Hearthstone - Let's get the Hearthstone symbol on r/place! Here's the reference image and planned co-ordinates.

Let's get the Hearthstone symbol on r/place! Here's the reference image and planned co-ordinates.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 02:23 PM PDT

Here's the planned final product.

Thanks r/theexpanse for the extra placers!

Get to work at 807, 796. I've put the first pixel down.

DON'T FORGET TO REFRESH THE PAGE BEFORE PLACING A PIXEL! Otherwise you may place on something that actually has already been filled out by another one of us, and that's a waste if ever I've seen one.

I have a habit of frequently making little updates on this post, so it might be wise to refresh it periodically.

Edit: Let none stand in our way! Hold your ground against the invaders! We've earned this territory, and it took long enough to get.

Edit 2: Good work team! Any more ambitions? I see the "477," very neat. I'm not sure we can fit "r/hearthstone" under it without infringing on others.

submitted by /u/Metalsofa317
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I just hope for one thing after Un'Goro releases - if something is super broken, Blizzard, please do NOT wait months to fix it.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:25 AM PDT

i.e. I do not want to experience everyone get smashed by a zerg of 3/2's and lose games by turn 6 to Rexxar because the Marsh Queen is completely batshit broken and they are like "oh we should wait for 5 more months to see if they come up with a counter."

Pirate Warrior and Aggro Shaman both SUCKED.

What's enjoyable in this game is the ability to play more and diverse cards, not dying on Turn 5 nor be spammed by 7/7 and 8/8 jades from a 2 cost card. It's OKAY if you need to change cards. We want to enjoy your game too. Please assess the healthiness of the meta.

submitted by /u/minuswhale
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Golden silences should turn golden cards normal

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 06:40 PM PDT

It would tilt me even further than silence already does.

Edit: Golden purify should make your cards golden. Blizzard, I'm ready to be hired now.

submitted by /u/qdefrank
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How Cute is Un'Goro?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:01 AM PDT

I've made a chart showing off all the "Cute" cards over the years.


As you can see, Un'Goro has twice as many cute cards than GvG. You can see some poor showcases in the Basic Set and Naxxramas.

Now, I understand that what I define as "cute" may be different to you. However I think I have been very fair here. If you happen to have a case as to why some other card or token deserves to be on the list, please to give a reasoning and I will happily update if said card deserves it. I simply may have missed a few tokens while making this, so sorry if I've forgotten any. I only chose ones that were memorable.

P.S. Some cards could have made the list if you think Cute could apply to what people might call Cute Girls, like Gnomish Inventor or Aya Blackpaw. I however do not classify those cards as cute in the way a Tabbycat or Whelp are cute.

Edit - Here is the Stone Elemental from Invocation of Earth thanks to /u/TwoBiers - http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/55597-stone-elemental

submitted by /u/Ender_Melons
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Confirmed: Lifecoach invites to the first "Journey to Un'Goro" tournament

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:05 AM PDT

Hearthstone is getting it's 9th expansion could it be time for a collection revamp

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:44 AM PDT

It might not be need to so important for standard players, but it sure would be nice for people with a bigger collection in wild. Things I would love to see:

  • possibility to reduce the resolution of cards in collection. When you're looking through a lot of cards with a slow HDD it can be painfully slow.

  • More cards per page, generally it's not a big deal, but it can feel like reading a book with a telescope from near

  • Custom filters that you can save. It would be nice to sort out weak an d out of meta cards and see all cards that special the same way(like aggro, draw, tech, heal control etc.)

  • Not have a maximum card limit. It would be cool to be able to put in every card that you want in your deck and later on take out the things you don't need.

(Less important: A redo button, special Auto deck filling and official deck building button: so the game don't have to ask it whenever you make a new deck or leave one unfinished )

submitted by /u/Koltaia30
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I just found the guy who plays an Arcane Golem thinking it still has Charge

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:27 AM PDT

I was taking N'Zoth Mill Rogue for a spin in Wild at Rank 25. On turn 4, this guy has an Argent Squire out, and I drop a Doomsayer to make the way for Belcher on turn 5.

Then, something very strange happened. He Backstabs the Doomsayer, hits it with the Argent Squire, and then slams down an Arcane Golem. Then he pauses. The confusion is palpable.

"Mistakes were made."

Pass turn.

Who knows. Maybe Blizzard was right about some of their players after all.

submitted by /u/Arensen
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Journey to Un'Goro Set Reviews by Various Pro Players and Streamers

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:45 AM PDT

Admirable (feat. Sottle and Raven)

Amaz (Arena-only)

Chakki (feat. Muzzy and Th3rat)




Forsen (warning - cancer music/ear rape included)



Hafu (Arena-only)









Rdu (feat. Loldajoe and Lothar)


Sintolol (feat. Nicslay, Eloise, Fenomeno, and Tic Tac)

Sjow (feat. Fenomeno)




If I missed anybody - please let me know in the comments and I'll update the post ASAP. Enjoy!

submitted by /u/Fatal1ty_93_RUS
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12 Different Hero Powers in 1 Turn

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:42 PM PDT

This is why they call it miracle rogue.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 08:59 PM PDT

PSA: Track your Un'Goro Pack Openings -- PityTracker will be ready for Un'Goro on April 6

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:03 AM PDT

This is just a friendly reminder that PityTracker will be ready for Un'Goro on April 6, so that you can start tracking your packs straight away.

If you haven't heard about it, pitytracker.com let's you track your pack openings and calculate your pity timers for you, so that you will know when to expect your next Legendary or Epic.

submitted by /u/spoqster
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What old cards will get stronger with Un'goro?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:32 AM PDT

With 135 powerful new cards shaking up the metagame, the question is not only how these cards will form and shape new decks, but also if there are old cards that will see a significant resurgence in play. I'll lead by example with some educated guesses.

Dirty Rat & BGH: These two guys could become partners in crim in countering quests. Just wait until your opponent completes his quest, exhausting most of his resources - and then you rat out his 5 mana 8/8 and immidiately have the beast in your sights, nullyfiying his reward. While this is the dream scenario both of these cards should be effective on their own.

N'Zoth: No more mass polymorph from Kazookus, instead there is Spiritsinger Umbra and the Priest Quest. The Corruptor should be back.

Spare Parts: In Wild, cards that give you spare parts, such as clockwork gnome, could be very helpful at completing the mage and the pally quest in a very convenient fashion.

What cards would you guys add to the list?

submitted by /u/Herr_Bert
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Kripp's dog vs Secret Paladin

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 11:14 PM PDT

Oh boy, I finally drafted a legendary! Oh wait...

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 05:58 PM PDT


Arena is fun

Oh yeah, and if you were wondering I picked mayor for the memes, but it was a close pick between him and Acidmaw

submitted by /u/quillife
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My roommate's arena draft, three cards in

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 10:52 PM PDT

He walks into my room and says "You should check out my draft." This is what I see.


Meanwhile, I'm over here with Greater Arcane Missiles feelsbadman

E: He's insane, guys

submitted by /u/Arsketeer_
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Interesting interaction between Majordomo Executus and Knuckles

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:48 AM PDT

My opponent played Prince Malchezaar and got Majordomo Executus off of him, and I had a big board, with Knuckles among other things. I was going to just attack for lethal randomly, but then I decided I'd test out what happens if Executus and the opponent both die at the same time.

So I got both my opponent and executus to 1 HP, and attacked Executus with Knuckles.

Result: Executus died, triggering his deathrattle, replacing the hero (who is now at -2 HP) with a 8 HP Ragnaros, who then promptly exploded.

Apparently, the fact you got a hero below 1 HP at some point is enough.

Just wanted to share, because it's an interaction that is very rare, so I found it pretty interesting. I honestly expected the game would continue, because my opponent's health count got reset, but I guess if you're dead, you're dead. TIL.

Edit: Example of a very similar moment, but with C'Thun killing both targets instead of Knuckles. The idea is the same tho: https://youtu.be/EzzMTBKs5Ck?t=103 (credit to u/PepperSlicer for the link)

submitted by /u/sunnyhvar1992
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Honest Un'Goro cards

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 09:48 PM PDT

Journey to Un'Goro may not be out yet, but the cards already look promising!

submitted by /u/Topokad
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Most expansions I know which type of archetype I will try first, but this expansion I have no idea.

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:29 PM PDT

So many of the quests seem really fun to play with, mate and rogue in particular. I also like the idea of winning games with galvadon or the beast hero power for hunter. This really is the first expansion where I don know what legendary I'm going to craft first.

submitted by /u/IconicNova
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"The Marsh Queen" Deckbuilding Simulator

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:14 AM PDT

Here is a simulator I found of the odds of fulfilling the quest by "x" turn based on how many 1-drops you have and specific cards that affect the rate at which you finish it (Fire Flies, Small Raptors, Tol'vir Wardens).

Seems like you can consistently finish the quest by Turn 4/5. Cards like Fire Flies actually give you two 1 drops as well. You might even run Patches (even though it doesn't count) as a deck thinner and for the power. No more Reno means your damage will stick and your hero power gives you reach.

So my own deck right now I'm thinking of running is 25x 1-drops, 2x Tracking, 2x Tol'vir Wardens, and 1x The Marsh Queen. That is a 43.26% chance of finishing by Turn 4 and a 74.44% chance of finishing the quest by Turn 5. I could improve the rate by factoring in mulliganing for Fire Flies and the Coin might change the odds too.

submitted by /u/cgmcnama
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Prediction: paladin will be great in ungoro with a surprise card

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:10 AM PDT

Paladins quest is kind of insane as you guys know, the reward will basically win you the game. But how do you get there? Well with a card many people will probably overlook:

Emerald Hive Queen ( 1 mana- 2/3- your minions cost 2 more )http://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/55575-emerald-hive-queen


Because you will play this turn 1 and then the quest turn 2 together with a 1 mana buff on the queen ( adaptation, blessing of might, divine strength ). This will be insane in the new meta because if you look at probably the most aggressive deck: hunter. They will turn 1 quest and then turn 2 play one drops, but paladin will already be on board with an insane 1 drop which is even buffed!!! The tempo will be insane. Together with the absolute insanity that the reward is this midrange deck wil I think be tier 2 or even 1.

submitted by /u/doritos10
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Is [[Stubborn Gastropod]] by any chance a reference to the super intelligent/millionaire snail from ask reddit that wants to kill you?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:57 AM PDT

Thread from ask reddit :


I mean it is a snail that kills any minion it touches, and the fact that he is stubborn can represent the permanent crawl towards you right? Or maybe I am just overthinking this and need to spend less time on reddit...

submitted by /u/TinySpectrum
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Vicious Syndicate: Journey to Un'Goro Card Preview Poll

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:22 AM PDT


Next week, Hearthstone will see the biggest shake up yet with the release of Journey of Un'Goro, The Year of the Mammoth and the new Hall of Fame rotations. All of this means that the new cards will have a tremendous impact on the standard ladder Meta.

What cards will be meta defining staples for the next two years? Just how good are these elementals? Which class quest is the best one?

Give your opinion in our pre-expansion poll for STANDARD LADDER

* 5: Meta defining (Build around card, or a card that will be a staple across various decks) * 4: Very strong (Strong card that will definitely see play) * 3: Decent (Has potential to see play, decent) * 2: Weak (Situational, niche, doubtful playability) * 1: Terrible (Unplayable, will not see the light of day) 

You don't have to rate all the cards as all the questions are randomized, but feel free to do so anyway.

Poll Results

Results (Sheet)

While we do these polls mostly for fun, it gives us the opportunity to look at how the community evaluates cards and identify factors that cause them to be overrated or underrated. As long as interest continues, we will do them for each upcoming expansion. Over time, this will give us a good frame of reference and allow for an intriguing look into the past and how cards were evaluated at the time of their release.

Previous polls

Year of the Mammoth Rotation Poll A few weeks ago, we put up polls to rate the cards rotating out of standard with the Year of the Mammoth. Which cards of 2015 did the community rate the highest? What expansion had the highest card quality? Find out on this google sheet where we compiled all the poll results.

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Pre-Release Poll Before the launch of MSG, the community passed over 8000 votes on the then unreleased cards. How do the ratings hold up? Find out on this google sheet or on the form results page.

Thank you for participating!

The Vicious Syndicate Team

submitted by /u/ViciousSyndicate
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Infographic: Hearthstone Trinity Series

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:58 AM PDT

I made a chart for Time Warp Giants Combo

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:54 AM PDT

Approved by @bbrode himself, here is Hearthstone Lore for the Uninitiated: The Hogchoppers!

Posted: 01 Apr 2017 07:17 PM PDT

With Pirates finally gone, this is the card that Un'Goro is missing

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:48 AM PDT

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