Fallout - My $1 "Please Stand By" mousepad.

My $1 "Please Stand By" mousepad.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 10:52 AM PDT

''Are you tired of not knowing which bunker is the one with the Brotherhood of Steel in it?''

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:04 PM PDT

If so, you might enjoy this Mod http://imgur.com/a/AvRmX Edit: Link to the Mod

submitted by /u/SinisterC
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I've come to realize why I hate vault dweller protagonists.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 09:55 AM PDT

It's because I'm not a vault dweller, and if I am, I'm not fresh out of the box. I, as a player, already have a good understanding about the shit that goes on in the wastes. As a vault dweller protagonist, I just automatically have this odd understanding about everything. I don't need some NPC to explain what X is and why I should be wary of it, I already know. That's why I like playing Fallout 2 & NV. Sure one's a tribal who's never really ventured out but that character isn't clueless to how to survive in the wastes. Sure the courier doesn't remember shit but it's easy to say that the character's memory on how to handle things never actually went away or they kicked back in once the character was in need of the knowledge.

Knowing how to live in the wasteland doesn't mean that your character has to know about the history of any factions or what's going on in a particular area, it just means that character traveled some place new. I'm not saying I hate the games that feature vault dwellers, or that I think the game shouldn't try to inform players on stuff, I just don't like roleplaying as them.

submitted by /u/TarTrap
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What would a Fallout game focused on Scandinavian look like?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 10:03 AM PDT

Denmark, Finland, Island, Norway and Sweden (and maybe Greenland) could make alot of space for wasteland. I don't think the Nordic countries even get mentioned in the fallout franchise. I'd like to hear your ideas. What would be some really cool places to visit? What mutated animal would be there? etc

submitted by /u/MatCraftDK
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whos your favourite companion in fallout 4 and why?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:42 PM PDT

for me, its either valentine or maccready, maccready because he has the same voice actor as mccree from overwatch, and valentine just because hes chill and hacks terminals for me.

submitted by /u/NorthernLieuenant
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Is anyone here willing to record an awkward, terrible cover of the New Vegas main theme?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:30 PM PDT

I'm working on a New Vegas video project (well, it's pretty much done) and haven't been able to get over the idea of a so-shitty-it's-funny version of the main theme to use for the intro. Just the first 30 seconds or so.

I don't do monetization or anything, and all I can really offer back is credit in the video. :/

Apologies to mods and users if this considered bad form to ask here, but I thought of this halfway through making it, and now that it's done aside from an intro, I'm getting disappointed that I don't have the tools or knowledge to do it myself.

You may remember me from Fallout 4: The Uncommonwealth, which I posted here over a year ago. The new one will be along those lines.

submitted by /u/theydeletedme
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Question Regarding 3 Faction Ending Quests [Spoilers?]

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 01:03 PM PDT

Hello. Was looking for a little insight on doing some quests/side quests for the main factions.

I want to go for the three faction ending. I actually like a few of the characters from BOS and RR, so I want to optimize my chances for keeping all alive by the end. I've been using this flow chart as a mini guide:


I see at the bottom there are side quests, which I've yet to do. I'm currently on Molecular Level and before I proceed, I want to be sure of a few things.

1: Side quests- Boston After Dark, Duty after Dishonor etc- Can these be done at any time without pissing off any other faction?

2: If so, do they have to be completed before advancing the main story? Or can I finish the main quest line, get all three factions friendly, and then go back to their side quests after?

3: After the molecular level, I notice it's when the three main branches open up. I know that Undercover Underground can not be completed, but I was curious: To get each of the infiltration quests, do I go speak to max/des/etc as soon as the teleporter is built, or do I wait until I first get into the institute and befriend Father, then go talk to them?

submitted by /u/BalthazaarPlays
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Playing a Lincoln run, what are some must have rules?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 12:50 PM PDT

Hello friends,

Playing an Abe Lincoln themed run of fallout 4, how would he act in the commonwealth? Would he be a railroad man? Or a devout follower of Preston Garvey?

submitted by /u/mralexalex
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Found this stencile in the city

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:20 AM PDT

Looking for F:NV image

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:19 AM PDT

I saw this a while ago and can't find it now but it's an NCR Ranger sitting on stairs, pouring liquor, onto the helmet of a dead individual in power armor. Any help is appreciated!

submitted by /u/InsaneSmile
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Where are the traders in nuchal world

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 01:53 PM PDT

I just started a new cold and I'm completely lost and I need to sell a bunch of stuff so my inventory is us for, yes I know I have a player house in the DLC but I also really want to get some from the traders, hence why I need to sell some things. Any help is appreciated, thank you!

submitted by /u/Sofocls
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Would you want the NCR in the next Fallout Game?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 12:40 AM PDT

Or would you prefer the BoS or something, please let me know! (Edit) So it turns out most people want completely new factions, thanks for the results anyway guys :)

submitted by /u/GremlinPillow
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Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel | Newbie Guide?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 11:26 AM PDT

I'm finishing off Fallout Tactics and wanted to get into Brotherhood of Steel for xbox and ps2. Any tips for a complete noob? I've done some research myself, but I would like to get many points of view rather than rely on a couple of (possibly) opinionated guides.

Yes, I know this game is not great compared to the other titles, but I want to play through it for the sake of completing the fallout franchise.

submitted by /u/Bugeekman
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Does anyone know how to reclaim stolen power armour from raiders?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 08:13 AM PDT

I live in a modded house called sanctuary hot springs which has no settlers. I had five power armour suits outside and I went back and they're all gone does anyone know how to get them back?

submitted by /u/Scooperdoops
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Can we get the NCR in the next fallout

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 04:27 PM PDT

Please Bethesda bring the NCR into the next game. Could we be an actual soldier instead of a hired civilian like you were in New Vegas. Leave your opinion

submitted by /u/IcySmeagol123
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Fallout theme park

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 12:55 PM PDT

What do you guy think about the idea of a Kickstarter campaign for a fallout theme park project?

submitted by /u/John_paradox
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Where to learn how to mod?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:32 AM PDT

Hi, I wanted to know what websites would be best to learn how to make mods or just quest lines for fallout 4? I've seen some YouTube tutorials but they seem far and apart.

This is probably a question that's been asked alot, sorry if I'm breaking any rules

submitted by /u/ZxFalconxZ
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What would have made the Legion a lot more interesting and appealing.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 12:15 AM PDT

So my intention is not to start drama or have another "if only they had time" thread, only to discuss some game design together.

Now broadly speaking the Legion was not particularly fleshed out, but in my opinion the biggest problem was that we really don't get to see what Legion territory looks like. This makes sense as a good chunck of the map is in NCR control, so how would we show what the Legion is capable of?

My answer would be infrastructure. The best way to show how and why the Legion is thriving would be to show legionaries or civilians building roads, houses, fortifications... Incidentally it is also very compatible with the Roman theme of the faction and with Caesar himself, who is an educated individual perfectly aware of what a state such as his Legion would need to survive beyond his life. Furthermore it would give one (big) more reason for why merchants prefer Legion territory to NCR.

So we would have a reall contrast between the NCR and the Legion and would give a reason for the fact that the NCR army coudl't be bothered to even clean up their central command building, let alone rebuild stuff.

In all honesty this is my big issue with the NCR. It's way too stable. Democracies don't perform well during wars and perform even worse in the constant state of total war that the NCR essentially finds itself in and while it is somewhat hinted at during the game, it is not really obvious.

submitted by /u/hexalby
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[REQUESTING] Mod recommendations/essentials - back to F4 after half a year.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 10:07 AM PDT

Howdy, partners.

I've spent half a year away from Fallout 4, begrudgingly deleting it after having the game filled to the brim with mods that were constantly added, removed, updated and changed since release. Although the game was stable, everything was extremely cluttered due to my sloppy NMM usage at the beginning and I basically had to get rid of it to get back ~100 GBs of space for my FNV installation.

t;dr and onto the point: Could any kind soul give me a list of essential, very good quality mods that improve and flesh out the game while staying relatively lore-friendly? I love stuff like Weaponsmith Extended and Armorsmith Extended, I'll certainly use those and UFO4P, but I need recommendations for stuff like new hairstyles, clothing sets for AE, gameplay tweaks and overhauls, more PA customization options, not-useful-but-kinda-neat-new-gadgets/features INI Tweaks to make the game smoother etc, anything that makes the game more immersive and better looking without sacrificing a lot of performance - I've a 980 Ti so everything should be fine on that front. Besides that, I really have no idea about all the neat stuff that came out and researching the Nexus and YT videos just made me collapse with the amount of stuff we've got.

So, if you're willing to help a wastelander out, I'd be mighty glad to hear what any of y'all got to offer!

submitted by /u/TripleFiltered
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Tabletop Ideas

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 09:44 AM PDT

OK, so I'm trying to come up with a tabletop experience for my wife and I that takes place in and around the Spokane area in Washington. What are some vault ideas that might be good, given the population of the area? Just wondering if anyone had any ideas. Thanks!

submitted by /u/CaseyKitten94
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what if you could make a settlement in the glowing sea

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 06:42 PM PDT

imagine, you could have super mutants in a settlement, and they would just constantly be defending against deathclaws and radscorpions

submitted by /u/NorthernLieuenant
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