Destiny - Daily Reset Thread [2017-04-23]

Daily Reset Thread [2017-04-23]

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 02:04 AM PDT

Vanguard Bounties

Name Description
Quick Drops Get 30 precision kills.
Shining Light Get 30 Super kills.
Horseshoes and Hand Grenades Kill 15 enemies with attachable grenades.
House Breaking Defeat 10 Fallen Majors or Ultras.
Heavy Duty Models Defeat 10 Vex Majors or Ultras.
Mars Reconnaissance Collect resource nodes, open chests and kill enemies on Mars.

Vanguard Elite Bounties

Name Description
Vanguard Elite Complete Strikes in the SIVA Crisis Playlist to earn points.
Tandem Fire Get 30 rapid enemy kills with your Fireteam to earn Fireteam Streak Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Arsenal of Light Get Super Kills in SIVA Crisis Strikes to earn the respective Super Kill Medals for your subclass.
Called Shots Get assists to earn Concentrated Fire Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Pugilist Kill enemies with melee attacks to earn Takedown Medals in SIVA Crisis Strikes.
Look, No Ghost Complete a Strike in the SIVA Crisis Playlist without dying to earn an Indestructible Medal.

Crucible Bounties

Name Description
Diligent Win 3 matches in one day.
Live Fire Exercise Win a Crucible match in any playlist.
Support Network Assist your teammates in defeating 10 opposing Guardians.
Specialist Defeat 3 opposing Guardians with Special Weapons.
Alpha Strike Get the first kill in a Crucible match.
Healthy Balance Complete a match with at least 10 kills and no more than 7 deaths.

Queen's Wrath Bounties

Name Description
Take the Wanted WANTED: Irxori, Lost to Oryx. Cosmodrome. Fireteam recommended.
Take Them Out: Mars Kill Taken Lieutenants on Mars.
Take Them All Kill 100 Taken.
Queen's Grace Generate 15 Orbs of Light in any strike playlist.
Queen's Sovereignty Defeat 50 Fallen in any strike playlist.
Queen's Curse Get 30 Void Kills on the Dreadnaught.

Data provided by DestinyTracker

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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The Out of Place Machine At The End of Regicide

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 03:50 AM PDT


It's a leftover asset from the original version of the game. I believe it is the cell in which Oryx held the puppet exo that Rasputin controlled in the scrapped story of Destiny.

  • "Destiny's story went through several revisions before the reboot, but the supercut's version revolved around players' hunt for the warmind Rasputin, according to two people familiar with the original plans.In today's Destiny, Rasputin doesn't do much but listen to classical music in a steel bunker on Earth, but in the 2013 version, he would have starred in a more prominent role. Alien Hive would have kidnapped the machine and brought him to their Dreadnaught spaceship, which was later cut from vanilla Destiny and moved to The Taken King. Originally, this Hive ship would have been part of the main story. "The entire last third of the game took place on the Dreadnaught with you rescuing Rasputin," said one person who worked on the game.

Fans have long wondered about the bloody Exo in one early piece of Destiny concept art. Turns out that was Rasputin, according to a source. In the original story, the player would have rescued this guy from the Hive."

  • "In the DLC, we would have learned that this Exo was actually a puppet being controlled by a Warmind, the source said."

edit: The quotes are from a Kotaku article called "The Messy, True Story Behind The Making Of Destiny" by Jason Schreier from October 2015.

another edit: Here is the article. If you are interested in what troubles ("troubles" is an understatement) Bungie went through to launch vanilla Destiny then I highly suggest that you read this article.

submitted by /u/Alcatraz_Ege777
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Destiny- The Final Review

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 06:40 AM PDT

Hi team,

It dawned on me that as much as the game has improved over the past 3 years, I'm still asked scores of people on my Division-focused YouTube channel if Destiny is now 'good'.

Part of the reason for this is that the reviews they'd be googling are for the game that existed at launch- no review has taken the time to step back and appreciate what the entire experience is right now. So that's what this video is:

Personally I'd love to see retrospective reviews from people in the community like Datto, Byf, Arekkz or MoreConsole- I think it would be really interesting to hear their (more experienced) voices speaking about the Destiny experience as a whole, for potential newcomers, and for those who just like to remember it :)

Anyway hope you enjoy the video- all the best.

Skill Up

submitted by /u/Skill-Up
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The worst thing about moving to Destiny 2 isn't losing our items

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:04 PM PDT

It's losing our item managers. Hats of to DIM and Ishtar Commander, DestinyTailor and DestinyStatus, Trials Reports and TimeWastedOnDestiny and all of the other great websites born from the API and other tracking tools, and here's hoping Destiny 2 has resources aplenty for creating their successors.

submitted by /u/JamCliche
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I took the "Finger Gun" to a whole new level - Funny Glitch

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:09 AM PDT

I see your backwards raid and raise you a limitless dungeon raid!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:45 AM PDT

The context: the Osiris dlc, which sees us visiting Mercury and could contain Vex. The story missions and strikes have us facing the boss, whoever it is, and the raid is an investigation of Mercury in an attempt to uncover what secrets are hidden there.

(note: what follows assumes functionality at least mostly similar to how Destiny 1 works now, but as we don't know the extent to which Destiny 2's identity will change, some or all of this could be rendered utterly moot -- it's just for funsies anyway)

The DLC introduces a new patrol zone on Mercury, which has a very Black Garden-esque feel -- mazelike, with definite Minos/Minotaur themes, and some "human" landmarks, like old research stations and the like. The raid begins here, like classic Vault of Glass -- go to start point, a doorway that must be activated. Easy plates and wave-defense mechanic, and participants are granted access (maybe you need a macguffin from the story missions to get through).

Short tunnel crawl (or a straight-up teleporter) deposits you into an as-yet unexplored maze on the surface of Mercury. This first level is static, with static enemies, and regular patrol loot. You must find the center, and there's another portal just like before -- easy enough activation method, some majors or even an ultra needing to be defeated to activate. Time to go to the next zone.


Your ghost (or whoever) says the teleporter leads somewhere dark. You won't be able to transmat out of there until you can re-open another connection. What this means, functionally, is that you can't keep any dropped engrams or resources unless you clear the next level -- you can always return to orbit, but you won't keep any loot from that level unless you open the teleporter.

Then the real fun begins.

Each level becomes harder, populated, randomly, with tougher enemies that drop potentially higher-level loot -- the deeper you go, the more levels you clear, the better your drops become, but the harder it is to get them. The enemy scale could even max out, and then each level adds a modifier instead. And for the first few levels, your loot drops are automatically transmatted when you go to the next -- but after a handful, you have to make a choice: transmat back to the start to save your loot, or carry the risk deeper (i.e., loot is only saved when you leave past a certain point).

And it's a darkness zone, so if you wipe, you restart that level (maybe if you go deep enough, wiping sends you all the way back up, no loot). Enemies could become so challenging that it'd take supers or special level-gear (cannons, manipulating plates, whatever) just to be able to harm them. Loot scaling would follow an infinitely increasing curve -- never any true guarantees, but to the point that drops are lots of top-tier, max-light items. There could be a chests/keys system for raid set gear (every third or fifth level there's a chest, with the keys dropping randomly).

And the kicker -- randomly generated mazes. Vex architecture lends itself really well to tiling; there could be all sorts of different sections that slot together. Of course certain pieces will always be present, but everything else is variable (they could even add totally new things as time goes on, so nobody ever feels entirely certain of what to expect). Big arenas, tight mazes, endless steps, underground tunnels, strange areas that feel ripped out of spacetime...

Edit: Perhaps the first five levels are mostly static, and they count as the normal mode raid. A wipe just means restarting the level, and going down sends inventory up. At the end there's a cool sequence or even boss for raid set gear. Then, when hard mode is unlocked, every level after that is randomly built, wiping cuts you off completely, and you have to leave to store your loot. The bosses from the first five levels randomly come back in different orders and configurations, with the fifth level always giving you a chance at set gear again.

It also tracks your level (or maybe let's call them iterations, maybe the theory is that it's one maze-like "device" that defensively rearranges itself the "deeper" you go, and it could be full of strange resources you don't find anywhere else in the game and nobody has any idea what they're for -- months of testing and exploration to be had, by the whole community), so there could be world leaderboards for the most iterations.

TLW: Vex-style raid where you fight through harder and harder levels of a Black Garden-esque maze (infinite and randomly generating) for better loot and fame and to explore strange mysteries.

submitted by /u/Rivverrabbit
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Solo Oryx, No Exotic Guns or Armor (No Sleeper | No Touch of Malice)

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:52 AM PDT

Video Link:

Just a fun challenge that I did. This was something that I tested out a long time ago before I found the If Materia machine gun from the Wrath of the Machine raid. The machine gun can stun Oryx's chest, surprisingly. No need for Sleeper or Touch of Malice!

submitted by /u/GladHeAteHer182
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Imagine if there was a backwards Raid

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 04:55 PM PDT

By backwards raid, I mean first you start off fighting the mainboss. After you beat the boss, you have to work on escaping and fighting off all the minions.

In the beginning you could be taken hostage and be taken to the main boss. This is how it could start off and why you would start off with the main boss.

Edit: Front page! Hey Puppysnaps and Cerealbowles23!

submitted by /u/Laughin_bat
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So I heard you guys like new Destiny Cinematics...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 12:58 AM PDT

I had a go at animating a scene from the grimoire, its based on the card 'Queens Ransom' and is sort of a Epilogue to the House of Wolves Campaign. Enjoy the cutscene!

submitted by /u/NucIearsheep
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Minimum player count for each Raid encounter, with links to proof.

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:26 AM PDT

Vault of Glass

Full Run: 2 players

  • Entrance: 1
  • Confluxes: 1
  • Templar: 1
  • Gorgons: 1
  • Gatekeeper: 2
  • Atheon: 1

Crota's End

Full Run: 1 player

  • Abyss: 1
  • Bridge: 1
  • Deathsinger: 1
  • Crota: 1

King's Fall

Full Run: 4 players

  • Opening: 1
  • Totems: 2
  • Warpriest: 3
  • Golgoroth: 2
  • Daughters: 4
  • Oryx: 1

Wrath of the Machine

Full Run: 2 players

  • Opening: 1
  • Vosik: 2
  • Siege Engine: 2 / 1*
  • Aksis1: 1
  • Aksis2: 1

*Had this listed as 3 due to the old progress block but thanks /u/InnateNest for reminding me that block was removed. No video linked because honestly who cares to see someone solo Gorgons?

*It is impossible to solo Siege Engine on Normal mode according to all currently know strategies. However, it is possible on Hard due to the extended timer.

If any of these are shortened in the future, I will update the list and link to the footage.

submitted by /u/Arenten
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Shield Bros Boop Launch

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 10:13 AM PDT

In case you ever wondered what's up here..

Gifv Version courtesy of Kyle zeh Gifv Lord

submitted by /u/JadeyMLegacy
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Solo Aksis Phase 1

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:44 PM PDT it has been tjought to be impossible... until now. I would also like to say that 23 hours of pain, sweat and tears were put into this. And you mister melee vandal if you are seeing this please and kindly go fuck yourself. The way the strat and thought of it being possible came when my fruend josecito sent me a link to a vid by a guy name Bresko91 and that vid showed bresko getting 5/6 bombs needed as a warlock. We both sat down and came to the conclusion that warlock are to slow and that titan would be the better choice. We then discussed ways to get passed round 1 and he suggested we spam the cannon glitch till it works and try to get the bomb out, tested it and no luck. Then we decided an old final round cannon thing i found a while before hand would be the way to go. we each tested it for 2 hours and both got to round 3 and failed and came to the conclusion that it would be impossible and left it on the back burner for about a month. I then went back to testing and remade the whole round 3 strat all the while discussing round 3 methods with jose. Then after about 10 hours of tests the strat went public and at this point more people wanted to do it so all of us were doing our own round 3 method and all worked differently. In the end i settled for throwing bombs in sets of 2 and it paid off. And thanks to Hova for letting us know about the titan slam to make the final round cannon glitch 100% consistant on round 1! And if you think its not hard then i highly suggest you try it out for yourself ;). GG to all who do this, i have a ton of respect for those who do.

submitted by /u/The_StreakKiller
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This is probably the most enjoyable wipe I've ever had on Aetheon (warning: loud, contagious laughter)

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 09:54 PM PDT

"everyone to the middle" "Who put that bubble so close?" "I think it was maggard" "All right welp don't kill yourse"

submitted by /u/GaryOaksAlcoholism
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The Super Entrance - What Destiny 1 was sorely lacking and Destiny 2 desperately needs

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 04:20 AM PDT

Instead of the boring transmat when you join a party or arrive at a location, the guardians ship should swoop in above the spawn area, in full view of any nearby players, and the guardian should shoot out as if the ship is dropping a bomb, and land like so:


  • It shows off your ship in areas other than loading screens.
  • It's cool and/or badass.

They had planned for something similar originally, which you can see in their early reveal trailer here:

I'd be happy if they went to that in Destiny 2, but it's no Super Landing.


submitted by /u/Pain256
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Possibly the 2 greatest Destiny related YouTube videos I have ever seen

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 11:28 PM PDT

Found these 2 videos, made me laugh insanely hard, thought I would share.

submitted by /u/PSNElimination
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We switched form Xbox One to PS4 and playing with nothing is refreshing!

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:06 AM PDT

So my friend and I decided we would switch to PS4 for Destiny 2. Various reasons for each of us but we decided we would move from Xbox One to PS4 for Destiny 2. We bought the collection on PS4 last week and started running through the campaign as fresh guardians and remembering the hype and excitement of the first week. Love this game and hyped for Destiny 2.

submitted by /u/OtterJethro
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Remeber not using swords against cabal in Destiny 2.

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 08:17 PM PDT

What's the best place to read up every single Grimoire entry in an organized/chronological manner?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 08:11 AM PDT

Looking to finally dig into this once and for all. Any thoughts?


submitted by /u/ProfessorAtlas
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I think there's a small flaw with the ships in Destiny...

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 01:05 PM PDT

I believe we have found a small design flaw with the ships in Destiny. I'm not so sure this is supposed to happen...

submitted by /u/Lord_Burrito_I
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A Heart Warming Tale of Community Spirit

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 07:32 AM PDT

A Heart Warming Tale of Community Spirit

My clan The Speakers Secret Stash has been around since the House of Wolves and been a very active community for the past 2 years.

In that time we've grown to approaching 1000 members, now you're probably thinking that's too big for a clan and that individuals get lost in the sheer size of our community but if you have that misconception then you couldn't be more wrong.

This week our community came together to do something amazing for a lost guardian. One of us! A member of the Stash Family, a much loved personality greatly missed.

Now without delving too deeply into personal circumstances our friend SK1CKMAN85 had fallen on hard times, His Wife having given birth to the most beautiful little girl, found himself needing to support his family putting a huge burden on finances, sacrifices had to be made and unfortunately selling his PS4 was one of those sacrifices.

Now. Let me tell you about this guy as a guardian. First off he's one of the founding members of our clan, he's been here from the beginning. But during the Year 1 moments of triumph spent many an evening helping clan members beat Skolas in the lvl 35 prison of elders, helping approx 50-60 people achieve that part of their requirements, including myself, in most cases doing double carries.

This kind of helping mentally set the tone for our clan and is now one of the philosophies we hold true and are continuing to help Guardians with achievements to this very day.

Unfortunately he dropped out of gaming midway through The Taken King Expansion and has not played Rise of Iron yet but he has never left our thoughts, but we decided to help out in any way we could, we were all determined to get him back playing so he could enjoy the remainder of Rise of Iron and be ready for Destiny 2 with his clan, his 'home' if you will.

So after some conversations with some of the Admins and good friends we decided to raise some money to buy him a new PS4 and a copy of Destiny the Collection and 12 months PSN, within days of the idea Guardians had pledged enough money to make this a reality and after raven-heart79 purchasing the console striking a good deal with Smyths Toys we were able to surprise an unsuspecting ST1CKMAN85 by delivering the gift to his house. Real life friend Rob (ChBoK3K) and Dom (domji) did the honours and recorded the special moment.

Big thanks to the following Guardians for their significant contributions

Twig1987 Lover4alltime Brello1979 mossman78 raven-heart79 Grahamf79 sonicjiggaman Domji RockSteady207 CHBoK3K Myself d07monkey81 (obviously) And to anyone who purchased clan t-shirts via our represent campaign we wouldn't have made our target without you guys.

We hope now we can enjoy many more years of gaming with our good friend ST1CKMAN85 and The Stash will benefit as a whole as he continues to help others become legend!

submitted by /u/guardiandan
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2 Sword 390 Crota Solo on Hunter (Enraged Oversoul Strategy)

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 11:59 AM PDT

Video Link:

First off, pardon my excitement at the end. I would not categorize this under one of the most difficult solo challenges ever, as it doesn't really require too much focus or high levels of skill. However, the BULLSHIT that you have to put up with is INSANE. That's why I was so Gladd that it was over.

What bullshit, you ask? Freaking Gjallarhorn. Bungie's nerf to Ghorn's Wolfpack Rounds really screwed up the gun... badly. In year 1, Ghorn could consistently take Crota down in 2 rockets. Now? Don't even trust it at all. The Wolfpack Rounds literally have a success rate of like 33%. Sooooo many wipes were due to Crota's shield not going down after 2 rockets PLUS a burning knife or grenade. It actually became ridiculous to the point where I almost gave up. Like I said, execution-wise - easy/medium; RNG/luck - 11/10.

The best solution that I found was to fully ADS with Ghorn and wait for a few of the "tracking beeps" to occur before firing. This seemed to increase the Wolfpack rate by a marginal percentage.

How is a 2 sword possible? It's possible in the same way that a 1 sword 390 solo is possible: the enrage Oversoul cancelling previous ones. This idea arose to me almost immediately after my 1 sword solo; previously, I thought a 2 sword Hunter solo to be VERY unlikely. Since Ghorn's inconsistency doesn't easily allow for 4 hits every down, you are forced to go beyond 4 downs. This means 2 downs on the first sword and 3 downs on the second sword. The idea is to enrage him on the second down on the second sword. This forces the enrage Oversoul, which cancels all previous ones. Then it's simply getting the killing blows.

Honestly, I do not recommend attempting this lol. It's just a headache packed with frustration migraines. I do, however, recommend the 1 sword solo. The difficulty of the 1 sword is 9.5/10, but it's way less RNG based and loads of fun to attempt.

Welp, I think this officially closes out all of my 390 Crota solo challenges. There really isn't much else to do with the fight. A no guns solo just isn't possible unfortunately (due to the Oversoul).

Hope you all enjoy the painfully hard work I put into this one haha.

Take care,


submitted by /u/GladHeAteHer182
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To the Guardians I met on the Dreadnought last Saturday

Posted: 22 Apr 2017 05:20 PM PDT

Last Saturday night/Sunday morning (I lost track of time at around 10:30), I loaded up patrol on the Dreadnaught to do CoO for the Age of Triumph quest. On my way to the Court of Oryx, I passed through the Mausoleum and came across a guardian helping his level 39 friend get the Scent of the Worm chest. Remembering the random guardians who helped me and a friend get this chest, I decided to jump in and help. I stood on some of the platforms, and after a few failed attempts by the level 39, I remembered the cheese. So I jump off the platforms, run over to the left side of the room, and jump on the ledge. I use my explosive rounds Angel's Advocate to shoot the guardian still holding the plates. Once I know I have his attention (Read: "Saw the bright ass lens flare of a sniper rifle."), I proceed to run across the ledge, making a show of using a sword to aid in maneuvering and keep myself from falling off. After his next attempt, the level 39 walks over to me. I shoot the ledge a few times, and he nods his head. I follow him back to the room with the chest that gives you the Scent, and use my "Just Do It" emote. He takes off as soon as he gets the buff, and I wave to him. I start heading back towards the Court, waving to the other guardian on my way there. About 7 minutes later I get a message from the level 39, saying that he got the chest.

This is why I love Destiny and it's community. Something so simple as showing a stranger a trick to make something easier can make a world of difference to that stranger.

Shout out to Xbox users Pale Lord Frost (the level 40) and MarcPlaysGames (the level 39). I wish the two of you the best of luck on your next adventure!

EDIT: Forgot to wish /u/NorseFenrir a Happy Birthday!

submitted by /u/JediNoah25
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Destiny 2 to feature social space and raid on Mars and European dead zone?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:01 AM PDT

Reading Jason Schreiers excellent article on Destinys troubled past, it seems like a social space and a raid on Mars were things, as was content in the European Dead Zone.

Given Bungies propensity to recycle/repurpose content, I wonder if we will see those areas in D2, or if we have have already seen them in aspects of ROI?

submitted by /u/aidojc
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Does being in a Fireteam with a Titan count towards PvP kills as Titan in the grimoire?

Posted: 23 Apr 2017 09:27 AM PDT

My friend says it does but I can't see it since I still haven't completed it. Anybody know?


submitted by /u/ProfessorAtlas
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