Learn Dota 2 - How to deal with jakiro harass

How to deal with jakiro harass

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:59 PM PDT

I just played an offlane void game where regrettably my lc went jungle and midas first.This triggered me so bad that I started to lose focus which is all my fault

Other than that,I was totally zoned out by Jakiro+Spectre. I opened up with tangoes,stout and slipper of agility thinking I would rush a PMS to survive the heavy harass.Then I went iron talon so I could retreat to the jungle and recover but it was all too much,they dominated my lane,I went to tp and try setup some kills with my chrono but I failed those as well and then of course our team fell apart after that.Here is the dotabuff link to it: Match no 3094532840

My question is that how do I deal with heavy harass as a solo offlaner against the likes of Jakiro,Veno,Silencer etc

submitted by /u/gambitflash
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Supporting with an AFK jungler

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:49 AM PDT

I'm really struggling at the moment to win games in which there is a fourth core in the jungle. I'm used to having to solo support ( I've climbed from 1.4k) but recently at mid 3k it seems the enemy team is smart enough to take advantage of the 4v5 scenario early game and I find I simply have too much work to do to keep the team on its' feet.

If the enemy has a position 4 roamer (often the case) as well as a hard support, I find I have to somehow secure my carry / zone an offlaner / pull, ward mid , gank mid with smoke, and help out the bottom lane as it often goes tits up. I quite often end up with very little xp for spreading myself too thinly. What should I prioritise? It just seems impossible to prevent enemy ganks and secure core farm when your lanes are disadvantaged like this.

What could I do differently/ what should I prioritise?

submitted by /u/thedobowobo
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Starting items for roaming mirana?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:31 PM PDT

I personally like boots and 4 claritys, because all of the value of your hero and early game farming is from arrowing, so mobility and mana seems good to me. What are your guys thoughts on this?

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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How to cut waves as Axe?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:13 AM PDT

Hi everyone, I was wondering what conditions it takes to cut waves as Axe and how to respond to the enemy.

So as I understand it, you need: Axe offlane A healer offlane (Necrophos or Abaddon being the top picks) Some regenerative items for both

Then you go between their first 2 towers and proxy the wave. Now my real question is, what do you do if the safelaner is ranged? What if they are both ranged? What if they attack your support instead of Axe? Even if their melee, what do you do if the midlaner rotates in on you or their entire team TPs in to kill you?

It seems like a really risky strategy that relies on the enemy having an extremely weak safelane comp, and the enemy team not really giving a shit about you being that far out of position.

submitted by /u/765Bro
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Question About Storm

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:29 PM PDT

  1. How do i deal with certain roots type (Searing Chain, Treant's ult) ?
  2. How to win lane against SF (with no gank help from allies) ?
  3. Lvl 25 talent choice ?
  4. Which one is better, PT before BS, or build Arcane (to BS, and PT) ?
submitted by /u/Lovannie
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Basic Two-Man and Three-Man Combos for Beginners Thread

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:49 AM PDT

A really thrilling aspect of Dota is pulling off precise combo attacks with a teammate, usually someone that you know and can practice with. If you've only ever played solo queue then this thread is intended to introduce the whole new world of two- and three-man planned combos. Especially ones that can be performed in lane or fairly early in the game, and don't require a lot of sneaking up or superior numbers to pull off. It also opens up the floor to a much wider array of heroes that you may not play as much in pubs or solo queue because they aren't as good at "winning the game alone" but are very effective used in tight coordination with others. This is sort of like the gateway to stronger amateur play and what pros do naturally.

For example, I laned this evening as Ancient Apparition with a Tiny, him leveling both his nukes and me leveling Cold Feet and Ice Vortex. We agreed that when we each hit level 5, we'd focus all our spells on the opposing Tidehunter. It zotted him dead from nearly full health almost instantly. I thought, if I had someone to practice these kinds of combos with, we could win every lane in every game at around 2.5k (my mmr).


So, what are some great combos that are fairly easy for beginners to pull off? Extra points if they are fairly easy to coordinate ad-hoc with people that you don't necessarily know very well.


submitted by /u/Chunks77
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Currently building a minigame: what questions would u like to see in a quiz

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:05 AM PDT

Hi guys,

I'm the creator of quas-wex-exort.com and I'm currently building a new minigame which will run on your desktop (windows, mac, linux) as well as the web browser.

The goal of the game is to learn little bits of dota/waste your time while in queue.

I started with an invoker spell trainer which is already working fine but now I want to integrate a quiz as well. I know there are several good quiz system out there, but why not have one minigame which might run on your smartphone too once i've added support for that.

Current Ideas for the questions on the minigame:

  • What items form this item (shopkeepers quiz)
  • how much does this item cost in total (multiple choice between 4 values)
  • what is the cooldown of spell X at level Y
  • which of these items provides the biggest white/green dmg plus?
  • what Items should you buy against underlord/necrophos/... with mutiple choice answers

So it's kind of a mix of shopkeepers quiz, rubick game etc.

But I need some questions so that I can build them into the game :)

fyi: the game will be free and possibly even open source, it won't contain ads and won't require you to do anything. completely free with optional sign-in into quas-wex-exort.com for online highscores.

So what kind of questions would you like to see in such a minigame?

submitted by /u/karreerose
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+1 Forge Spirit vs +30% Exp gain on Invoker

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:26 AM PDT

I see that forge spirits is by far the more favored talent on Invoker (having both a higher pick rate and winrate according to dotabuff), so why exactly is the bonus exp gain bad? In what situations, if any, will it be the preferred choice over forge spirits?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Why do people hate jungle LC?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:32 PM PDT

I don't understand why people seem to hate lc when she jungles. Personally, I don't care if they jungle as long as our team isn't dying in lane, in which case they need to start helping.

submitted by /u/Dycrno
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how good is helm of the dominator on carries nowadays?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:04 PM PDT

since they nerfed it to only give +2 stats so i think its no longer worth getting it on heroes like jugg and luna. seems more like a support item now.

submitted by /u/ligga4nife
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What makes warlock ulti so good?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:47 AM PDT

I have been seeing a lot of warlock drafts in tournaments these days, and I fail to see what makes the ultimate so strong. I can understand why his basic skill set is very strong, amplifying AoE damage, utility damage/heal, HUGE AoE slows to disrupt fights.

What makes the ult so good though? Many casters keep saying how significant dropping the 'rock' is. Yet, it is only a 1 second stun for minimum damage which spawns a creep which isn't that fast (sort of mitigated my warlock's slow) that deals mediocre damage.

submitted by /u/knetic-nrg
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Is there a Meta here?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:01 AM PDT

Im coming from League and i would like to learn how to Dota, the thing is that i havent found a META that i can follow In LOL the meta is mostly ( with few exceptions ) Top = Bruisers / Tanks Mid = Mages/Assasins JG = Bruisers/Tanks/Assasins ADC = Range Carry Support = Mages with lots of base damage / Heavy CC- Tanks with CC

What is the META here?

submitted by /u/LovelySenpai
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4k+ players, how do you play terrorblade?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:44 AM PDT

I have played the hero a couple of times recently at 3.5k, needless to say I lost both.First game I had an idiot support, who didn't buy sentry vs weaver, and even though I bought them min 2, he still managed to die a couple of times in lane. I bought pt>iron talon>aquila>drums>manta>bkb and the game was over. I felt like I had 0 impact in the game, just farm, farm, farm then tp to team, get a couple of assists, then farm again, and still didn't manage to turn the game around. Next game had decentish supports, one was afk treant, who would zone the enemy whenever he feels like it, another was undying, who pulled, and helped me to secure fb in lane. I decided to go boots>radiance>travels>manta>bkb>mask(for satanic) and the game was over. I had some impact, but just died to double echo slam in lategame. I feel like I am to blame in both games, as in the first one my item build was not allowing me to farm fast enough and in the second one I was too squishy due to my item choice once again. So what does one build and how does one play to carry the game as terrorblade?

submitted by /u/mkzmch
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League Player with a question about Heroes

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:20 AM PDT

I got into LOL last year through a friend, and hated it. But then I played more and now its the only MOBA I play. Another friend of mine plays a lot of DOTA, and I'm going to pick it up and start playing.

My question for you is, I main Mordekaiser in league(for those of you that are familiar with league champs) is there anyone in DOTA that has a similar theme and style? I just want to be the big bad raid boss, that can 1 shot people if I ever get my hands on them.

submitted by /u/GlueMaker
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Ability Build on Legion Commander

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:10 AM PDT

I was wondering what the optimal build is for a jungling Legion Commadner. I played a game as her last night and decided to go with maxing moment of courage followed by press the attack before maxing out my Overwhelming odds (i did put one point in overwhelming odds at level 7 however) once someone realised i was doing this i was flamed in chat cause apparently i should have been maxing overwhelming odds first.

I was wondering what the opinions of others was on this. My thoughts were that i don't have the mana sustain to kill jungle camps with OO so i should wait to start putting points into it until teamfights start happening. I am however fairly inexperienced on this hero so it's quite possible im playing her wrong.

submitted by /u/basically_armin
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Supporting in Solo Ranked

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:40 AM PDT

I play position 5 support, I do my job by harassing, warding, stacking, pulling and everything in between I need to do. However, no matter how well I do my job, the game revolves around the cores to win. I am roughly 1k MMR, the highest MMR on the enemy team was 1.3k MMR. Should I just play core in solo ranked, because I'm just bored of losing because of my own cores no matter how well I do.

As an example, I shallow graved a dying Ursa, who turned around and started trying to kill a half hp bristleback, who just took it, waited for the grave to wear off and pressed W.

I love supporting but can't do this much longer for fear I'll delete dota. I know I can improve myself, but no matter what I don't know how much that will do.

My DOTABUFF, the recent match is the Ursa who is in my example.

submitted by /u/pyrocyre
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I'm coming from league looking for a hero similar to Yasuo

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:28 AM PDT

Hi im new to dota 2 and i want to try and play it alot, im kinda wondering if there is a champ similar to Yasuo? I'l describe him as much as i can


  • Manaless harass
  • Double crit chance passive
  • Free shield by just walking to lane
  • Ignore 50% armor with crits after ult for 15 secs
  • Mobile and slippery asf
  • Wind wall that can block literally any skillshot for the 3 second duration also it has no cast time it's just instant cast
  • aoe knockup
  • aoe ult
  • Among the most hated champions in the community (probably is the number one most hated)
  • 2 shots carries with 2 auto attacks if he has 2 crit items
  • late game hypercarry
  • early game bully
  • Manaless (he doesn't use mana at all)
  • when a yasuo is on your team it feels like they are a bunch of boosted apes that doesn't know how to use a mouse but when its on the enemy team it feels like you are playing against a 9000+ mmr player or a challenger player.

he is kinda overloaded if u look at it but he's in the most balanced spot right now currently sitting at a 50.4% winrate although people who has played 100+ games with him has around 60+% winrate

anyways i think dota 2 would be a fun moba and im willing to try it and maybe grind. Anyways have a nice day :)

Edit: also since yas is the most hated champ in league.... Who is the most hated/despised hero in Dota 2?

submitted by /u/galangj012
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about jungle creeps

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:03 AM PDT

do they spawn every 2 mins or something now? (i just started again after taking a break liek 6-7 months and it's exam week here.)

submitted by /u/thefaptard
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How to recover when deathball strats fail?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:12 AM PDT

I love deathball strats. Quick, simple, and very fun to play. I'd like to ask what happens when the Deathball strats fail to deathball? I watched the EG vs Wings Game yesterday where despite Wings being able to take towers and "deathball", it failed. Why? Is it the lack of late game carries? I feel that that's it. Was there anything Wings could've done to hold on and actually win?

And another game for reference would be TI6, Wings vs EG (again coincidentally) upper bracket game 1, if the Wings lineup failed to deathball, was there no room for comebacks with that?

submitted by /u/xMatteyoLITA
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How to deal with feeders?

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:18 PM PDT

In the sub 2k range lately, I seem to being getting a shit load of feeders. In my most recent game, our lina looked at the picks, then got super toxic and started feeding. We really could have won if she played and I'm just wondering if there's anyway to deal with these people who think being an asshole makes them skilled at dota.

submitted by /u/Dycrno
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Improving Micro

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:24 AM PDT

Just come back to DOTA and I'm wanting to improve my micro as I generally play heroes such as Enigma, Lone Druid, Antimage, Lycan. Just watched a video where a guy was using the unified orders command rather than control groups and it looked a lot smoother than using groups. I generally use control groups 'A' for hero, 'S' for all other units and 'D' for all units. What is the most efficient way of controlling all your units simultaneously?

submitted by /u/strixdota
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