Learn Dota 2 - Skill and item builds for OD in 7.05

Skill and item builds for OD in 7.05

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:32 PM PDT

I think OD is actually a pretty strong pick nowadays. the passive farm-based meta suits him and his ability to murder most people solo lategame.

I've been playing him a fair bit, and these are my thoughts on how.

credit to /u/I_dare_not_be_first for originally inspiring me to try out the orb build.

Skill build

OD's skill build is pretty flexible in terms of details, but you generally want maxed Astral by 9 and a level of Orb before 7 or so.

there are two main build paths I use:

WEEQEWEWW and WEWEWEWQE, both ending in 1-4-4 @ level 9. the difference is whether I think I can harass with orb easily; if not, then the second build will generally be better. two heroes in particular against whom Orb early isn't very strong are Tinker and Sniper; Tinker because of Laser, and Sniper because of his range, so I'll just stick to farming.

I level the talent @ 10 if I'm just farming the jungle for more damage/sustain; if not, I generally get it @ 11 after being 1-4-4-1.

when to level the ult is flexible; I've gotten it as early at 6 (so I'm 1-1-3-1) for a bit more kill potential/escape, and also as late as 11 (after I'm 1-4-4-1 with my talent). remember that the mana burn can be very useful in an early fight.

armour/attack speed depends on whether the enemy has lots of physical damage. I generally take the int talent unless the game is really going badly.

for the 25 talent, 8% spell amp isn't much, but if you're just going for one push where you end then the increased int steal duration won't be very useful. conversely, if it's a pickoff/skirmish-oriented game, then the int steal talent will be (and generally is) better.

Item build

I generally go for a core of Null/Treads/Midas/Force. Wand/Raindrop along the way are optional and matchup dependent.

past that, you actually have a lot of options.

Fast Pike: for defending high ground. it's not really that good for fighting in isolation, but if you get Blink after Force then it gives you more solo kill potential against heroes without escapes. the increased range/active are mainly useful in a high ground defence situation early though.

Blink: increased kiting/setup potential, but lower manfight damage. also speeds up your farm a bit. generally not my first choice, if I can help it. I prefer stuff that helps me kill.

Atos: midgame item that gives survivability, damage and, through those and its active, quite a bit of kill potential. it adds 30 physical damage and 32 pure damage, which is pretty good. especially valuable against heroes who are vulnerable to root like Ursa/Ember/Storm whom you would not normally be able to easily kill.

SB/SE: good stats (mobility item that also gives attack speed) that in conjunction with Hex allows you to murder more or less anyone as long as you can find them. better when you're ahead and don't already have an invisible hero on the team.

Hex: good after you have a mobility item. like Atos, gives you survivability, damage and kill potential, especially in conjunction with Blink/SE, but generally a bit too expensive to get before your 3rd item or so.

Shiva: quite important against physical damage lineups containing stuff like Slardar/N'aix, TA, VS, etc.. as a defensive item, not a first choice, but sometimes you just need it.

OC: good when snowballing. I will say that the vast majority of the time when I buy OC I wish I had gotten BKB instead. nice against low-disable lineups because you can heal most of the HP you've lost with one good ult.

BKB: not an item you want to get. it gives bad stats, but sometimes you have no choice. generally, you should try to play around the enemy in a way that makes BKB unnecessary, though.

my Dotabuff

submitted by /u/gmdotes
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A few things I've learned climbing from 1.5k to 2.5k over the years (self care)

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:15 PM PDT

These are mostly things I've done to keep myself sane while playing this crazy game. Feel free to share more helpful positive attitude ideas.

1) I've seen it said here 1000x but it's so important. Don't flame your teammates!! Positive attitude goes so far keeping team morale up, and your own! Mute players who constantly talk shit.

2) Had a good game with someone that you enjoyed playing with? Friend them! Having a good friends list keeps the game interesting and helps you learn new things. It's always nice to see a few people on playing, watch their games, or group up. Especially to break up the monotony of the solo grind.

3) Don't be afraid to play unranked matches in order to try a new hero, or especially to break up strings of wins or losses. This has helped me immensely, especially when I feel like I'm in a rut, or after losing two in a row.

submitted by /u/Young_Zaphod
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can anyone help me understand vlads on troll

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:41 PM PDT

It doesn't make sense to me at all.

It's a dead end item, which doesn't really suit carries very well, especially on a carry like troll who needs the lifesteal so selling it to make room for slots for a different item is very clunky.

The only upgrade it has from morbid mask is a bit of regen from headdress and the ability to use it in an aura, but you are a carry, you need to build for yourself, not others.

I don't see why you should build this item rather than leave it at a casual morbid with the chance of upgrading it ot satanic later on the game.

am i missing something?

submitted by /u/Walrusasauras
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Choosing defensive items on carries.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:08 PM PDT

Hello, I am just looking for advice on itemizing against teams thats kind of difficult to itemize against since I think that's one of my weak points.Recently I was in a game where I was playing troll warlord with my teammates being abaddon, kotl, NP, and OD. The enemy team was invoker, engima, juggernaut, treant protector, and nyx assassin.

In the game I went phase boots vlads sny which I thought was okay. I debated on whether to grab a linken for a bit but decided to go bkb instead to mainly help against invoker spells and nyx stuns. I then just went diffusal afterwards which I was half sure was the right call. Assuming both sides are roughly equal, how should I have itemized against this lineup? I mainly have doubts in situations where a bkb is kind of desirable but I also thought about how it doesnt really help against the blackhole and treeant ult and since evading both is kind of unrealistic I wondered if I should have tanked up with a skadi/satanic instead of the bkb. Thanks in advance for any input.

submitted by /u/Ilasper
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This Week I Learned:_________________________

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:28 PM PDT

Every game we play we should be learning something; mechanics, tricks, spell interactions, counters, synergies, etc. In this thread share some of the info that you've picked up during the past week! Make sure to upvote someones tip if you learned from it.

Last week's most useful tip - /u/thedobowobo - 19 Points

kinda embarrased about this one but only learned a few days ago you can eat wards with tangoes. Ended up killing me actually thanks to a bara gank where I otherwise would have easily made it back to the tower

Link to last week's thread


submitted by /u/Pressthepig
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Double-waving at mid?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:14 AM PDT

So I have heard/read/seen about this technique multiple times, where you "double-wave" creeps at the midlane, but Im still not 100% sure how, and especially when should you do it.

So in what situations would you want to double-wave against the enemy mid, and when would you rather have the creep equilibrium stay as is?

Also I have seen a few players double-waving with Invoker (or so i think) by using sunstrike on the first ranged creep, similar to how a Mirana would do the same with her arrow. Is this an efficient thing to do?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Critique me! Recorded a video and would like some help.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 05:55 PM PDT

Hello all, last night i decided i need help to climb in this amazing game. Please watch the vid and tell me why i suck and how i can improve! Thanks in advance!


submitted by /u/JussyLoL
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How to counter Centaur Warrunner as a Carry ?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:12 AM PDT

In laning phase, he is incrediblly tanky. He can trade hit really well because of Stout Shield+Return and natural tankiness.

In mid and late game, he is more annoying than ever.

Getting core items like Blink Dagger, Vanguard, and Hood of Defiance for Centaur Warrunner is easy because of Return and Double Edge.

Killing him is really hard. Stampede saves his ass a lot of time. Disabling him till he dies is hard, especially because of Vanguard+Hood of Defiance.

He can kill tower really well because of Return, with no real hazard because of Vanguard.

He gives everyone in his team unpurgeable global haste effect, that causes ganking attempt harder. The cooldown? 90/75/60, which is not that long.

He is an amazing initiator and counter initiator. Stampede + Blink + Stomp often turns the tide to his team's favor.

What kind of carry that is good against him?

I tried Lifestealer, and that is the worst thing I ever picked vs Centaur Warrunner. You can't solo kill anyone when stampede is off cooldown and you can't kill him easily because of Vanguard. So, what's the good counter pick

submitted by /u/TedJA
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PSA: Always buy force staff against Ursa, Lifestealer, Clockwerk

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:36 PM PDT

And most melee heros for that matter as a support 90% of the time you will but lots of cores do too.

submitted by /u/xkanalx
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What could I have done to win this Jugg game?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:53 PM PDT

Match ID: 3136594118

I felt like we were doing pretty good - admittedly, I got a sub-par amount of last hits in the first ten minutes, but I also got a few kills with witch doctor. I tried to split push alot because bristle was really a problem for me, but it just felt like we lost control of the game suddenly after they got a few kills.

submitted by /u/Ecnen
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How to lane vs Axe and Clinkz?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:01 PM PDT

I just got completely destroyed in lane by this duo: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3136557068.

I played spectre and I barely could leech xp because of constant Clinkz harass. At some point they started diving t1 and killing both me and disruptor.

  • You might say that Spectre was bad pick but I think pretty much any carry would be screwed in that lane.

  • I couldn't get talon and just go jungle because it was occupied by NP. I started jungling at about 10 mins (after 2 or 3 deaths) but it was very slow because both NP and Tinker jungled a lot too.

  • I know getting 31 min radiance wasn't good idea but at that point I didn't think anything could win a game anyway, so I got radiance in case game somehow doesn't end soon and I can farm faster and maybe become somewhat useful at min 50 or something.

So, what would you do in that game to win?

submitted by /u/Kumagor0
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How do you survive late game fights as Riki?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:33 PM PDT

As a Riki, I always find myself dominating early but struggle to survive late game skirmishes. I usually build phase boots aquila diffusal and try to do the most damage by blink striking into the middle of the fight and smoke screen into ult.

submitted by /u/boywiththethorn
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4K help me

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:48 PM PDT

I say 4K, this obviously varies but I feel like I've reached a ceiling around this mark.

I tend to play a 1 or 2 position, though sometimes a roaming 4 position. Does anyone have tips for skills that people tend to pick up around this mark? I don't use quick cast (and don't know whether it's worth learning) but what other skills like this I should be mastering to break my glass ceiling. Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/Bannana_blurgh
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A noob trying to learn OD

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:41 AM PDT

I wanna learn some OD guys. Anyone willing to help me out with tips, videos and rescources ?

submitted by /u/_Unleashedd_
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What would be the difference of a 3k player with 1000games or another 3k player with 100 games?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:23 PM PDT

If mmr represent true skill, then will there a difference between those two kinds of people?

Even they both have the same mmr, but one is more experienced than another, I just don't logically get that.

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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A couple of question from someone who just started spamming Storm Spirit.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:15 AM PDT

I recently became a filthy Storm Spirit spammer and I have a couple of questions:

•Is it better to gank or to farm in the laning stage?

I notice I tend to run out of mana after just 1 gank so I try to avoid doing it, but on nearly half of my games the team will rage at me for not ganking. Which is the correct option?

•What do you build for your first couple of items?

I heard somewhere a long time ago that you should get bloodstone then orchid if you are ahead, and just skip to orchid if you are behind, so I just do this hoping the information isn't outdated. Is this still a good thing to do? Also some help on late-game items would be appreciated.

•Is Aghanim's a good item?

I tend to get it as my third item if we need a teamfight ability, otherwise I don't get it at all. Is this the correct thing to do?

My mmr is 1.8k if that matters. Also thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/StfuAndPlayDota
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How to Lane Against Tinker and What do I do to win this game?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:06 PM PDT

Two questions regarding this match.

How the fuck do I lane against a Tinker? Tinker has really high starting damage and can blind me, how do I play around that? I pretty much had to wait for him to march the lane so I could farm under tower.

Second question, is there anything I could have done to win this game? Some context: I had just been in a game with the wraith king where no one on our team was playing well and I muted him instantly because he started flaming everyone. This second game, the one I linked, I muted everyone in the game and listened music, at the end for some reason my team wanted to report me. I didn't flame or call anyone names or anything (until right when we lost, I was pretty triggered).

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/Zacharifffic
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It's Stormy Weather Time!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:43 AM PDT

I've started playing storm spirit in unranked pubs to train for climbing those 3k trenches. Obviously I'm trying to die as little as possible, but there are situations where it's like "oh well, I'm fucked"

How many deaths do you guys think are acceptable over the course of a game?

I'm usually averaging around 8 by the time the ancient falls. Most of them come from midgame when I screw up my farm/gank balance and start falling behind a bit. I was told that 4-5 is considered alright if the game was going badly, but I wanted to see what everyone else thinks I need to hit before I can consistently play this hero in ranked.

submitted by /u/Galelyan
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Any advice for me?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:53 AM PDT

Calibrated at 3.6k, climbed up to 4.4k and then dropped to 3.5 (solo) and 2.7k(party). This is my dotabuff link https://www.dotabuff.com/players/84379450 Had been in a losing streak. Any kind soul please point out my mistake. I want to improve in DotA.

Million thanks! :)

submitted by /u/QkM-
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I just had my best match as Abbadon. Help me identify what I did right so I can make it a habit!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:23 AM PDT

Ask(noob here)

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:38 AM PDT

Noob here. I want to know 2 things- 1. How to do well in late game because I always farm well in early game but cannot kill heroes in late and mid game. 2. Which items are best for agility heroes?

submitted by /u/Ud_is_cool
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How to do more damage overall in games

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:48 AM PDT

I see that a difference between high mmr and low mmr is that the damage heroes do is much more, even with pos 4/5. My question is how do I increase the damage I do overall throughout my games? specially as a carry when I farm for half the game and we win or lose and I feel like I did nothing.

submitted by /u/Cabusse
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Any tips to quick cast apprentice?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:24 AM PDT

Switched all skills and 2 inventory slots to quick cast. Some heroes became easier (Rubick, CM) but I think I missing something. Any tips from quick cast gods?

submitted by /u/RRRik
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Do the gems in the courier still works even if you don't purchase the courier?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:52 AM PDT

I play support most of the time and was wondering. My favourite courier, Itsy, has victory and wards placed gems in it. Do they still increase in numbers even if I don't purchase the courier that game?

submitted by /u/kittenparry
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is dota too team oriented?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:28 PM PDT

The efforts of an individual player do not, at all, matter unless its in contribution to the team. You cannot 1v5 a decent group ever, at all, one shit player will by far undo any good someone can do and the odds are stacked against anyone trying to raise mmr.

submitted by /u/Yewbee93
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