Learn Dota 2 - Trench League Season 2!

Trench League Season 2!

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:30 PM PDT

Trench League Season 2!

As we progress into the last rounds of an unbelievably successful Season 1 of Trench League, staff of Trench League are always looking for more ways to expand on our community!

If you have a skill that can benefit Trench League in any way possible, we are looking to expand our staff positions for community moderators, and possibly Administrators! If you are interested please don't hesitate to join our Discord and PM me!

If you have any experience in administration, message me and I can give you the application right away!

Season 2 of Trench League will hopefully be ticketed from Valve.

SEASON 2 HAS AN UNCONFIRMED START DATE (We are hoping Season 2 will run around June and last until late August.) SEASON 2 HAS AN UNCONFIRMED MMR CAP (Season 2 will have a MMR cap (Roughly) of 3500 Solo and Party)

If you are looking for a team please join our Discord. Follow the displayed format and good luck!

Grand Finals is coming up! Check out our Twitch!

Interested in the Bracket?

Trench League Website Is currently being rebuilt! We will release an announcement on the Discord when we are Live!

submitted by /u/CactusLordy
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Need Naga tips (kinda long post)

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:53 AM PDT

So after practicing her micro as best as my can in lobbies/bot matches, I really find her to be an interesting hero especially given the insane map control/farming speed that she has. I've played her a little bit in the past (without much success) probably due to me being a 1k scrub, but recently pulled off an insane 90-minute comeback (https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3141230385 ,my net worth is glitched for some reason, it was actually around 58k). This also made me curious about what I actually did right or wrong, among other things such as -

1) What are the most common ways to micro the illusions? In the game above I used a combination of control groups and shift-deselect method (as explained in this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2yx-WtXXtQ) and it worked amazingly, but I'd like to know if there's an other methods.

2) In games like mine, when I have an enemy PA and Brew, should I make an MKB or just follow my standard build of stat-heavy items?

3) How exactly do you fight with Naga? if I have my illusions all focusing a single target in one spot, I risk having them killed in some AoE spells/Mjollnirs, but if I spread them out too much there's the chance of me being singled out and focused down. I've seen certain pro players like Matumba and Notail just keep the main hero on the backlines, while sending illusions to fight and spam his E. Is this the correct way or smething that is done situationally?

4) How do you play the early game/At what point can you reliably start joining teamfights? In my game above I actually jungled after like 4:00 with just a quelling, PMS and bottle and still got away with it since the enemy team didn't gank at all, and only started actively fighting at ~32 mins when I had Randiance/Manta/Bots.

5) Lastly, similar to the thread I posted about WK earlier, how viable is a support Naga? Illusions to scout, a BKB-piercing 5-second root and an Aghs that can make her allies heal 75% of their HP sounds pretty neat tbh.

Any replies are greatly appreciated :)

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Broodmother tips !

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:51 PM PDT

Hello , i rly like this hero and i could use of some tips !

Also , could anyone tell me how can i set a key for brood's spiders / What are bulldog's hotkeys when he plays brood ! ?

submitted by /u/just4dota
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Let's talk Spectre

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 10:54 AM PDT

Good day, I'm jemiles and a 1.8k scrub atm. I've been playing supports for the most part but decided to go with a carry as I'm often disappointed with any carry we have in game.

Can be a bit problematic in some games. I usually lock in first (counter picking isn't much of a thing at this range) to establish I'm going to play the the pos 1 carry. Yet often people in this range don't get the memo.

Many games I'm fortunate to have a support. Rarely I have one that actually knows how to play. So often I'm either fighting my support in lane and in turn fighting to keep creep equalibrium and maintain any farm. Luckily though the offlaner(s) don't even bother actually last hitting and just constantly push the lane.

But that's enough talk on this mmr range. Just keep in mind these things as things that work higher up may not translate well down here. I've had a lot if success thus far anyways with spectre and do well even matches lost. So let's get to the meat of the post.

Ability builds

So starting out I followed the guide (torte de lini) and it worked out pretty ok. It suggests maxing dagger first followed by desolate and lastly dispersion. But given your mana pool early and poor sustain it boggles my mind why this would be maxed first. Mana cost increases reducing your ability to use it more than once or twice and often it's needed early on to make an escape from a dive.

There were a few times where I could haunt in and make a kill with the damage, but after a haunt and dagger you are basically out of mana. And it really doesn't help with jungling. When I went with this build I had a lot of trouble sustaining in jungle. Bear in mind that a lot of games a good portion of farm comes from the jungle as the lane is unreliable.

So I've since been taking one level in dagger a 1 and maxing it last. Generally I get dispersion first followed by desolate. Totally changed my game. I could sustain in jungle and lane, better survive ganks, and actually team fight early. So can someone explain why dagger first is so popular?

Item builds

The guide suggests starting items tango, shield, and salve. I myself prefer going tango, shield, QB and buying a salve a once the match starts. QB is an absolute must to help with last hitting, especially when your opponent is denying.

After that it suggests phase boots, PMS, and iron talon. I've done this a few times and things went ok but since changing my abilities I prefer treads over phase. Extra armor, health, or mana and attack speed really improved my farming and teamfight abilities coupled with my ability build.

After boots I've been generally going vanguard and then radiance. At first I thought that this would put my radiance timing later (18 to 22 mins on average). But I've found that with the vanguard, sustain no longer becomes an issue. Additionally I can easily take on ancients as well where before I could not do so easily. So I can still easily hit a 20 min radiance and really start fighting. Though with a vanguard I feel often times I can still fight rather well if needed.

What I'm saying here is if I can still hit a 20 min radiance, why would I bother skipping vanguard to radiance when the timing is essentially the same? By not going with a vanguard you just leave yourself vulnerable and mostly useless until you get a radiance as well as severely reducing your sustain and in effect farming ability.

So after all that I usually get a blademail, manta, heart, ect. Blademail and heart are generally must haves. Abysmal is another obvious choice. But I'm always a little fuzzy on manta and disffusal and their worth. I just don't understand these items enough to value their worth on spectre.

Wrapping up

Any other suggestions are welcome. I've had a lot of fun with spectre and admit I'm still a pretty fresh dota scrub. If you would like check jemiles on dotabuff and throw me some thought on my games. Thanks for reading and GG.

submitted by /u/TheJemiles
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How do I make better decisions before doing something? (when to farm, gank etc).

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:19 PM PDT

https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3141959626 In this game particularly, despite going 14/4, I felt I made some stupid plays which I should have died from but my team saved and helped me.

Anything I could do to improve my decision making or am I just inexperienced (2k hours on the game)?.

submitted by /u/m4skulin
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Suggestions for new Lion player (Less than 5 games)

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:54 PM PDT


So basically I have watched Dota for a while not, but only just got into playing. After a string of losses (Rat Prophet), I got three wins in a row with Lion. It really feels fun to play, so I will be trying to play it. Any tips?

Specifically, I have some or most of the basics in place, I just have a lacking sense of what I should be doing; or what my potential is.

For example, I know I should rush Blink as soon as possible (Just after Tranquils?). But what is a good blink timing/average blink timing/bad blink timing?

Similarly, I know I should try to jungle in order to farm my blink when I am close to it. But what levels can Lion effectively farm the medium/small/hard camps?

Similarly, I know a Lion could potentially gank. What are the ideal timing windows at which I should look at ganking? I mean at what level can I reasonably have enough lockdown/damage to gank & kill a Slark with my carry? How about an axe?

And finally, I absolutely have no idea if I am underfarming/underlevelling myself too much. What are some ideal timings for when I should hit my level 6/10? How about 15?

I hope I'm clear in the kind of issues I face. I know the general idea of what I should be doing; just not how well I am doing it. And missing out on what my hero can/cannot do often leads me to either blink-stun-finger-hit-twice-back-away from an enemy carry at 20% health because he will kill me. Likewise, I sometimes play a little too safe and stick behind when I dont know if I can actually go ahead and gank another lane right now.

Keep in mind, I will most likely be playing at absolute trench levels. I am still playing unranked but I think i will be sub 2k, maybe worse. So I only expect myself to be the solo support as of now.

TL;DR - Help. New lion. Dont know when I am strong. Need to know how fast I should be progressing.

submitted by /u/TheOriginalSoni2
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Invoker early game

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:21 AM PDT

I'm learning invoker recently and its not going well (https://www.dotabuff.com/players/129879152/matches).

Spell usage is not a problem I have over 200 games on the hero after all. I feel confident in the mid-lategame after I have some items, but I pretty much get flamed every game for not participating much in the early game. I believe my item choices in the late game are decent, but maybe I'm wrong. I really like shivas and linkens alot of the time.

So I really need some tips for the early game, till about the time I get aghs.

Also what I really do not understand in the slightest is how to decide on drums/euls/bots or aghs rush after midas.

submitted by /u/Lorrin2
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After years of quitting dota I am coming back, what are the tips you could give to me?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:32 AM PDT

As the title said, It was years ago since i quit dota(i gotta admit that it was because i got hooked with league and got diamond) and now TNC inspired me to play dota once again. I was a carry player before, what are the tips you could give to me as a carry player now and which heroes are more suitable for me. I remember playing Templar Assassin, Anti-Mage, Spectre, Phantom Lancer, Drow ranger, Sniper, Phantom Assassin etc.

TL;DR : quit dota but is now coming back, TNC raven inspired me and now i am willing to learn more tips on how to get back on track with dota :)

submitted by /u/wannabekorean
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How to play Terrorblade (properly)?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:51 PM PDT


I'm an unranked scrub who has yet to hit level 20, but I've been playing for around 200 hours so not a complete noobie.

I recently started playing Terrorblade and so far I'd have to say that he is my favourite hero. He is fun to play, very offensive, and has massive late game potential. His skills are in my opinion at least, both delightful to use and have huge potential for killing the enemy team.

However, I've noticed that I'm dropping off a bit in terms of terrorblade skill, and I'd like some help to find the optimal item build, and mentality/play style for playing him.

My item build on TB

I tend to buy a tango, two of the 150 agility items that I build into a stout shield when I get the beginning of the game bounty as well as a clarity. Then I buy a quelling blade, followed by boots of speed, then wraith band, aquila and treads. After this I build a Yasha, which is transformed into a Manta style, followed by a dragon lance into hurricane pike and an eye of skadi.

So far this has worked quite well, but I'd like to have some advice on improving it, since it is quite an expensive build, and I suck at farming.

Laning phase

I've tried to farm hard during the first 10 minutes but as I mentioned previously, I suck. I tend to get somewhere between 20-30CS at the ten minute mark, and I do my best not to die, although that is easier said than done. Sometimes I'll try and get a kill at this stage depending on my opponents.

With the above description of my item build and playstyle in mind, can you guys give me some help on how to get better? Here is a link to my most recent three TB games: 1 2 3

Thanks in advance,

submitted by /u/screaming_tiger9
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Item guides?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:24 PM PDT

I'm trying to get into DotA 2 after spending hours playing it and was trying to learn how the items work, when should I buy it and for which hero. BTW I also like to play Lina, Dragon Knight and Viper a lot.

Also can someone explain when attack speed is better than raw damage or vice versa?

submitted by /u/vFafnir
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Best recent Invoker guides?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:09 AM PDT

I've decided I'm really going to learn Invoker, so I've been going through some material for him recently. I've memorized his spell combos and watched a few guides/replays, but can anyone recommend a really good recent guide or two? I have a decent idea of what the laning stage looks like (for QE at least) but am unsure about later.

submitted by /u/occupykony
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What happened to matchmaking?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:17 PM PDT

I feel like matchmaking after update is worse than it actually was. Currently I'm losing mmr and most of the games had some kind of problems beginning from flaming to intentiational feeding. I'm slowly getting bored playing with people who don't even want to win. Also I'm thinking if I'm doing something wrong, and would like to hear some tips which can help me play better. Here's my dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/83050197 Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Seventh__
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Phase on pa

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:28 AM PDT

Why does everyone buy phase on pa every game? Treads seems like a clearly better option but I do not think I have ever seen them on pa. The phase movement speed is completely wasted, and 40 as + 10 damage is much better than 24 damage, plus you get all the benefits of tread switching. With pas kit she doesn't need more mobility, plus when hitting people often squishies will die in one crit, so rather than a tiny bit more crit damage on people who tank a few hits, it is better to get those crits off faster and delete squishies faster. It also is better for when pas get basher or diffu. And yet everyone buys phase, every game.

submitted by /u/MyriadSloths
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Struggling with tailoring my item build to the enemy team.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:24 AM PDT

I play a lot of Lycan as I find that I can out farm most people at 3k, and once I start falling off towards the end of the mid game, I can out manoeuvre the enemy team and rat/split push for the win.

My general item build is:

Okay farm: Treads -> Vlads -> Necrobook 1/2/3 -> BoTs -> situational items

Good Farm: Brown Boots -> Vlad's -> Necrobook 1/2/3 -> BoTs -> situational items

I've had a lot of success with this, however I try to watch some pro/ high mmr gameplay of Lycan and I noticed that they tend to alter their item builds a lot more than me. Unfortunately usually there is no commentary, so I don't get any explanation for their decisions.

I see some people buying HotD instead of Vlads. When is this the right move? I really like the lifesteal and damage aura from Vlads and don't really get why you swap for something else.

Another thing I see is people not even bothering with split push/rat Lycan and buying some mix of: echo sabre/ armlet/ mask of madness/ solar crest. Whenever I've tried just going full right click fighter Lycan I've found that we get to about 35 mins and then I start falling off, and I can't really fight the enemy carries. Then we lose because I have all the gold on our team but I can't carry the game.

Any advice is welcome, thanks.

submitted by /u/stupendouspineapple
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Hello guys, I have a question about who made original blink skill-set in Warcraft3

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 08:48 PM PDT

I already knew the original blink skill-set was made by EUL, Map editer making DOTA original, but some people said original blink skill-set already existed in Warcraft3 original. I want to know which one is correct between the two.

submitted by /u/gogaller
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Radiance vs Mjollnir on Ember Spirit

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 04:54 AM PDT

So I was recently watching a replay of EE (lol) playing ember, and he had mjollnir queued up in his quick buy, and then changed to radiance. What I want to know is what makes radiance better than mjollnir in a game? (Just for some context, he was against a SF who was stomping pretty hard early game, don't know if that has anything to do with it)

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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Noob Questions (again)

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 10:20 AM PDT

Here I am with another question - 1. Can anyone give me links for guides on heroes such as bs,riki,chaos knight,pa etc.

submitted by /u/Ud_is_cool
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Noob questions

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 10:06 AM PDT

  1. How do you pause the game?
  2. How do you send message to all players?
  3. Are there any good chaos knight guide because I am trying to play him and he seems fun?
submitted by /u/Ud_is_cool
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[DEV] DotaHex – the perfect app to follow your full statistic for your Dota 2 profile

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:15 AM PDT

Hi guys,

Me and my team developed new app called DotaHex - Stats Build & Live For Dota 2. The main purpose of the app isto follow your full statistic for your Dota 2 profile and games. Detailed statistics for your hero and items. All your overall records will be tracked too. You will have match detailed view of any game. And much more with that Dotahex you will discover many detailed analysis about your favorite game.

Key features:

• Live Dota 2 league games with all game stats.

• Constantly updated database with heroes, item builds and counter hero picks for Dota 2. Real time suggestions learned from games

• Full Statistics for your Dota 2 profile and games

• Hero, item wise detailed statistics

• Overall records

• Activity stats

• Match detailed view

This app is not sponsored or endorsed by Valve Corporation. This is not the official guide or connected to the game developer.

Let me know if you have some suggestion for an improvement. Would love to hear your feedback.

submitted by /u/john217
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Hey everybody. Question about recent mmr decline.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:57 AM PDT

Hello everybody, As the title says I've experienced a decline in MMR the last 3 patches I think. Close to 1k. Was 3455 and dropped to 2.6k. Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/194388816 Any of you fine gentlemen experienced something like this? I am not saying I don't deserve it but would like to know what would you guys see and what could I do to improve. Maybe it's where I belong honestly.

submitted by /u/divid-os
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Item Build on Chen.

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 09:46 PM PDT

So I've been building Arcane>mek>atos>(item i deem needed by team, glimmer/vlads/hotd got drums a few matches ago)

i rarely ever go aghs any more and i feel my win rate is still just as good.

I get a new root to lock down and follow up with my creeps. get the hp and mana/spell amp for the int with atos. I've been loving that item recently.

I am maintaining a +50 wr but i do want to better my self with him.

I've also recently been working on not dying with some success.

So I am wondering i guess what items i should build and what other things should i work on from a glance at my dotabuff.


submitted by /u/Ambrotus
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