World of Warcraft - [Firepower Friday] Your weekly DPS thread

[Firepower Friday] Your weekly DPS thread

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:03 PM PST

Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.

Classes: Death Knight | Demon Hunter | Druid | Hunter | Mage | Monk | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior

General DPS questions

submitted by /u/Babylonius
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This is supposedly a one-handed sword.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:02 AM PST

Bone Stoooorm! (OC)

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 02:25 PM PST

"Getting Carried" (OC)

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:15 PM PST


Posted: 10 Feb 2017 05:52 AM PST

When blizz decides to deplete ur key

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 02:48 AM PST


Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:14 AM PST

When jumping and using Whirling Dragon Punch goes wrong

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:17 AM PST

Tool to calculate WoW Token to Blizzard Balance conversion

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:50 AM PST

Shout out to the players that don't instant quit keystone runs.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 09:18 AM PST

Today I hosted my first keystone ever. I got a full group and we were doing a Vault of the Wardens +4. The healer and dps we friends, and the other dps and tank were friends too. We wiped on the first boss and the healer and dps left instantly. I was sad because my key gets depleted if we leave? so I thought it was over. But the tank and other dps decided to stay and help me finish it they were 900 ilvl and we managed to 3 man the dungeon without a healer and we still managed to get 2 chests. It was awesome. I didn't get anything good but I was so glad to finish the dungeon. Thanks to them guys I did my first key ever!

submitted by /u/DurkSellz
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So Nomi hasn't given me a recipe in at least 2 months.. "working as intended"?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:35 AM PST

I"m using the Nomi helper addon.. tried all one material, tried batches of different materials.. nothing changes what that thief Nomi delivers for me. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/EubenHadd
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4 months of work! Now what do I do with my life?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:13 PM PST

Blood Elf Female Weapon Size Increase - with version captions!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:56 PM PST

The Tomb of Sargeras raid has plenty of underwater areas. Recommend getting the Underlight Angler.

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 01:53 PM PST

People are currently exploring and there are a lot of water areas in the Naga section. I highly doubt you would be 'required' to get the Underlight Angler, but like the whole: "Do RtBGs and Arenas to get the Essence of Aman'Thul so you can upgrade your legendaries faster", getting the Underlight Angler might prove useful to you in this raid.

The Underlight Angler requires 800 fishing skill and catching every rare fish in Legion. You don't need to grind it all out at once, since Tomb would probably be coming in like 3-4 months, just if you have an excuse to get started, might as well do it now.

It gives you water walking, and fish form/fast swim mode even in combat and is an all around very useful item inside and outside of other raids, dungeons and outside Broken Isles content (also works in the Old World and the fast swim is faster than the Druid's Seal form).

Like I said, not 'required', but I would recommend getting it as a raider if you want a bit more utility.

submitted by /u/octnoir
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Guardian druids should have a glyph to change the type of bear; polar bear,brown bear, black bear, Coca Cola bear

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 04:18 AM PST

If your class were to have an additional spec, what would it be?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 06:14 AM PST

Instead of adding a new class in the future, I was thinking maybe Blizzard give every class a 4th (5th for druids) spec. Simple way to add more diversity to the game and more content. Could also bring utility classes into the mix without stepping on or ruining any current specs. No one would/should get upset if your class's brand new spec favored utility, considering your class still has 3 other specs to choose from.

Priest: Wrath spec

Essentially holy DPS with light based damage moves. Has raid healing cool downs, but primary role is to damage enemies with hard hitting spells.

Mage: Spellblade spec

Using fire, frost, and arcane, become a melee/magic warrior that primary damage output is through spells from close range.

submitted by /u/Ashtar17
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How to Sim Your WoW Character - A guide I wrote on simulating your toons to find stat weights, and then showing upgrade indicators on tooltips of new gear you get. If you don't know what gear is good for you, read this. Comments and critiques welcome.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:53 PM PST

Trial by fire quest took a crafted piece of gear I was wearing at the time...

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 12:31 PM PST

Has this happened to anyone else? Seems like the system should warn you about taking the item directly off you while you're wearing it. I turned in the quest, and POOF! Gone. Not only that, but it was a fully upgraded crafted wrist piece.... All that obliterum I had to buy to upgrade it. Gone.

submitted by /u/ProtoSimTech
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Tomb of Sargeras is beautiful

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 02:05 PM PST

PLEASE Don't Lie in Group Finder

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:52 PM PST

I just spent 20 minutes getting to the first boss of DhT in a +4. I joined a group that was called "DhT +4 , 3 Chest" and in the description, it said "880 Tank, 870+ in group already". I'm an 885 WW monk, so I thought it would be a smooth run. They summon me, and as soon as I walk into the dungeon, they start the stone. We wiped on the second trash pack. Then, I inspected the healer. It was a 785 holy paladin in quest blues. Then I looked at the tank and other two dps. The tank actually was 883, but the two DHs were both in the mid 840s, and were doing about 150k dps. The healer and demon hunters died countless times before we got to the first boss, and then once we got there, the tank pulled without one of the dhs and the healer, so we wiped again. After that, there was 16 minutes left in the dungeon. Don't lie in the group finder. And when you join other M+ groups, inspect people beforehand.

EDIT: Here's a screenshot of the healers armory page

submitted by /u/Django1811
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Legion PvP Talent Guides

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 02:27 PM PST

Cross posting this from /r/worldofpvp

Hey guys! I have been seeing a few questions lately about talent choices and I wanted to share a few free resources with you. Skill-Capped has revamped their macro section to include macros for every single class, with detailed descriptions of their function. There are also talent guides available for most popular PvP specs. These talent guides have been produced using information from some of the best players in the world:

Arcane Mage Yellowlizard (2x Rank 1, 3x Gladiator)
Fury Warrior Joefernandes (Blizzcon Champion, 9x Rank 1, 12x Gladiator)
Destruction Warlock Wallirikz (EU Regional Competitor, 7x Rank 1, 11x Gladiator)
Assassination Rogue Jax (Blizzcon Competitor, 4x Rank 1, 8x Gladiator) & Nahj (5x Rank 1, 9x Gladiator)
Frost Mage Venruki (Blizzcon Champion, 12x Rank 1, 19x Gladiator)
Demon Hunter Trillebartom (5x Rank 1, 10x Gladiator)
Retribution Paladin Mystic (EU Regionals Competitor, 7x Rank 1, 10x Gladiator)
Restoration Druid Healingstat (Blizzcon Competitor, 5x Rank 1, 8x Gladitor) & Bigmoran (3x Rank 1, 6x Gladiator)
Balance Druid Owlpro (4x Rank 1, 10x Gladiator)
Elemental Shaman Zeepeye (7x Rank 1, 7x Gladiator)
Unholy DK Cervantes (EU Regionals Qualifier, 5x Rank 1, 7x Gladiator)
Frost DK Cervantes (EU Regionals Qualifier, 5x Rank 1, 7x Gladiator)
Feral Druid Fewen (Blizzcon Competitor, 3x Rank 1, 8x Gladiator)
Arms Warrior Joefernandes (Blizzcon Champion, 9x Rank 1, 12x Gladiator)
Affliction Warlock Wallirikz (EU Regional Competitor, 7x Rank 1, 11x Gladiator)
Survival Hunter Dillypoo (6x Rank 1, 6x Gladiator) & Pancakez (5x Rank 1, 6x Gladiator)
Restoration Shaman Xonika (EU Regional Competitor, 6x Rank 1, 7x Gladiator)
Mistweaver Monk Miley (4x Rank 1, 6x Gladiator)
Fire Mage Venruki (Blizzcon Champion, 12x Rank 1, 19x Gladiator)
Holy Paladin Xonika (EU Regional Competitor, 6x Rank 1, 7x Gladiator)
Shadow Priest Healingstat (Blizzcon Competitor, 5x Rank 1, 8x Gladitor) & Zunniyaki (Blizzcon Competitor, 12x Rank 1, 17x Gladiator)
Discipline Priest Miley (4x Rank 1, 6x Gladiator)
Windwalker Monk Feddx (EU Regional Qualifier, 3x Rank 1, 4x Gladiator)
Subtlety Rogue Jax (Blizzcon Competitor, 4x Rank 1, 8x Gladiator) & Nahj (5x Rank 1, 9x Gladiator)

submitted by /u/bigmoran
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This must be more than a coincidence ...

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:36 PM PST

Since just before Legion I've been using Prisma to add "artistic" post processing to WoW screenshots -- "Ilusur"

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:04 AM PST

What WoW achievement are you most proud of obtaining?

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:57 AM PST

Personally I've always liked "Did somebody order a knuckle sandwhich?"

Skills being a thing way and being taken out before achievements were a thing, It's kind of a cool nod at people who did something that most people wouldn't have thought of doing or over looked.

submitted by /u/Drougen
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scary painting in Dalaran

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 10:29 AM PST

Favortism in new raiding guild

Posted: 10 Feb 2017 08:30 AM PST

So here's my story. Since BC I had been on one of the currently smallest servers (something I was not aware of initially), playing on and off casually except for the 10 man raiding guild I was in during Wrath. Coming back for Legion, I found myself diving head first into raiding with EN. I found myself topping most logs on my Holy Priest and even becoming top allstar healer for my joined realm. I had a lot of fun in my guild with the friends I made, but eventually I felt like we hit a wall in M EN progression wise and that we simply did not have enough people on our server to fill in spots for flakes.

I decided to start applying to new servers the week before NH released, and after interviewing a few guilds I decided to drop the $55 for a server/faction change. This guild appealed to me because they were 7/7 2/3, fit my schedule and stated that they would not be recruiting for the bench. The first week was good, as I was invited to a couple of high level m+ with them, and we cleared normal and part of heroic NH on the first night. I did notice that we were running with 5 healers, which included the guild master and three other officers. I was wondering how this would work in Mythic but decided to roll with it.

In subsequent weeks they have not been so cordial. I feel like I am consistently ignored in chat trying to make small talk to get to know people, and am still ranked as an applicant. Running H NH with them for the past three weeks I have been passed over for pretty much every piece of gear while the other healers get decked out in 4 pc (loot council). Despite this, I am still keeping up with them on the meters. I show up on time and prepared with consumables. Tuesday night we one shot H NH, so last night we doing Mythic and I didn't hear anything from RL, so I ask him if I'm off tonight and he says he doesn't know. A few minutes later, I check the roster and the 4 gm/officer healers are already inside the instance, so I log off for the night without saying anything. Trying to shrug it off but I feel a little bit screwed over the day after.

My question is, is this normal? Am I jumping to conclusions? Are they testing me to see how I will react to shitty treatment before making me official, or are they just jerking me around and using me as a backup for when somebody posts out? I can give offer up my logs for proof I am not a shitty healer, but my char name is Megmut on Icecrown US if you want to check yourself. Thanks for any advice. I love this game and raiding with a fun group of people, but being treated like some sort of annoyance after dropping almost $60 (and another $100 on hardware to fix my fps issue) makes me kind of want to not invest any more time beyond the 30 some days I already have for this xpac.

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