DayZ - Don't cry now... You know it has to be this way...

Don't cry now... You know it has to be this way...

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:25 PM PDT

Hello Survivors, Experimental/Unstable servers are going offline for an update.

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:09 AM PDT

Any way to remove or hide the in game crosshair?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:14 AM PDT

I love taking screenshots, but the crosshair ruins a lot of them. any way to remove it for screencap purposes?

submitted by /u/AncientCarthage
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How enjoyable is the PvE experience nowadays?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 08:07 AM PDT

I'm a veteran that hasn't played in maybe a year. I'd like to get back into this game with my girlfriend who's never played before, but she doesn't want to so any sort of PvP. I was thinking we could possibly start out on the coast wherever she spawns and just work our way northwest, surviving and exploring on a medium or low pop server. With the addition of wolves I thought this would be more enjoyable than in the past. It seems like zombies are more of a threat now too. The only thing I'm worried about is having moments like "What are we doing" or "Why are we doing this". I'm having trouble answering those questions right now, honestly, this whole idea just sounds kind of boring. I'd like to hear your guys thoughts though.

submitted by /u/dumbfuckingloser
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TIL: If the doors of a police station are locked. Run.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:05 AM PDT

Well played :(

submitted by /u/beefwoof
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Win Some, Lose Some - some 1pp encounters. (12 min.)

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:44 AM PDT

dinner's ready you schmocks

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:28 AM PDT


Posted: 03 Apr 2017 07:00 AM PDT

I have to come clean about something I've done.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:40 PM PDT

Been playing dayz about 2 days, so pretty new. I combat logged. It was the middle of the night IRL, I was at a military site. I was absolutely not expecting any encounter. I was the most geared I've been yet, ak mag and an ak that didn't go together, sub machine pistol, rifle, shotgun with pistol grip, etc. When the shot rang out it was like an automatic pussy move. Exited right away. Somehow I was still alive the next login, even with the 30 sec timer. Maybe the shot wasn't at me, but I thought I heard a ricochet near me. I will never ever do it again; coming clean here seems like a good way to assure it. My apologies. Not something I've ever done in other games, I think this game can be pretty frightening. Even so, combat logging is just dumb; I'd have had a better shot at living if I just fleed...

submitted by /u/stugots85
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TIL that the partybus won't go past the svetlo tracks if you drive carfeully

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:32 PM PDT

Rocks didn't work.Arrows too....KAMIKADZE

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 05:29 AM PDT

Surviving a Swig of Petrol

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:04 PM PDT

I've killed myself on accident twice while carrying petrol canisters. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see how survivable it is. I did some reading online, and came up with a wide variety of results. Some people said that throwing up wouldn't help, while others suggested it. So, this morning I drank approximately 14 liters of petrol to find out.

Obviously, if you have charcoal tabs, they will save you a lot of time and effort nursing your character. I managed to walk to the nearest well and apple orchard before getting messages such as "My mouth tastes funny". I started getting myself hydrated and energized, as throwing up removes a lot of hydration and energy.

It took about ten minutes, but the "Sick" box eventually showed up. Chemical poisoning has four or five stages each with their own unique messages. I forced myself to throw up approximately three times during each stage, which temporarily caused the "Sick" box to go away. You can easily do this by drinking too much at the well. After each time throwing up, I picked more apples and kept myself light green for hydration and energy.

Eventually, even though my screen was fairly black and white, my character started getting "I am tired" messages, which meant I was on the mend! My color started coming back soon after. I have repeated this "experiment" twice more and came up with similar results.

Tldr: To survive drinking gas, get yourself to a well preferably by an apple orchard and force yourself to throw up a couple of times during each of four stages of sickness. You'll eventually recover!

submitted by /u/ajwgeek
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We should make the DayZ logo on r/Place

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:04 PM PDT

I was thinking at the top of the green lattice or something.

EDIT: Plan is to start building at the top of greenlattice area

Fill out the form here for r/greenlattice to help!

Fill it in as:

"[Discord name]"




If that doesn't end well, we can probably just put it in the old OSU area. lol

submitted by /u/sillythe
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Keybind help?

Posted: 03 Apr 2017 03:04 AM PDT

ive been trying a variety of keybinds and trying to see what works. here are some things i cant figure out yet.

standalone not mod.

  • can you set autorun to a toggle so that you can run without holding any buttons on the keyboard?

  • i want to set a HOLD action. i.e. tap crouch button to crouch, hold crouch button to lay down. possible?

  • can i toggle the visible hotkeys onscreen to always be on?

related questions:

  • no matter what i do "go prone" seems to do nothing while "prone" works fine. is there a difference between them or does one just do nothing?

  • a few of the gestures dont seem to work at all. i press the button and nothing happens. am i doing something wrong or are they broken?

submitted by /u/infinitelytwisted
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Gorka Helmet with a Visor. What can I put in this new inventory slot?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:49 AM PDT

Door/wall glitch?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:17 PM PDT

Hello everyone I was wondering if there is sone sort of glitch involving being able to shoot through doorways without being seen. The first time I suspected this is when I ambushed 2 players fully decked out in ghillies and I believe sks's as well I ended up killing both of them before a 3rd one suprised me so I ran into a house. They ran up and opened the door and I didn't see anyone but I ended up getting shot several times and as my guy started to fall over I saw them start to run into the room.

The second time was tonight at the police station in the town near one of the air fields they were asking me to speak and when I didn't the door to the room I was hiding in opend and again I started getting shot from nowhere with the dude saying I should of said something. I got lucky enough that time and charged out of the room and emptied half a pistol mag into him and walked out of the police station with just a ruined police jacket somehow my gear wasn't ruined and I wasn't bleeding.

Anyway is there a common door glitch where you can shoot someone on the other side of a door/wall and that person can't see you?

submitted by /u/Rottenbeans
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Tents/Storage of items

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:31 AM PDT

Is it worth it? At all? Are the tents stuck in one server or are they persistent? Should I set one up?

submitted by /u/GhostoftheMojave
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The Most Horrifying Noises I've Ever Heard...

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:58 PM PDT

Venting frustration...

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:46 PM PDT

If you saw my post earlier than you'll know that I had this coming from bad karma. Been playing 2 days now.

I had my character fully geared: huge green backpack, double carrying, Bullpup, ak74, silenced 9 mil, shotgun pistol grip, 308 sub machine gun.

I had a lot of close calls up to this point. After being bitten and chased by wolves from a military installation to a nearby bigger town, drinking pond water had me sick. I located myself on the map, found a house close to hospital with apple tree and well. I had died a bunch at this point and was determined to keep my character alive. So after a long time of eating, drinking, the sickness was gone. I spent hours sitting in the bedroom of this house, ak pointed at closed door, my mission solely being characters health. I can't get rid of "stuffed" now. I figure I'll let myself get thirsty because it seemed like drinking was contributing to my dudes stuffedness. Was analyzing map, planning my next move when screen goes black. Unconcious, dead shortly after. That is fucking frustrating. In real life I sure as fuck don't have to drink every thirty minutes or pass out...

submitted by /u/stugots85
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High speed race ends in fiery crash!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:49 AM PDT

While messing around with friends on 0.61 we found two off road cars & went to pick up a friend. Two cars started the journey & only one made it there.

submitted by /u/HuckleberryHolliday
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