Destiny - Weekly Reset Thread [2017-04-04]

Weekly Reset Thread [2017-04-04]

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:01 AM PDT

Nightfall: The Nexus

Ishtar Sink, Venus The Vex world-eating machine below the Academy has reawakened. Descend and dismantle the Mind that controls it.


  • Epic - Heavily shielded and highly aggressive enemies appear in great numbers.
  • Arc Burn - Arc Damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Specialist - Special Weapon damage is favored.
  • Juggler - No ammo drops for your equipped weapon.
  • Ironclad - More enemies have shields.

Heroic Strike Playlist


  • Heroic - Enemies appear in greater numbers and are more aggressive.
  • Solar Burn - Solar damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Brawler - Guardian melee damage is greatly increased.
  • Chaff - Player radar is disabled.

Vendor Planetary Material Exchange

Raid Challenge Mode: Vosik

Crucible Playlists:

  • Zone Control
  • Pending Data from Tower...

Challenge of Elders


  • Solar Burn - Solar damage from any source is greatly increased.
  • Trickle - Recharge of abilities is significantly reduced.
  • Precision Kill Bonus - Precision kills are worth more points.
Round Boss Enemy Race
1 Seditious Mind Vex
2 Noru'usk, Servant of Oryx Cabal
3 Sylok, the Defiled Hive


Name Description
Riot Guard Kill Champions in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.
Heavy Hitter Use a Heavy weapon to kill enemies in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.
Fire Fighter Use Solar abilities to kill enemies in Level 41 Prison of Elders or Challenge of the Elders.

Iron Lord Artifacts

Name Primary Talent
Memory of Perun Enemy Guardians with full supers and all enemies with low health are highlighted.
Memory of Timur Melee attacks on minor minions of the Darkness have the chance to temporarily turn the target against its allies.
Memory of Felwinter Lose your super, but gain one extra Grenade and Melee charge, and small boosts to all stats. Orbs grant Melee and Grenade energy.

Shiro-4 Vanguard Scout Bounties

Name Description
Archon's Forge: Shanks Complete Shank encounters in the Archon's Forge.
Archon's Forge: Captains Complete Captain encounters in the Archon's Forge.
Together We Rise Complete Public Events in the Plaguelands.
Archon's Forge: Dregs Complete Dreg encounters in the Archon's Forge.

Titan Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Strike Elite Earn Gold Tier Achieved, Silver Tier Achieved, or Bronze Tier Achieved Medals.
Sunrise Earn a Gold Tier Achieved Medal in the Nightfall before time expires.
Make a Rainbow Rapidly earn Primary, Special, and Heavy Streak Medals to earn Rainbow Medals.

Lord Shaxx Bounties

Name Description
Back To Basics Exercise your skills in the Clash match type.
A Game of Rift Exercise your skills in the Rift match type.


Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Arms Day Foundry Orders

Pending Data from Tower... Data unavailable until Wednesday

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Daily Thread - Team Up Tuesday!

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:01 AM PDT

Welcome to Team Up Tuesday!

This is your one-stop shop for finding clans, friends, raid buddies, patrol buddies, Tower dance party buddies, and whatever other kind of buddies you want.

Rule 6 is turned off for this thread. Clan requests, raid requests, and general friend requests are all welcome in this thread. Also feel free to advertise your clan if you would like.

Friend Requests

If you are looking for some new friends, we suggest you leave a comment with some or all of the following info:

  • Platform(s)
  • Timezone/Region
  • Character level(s)
  • Preferred game modes or what you would like help with
  • Mic: Yes/No
  • Username or Gamertag
  • Optional: comment about yourself, link to profile, favorite color, etc.

Other Resources

If you need some additional resources, we also recommend /r/fireteams, /r/DestinySherpa, or Have fun!

Don't forget to sort comments by 'new' if you are looking for people in the immediate future.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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"Just give me 2 minutes, I need more heavy"

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:57 AM PDT

Whether it's Destiny 1 or Destiny 2 (if heavy ammo synths still exist), can the cooldown for synths be eliminated after a wipe? I understand not wanting people to have access to constant heavy, thus the cooldown, but it feels like many raid wipes result in someone wanting to the whole group to just sit there for 2 minutes for their timer to reset. It just slows everything down.

submitted by /u/weezycombs
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If you dismantle gear with ornaments on, you should recover the ornament.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:46 AM PDT

As the title says, if you dismantle gear with ornaments on, you should recover the ornament.

Here is an example: I play trials of osiris, I go flawless, I get an ornament, I use it on my gauntlets, I find better rolled gauntlets and I want to use the new gauntlets. I dismantle my old gauntlets and recover the ornament on it and then I use it on the new gauntlets.

Easy? Yes.

Edit: I see that I am not the only one who want's this. EVERYONE DOES (or atleast 92%)

I just came back and saw my post on the front page. YESS! WE WILL FIGHT FOREVER

submitted by /u/Flexible014
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So. Many. Triangles.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:49 PM PDT

There are 1,453 triangles in the pit next to the speaker.



Edit 1: I wasn't really expecting anyone to reply lol but thanks everyone, and especially thanks to my best friend Kay for coming up with the idea, and counting with me.

Dear God. The counting.

Edit 2: Just for clarification I meant tetrahedrons, not each individual face haha also for those who are confused about what pit we're talking about here ya go

submitted by /u/Midsizedonkey7
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Templar & Atheon Challenge Modes

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:57 AM PDT


This post is confirmation of the Challenge Modes, not a Guide or best ways to complete them - I have attached guides already created should you require / be interested. Links below

  • Templar Challenge COMPLETE - Done by blocking each teleport phase. Relic was only held by 1 Guardian throughout this phase - No other mechanics changed

  • Templar Challenge Mode Guide w/ Video - Credit to u/RegisterVexOffender for the video and text guide - for any feedback / questions on this, please follow the link and direct it towards it's creator


  • Teleport can be blocked by Guardians, not just the Relic holder by standing in his teleport 'circle' which appears before he goes

  • Atheon Challenge COMPLETE - When teleported, each Guardian can only kill 1 Oracle. There are 6 Oracles total on Mars / Venus. This means, the Guardians who DO NOT get teleported initially must go INSIDE the portal (It is confirmed that once the portal is open it STAYS Open but someone must be outside or the Guardians will be 'Lost in Time') to kill an Oracle each to complete the Challenge - In addition to this, if a Guardian dies without killing an Oracle first and you DO NOT kill Atheon, Challenge Failed as that would mean there isn't a 6th for an Oracle

  • Atheon Challenge Mode Guide w/ Video- Credit to u/RegisterVexOffender for the video and text guide - for any feedback / questions on this, please follow the link and direct it towards it's creator


  • There is NO Vex Mythoclast Quest, it's a drop

  • Aegis blast can kill an Oralce (Relic Holder SGA)

Congrats to those Guardians who completed the Challenge & Good Luck to those looking to run it!

submitted by /u/RiseOfBacon
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Get wrecked, /u/Cozmo23

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 12:28 PM PDT

For Science, I Decided to Dismantle an AoT Ornament

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 03:15 AM PDT

The result? 1 silver dust. I hope my brave efforts haven't gone to waste here and someone actually finds this info useful lol.

submitted by /u/Princ3w
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All rift dunks (including the opposing team's) count towards Ignite the Light for the AoT book

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:10 AM PDT

Made this a lot easier than I thought it was going to be!

submitted by /u/CapriciousKiwi
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Who here would be interested in a Destiny tabletop RPG? 'Cause we're making one.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:13 AM PDT

There's a little project in the Halo community called /r/HaloMythic, run by /u/vorked on his personal 100DOS tabletop system. It's a mildly popular system, with tens of thousands of downloads each update across Reddit and Tumblr.

The 100DOS Tabletop Roleplaying System is a heavily personalized version of the classic BRP D100 dice system. 100DOS, much like many other D100 games, but has a heavy emphasis on the Opposed System. The Opposed System is when two Characters make a Test and roll against each other, with the most degrees of success determining the victor. An example would be a Character attempting to hide with their Camouflage Skill, while the Opponent attempts to find them with their Investigation Skill.

Halo : Mythic strives to be a lore accurate Halo tabletop game that allows players to achieve their own personal dreams inside the Halo canon, from playing as a Grunt to a Hunter to a Spartan, even in the same team, and some of us in the Mythic community have decided to take that mentality to Destiny especially with all the news coming out.

Destiny is a game that allows players to do some crazy things, and the Grimoire hints at even more abilities that Guardians can do. The power to die in a fortress only to revive in a Kells hands so you can point blank Fist of Havok him in the face like Rezzyl Azir? Yeah, we're planning on allowing that. With Halo : Mythic you can do everything possible in the Halo setting, and with the planed Destiny splatbook, the same will apply.

Right now we're waiting on 100DOS 2.0 to be finished before fully producing the Destiny tabletop, but we're going around drumming up interest in this Destiny experiment first.

There's a discord you can join to help join the creation of it if you'd like, linked in the Mythic subreddit.


If you'd like to understand the core rules of 100DOS as a base that will be adjusted to be a smooth-playing Destiny RPG, the /r/HaloMythic sub has links to the rulebooks for the Halo tabletop. Thankfully Bungie created a game that has very many similarities to their previous series, so a lot of stuff makes sense to build on top of Halo kind of how Destiny did as a game.

Vorked has done a lot to make 100DOS a 'generic' system that you can plug any setting into, so if that interests you, look at the main website or the discord that is linked within.

submitted by /u/Riceatron
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Look, I love Cayde, but...

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:46 AM PDT

There isn't any doubt that vanilla Destiny left something to be desired in terms of plot and characterization. When Taken King rolled, it was a breath of fresh air for a lot of reasons, and really letting Nathan Fillion run with Cayde was a huge part of its success.

But since then it has felt kind of like when someone tells a joke, gets a laugh, and then they just keep repeating the punch line and tagging it again and again until it's stale. Destiny has kind of doubled down on Cayde's brash smartassiness with each new iteration.

My biggest fear is that it creates an imbalance with the really serious and dramatic stuff that comprises the actual plot of the game. Many of us loved vanilla Destiny and stuck with it without the great story or characterization because the underlying plot showed promise and the gameplay could be epic. Now, we have a trailer in which the tower and the Traveler are both under serious attack, and it just turns into a two minute Cayde joke. The Last City is under siege. This is heavy stuff, and I want it to matter. I want there to be a gravity to it.

But the more the game leans on Cayde (and other sort of jokey premises) the more we lose that drama. I think Taken King struck the right balance, and I hope Destiny 2 wears that balance well.

submitted by /u/offensive_loons_fan
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DO NOT hoard the Treasure of Ages you earn from activities. I missed out on all three this week because I held onto them.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 11:47 AM PDT

Title. I checked the three activities that dropped one upon completion and none showed a Treasure of Ages. I was going to save them up but it turns out they count as "your three for the week" if you hold onto (presumably any of) the previous ones until the weekly reset. So do yourself a favor and open these the moment you get them. Seriously.

TL;DR: Don't be me and lose out on free emotes and stuff. [SGA]

Edit: Proof for those that don't believe me.

submitted by /u/Topskew
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Possible Crucible glitch. Player was immune to my primary fire for two full matches.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 01:37 AM PDT

I've no idea how this happened. Just wanted to know if I'm missing something as to why this player was immune to my primary weapons for 2 whole games.

EDIT: Adding gifv

submitted by /u/VeeNVeeN
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You can still Solo Cheese the VoG Entrance, which allows for an easy "Knuckles of Eao"

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 04:34 AM PDT


Basically, it's using the old glitch from way back where you would go over Campus 9 instantly, wait around ~2 minutes and come back to the Spire formed and the entrance opening. You can then access the first two chests in the raid from here (the very first one gives Knuckles of Eao). It's pretty simple really, however there are a few nuances to it.

This will not work if there's another person in the instance when you load in; or if you are too slow to get to the next zone. It works because the game still forms the spire when no players are in the instance for Waking Ruins, and therefore no Praetorians can get to the plates and take them. Obviously if you are too slow the Praetorians will already have taken the plates and make it so the Spire couldn't form. If this was the case or the Spire didn't form, simply go to orbit and try again. Also to note, I didn't receive Knuckles of Eao in the video as I had already cleared it earlier on another character.

Any questions feel free to ask!

submitted by /u/esoterickk
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I wish I could clone myself and buy 5 more consoles with Destiny so that I can Raid with myselves.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 11:57 AM PDT

At least I can blame myself when I die and complete the Raid. The moment when you are doing so well in the Raid and that one guy screws up all the way for 6 hours.

F**k Gary. OMG, just kill one Oracle and get out of the Portal.

Look at the bottom left hand corner. If your name pops up when you kill an Oracle, you are done! Damn it Gary...

submitted by /u/The_Taken_Dick
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This weeks vendor Wormwood is arguably one of the best that can be obtained.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:32 AM PDT

  • Truesight IS/Fastdraw IS/Quickdraw IS
  • High Caliber Rounds/Snapshot
  • Handloaded/Zen Moment
  • Rangefinger

Enjoy the range. 💕

submitted by /u/Intimissy
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VOG - Templar easy mode challenge.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 05:12 AM PDT


I just found this easy way of defeating the templar challenge, wich requires no efforts and as you can see in the video the person doing this can pretty much AFK.

Youtube : Fast forward to -04.32

Edit: You need someone throwing a Vortex grenade or a simlar type of grenade (solar grenade) to make the boss move backwards as seen in -04:20. This will make the boss back off out of your line of sight and wont be shooting at you.

Hope it helps.

submitted by /u/Kaspome
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Atheon Challenge Mode Guide (With Video)

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 03:28 AM PDT

The challenge is as follows

Each guardian MUST kill one oracle each during the teleportation phase of the atheon fight. A guardian killing multiple oracles will cause a "challenge failed" when time's vengence starts.

We achieved this by splitting up the teams (like normal) 3 on each side to start the fight and doing the following things.

Once 3 people were teleported, the team inside would call out which side they are on (mars or venus)

-When the group is teleported, the 3 people on the outside immediately decide who will kill the last oracle (number 6) the other 2 guardians will kill numbers 4 and 5 (does not matter which as long as they each kill 1)

-The relic holder is in charge of killing oracle #3 with their super charge from the relic

-The firs two oracles are killed by the 2 guardians inside with the relic holder. They each kill ONE oracle.

-While the first 3 guardians are eliminating their oracles they should be calling out each spawn such as oracle 1, oracle 2 or 1st spawn 2nd spawn and so on for each oracle.

-Once the team has counted up to oracle spawn #3 the team on the outside that is building the portal now step in to get their oracle kills. number 4 and 5 go in first and get their, 6 goes in last shortly after and gets the final kill then everyone meets up in mid with the original group for times vengence.

-Once the original 3 members that were teleported have killed their oracles and the 2nd group of guardians start to enter the portal to kill theirs, the original team heads outside to prepare for times vengence, the later group once done killing their oracles, will head back outside and jump to mid for times vengence.


For the cleansing portion of the fight, you cleanse as normal when you are teleported. When guardian 4 and 5 come into the portal and are killing their oracle, the relic holder can cleanse them once on the way out and let them finish their job along with guardian number 6. All 3 should have plenty of time to get their kills and make it back to time's vengence before their screen goes black from the darkness.

Sorry if some of the points are confusing, the encounter isn't exactly easy to explain, but i will answer any questions the best that i can.

Our team setup was

1 Hunter with tether

1 Hunter with celestial nighthawk golden gun

1 Warlock with self res and solar grenades

3 Titans with various bubbles (weapons and blessings)

Our gun loadouts depended on the fight but for the 2 challenges it was mostly Sleeper simulants and high caliber snipes (mine had triple tap)

submitted by /u/RegisterVexOffender
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Correct way to counter a Golden Gun

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:45 PM PDT (gifv)

Edit: A few people are commenting about me being a titan. I'm actually a hunter with a scarf and I couldn't stand to see this injustice go on any longer.

submitted by /u/Squirbulbamander
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25 Things You Might Not Know in Destiny

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 12:43 PM PDT

How well do you know the world we've been exploring for nearly three years? I've put together a quick list, in no particular order, of some odds and ends that some people might not know within the game. They range from quirks of gear appearances, to tips and tricks on enemies, to minor details about the environments. It's a mixed bag, but I'd wager most people can find something here that makes them say, "Huh... I did not know that..." So here goes!

  • Vex Mythoclast - As the ammo in the magazine depletes, the lights on the Mythoclast gradually dim, going out when it's out of ammo. Reloading turns the lights back on.
  • Atheon Encounter - The left and right portals do not go to "Mars and Venus", respectively. The left is the past, before the Traveler terraformed Venus. The right is the future, once nature has overgrown this room of the Vault.
  • The Shadow Thief Strike (and SIVA version) - If you do not jump or shoot, the Shriekers at the start will not open. Hug the right and run down the ramp (don't drop off the ledge) and you'll never awaken them.
  • The Restorative Mind Strike - There are a group of Fallen in a cave at the back corner of the Endless Steps area, hunched over a pile of Vex parts. They don't seem to serve any purpose.
  • Arc Blade - Hunters only have one knife when using Arc Blade. Not two. Disregard that icon for Hungering Blade.
  • Keen Scout - The Keen Scout talent in the final column gives faster movement speed in general, but also increases movement while carrying a relic or Siege Enging part and crouched.
  • Tripmines - Gunslinger Tripmines have a pulsing cone of light that indicates whether they're friendly or hostile. White = friendly. Red = hostile.
  • Omnigul can be Blinded - Omnigul is consider a Major in the game, not an Ultra. She is susceptible to Flashbang grenades, Suppressor grenades, Saint-14 Bubbles, Envenomed Smoke Bombs, the Abyss Defiant and Eidolon Ally, and any other disorient or crowd control.
  • Celestial Nighthawk - The eyes on this helmet light up whenever you aim down sights. Only visible to other Guardians.
  • Mask of the Third Man - The three eyes on this helmet light up a different color if your Guardian is male than they do if your Guardian is female.
  • Cabal Phalanxes - Phalanxes show damage. Their armor visibly shows damage as their health gets lower. Near death, the light on a Phalanx shield will be flickering as if it's malfunctioning.
  • Fallen Walkers - The Walker's front left leg (the closest on your right if you're looking at it head-on) makes it stay down for longer than the other legs do.
  • Tomb Ships - The cannons on Hive Tomb Ships take damage and can be destroyed, preventing them from firing upon you.
  • NorseFenrir - It's his birthday today. Happy birthday!
  • Splicer Vandals - Splicer Vandals have a lower precision damage spot than their normal Fallen counterparts. Critical shots are scored on their throat rather than their head. This is explained ingame as their armor being more protective on their face.
  • Touch of Malice - As you fire Touch of Malice, the essence of Oryx grows within its containment field. When you fire the final round, it destroys the field as the gun begins to feed off your life rather than the ammo magazine.
  • Warlock Bonds Change Color - Many of the Warlock Bonds that the Speaker sells will change color throughout the ingame day.
  • Space Shuttle - There's an oldschool space shuttle in the Cauldron Crucible map.
  • Cyclops Goo - The Vex Cyclops ranks with the Hydra as one of the few (only?) enemies in their race where its Radiolarian (white goo) containment is not its crit spot. The crit spot is the eye, but on the back end of the Cyclops you can see the goo tank. The tank shatters when it dies.
  • Hobgoblins' Tell - Hobgoblins' eyes dim when their phase shift (orange shield) is on cooldown. The eye lights back up when it's ready again.
  • Weather on Venus - It's raining on Venus. Look up.
  • Silent Scream - There are two consoles on the crashed Cabal ship on Dreadnaught Patrol. When activated at the same time, they open the door to the bridge. Past the bridge is a Hive Ultra Knight that gives an emblem when defeated. Most players jump over the door to access him, if at all.
  • Exotic Sword Blocking - Exotic Swords can be used to block incoming damage, but the block is weaker against the sword's own element. For example, Raze Lighter is good at blocking Arc and Void damage, but Solar will still wreck you.
  • Xur Graffiti - There are markings in the Tower notifying you whenever Xur is there.
  • Lights on SRL Gear - The racing chest armors have a light on the back that indicates left and right turns. The Momentum Set has a set bonus when all pieces are worn together: strobe lights blink on the gear.

Feel free to add your own in the comments. Just figured it'd be a good topic of discussion as we reminisce about Destiny and look forward to Destiny 2.

submitted by /u/ZarathustraEck
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[Spoiler] Vault of Glass Megathread

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:00 AM PDT

Greetings, Guardians!

Age of Triumph calls upon the Protectors of the Last City to strike into the dreaded Vault once again...

Please relegate all related topics such as questions, changes, challenge mode, etc here. ...

...Break. them. down.

Once confirmation of clears come in, high quality guides may be posted

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Gorgon's Maze Guide - How to kill all the gorgons on 390 Vault of Glass effectively (video aswell)

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 06:50 AM PDT

NOTE #1 - Gorgons do not respawn. Kill one and it stays dead until you wipe or are victorious

NOTE #2 - Avoid fighting gorgons against walls/corners at all costs. It seems they move around or bounce far away if pushed in by DPS. Swords in particular. So to adjust we did...

First off, the gorgons have massive health (not surprising)

Secondly, the gorgons (sometimes) seem to "bounce" around when taking damage, specifically when backed up against a wall. Avoid this when possible.

Third (and im not 100% on this) the gorgons now kill you faster in the gaze than originally in VOG. I'm not 100Z% on this yet, though. Now onto the tips and guide. Ideally what you want to do for this is have a fireteam setup of 2/2/2

2 Sunsingers

2 Hunters (Nighthawks for both if possible, if not at least a nighthawk and tether) -- Nighthawk does about 40% damage to gorgons

2 Titans using melting point and simmering flames on hammers The ideal setup to take out each gorgon is....

1) Isolate each gorgon by themselves away from the rest even if it takes time to set it up

2) Have a titan with melting point go aggro and punch the gorgon

3) Once your titan has applied melting point, have him go BEHIND the gorgon. this is to make sure that a gorgon is not going to float against a wall (because it will bounce and that will get you killed) Once you are behind it you can all proceed to DPS

4) Have a hunter use golden gun with nighthawk on the gorgon once the melting point has been applied (if you have your super)

5) Once the melting point/tether is applied, use exotic swords to maximize damage and more importantly ammo count (ammo plays a big part in how long you'll be doing this for) Raze lighter is the best but dark drinker can get the job done aswell. Avoid using bolt caster. If you have the radegast artifact, i would highly suggest putting that on as it gives you an extra 20 sword ammo that can be crucial. Once you are on low ammo count for your swords, it is best to wait for your synths to come back and to also have your nighthawks lined up in tune with having ammo and such. rinse and repeat these steps with each gorgon and you will eventually accomplish this annoying feat of clearing the maze of all gorgons.

submitted by /u/RegisterVexOffender
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Missed opportunity with raid artifacts.

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 10:53 AM PDT

There is absolutely no reason to even have artifacts drop for anything other than infusion fuel since the only useful perks come from the iron lords artifacts.

Bungie should have added raid-specific perks to the raid artifacts that would provide utility for them. Something as simple as extra Oracle damage or damage resistance to exploding harpies.

submitted by /u/OutgoingBuffalo
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Whoever thought a year ago that we'd be losing ourselves over a god rolled sidearm whilst grinding for Fatebringer?

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 07:40 AM PDT

I honestly feel like I've been using Truth wrong this whole time..

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 11:18 AM PDT

Saw this on Instagram. In my whole destiny career I guess i never figured out the Truth till i saw this (Not my content)

submitted by /u/DeadMansTetris_
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Crota's End Abyss chest static - but resets each week

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 09:56 AM PDT

Title. Last week, the chest was located at the final door of the Abyss. This week, it's at the second door. So be prepared for it to be somewhere else next week.

submitted by /u/chadadada17
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Grind out nodes easy this week

Posted: 04 Apr 2017 02:46 AM PDT

Just a reminder to all Guardians that with The Nexus being the nightfall this week you can easily grind out your nodes for Melee, Super & Grenade Kills as well as your Orbs of Light for each class just by hanging around in the starting area of the strike

submitted by /u/VesperAngel89
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