Heroes of the Storm - As we welcome Heroes 2.0, let us also acknowledge some bugs that are still in Heroes since 2014

As we welcome Heroes 2.0, let us also acknowledge some bugs that are still in Heroes since 2014

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 10:34 AM PDT

The following bugs have been in HotS since 2014:

  • Nazeebo's Q ability, Corpse Spiders, has created small blue(or red) spiders since March 2014
  • Likewise Abathur's trait Locust Strain has created locusts also since March 2014
  • Zagara's E ability, Infested Drop, spawns roachlings since June 2014
  • Anub'arak's beetles from his passive ability, Scarab Host, have been in the game since October 2014
  • And finally Anub'arak himself is a giant bug and was introduced in October 2014

Please let me know if there are any other bugs that have been in Heroes for a very long time, and I'll add them to the list.

I am aware of other bugs, such as the non-interactive decorative bugs that appear on Sky Temple, and of course the many bugs in the Tomb of the Spider Queen, but those were introduced later. This thread is really all about the very oldest bugs in the game.

submitted by /u/brawlatwork
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What I hope Blizzard will do for the next few announcements

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 11:29 AM PDT

Made this yesterday while waiting for the EU release

On a side note: Honestly the outcry towards D.Va yesterday was ridiculous. I think the Cinematic was pretty cool and I'm excited to test out D.Va in HotS :)

Edit: Typo

Edit 2: Wow my first gold :D Thank you for that :)

submitted by /u/Sir-Tackington
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HeroStorm 2.0 Cartoon

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:05 AM PDT

The loadout system comes with its share of clutter. Please let us default to viewing "owned" aesthetic items.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 11:13 AM PDT

Now that all skin tints and mount variations have been decoupled from their original, it means the loadout screen can be cluttered up and show significantly less per screen than the old skin/mount system (in QM and during drafts). If we could default to owned in these situations it would really help visualize our choices more clearly.

submitted by /u/TheNookle
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Thanks to 2.0 i'm seeing more skins in one day than within past 6 months..

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:43 AM PDT

Have to say, Blizzard has done a great job with 2.0 and loot/skins etc. rewamp. Game has much more variety now when people are playing different skins and mounts.

submitted by /u/eShelobik
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I'm a new HotS player, and I'm really impressed with Tracer's mechanics.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:08 AM PDT

I've put years into League, so I decided with the big hero dump to give this a try. First off: loving it so far, totally loving it. Raynor was a quick favorite as he was the first I tried, and I love me some StarCraft. But since I'm in co-ops vs AI to get a feel for the game, I tried out Tracer on a whim since I wanted to know why she was labeled as "hard".

I was NOT expecting anything that I got. The adaptation of her abilities from Overwatch, the ammo counter in place of mana (and the counter in the bottom right, such a cool detail), the fact that she can attack AND move but only if you maintain enough of a range to offset it... I'm really, really impressed.

You couldn't see a Champion in LoL like this, at all. Not to mention that Riot would NEVER do these Hero Bundles, which I gotta give mad props to Blizzard for. I'm aiming for a long haul in this MOBA, and I'm really excited to get into the meat of things once I'm out of co-ops and into unranked and ranked. So, to end with, hello new friends! I'm excited to learn and play!

EDIT: Holy SHIT, this blew up! Thank you all for the incredibly warm reception; you guys show that this community is already considerably less toxic than that of League of Legends. Let's go get some Hearthstones!

submitted by /u/TravisKilgannon
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Here, take this new wallpaper...

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:49 PM PDT

To the new players coming from League of Legends...

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:57 AM PDT

I've created a simple infographic helping you to find a hero in HotS with mechanics/theme/playstyle similar to the one you enjoyed in LoL.

LoL to HotS support hero picker

I started with support, since it's my main role in both LoL and HotS. However, if there's enough interest, I will create similar ones for other roles.

Edit: I'm preparing next version with the remaining roles and incorporating suggestions for the support sheet, if you wanna help out with the hero suggestions, PM me!

submitted by /u/reizuki
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The best thing about 2.0 is that some of the skins I've unlocked make me want to play heroes I've not touched in ages

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 01:45 AM PDT

Azmodunk and Cheerleader Kerrigan, I'm looking at you!

submitted by /u/KeepingItPolite
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I analyzed over 1,000,000 reddit Comments to Discover the Top Requested Heroes

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:16 PM PDT

Greetings, friends!

I'm back with another analysis. This time, I'm interested in figuring out which Blizzard character this subreddit wants to see implemented in Heroes of the Storm.

The full code can be found here.



There is an entire dataset of reddit comments on Google BigQuery (thanks to /u/Stuck_In_The_Matrix for the compilation--I can't praise this amazing work enough, it's fantastic data). I filtered this data based on subreddit, and downloaded all comments/posts from /r/heroesofthestorm.

Due to the size of the data, I selected comments only from 06/2015 (release date) to 02/2017 (the most recent month at the time of downloading). As a result, this analysis is by no means exhaustive.

Next, thanks to dedication of /u/ThunderIrl, I obtained a list of many Blizzard characters from all the franchises. Then, it was a matter of removing certain characters that had overlap with HotS or numerous franchises (eg: Immortal, druid, etc).


After I had the character list, I then processed the entire /r/heroesofthestorm corpus and found the frequency of words used. I then filtered the frequency tabulation to include only characters within the character list.



The subreddit wants their Kel'thuzad! Garrosh, Grom, and Deathwing are other top contenders. I was pleased to see Leeroy Jenkins with frequent mentions.


Fenix bulldozes his way to the top of the StarCraft list. Overmind and Stukov come in the top 3, too.


Mephisto reigns over the Diablo characters. But Deckard Cain and Imperious want their spot in the sun, too. Perhaps Blizzard will stay awhile and listen for the heroes /r/heroesofthestorm wants?


A bit of caution. Since Overwatch was released after Heroes of the Storm, there is presumably much less talk of Overwatch heroes compared to other franchises due to the date range encapsulated by the data.

That being said, it looks like Mercy tops this one (likely due to commenters using mercy the word). This brings about a caveat I'd like to address. This analysis only counts the number of times a character is mentioned. It isn't taking into consideration the number of upvotes comments with that character has, or replies to those comments that don't mention the character (eg: "I totally think he should be in HotS! That'd be awesome. Blizz plz."). I left Mercy in to address this. Her frequency is insanely higher than the other characters for this reason.

Winston, Zenyatta, and Stitches Roadhog top the list otherwise.


Hearthstone doesn't have many unique characters, but of the ones it does have, Innkeeper takes the cake for number of mentions followed by Indiana Jones Reno Jackson.

Blizzard Classic

There isn't much here. On top of only having two characters in the list, there's the sticky situation of what to call the Rock 'N Roll racer. Some people mention the game without a specific character, others exclude the apostrophe or put it in different spots. I settled on calling it Racer for simplicity.

Blackthorne gets a sizable amount of mentions. Plus, The Lost Vikings are getting pretty lonely in their universe category...you know what to do, Blizzard.

Overall mentions

Finally, we have our top 10 most sought-after heroes. Coming in first is...



Users are eager to see the Steward of the Templar roll into battle in Heroes of the Storm! I assume if I included recent comments, Deathwing and Kel'thuzad would be higher up.

Please feel free to ask questions in the comments. I'm always looking for more data to analyze, too! I am hoping to do much more with this dataset in the future!

EDIT: Thanks for all the positive feedback, everyone! As users have pointed out in the comments, there are many characters missing from the spreadsheet I used. For instance, Malthael had 777 mentions, making him the top Diablo character. Reinhardt was misspelled in the spreadsheet (he had 321 mentions). The spreadsheet is by no means exhaustive, so if you're curious as to the frequency of a specific character, leave a comment and I'll do my best to reply with a manual search.

If people are interested in updated bar charts, I can provide those as well!

submitted by /u/hots_data_guy
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HotS in 30 years

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 07:48 AM PDT

The year is 2046, Dustin Bowder II is now game director of Champions of the Tempest (the HotS had to be sold to Blizzard South after the great schism in 2035, that saw the game company split in two after a big fight over wether or not Hearthstone should finally nerf Shamans in Hearthstone, some saying they should wait for more data, others saying 20 years were enough).

Dustin II enters the office and salutes his father's full size statue sitting on a rock. Old Alan greets him, asks him if he's ready for the 2.0, Dustin smiles at the old man, shakes his head a bit, feeling sorry for his old mentor gone crazy while trying to find a way to fit Deathwing in the game. He quickly passes by the map designing team, that seeks to have his feedback on the latest map: a 7 lanes map happening on three different levels, Hell, Sanctuary and Heaven, where you have to replay the last Diablo game to date's campaign, where players ended up killing Malthael, to capture an objective that allows you to battle the enemy team in a 3D chess best of three contest. Dustin scratches his head, asks them if this isn't a tad too complex, but one of the designers quickly reassures him, after the Rubix Cube map where players had to rearrange the famous cube by killing creeps on a lane to rotate it, players should feel ready for this one.

Dustin finally reaches his desk. He sits down, breathes a bit before starting to work and looks through his office's window: the Overwatch theme park built next to Blizzard West's HQ is doing well. Doomfist's arrival in Overwatch last year helped the park going through the difficult past decades, after its creation back in 2018. Dustin logs in and replies to his emails. Khaldor's retirement home has agreed to drive him to the HQ for the CotT 11.0 event, "great news" thinks Dustin II, smiling at the thought of his favorite caster so bald now that his hair has grown reverse to become a full lenght mane. The development team sends their final draft for Terokk, with the Q&A team in copy, apparently the internal tests were great, with one of his ultimate found to be winning 30% less than the other, which will help players prove themselves that they can choose correctly. He then takes a bit of a break, and goes to browse reddit. He finds a thread on the CotT sub asking when will the API for stats be released, laughs and posts "soon", and out of curiosity goes to check that HotSlogs website to see by himself what's the big deal. Fifteen seconds later, his computer is on fire and Dustin II has to trigger the fire alarm.

The team gathers and calmly evacuates the building. On his way out, he sees his father in his wheelchair now, pushed by old Alan. He waves at him, and talks to him a little. How are things, he asks, pretty good son, his father answers. I've been assigned to an unannounced project, he says with a spark of excitement in his eye. Dustin II smiles at his dad, a bitter sweet smile, for he knows that this is where old Blizzard employee are sent, the "unannounced projects" as they say with air quotation marks. They give them development tools and let them create stuff to make them feel important; they even almost created something for real once, they called it "Titan". He gestures Alan to let him push his father a little further and he tries to appreciate the calm scenery between OverPark and the cries from the Pharrah Sky Jump and the building now burning down behind them.

In a moment of clarity, Dustin senior puts his hand on his son's and looks him in the eyes. Son, he says, I know we're not really doing anything down there on that project, you know. But you're my pride, I know you've taken the mantle, and that you're doing his best. Dustin junior hugs his father's hand, don't talk like that he says, and after all, you've shown us the way, he adds. His father seems happy for a moment, and closes his eyes. But he reopens then quickly, as if suddenly remembering something. Tell me something, junior, he starts, tell me you've released him. Junior tries to look away, but his father is now squeezing his hand. Tell me you did ! But Dustin II refuses to answer, he looks away, searching for an answer in the distant landscape. No, he whispers, to his father's now gaping in horor's mouth. No, father, Kel'Thuzad is still not ready.

submitted by /u/yoshi570
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Loving 2.0 so far, but new "pick a talent" effect lack visibility

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:20 AM PDT

After playing few games I've catched myself not picking talent at level up, because new effect has so low visibility compared to old, so I often am like "hey, its 9 already and I didn't pick third talent yet".

I know there are voice reminders as well, but in chaotic fights it's hard to hear them. Some more visibility? Just a little? :/

submitted by /u/Kojiro2561
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No automatic talent reveal when leveling up

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:46 AM PDT

Not sure if this is the place to ask this but anyone know how I can fix this? Whenever I reach a level where I get to pick a skill talent 4-7-10-13-16-20 it doesn't automatically give me the option to choose and opts me to manually hold control or click to navigate to the talent selection. It has never happened before 2.0 and is rather annoying.

submitted by /u/Juxtaposee
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Heroes of the Storm subreddit has had its biggest day of growth ever, beating launch day even by 50%!

Posted: 25 Apr 2017 11:00 PM PDT

In case you don't know yet, the default key for the new action wheel (for sprays & voice lines) is "X".

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 11:29 AM PDT

Sharing for the other people couldn't find it either.

EDIT: If you want direct shortcuts, it's "i" for the voice line, "t" for sprays and "y" for taunts/dances.

submitted by /u/quietrepentance
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We need less heroes, more villains.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:53 PM PDT

I for one, am tired of being the goody-two-shoes hero. I care little for saving the undeserving world. I want to dominate/destroy/burn/ravage/consume/COLLECT ESSENCE and I really don't want to be denied when I'm doing so.

Quite frankly, there's actually been far too many heroes added and barely any villains. There's a plethora of villains in Starcraft, Diablo and Warcraft. They're always the ones we've killed or beaten, but never had the chance to play. They're the characters that are by far the most fun to play, because in HotS you get to play them for (often but not always) the first time.

So come on Blizzard, give us an evil event. Give the villains something to be happy about. Especially Arthas who keeps getting brutalized in every trailer, he needs some success in his life.

submitted by /u/Dreamlicker
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Guide Collection for New and Returning players

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:17 AM PDT

Welcome to the game!

I try to share this information with new players as much as possible, but it probably deserves it's own thread. The guide collection here includes hero guides, maps, and general tips that can help you get started. Included are the guides and tips below:

submitted by /u/karazax
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Does playing Abathur make anyone else really happy?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 09:35 AM PDT

Abathur is quickly becoming one of my favorite heroes. He's just so positive and generous. Practically does nothing at all at one hero you drop him on the map and that chill ass motherfucker gives you hats to buff teammates with. And you also get these adorable little locusts that can ping things but usually is too harmless to be cleared. But more than the Abathur is just so positive. It comes on the team like "you. improved." and I'm like "yeah aba i sure as hell am improved let's do this shit" and when he attacks he's like SLAP SLAP SLAP and I'm like "hell yeah you fuckin slap em" He doesn't say some bullshit macho shit like "FEEL THE HATRED OF TEN THOUSAND YEARS" he's just like "symbiote not bug hat." And it looks so happy(?) I mean this is a slug literally poopin little bugs into lane. He understands it's life is a temporary magical gift and the dude is just fucking loving it. I mean look at his face he's just so happy. I think. I am literally never sad when Abathur is on my team. IDK if he's gonna make it into the metagame or not but for now he (or she) a pretty chill hero

EDIT: this shitty copypasta is officially my most upvoted post of all time.

submitted by /u/technoManipulator
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Happy 150k subs, everyone!

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 05:06 PM PDT

I'm happy to have been a part of this community as it grows. Here's to 50k more!

submitted by /u/decrepit
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The biggest and most beautiful surprise of 2.0 - The Celestial Steed Mount

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:13 PM PDT

No one mentioned it anywhere, since I guess no one knew, right?
Just look at it: http://imgur.com/a/ZjSIY

Turns out when you go to the gem shop, and purchase any package of gems, you get this beauty. It's utterly stunning, and for once I feel semi satisfied for not getting my Reigns of Azure Cloud Serpent from the never-ending Elegon farm.
Looks stellar on Love Goddess Tyrande. <3

submitted by /u/VibezPL
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Loving 2.0, but as someone who is colourblind, you're killing me Blizz.

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 03:02 AM PDT

This isn't one of the hate on HoTS 2.0 because it's not what I wanted post, I love the new market system as it allowed me to get everything I have always wanted immediately and rewarded me for playing since launch. What I'm not happy about is the fact that once again people like myself who are colourblind are getting shafted by Blizzard.

I can't tell what people's levels are because I can't differentiate the colours of the borders most of the time. All I see is a coloured border and "42." So what does that mean? Is this guy level 42 and I'll need to play harder to carry? Is this guy 942 and is going to make my game an easy win? I don't know!

It's a minor gripe, but still an important one for me. I get the majority won't have this problem, but as someone who loves this game, a toggle to show the full player level would be swell.

submitted by /u/kellyjelly11
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So did anyone else spend the first day of 2.0 just playing dress up?

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 12:53 AM PDT

Admittedly, I didn't have a ton of time to play Heroes yesterday. But after opening all my lootboxes, I was surprised just how much fun I then had color coordinating and making outfits... err, I mean LOADOUTS for all my dolls. I mean action figures. Shit, I mean heroes.

Props Blizzard. You got me to spend a whole day playing dress up with my Blizzard Barbies. And I loved it lol.

(And let me tell you, my new Star Queen Li Ming looks FABULOUS)

submitted by /u/Panjander
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Prime Evil Diablo's Mount is Horrifying

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:02 AM PDT

So I had only seen the model for Prime Evil Diablo and none of the animations prior to last night. Got lucky and unlocked it yesterday and decided to give it a go. Holy crap, the crawling animation while mounted is terrifying! I was expecting the giant gallop and got sneaky peaky black evil. Anyone else surprised by that?

EDIT: Someone below asked for a picture. I'm at work, but here's someone using the skin and you can see it right at the beginning of the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vREjsPOCcQY

submitted by /u/Allignment
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Let us change sprays/banners/announcer for all heroes in one click

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 06:18 AM PDT

It's nice to be able to micromanage this, but changing voicepacks, banners and sprays for every single hero is tedious. Especially when you use the same item 90% of the time.

submitted by /u/PoIiticallylncorrect
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The new cinematic perfectly encapsulated the feeling of playing Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 26 Apr 2017 02:37 AM PDT

The fact that Diablo was solo lane destroying buildings without his team and getting ganked by 2 people makes me see that blizzard truly knows what it feels like to play HotS

Edit: I just realized he also used his ult (lightning breath) on buildings...

submitted by /u/38dedo
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