True Dota 2 - Solo Offlane Necrophos - why not?

Solo Offlane Necrophos - why not?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:43 AM PST

I have been spamming solo offlane Necrophos for the last three months - mostly first pick too. It has yielded a 70% winrate across 53 games which has boosted my MMR by 525 - nice. This has been a mix of solo and party (with one friend) so it jumps between 3.5k and 4k MMR games.

Every single game I go Wand, Arcanes, Mek then Aghs. After that I tend to vary between Greaves, Blink, Hurricane Pike, Blademail, Octarine and Shivas. This depends on the need for dispels, mobility or survivability.

What I don't fully understand is, why does this work so consistently?

submitted by /u/Khuraji
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Switching to Dota2 from LoL, what should I expect?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:52 PM PST

Pretty much self explanatory in the title. What's similar and what's different, in your opinion? I've never played Dota2 before, and it's installing right now, so I'm just wondering.

submitted by /u/InsertWitt
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Is Mask of Madness viable on any hero or within any drafts?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:28 AM PST

Usually what I've seen is Mask of Madness is one of the 3 items (HotD, Vlads) people used to choose amongst to maintain there mid-game sustain. And now even Solar Crest has emerged as a clear contender for mid-game survivability.

Does MoM have a place anywhere?

submitted by /u/Fisti91
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So who still buys drums?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:18 AM PST

What heroes is this item good on now?

I used to get on Tiny, OD and Kunkka but not sure who it's worth getting on anymore.

submitted by /u/DarthyTMC
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Solar crest on AW?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:39 AM PST

Disregarding whether aw is shit or not currently, is sc a good item on him? Tank for himself, damage for both(when used by clone and not by main), 24 armor +evasion when escaping, and a bit of mana regen. Downsides: no damage, so maybe some +damage items before that might be needed.


submitted by /u/throwawaywtf322
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Helm VS. Vlads on PA and Void

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:26 PM PST

Which one is better? Are both a situational pickup?

submitted by /u/pleasehelpplz
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how to play DOOM on 7.02

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:16 AM PST

How to meepo?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:51 PM PST

How to meepo in this patch?

Power threads are v strong on meepo but that means that u have lesser pushing power as compared to BoTs.

Everytime i play meepo, i feel like enemy just stick and i cant find any pick offs.

Ratting is also more difficult , due to people able to TP to sanctury.

I find myself a decent meepo but cant win games in 30 min like how i see in youtube.

submitted by /u/antihope4evil
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