerous games last season was just a game of who can carry their "plat" player. With everyone lower, the matchmaking will improve for higher divs. If you deserve to be up there, you'll be able to carry your way there.

EDIT: I do agree it's annoying how low it put higher players. The drop is super steep but shrugs.

submitted by /u/SentoriGunnah7046
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Can We Have the Drop Rates For Chest Public?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:53 PM PDT

I understand why chests are in place it's to make money, but is it possible to know the chance for the skins we want before we dump gems in them. There's been too many times the skin I wasn't dropped until the last roll and it seems kinda fishy because I'm not the only one to experience it.

submitted by /u/Isimity
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A Suggestion for Season 5 Conquest Map!

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:27 AM PDT

Some of these are biased and some are just general agreements.

Bigger Conquest Map

As stated, having a bigger map in my opinion, would solve a lot of the current issues such as junglers being "free" and the small "jungle" we have. Of course it will add one more problem if the conquest map gets bigger: mobility gods will become stronger. This can be fixed however with providing more exp/gold to those who are not rotating often. Basically, rotation should be a high risk for a high reward. Today, you can clear the wave then rotate and come back in time for the next wave. Having a bigger map will provide a god like Janus to get to the other side faster but takes slower to come back because of the scale of the map. A bigger map also provides more single fights that could benefit low tier gods such as Arachne or Loki. Also, a bigger map means more jungle buffs for junglers. A side note, i believe that Smite is the only MOBA with the smallest conquest map, could be wrong.

Adding The Fog

Here is what I see is the issue. The jungle is becoming a garden. People don't fear gardens as much as they do towards jungles. Jungles are meant to be a risky and unsafe place but in return provides a faster way of traveling from lane to lane. Today, i can go to the jungle and see across the map and spot the enemy jungler doing a camp. Adding the fog allows for more of a "I'm alone here and i might die if i turn the wrong corner." In my opinion, the jungle should not be a place to stroll around, it should make people question this, "Should i go for buffs/ganks to get an advantage but the risk of dying alone? or should i stay where it's safe?" I'm aware that the fog can cause issues with outdated computers, but this isn't 2012, i bet HiRez can implement a system that whenever you walk into the jungle, you get the "blind" effect similar to Xbal but without the pitch blackness of course. This could also keep those "mobility gods" in check if the conquest map gets bigger.

One more thing, if HiRez adds the fog back, they could also make a new starter item for junglers! The new starter item will contain no power so that mages or carries won't be getting it, but will have a passive that allows junglers to see farther into the jungle than others. Makes the Jungle place even more scary.

Add a New Feature To The Jumping Mechanic In The Game!

Not that it is needed, but why not add terrain into the game? Some MOBA games like MXM, has terrain that allows players to jump onto. Maybe add some cliffs with maybe some objectives? I don't want to copy others, but maybe add a ward tower? Just a small thought to start around. Make jumping a strategy.

Just some suggestions, i believe i know why Hirez won't make the map bigger for some technical reasons? but if other MOBA's can do it, then why not HiRez? (Could totally be an idiot and if anyone can explain then feel free to do so nicely)

submitted by /u/ProfessorL0ki
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Wierd Minion AI

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:51 AM PDT

Smite Gauntlet: What Did We Learn?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:07 AM PDT

Different types of tilt and how they might affect you.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:15 PM PDT

people are unhappy that they only have to pay for one skin?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:29 AM PDT

so let me get this straight people are unhappy they have to pay 400gems for a skin+(extra stuff) and that skin has a unique voicepack has a different look <isn't a recolour> and even the abilities do look different.

Even without the extra stuff wouldn't that skin be worth the 400gems? if the skin is something you like the look of.

Even if you don't/can't buy the bundle you can just by playing the game you like that you should enjoy playing and hopefully get a reasonable amount of fun from you could get the rest of the ticket event stuff for free by putting in a decent but large amount of time into something you already enjoy doing

submitted by /u/rakada1
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Ganesha passive doesn't work sometimes

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:01 AM PDT

At the title states. I was playing Ganesha. Had an Ullr standing right next to me. Literally the space of one character away from me. I killed their Ganesha and my Ullr didn't get the kill. This only happens sometimes. Was playing him yesterday and didn't notice any problems.

submitted by /u/Link2212
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Ullr and the Phantom Axes in SMITE

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:57 AM PDT

Hello guys I'm CJ and I want to talk about how there's a glitch that tends to happen when I play Ullr. Basically every once an awhile Ill throw my axe directly at an opponent and its will show the animation that it hit but, not actually register. I have seen this happen on Thanatos as well.

For awhile I thought maybe it was just me but several of my friends reported the same case to me as well. As an Ullr main i find it quite annoying.

Anyone else have this issue?

submitted by /u/CJMightyy
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My squad served me a Penta on a silver platter

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:00 PM PDT

why is smite so insanely laggy with 150fps and 50 ping?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:27 PM PDT

between 50-60 ping but feels like 150+, game is unplayable at times. At most time 60 ping doesnt. sometimes i have to restart the game 2-3 times to stop teleporting every 10 secs so my team will fall behind. does anyone know a solution. The only game that's like this is Smite.

submitted by /u/1Meowes
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SPL Spring Finals LAN Preview

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:35 PM PDT

TIL Hi-Rez sponsored a WatchMojo video about getting into video game development

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:17 AM PDT

Save Replays?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:35 AM PDT

Hi Rez, Since you are able to work on new projects (ie Paladins, Smite Tactics, soon to be Smite Rivals), not sure if Blizzard has this opition in StarCraft; however, why not release a VOD app; so after custom games we have the choice to download said custom game (to include picks and bans if applicable) so we can constantly watch replays locally? Gives coaches the role to watch what we did good/wrong without worry of the replay being deleted. And again, it's a choice. So you play a fun custom, you don't have to download said replay; however you can send a download link if you want.

Me as the Assistant Coach (and I know our Coach would like it too), I crunch numbers to see improvement of the team; and I watch the replays to better myself and I can't do that without the replay in hand. This way, the replays aren't filling server memory, and again gives semi/pro teams the chance to look at what they did and the steps needed to improve. Idk about programming but since it's just the spectator mode put onto another app it would be interesting to see. Best part is it's not giving any team an advantage because it's an option for everyone. And it doesn't have to be Smite either. You could call it "Hi Rez Replays" and you can download whatever custom game that was played to review constantly until you decided to delete. As I said, save it locally so the information is saved on the players PC

submitted by /u/MKyaren
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[God Concept]Asteria, Goddess of Stars - Magical ADC

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:52 PM PDT


Goddess of Stars Greek Mage Role:Adc, Mid


Zeus was a boastful God of massive power and little virtue, a beastly god of both the skies and affairs. Numerous tales in Greece are attributed to Zeus' unholy actions. He's infamous for it, and among the many woman he ravaged, none are as powerful and quiet as Asteria.

Asteria was a mysterious goddess. Due to being daughters to titans Coeus and Phoebe, Asteria was instantly an enemy of the gods, and, a target of Zeus. To avoid his capture, she threw herself into the ocean in the form of a quail and turned into Ortygia, the "Quail Island." Here, she gave protection to the pregnant titaness Leto, letting her escape from the wrath of Hera for being pregnant with Zeus' out-of-wedlock children. And stayed there for all this time, until war tore the world into pieces.

Now, Asteria cannot stand by and watch as Zeus ravishes other lands, just as she provided protection for Leto and her children, she shall protect others who Zeus wishes to ravish.

It is time for the Goddess of Stars to shoot down a tyrant.


Asteria has short black-purple hair and skin that shimmers like stars. Her eyes are pure, raidant whites with no pupils to speak of. Her ears are accesorized with golden earings, and she wears a purple and blue starry outfit similar to artemis. In her right hand is a long, silver staff that ends with a large, curved U that contains a rotating, shining blue star.

Recolour: Greenlight Asteria has green highlights instead of purple. And a bright, pink star on her staff.


Numbers in parentheses are the amount gained per level.

Health: 500(+60)

Hp5: 6 (+0.50)

Mana: 240 (+40/lvl)

[color=blue]Mp5: 4.5 (+.5/lvl)

Physical Protection: 12 (+3)

Magical Protection: 30 (+0.9)

Movement Speed: 360

God Explanation

Asteria is similar to Freya. She's an AA mage designed to be near unboxable, but almost entirely single-target based.

Counters: Bellona, Serqet, Rama.

PASSIVE: Starburst

Asteria's basic attacks explode on contact, dealing bonus damage to all enemies within 15 feet.

[B]Damage:[/B] 12 + 2/lvl + 10% of your magical power

Basic Attack

Damage:40(+2.5/lvl) +20% of your magical power

Attack Speed: 1 (+1.9%)

]Animation: When she swings her staff, the star in the middle of the "U" at the top will fling forward, spinning rapidly and then colourfully explode on contact.

ABILITY I: Shooting Stars

Ability Type: Basic Attack Stim

Effects: Enemies

Damage Type: Magical

At the cost of mana per shot, Asteria's basic attacks gain bonus damage and pierce enemies. Her passive damage applies to all enemies, but only explodes on the first.

Damage: 10/20/30/40/50 + 20% of your magical power.

Cost: 10/15/20/25 per shot.

Cooldown: .5s

Animation: While active, the star on her staff will beat like a heart. Light in the shape of a helix will envelop her staff, and basics fired from it will have a rainbow-coloured trail.

ABILITY II: Meteor Strike

Ability Type: Line

Effects: Self and Enemies

Range: 55

Asteria throws a meteor in a line, dealing damage to all enemies hit and slowing them.

Damage: 70/140/210/280/350 + 50% of your magical power

Slow: 25% for 2/3/4/5/6s

Cost: 90/80/70/60/50

Cooldown: 12s

Animation: Asteria changes the star on her staff to a very large meteor and then flings it forward. This meteor burns brightly.

ABILITY III: Cosmic Swiftness

Ability Type: Dash

Effects: Enemies and Self

Damage: Magical

Range/radius: 85

Passive: Bonus Life Steal.

Active: Asteria gathers starlight at her feet and then dashes forward, dealing damage to all enemies she passes through and stopping at the first enemy god hit. Asteria heals for every enemy hit up to a maximum of three, or one enemy god who is equal to three.

Damage: 50/150/200/250/300 +30% of your magical power

Heal: 30/60/90/120/150 + 20% of your magical power per enemy.

Life Steal: 4/6/8/10/12%

Cost: 50/65/70/75/80

Cooldown: 17s

Animation: Asteria brings her staff upwards like Nemesis does with her sword and dashes forward, her form shimmering like a ghost as she runs. Stardust flies of the enemies she hits and then flies towards her, healing her on contact.*

ULTIMATE: Prime Star Force

Ability Type: Buff

Effects: Self

Asteria channels the Cosmos' power, gaining an immense buff for a duration. This buff grants her slow, root and cripple immunity as well as bonus attack speed and life steal. Her basic attacks also deal +30% damage, and the cost on her one is free.

Attack Speed: 60/70/80/90/100%

Life Steal: 25%

Duration: 6/7/8/9/10s

Cost: 100

Cooldown: 90/80/70/60/50s

Animation: The "U" on Asteria's staff now pulses violently, the star on the top shifts in a kaleidoscopic pattern and her basics leave bright, rainbow trails

Design Notes:

Asteria went through several changes and itterations. One version of her kit gave her a passive on each ability, another gave her AA's built in piercing effects. It was all over the place and even this kit might change drastically in the future. I know that i want to keep her one a toggle, and that she should be a magical ADC.

Extra Animations and Voicelines


Upon selection, we are greated with a flat island that then collapses and explodes into a trail of stardust that comes together to form Asteria. She shouts her name, "Asteria!" and then slams her staff into the ground, expelling starlight everywhere.


"It's one thing to target immortal women, but defenseless humans? Death is coming for you, Zeus!"

"I've awakened, and i am here to bring retribution!"

Shooting Stars



Meteor Strike



Cosmic Swiftness

"So quick, so speedy."

"I'm too hot, hot damn!"

Prime Star Force



Low Health

"I am dust and shadows."

"That struck close to home."



"Flare up, beacon!"

"What does the Void hide?"


"My lips are already thirsting for it."

"Smells...fishy. But i really shouldn't quail about it."

Offensive Items

"Sharp as a star, hot like the sun."

"This one sparks!"

Defensive Items

"Even the stars fear something."


Kill Streak:

"Gods, Demons, nothing will protect you, Zeus! I'M COMING FOR YOU!"

"All who stand in my way are the enemies of the stars themselves!"

Jungle Boss Kill

"Rest peacefully, now."

"You where strong. Be at peace."


"I crush your weak creations!'

"You cannot protect yourselves any longer!"


Asteria's body rises upwards, she screams as it violently shakes and then explodes into stardust.


"From my dust, i will be reborn!"


"Stars are beautiful at a distance, dangerous up close!"

"I'm afraid that i am one shooting star that will crush your wishes!"

Directed Taunt

To Zeus "Place another hand on me and you'll never see another woman again!"

To Juptier "Different name, same shame! You can try and hide all you want, you're still a monster!"

To Hera "You're not any better then your husband, witch."

To Apollo "Is thiswhat she gave birth to?!"

To Artemis "You aimmed your arrow too high, sweetheart!"

To Amastu-Mikaboshi "The stars are my territory, demon!"


"I'm often the centre of attention, i always suspect it's due to my radiant features. But we all know what it really is - my staff."

Asteria lifts her staff and it shrinks down to a small, sparkly road, she then begins carving a symbol into the air infront of her "

Hi! i'm Asteria, and you're watching - oh. Right, i'm not allowed to do that."

"This lovely young man offered me some stardust, i happily consumed it and dear gods did i see some strange things!"



"hmm hmm. Hehe."

Thanks for reading! I appreciate criticism!Check out my other concepts here!

submitted by /u/CheesyDorito101
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Two problems with Siege

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 10:36 AM PDT

I was playing kuzenbo and realized my kappa ricochet doesn't bounce off of the Siege towers. I thought this was weird and tested it in every map and found out it bounces off every tower in the game besides siege's. Same could be applied to Hou Yi's ricochet.

The second problem is you can't make a custom game with bots in siege. You can make a custom game for siege and invite people but there is no option to add bots.

TL:DR. Siege towers don't let you ricochet Kuzenbo's kappas and Hou Yi's Ricochet. Siege Custom doesn't let you add bots.

submitted by /u/RealZaphr
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1 DC per Team Is the new Standard for Ranked Smite on Console.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:38 PM PDT

I'm not sure when this became the new standard, but it seems as though the majority of ranked games i get into have DC's on each team, and its not getting any better. Has this been addressed? Is this standard on PC?

Do other console players share this experience, and how or will it be fixed?

submitted by /u/TylertheDouche
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