Civilization - Found this in my basement

Found this in my basement

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 08:21 AM PDT

Some say the giant land squid is a myth. We're not willing to risk it.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:53 AM PDT

TIL Barbarians don't capture/destroy great people. If a barbarian moves onto your great person it will just be teleported back to one of your cities.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:43 AM PDT

Just recently discovered this while using a great musician to explore a little since I had no where to use him. No wonder the AI uses them to clear barbarian camps.

submitted by /u/HeWhoMustNotBeMaimed
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Civ, we should rally our troops to r/place!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:47 PM PDT

Many other subreddits have made artwork to promote their subs. We could do one of a leader or roman numeral 6 or something. r/place is full of strategy and we could dominate the battlefield with diplomacy!

submitted by /u/mdoylerules
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Nice weapon you got there...

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:42 AM PDT

so, is tall just unviable in civ 6?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:40 PM PDT

i see a lot of stuff on here about how theres no point in going tall. as someone who doesnt like to manage tons of cities, thats something i miss from civ 5

although there arent bonuses for playing tall (ethiopia in 5), is there truly anything foolish about building 3-4 cities in a cluster and playing defense? i dont exactly see how this would eliminate you from contention as depending on the civ you could do science/culture/faith?

obviously some civs this would really make no sense, but i feel like there are a couple (maybe france? maybe russia?) that could do this?

submitted by /u/pickea7193
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Why can't I build a National Park here?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:57 AM PDT

Sometimes, you just can't ask more of a second city start location.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 01:35 PM PDT

What do you think will some main features of the first expansion for 6?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:23 PM PDT

(Besides new civs, of course).

In V, there were some very obvious holes to fill such as religion and espionage, where as VI is a much more complete game.

Personally I think/hope that they will bring back corporations and add in some missing units (for example, musket-men upgrade directly to WWII era riflemen).

submitted by /u/HazzMadd
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Please Firaxis, save my game settings.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:16 AM PDT

Nothing is more frustrating when you have a couple of Deity restarts then get off to a flier only to discover some 4 hours later you were playing on Prince this whole time

submitted by /u/Baneofarius
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Monthly Challenge April - Age of Discovery

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 06:17 AM PDT

Wlecome back to the semi-monthly challenges-ish, if they're on time. Today, you're on a time limit, as usual, You're competing on a time of world discovery. How do we know you've discovered all tiles in the world? Easy enough, your minimap is complete free of any undiscovered places, plus some extras. Oh, and you're not doing it just as anybody, but as Philip the second, ruler of spain and conqueror supreme.


-You must play on a true start earth map, as SPAIN.


-Normal time setting, NOrmal Difficulty setting

-When you complete this challenge, you must upload five images

One of your capital in the Iberian peninsula

One of Australia, all tiles revealed

One of Alaska, all tiles Revealed

One of Argentine, all tiles revealed

And one of South Africa, all tiles revealed


Bonus points!

Use this to REDUCE YOUR FINAL TIME. These must be proven with images, of course

Conquista: Take the Aztec capital and convert it to catholicism (-5 TURNS)

Beginnings of Faith: Found the catholic faith (-5 TURNS)

Spread the Faith: Have 10 missions in the same screengrab of south America (-5 TURNS)

Throwback: Have 3 natural wonders in your empire (great barrier reef only counts as one) (-10 TURNS)

Riding the bull: Be at war with 7 other nations at the same time (-10 TURNS)

The Spanish Armada: Have 30! INDIVIDUAL ships in the same screenshot (-10 TURNS)

That's Portugal's job! Have Catholic be the majority faith in Kongo (-5 TURNS)

Good luck getting the highscore, and i'll see you all next month! Or not. We'll see! I'm pretty sure my promises carry little weight.

submitted by /u/mariomesser
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Holy Mother of Adjacency Bonuses!!!

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:23 PM PDT

Put the Civ V logo onto the Place canvas

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 02:45 PM PDT

Let us rally together to draw the civ 5 "V" logo on the place canvas. We should coordinate our drawing so as to carry it out quickly and efficiently. Any ideas as to where to draw it?

submitted by /u/thebaldchihuahua
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[Meta] On r/Place we should turn OSU's circle into a Civ hexagon paradise.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:54 PM PDT

Or Ghandi's face or something

submitted by /u/Overlord_C
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Mausoleum at Halicarnassus + Yisu-Sen = double Ironclad in 60BC.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 03:27 AM PDT

CIV V - Why do my cities never hit populations of 30-40?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 10:19 AM PDT

Whenever I play I notice that my best cities never make it past mid 20s in population. However, I see some posts on here and see a city with a population of 40. What am I doing wrong?

submitted by /u/itanitarek10
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A New Path

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:28 PM PDT

I decided to go a new path this turn around (probably my 10th turn in the new Civ) and rather than ruling a country like I normally would, I decided to go all aggression. I chose Alexander and went at a higher difficulty. Normally, I go science and build military to defend myself. This time, I'm focusing my Tech toward military feats instead of science, and my civics the same way.

I have barely gone a turn without someone denouncing or declaring war against me. I'm starting to wonder if the higher ranks just mean everyone hates you and declares war for no reason.

I'm actually loving it though.. nobody can touch me. I took out Cyrus first (although I wish it was Darius for historical purposes). And now Saladin, Ghandi, and Phillip II keep attacking me. I took Phillip's capital and I'm about to go after Saladin just for pissing me off.

I kinda like being the aggressor..

submitted by /u/PassioNate01
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[Civ 6] Optimal path to producing early Settlers

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 09:36 AM PDT

Every single game, I am always in the same frustrating position when it comes to expansion. I can either:

  1. Start pumping our 2-3 settlers relatively early on (after the first 20 turns or so) and get to the key positions on the map.

  2. Put everything into food increases (food tile priority, granary), get to cap to Pop 6 for the Early Empire Eureka, and pump out 4-6 settlers in a row with the 50% settler production card.

The first option makes allows me to get to any really good, contested expands very quickly. But since 1 Settler reduces pop by 1, this means getting the Early Empire Eureka is not going to happen.

The second option seems way more efficient. But it takes a significant amount of time to get to this point and I often feel that I lose out on really good expands this way.

What is the optimal strategy here?

submitted by /u/Neighbor_
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Old post, but if anyone is still playing Civ5 multiplayer, we found a fix to the load issue.

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 11:12 AM PDT

CIV6: Is the immortal intended to not be able to siege cities?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 04:40 PM PDT

I just got the Persia and Macedonia dlc and was excited to play a blitzkrieg Persia, and then I discovered that I need a "true" melee unit to take the city.

My immortals are listed as melee and have melee unit upgrades but only behave like archers. That means they defend as a melee but strictly attack as an archer.

Leaving me to have to use a scout or spearman when I have no horses and need to siege. Also they suffer the huge drop off in damage for cities when sometimes I would rather sacrifice health for turns

submitted by /u/demon_eater
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[Civ 6] Anyone else getting ridiculously long load times during Barbarian turns with the new patch?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 12:11 PM PDT

All the Civ and City-State turns tick away as they always did, but barbarians take very long to finish the turn.

submitted by /u/muttonwow
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Is online play tolerable? Worthwhile?

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 05:26 PM PDT

I'm fairly new to Civ and I've never played a game online. I want to, but I worry about how long opposing players' turns might take.

Any thoughts to share for a new player?

submitted by /u/JangleFinesse
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Can't Start a Game Bug (Years just keep advancing)

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:29 PM PDT

Whenever I go to start a new game the years just keep advancing without my civ ever generating or it allowing me to take a turn. I have tried multiple civs, removed all dlc, uninstall delete folder, reinstall. Still it persists. Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/b1gm4c22
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Persia's Pairidaeza + Coast = Seaside Paradise

Posted: 02 Apr 2017 07:21 PM PDT

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