Guild Wars 2 - UI Suggestion for Map Bonus Rewards

UI Suggestion for Map Bonus Rewards

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:04 AM PDT

I made an UI Suggestion for Map Bonus Rewards. Basically it is like seeing your progress for WvW/PvP reward tracks. (Coincidentally one full cycle of map bonuses takes 40 steps, just like a reward track).

Right now you can only see the next map bonus reward but not the amount of items you'd get. I suggest we see the next reward when hovering over the mini map, just like in WvW.

This could encourage people to do more events on one map if they see they are close to certain rewards. I for one wondered for a long time why I suddenly got 10 of a certain item in my inventory all of a sudden because I didn't know they came from map bonuses.

submitted by /u/kurururu
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WvW Community Pick-up Games TODAY in 30m

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:26 PM PDT


The WvW community is hosting friendly pick-up games today in 30m from this post!

These are scrimmages set in the guild hall, open to any player interested in learning and practicing guild vs guild combat in a positive environment. This is our third such event, held bimonthly on Sundays at 5PM EST. You can read more about it here:

Come stop by if you're interested in trying something new :)

Discord server for voice comms:

submitted by /u/gw2pickupgames2
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So sitting animations DO exist!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:04 PM PDT

Eddit: How big are those mugs on the table!?

submitted by /u/Wolftail18
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What infuriates THE MOST on SAB tribulation mode..

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:03 AM PDT

I mean, come on, i was already like at the halfway of W2Z2 :C

i want to throw my PC through the window

Edit: I wish ANet made a way like in GW1 to get back to your own instances after DC, or reverted buying trib tokens. I want to get blue aura, but with those DC's it'll be painful.

submitted by /u/Evangeder
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New Artworks / Announcing Upcoming Gem Giveaway

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:12 AM PDT

Hey everyone,
Today I'd like to share some artworks that stacked up over the last months with you. Please find them here:


About the giveaway:
I had the great joy to paint a piece for for their upcoming WvW article (a game mode that is often overlooked for the wrong reasons, I personally find). The giveaway, which will include some yummy gems, with the article will air next week. To enter you will need your coolest screenshot of your character in WvW, so use that week to find the best spot to show off your WvW talents.


If you send in the coolest screenshot I've ever seen I might come to your house and paint you a thing or two.

submitted by /u/Vasburg
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[SAB] New record W1Z3 tribulation (2:54)

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:42 AM PDT

edit : New record 2:46, my execution is not as good as Torvargent and we've the same time until last checkoint, but the Toad is doing one more attack in his video.


I found 2 new shortcuts and wanted to see how much time I could gain. The run is not perfect and I think I could have gained several seconds with the same route.

First shortcut (@0:33) already known

Second shortcut (@1:45) dont gain much time, but is really easy to do.

submitted by /u/zorkroz
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Tribulation Poem

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:56 AM PDT

One Two Three DC

submitted by /u/Lovefully-kun
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Super Cloud - Do I really have to buy them one at a time?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:09 PM PDT

^ As the title says. I hope I'm just missing something obvious. Otherwise, RIP my mouse.

submitted by /u/JaminBorn
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Beating SAB tribulation mode on 250ping send help

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:14 PM PDT

Hi all Australian player here. As some of you may know we auzzies get the luxury of playing guild wars at 200-300 ping at all times. Now usually this isnt much of a problem and even where it is a problem ot usually isnt that big of a deal. BUT for super adventure box its a REALLY BIG DEAL. All i want are the new boom boxes. Im kinda bummed out that i can get them because tribulation mode is way harder when you have less than a second to react to stuff thats already hit you. What can i do? I dont care about the skins or anything i just want those boom boxes.

submitted by /u/jtedi
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Xaina's Hero Points Tour is back [EU]

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:35 AM PDT

It's a nice sunday and I'd like to have some fun time with you guys. It's been almost half of a year since last run but the fastest HP Run returns.

You bring:

  • [&BN4HAAA=]
  • Gliding #2
  • Itzel #1
  • Swiftness, Blink, Stability, Aegis, ...

I bring:

  • Mesmer portals
  • 330 Hero Points in ~90 minutes

Type in '/sqjoin Xainas Hp Tour' in chat at 12.00 CEST today.

PM ingame me for joining our HP Tour guild.

submitted by /u/europaea
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Rock glove symbol in world 2-2?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:07 PM PDT

Any ideas on how to get through this door? My guildies are stumped. I see a little jug in that room. Wonder what's in it.

Dulfy says you can't open it.

submitted by /u/Liar_Lucky
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Hidden player and location in charrio Kart!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:09 AM PDT

If you go to about and press the cat a sound will play. You can now select Taimi riding on top of scruffy and go to the inquest base! Picture:

submitted by /u/TsuruWhitewing
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I was bored, so I made a draft character roller

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:03 AM PDT

I was stuck on a delayed train on Friday, desperate to get home to play SAB. I killed some time creating a basic random character roller, should you ever need to create a new character but be stuck for ideas.

Right now it gives you every creation option, and offers some name suggestions depending on your race/gender.

I'll chuck in extra features when I can, maybe even mock up some appearance customisation guides and previews.

Edit: Asuran/Charr names are syllable combinations, so they don't always sound sensible. Human/Norn names come from real medieval English text.

Age ranges vary per species, and Sylvari can be aged anywhere from 1~25 years old. Age is provided purely for the RP'ers that might make use of this.

submitted by /u/TheProperDave
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Personal story reward - black lion chest key removed?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:42 PM PDT

So I tried to get some BL chest keys today for completing the story chapters - finished both 6th ("Battle for Claw Island") and 3rd (end of the racial story) but didn't get keys for them at all. I am absolutely positive it is a first time this week for me because I kinda went on hiatus and didn't play much for 2-3 weeks.

Can someone please confirm or deny the personal story rewards nerf? or it is some local bug for me?

submitted by /u/bsandro
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ArenaNets Relation with NCSoft

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:27 PM PDT

What is ANets current relation with NCSoft? I know they are a subsidiary but how much control over their game does ANet have? What freedoms are they given?

Also does anybody know how many employees (that work on the games content) ANet has?

submitted by /u/bobybuilder
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SAB W2Z3 Trib Ice Movement

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:59 AM PDT

I did Trib last year, but this year I am stuck in the room/rink with ice shards, bananas, and blowing stone faces. When I tap in a direction to make a small movement my character dashes into that direction making it difficult to make precise movements. I try hopping around but landings may slide and I might move too slow before the stones wake up from my flute song and blow me into ice shard. I don't remember this being an issue last year. Is this true?

submitted by /u/ebonblood
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Good tips for a new thief user?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:08 AM PDT

I've started playing a month ago and the first character I made was a necromancer got it to level 80 then the patch came... been reading the forums how necromancer is so bad right now. I decided to make and play a thief now, I'm level 63 with it. I run dungeons with my friends for some fun and quick exp, but the thing is I die very fast not like my necromancer and it's getting annoying so much. I was thinking if I die a lot now in dungeons, how much with if I do raids? So I need help or tips to improve my game and die a lot less. Ohhh and I've been checking metabattle for references. Thank you in advance! :)

submitted by /u/chipotlespice
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Has Anet given an official stance on a dodge + jump macro done through the mouse? Especially for SAB?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:21 PM PDT

I use a Razer Naga which has that sort of functionality, and out of curiosity while practicing dodge jumping in SAB Tribulation Mode, I did a quick macro that just presses both at the same time. It's a ton easier to time it than relying on pressing them together as I have difficulty doing both and keeping a steady hand, plus even when I swear I time it right it just doesn't work.

However, it definitely isn't worth getting banned for. Has ArenaNet ever commented on macroing dodge jump? I seem to recall they have but I cannot find the quote. Do other people in our community have any thoughts on it, do other prominent people use them?

submitted by /u/MovieTrailerReply
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