Overwatch - Weekly Quick Questions Thread - April 26, 2017

Weekly Quick Questions Thread - April 26, 2017

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:04 PM PDT

In this thread you can ask all kinds of questions you always wanted to ask without feeling like a total fool.

No matter if it's short Google-able stuff or a setting/skill in-game that you don't understand or a hardware recommendation, feel free to try your luck in here.

Trolling or making fun of people in here will be punished extra harshly! Please report such behavior.

For the purpose of helping people, make sure the comments are sorted by "new" in this thread.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Widowbastion here

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:24 PM PDT

Please don't be POTG...

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:57 AM PDT

Parah vs Tracer

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:11 AM PDT

When you try to assassinate an enemy healer but their D.VA is a god

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 11:59 AM PDT

For your own safety, CEASE YOUR RESISTANCE!

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:56 AM PDT

Ilios hidden room?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:50 AM PDT

My friend and I believe that there is something MUCH bigger, which has been hidden in plain sight the whole time! Ilios. A beautiful Greek island, which has become a war zone between the New Overwatch and Talon. But have you ever wondered exactly why Ilios has been the target? Because it houses one of the most dangerous things in the entire world. A God Program.

That's all nice, but what is a God Program?

If you don't know what a God Program is, it is the reason for the Omnic Crisis, and ultimately for the entire Overwatch Universe. It is a powerful AI, which was capable - and certainly willing - to take control of any Omnic it got in contact with. So far, the only known place of a God Program is Anubis (you can read all about that in Pharah's comic here ). Okay, but why would there be a God Program on Ilios? Ilios, Lighthouse.

Just as you leave the spawn, you will see a shop with this sign: http://i.imgur.com/P1jvEdW.jpg

In that shop there are numerous post cards, but the one we noticed laid the foundation of the entire theory.

Take a look at the post card: http://i.imgur.com/808qhTf.jpg

And the actual location: The things we noticed from the post card, compared to the original, are:

  • There are tunnels on each side of the statue on the post card.

  • The statue is facing the other way, and holding her dress in a noticeable similarity to the statue on the other side of the control point!

  • There is no drilling equipment all over the place.

But what does that have to do with a God Program?!

The fact that entire tunnels - and the room behind - is missing, shows that something is being hidden in there, and has been covered up. This is also supported by all of the drilling and building equipment laying near the statue:


Another odd thing we noticed was how the statue in the picture looks different from the one in actuality.

Postcard and Statues: http://i.imgur.com/7CbU4on.png

The statue on the postcard is in actuality the statue on the other side, as they both hold their dress in the same way. I believe this statue to be of Minerva/Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, craft and strategy, which might very well symbolize the omnics, and the God Program. My theory is that either the God Program is hidden inside/under the Athena statue, or behind the - now closed - room.

The God Program is a more than reasonable cause for the New Overwatch and Talon to be fighting, as it is a matter of international security and an extremely powerful weapon. That all makes sense, but how do we know it's a God Program? Well, the thing is that we don't. It's only theorizing. But I believe it to be highly likely due to where the only known program is found: The temple of Anubis INSIDE a statue of the ancient God of Anubis. Now we have another statue of an ancient God of an another ancient civilization (Ilios and Anubis are the ONLY maps to feature ancient civilizations), where SOMETHING is hidden in close proximity to the statue. There are a lot of similarities between the Temple of Anubis and Ilios: Ruins, and the hidden object has to be big enough to draw the attention of Talon, who are now faced with the New Overwatch, and for the New Overwatch doing anything to prevent Talon from getting their hands on it.

TL:DR : There is a God Program hidden on Ilios, hidden in a secret room behind a statue on Ruins

submitted by /u/RedstoneAsassin
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Bringing a Sword to a Sniper Fight

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:42 AM PDT

Overwatch News - Wednesday, From April 19 to April 26, 2017.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:38 AM PDT

Bill Warnecke Replies:

Replied Couple Hours ago 04,26,17 Little white number in bottom left, and loading issues?

China Play Overwatch FREE in May

(Heroes of the Storm Event) Oni Genji Skin, Receive Delay (Don't forget you have until May 22 to finish all quests. Sicks you can't get ten free loot boxes while Uprising still going on.)

B.Net Funds Can't be transferred

A question for Jeff

Jeff Kaplan replies:

Replied Couple Hours ago 04,26,17 A Teamate Once Told Me to Kill a Pharah... as Rien

Replied Couple Hours ago 04,26,17 Is the Razer Overwatch BlackWidow Chroma keyboard good?

Replied Couple Hours ago 04,26,17 Is Nexus 2.0 Cinematic Canon?

Skin Neglect For Console Players

I'm Deaf - Provide Subtitles For All Voice Lines

2 Maps a Year enough?

Add health packs to 3v3

Drakuloth replies:

Disconnections causing UNFAIR penalties after Uprising patch

Max Thompson replies:

Oasis map black sky Bug

Geoff Goodman replies:

Genjis ult has been changed. And its worse!

submitted by /u/SirlickalotX
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Don't move don't breathe

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:07 PM PDT

I feel so bad for player that actually enjoy and try to main sombra

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:52 AM PDT

So yesterday I was playing with 2 other friends in competitive (middle platinum) and we were actually on a good run but then my buddy tried to pick sombra to disable Reinhardt shield and help the flanker kill their healers. The second he does that the other 3 guys change to torb, mei, and widow and they were not even trying to play anymore This happened the next two games

Like what the actual ****

Now I know that there are comps where a sombra doesn't fit but for certain specific situations she works but everyone is soooooo close minded that if its not a meta hero they should throw the game away. The other night we won barely because two randoms played sombra and bastion and disabled their barriers letting the bastion go ham. Of course that's not going to always work but you don't have to throw away the match if someone picks it

I don't understand how people that actually tried to main sombra feel

Sorry for the rant but it tilted me so much

submitted by /u/AbyssThief
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Police D.va

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:05 AM PDT

I didn't know you could hook traps

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:41 AM PDT

100% Calculated Deflect

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:12 AM PDT

Did a thing

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:50 AM PDT

Just a simple gif of the new D.va skin

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:33 AM PDT

Legendary Armor Uptime

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:53 AM PDT

Please don't tilt no matter what your team comp is

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:59 AM PDT

(TL;DR My team had an attack Torb, positive mentalities, trust and good teamwork win games)

Edit 1: Whats up front page :D

Edit 2: I've noticed some people complain about how long this post is for such a short message, I understand that and apologise for it. However for the majority of you who enjoyed reading this and the message it sent, thanks for reading through it and discussing with me and amongst yourselves in the comments. I may do more of these and just post about the strange encounters I have in comp as I think the reason this got as popular as it did is because of the story that went with it.

So yesterday I landed in a comp match on Numbani, we're on attack first round. I lock in Lucio and I wait for my teammates picks and wait if I need to fill or if someone else wants Lucio.

The next pick from my team after me is Torb.

The guy obviously gets flamed like crazy by this one guy in the team text chat but everyone else seemed surprisingly okay with it.

The final 4 picks are Ana, Zen, McCree and (if I remember correctly) Tracer.

So I'm looking at this team and I think to myself, "Alright things are looking desperate we need a tank, I'll step up and take Rein" (Keep in mind I have no experience at all with tanks, and there was a lot of pressure since I see rein as needing to make very few mistakes to be effective)

So the round starts and we move up to the high ground where we met the enemy team at the usual choke point. I build my ult quite quickly, the Torb, his turret and our Tracer put damage into the enemy Rein barrier.

The enemy Rein barrier breaks.

I charge in bringing the enemy Rein with me off the high ground and into the back wall near the point, a few swings and he's down.

The enemy team follows to try and kill me while I'm alone. Little do these mortals know I somehow have my ult up about a minuet into the match.

4 people slammed, they take a huge hammer of precision German engineering to the face multiple times and we cap the point.

It's looking good.

Torb gets his turret built up on the payload behind my sheild, simple but effective strats.

Coming up on the 2nd checkpoint and we face the enemy team again, when suddenly...


Might've forgotten that Rein was a target for a nano boost, and since I'd used my ult I made the best of it and pinned their Rein again, two swings after the pin he's down thanks to the nano boost. Torb turret takes out the McCree and Soldier on their team, while our dps clean up. However we see a Mercy come flying in late and we all know whats about to happen.

But the Mercy had a change of thought, and had decided it would be best to go head first into a Firestrike instead, followed up by the Torb turret still sitting on the payload.

2nd checkpoint taken.

Our Ana asks "How tf are we doing this?" and I say back "I don't know but its working just go with it."

We never got all the way to the last point but we got pretty damn close.

Its our defence now.

We take the same team comp, but our Tracer switches out for Phara. And for some reason that guy who was flaming the Torb at the start of the match is still complaining in the text chat, but me and the Ana just ignore him.

The round starts and we get stomped first point, and they breeze through to the 2nd checkpoint.

We have something like a 5-6min hold on our hands here.

We manage to bring the enemy team to a stop at the first corner after the 2nd checkpoint they don't have far to go to win. (We got just past the 2nd corner leading up to the museum) and there is about 20 seconds left and I've got a really stupid idea.

I waited on that little balcony that appears just after turning the corner of the 2nd checkpoint and as the the enemy team makes their final push I see we have a Molten Core, a Nano Boost and my Earthshatter. I ask to our Ana to boost our Torb when he pops his ult, the guy is a little reluctant but he trusts the plan.

I jump from the balcony and knock down 4-5 players (including the Mercy thank god) with my ult, our Torb pops his ult and our ana boosts him and our team sweeps the floor with whoever was knocked down.

A Winston tries to contest but focus fire from the whole team and the molten core turret brings him down before he even knows whats happening.


Me and the Ana give props to the Torb on our team and wish each other good luck in our next games.

After returning to the main menu I looked at the career profiles of the people on my team. The Ana player was a widow main and had about 4hrs on Ana in qp and about 1hr in comp for S3 and S2 and the Torb had played about 75hrs this season and 45hrs in qp as Torb.

What I learned from that game is that any comp can be made viable with the right amount of teamwork and hero picks to go around weird teams (such as an attack Torb).

Oh and one of the main reasons we won was because (apart form that one guy in the chat) we didn't tilt and stayed positive.

Don't tilt.

submitted by /u/J7643
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Almost there.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 08:13 AM PDT

I hit GM, got made GM cupcakes by my GF

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:51 AM PDT

I wanted to share, because these look amazing!


submitted by /u/Dogstile
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1st genji comp game. Probably should quit while I'm ahead

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:48 AM PDT


Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:07 AM PDT


Posted: 25 Apr 2017 10:57 PM PDT

Teamkill in the first few seconds of the match

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:40 PM PDT

New possible map location: Busan?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:19 AM PDT

According to the Playoverwatch site D.va operates in Busan, South Korea. And now since the reveal of the Nexus Challenge 2.0 they´ll add a Busan Police Hovercycle Mount for Heroes of the Storm alongside the matching Officer D.Va skin for Overwatch if you complete 5 matches in week 2.

I personally think that Busan could be a location for one of the next maps in overwatch. What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/CroweAt
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I've been working on a portal that tracks your team's improvement over time and does analysis on the data. Here's how the SR tracker looks so far, any feedback/anyone want to help beta test?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:47 PM PDT

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