True Dota 2 - Season 11 Sign-Ups for the Redditors' Dota 2 League Are Open!

Season 11 Sign-Ups for the Redditors' Dota 2 League Are Open!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:29 AM PST

RD2L is kicking off their 11th Season! This season runs from March until June. Signups end on Friday, March 3rd.

What is RD2L?

The Redditors' Dota 2 League (RD2L) is a casual and competitive league for individual players of all skill levels. It's a great way to experience organized Dota 2 without the heavy time commitments and scheduling uncertainty involved in forming a team for a typical league.

You can either sign up as a captain or a player. Captains get to draft from the available players in their division to form a team of 7 (6 + captain). This team plays through an 8 week season culminating in an inter-divisional playoff for the top teams in each division. Each week your team plays a Captain's Mode BO2 against a team of similar skill.

Why Play RD2L?

  • All skill levels welcome! While the average MMR in RD2L is high 3k - low 4k, we have players from 1k - 6k in the league. More experienced players can improve their team work, communication, and leadership skills while helping the lower MMR players improve their game skills.
  • Balanced matches. By drafting teams (similar to fantasy football), teams tend to be generally even in overall player skill. Also, regular season matchmaking pits teams with similar records against each other each week to avoid unbalanced matchups.
  • A great way to build a stack. Through inhouses and regular season matches, build a group of friends to stack and queue with. Teams made up of RD2L players regularly play in Battlecups, AD2L, JDL, and Valve Event Qualifiers.
  • Develop your captaining and leadership skills. Whether you captain this season or are mentored by one, RD2L is a great place to improve at CM. Drafting, strategy, and team play are all much more important than your average ranked pub game.

Signing up:

Captain and Player Sign-Ups and Information: Captains get to draft players and run their team. New captains must be at least 3k solo MMR (4k in CET-WED), and must be approved by an admin vouch.

Players sign up to be drafted into a team. To sign up as a player you must have played at least 500 games and have 250 wins. Your steam profile / dota stats must also be public to successfully sign up. There is no minimum MMR for players.

Sign-ups work on a first come first serve basis. The number of players we can support each season is limited by the number of captains that sign up, so being a captain is the best way to ensure you get a spot. (However, we typically ask for volunteers from returning players and previous captains if more are needed after sign-ups end, so don't feel pressure to sign-up as a captain.) If as a player you go undrafted, you can still be added to a team that needs you during the season as a Free Agent.

Season 11 Schedule (Schedule will be updated soon. See our subreddit post for a detailed schedule.)

If you're having signup issues, refer to this FAQ for troubleshooting. If that doesn't work, send a message to an admin in Discord. Please have screenshots or other helpful information for identifying and resolving the problem.


When you sign up you will choose a division for a day/time where you'll be regularly available. For the entire regular season, your matches will start at the same time on the same night of the week! For example, the EST-SUN division plays every Sunday on US East Servers at 9 PM EST.

Divisions list:

Match Time Server Days
9 PM CET EU West Wednesday or Saturday
9 PM EST US East Sunday or Monday
9 PM PST US West Sunday or Monday

The RD2L In-House League

The RD2L IHL provides a way to play competitively between matches and before/after the season starts.

IHL rules and sign-ups can be found here.

Once you have signed up you can then participate in lobbies like this hosted on EUW and USE. All ranked IH games will be played on our IH Ticket.

Games are typically organized through our Discord servers. You can find the invites to both the EU and NA servers on the sidebar of /r/redditdota2league.

If you have any questions you can always send me a PM via reddit or find me in Discord and PM me there.

Helpful Links

submitted by /u/ransom00
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Should I sell my butterfly if the enemy gets a mkb?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:14 AM PST

I'm never sure whether to do this. For example if I build a butterfly on SF and the enemy antimage gets a mkb, do I sell the butterfly or keep it so antimage has to sacrifice an item slot for an mkb? When is it a clear decision and when is it debatable?

submitted by /u/pacnet88
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Why Sniper Aghanims is optimal

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:51 AM PST

Link to post:


I play-tested a home brew Sniper Aghanims build this week and was impressed. The item progression goes Treads; Aquila; Diffusal Blade; Desolator*; Aghanims; luxury (4x Rapier?). I'm going to insist here that this build is optimal for 7.02, but before that I'll explain the trade-offs:

  • It's not as much damage in the late game. Straight up, if you are going the standard Dragon Lance; Maelstrom; MKB/Crit; MJ; luxury, you will pump out more auto-attack damage.
  • No Dragon Lance means you're easier to gank, and can't man up nearly as well in the early-mid game. However, I do note you will be DPSing much better with this build until you start up on the Aghanims. Blight; Diff; Deso hit hella hard.
  • No Maelstrom means you farm slower. I don't think the difference is significant but we'd need sample size to tell.
  • The purge charges from your Diffusal Blade are honestly not particularly useful.

So now hopefully I don't seem like I'm high. Here's the thought process behind the item build.

  • Tactical Advantage – Let's talk Aghanims first since it is the driving force of the build. Sniper players are very familiar with the Sniper-Flanker stalemate / standoff. It's a game of chicken. Sniper is waiting for the Flanker to show so that he can come in guns-a-blazing without fear of getting reamed by the Flanker. The Flanker is waiting for Sniper to auto-attack, which reveals his position, so that he can jump the Sniper and win the game. Aghs shoots this dynamic in the face. At level 20 with Treads-Diff1-Deso-Aghs, Sniper can fire a ~530 dmg nuke (reduced by armor-7) with a large aoe that applies corruption, headshot and mana break, every 7.5 seconds. Without revealing his position. From 3000 range. While the Flanker does fuck all. You still enter the fight after the flanker reveals – your dps is less than usual but you're in the back lines where you belong, the fight is likely won. Aghs makes it much harder for you to throw the game.
  • Diffusal Blade – Extremely efficient agility to buff your assassinate later as well as your auto attacks early on. This item is great for smacking people too – 65 damage, 25 aspd for 3150 gold. The 50 mana burn can have impact too. Actually makes Dragon Lance feel like a wet noodle.
  • Desolator – Another very efficient damage item that synergizes with Aghanims, and with no Dragon Lance hp/range it's really nice to kill towers faster.
  • No Dragon Lance or Maelstrom – With this build you're not attacking as much, you're casting more and you're staying out of trouble. The extra range and hp on DL is no longer used to its full effect. The chain lightning on Maelstrom isn't proccing as much – it's just not efficient when you're not constantly firing, and it has poor synergy with Aghs (unless they have illusions).

Make sure to take the cooldown reduction @ 20. And the mana regen @ 10 – you're not utilizing the attack speed nearly as much, way better to have mana for spamming assassinate.

Please no flame,

-gg worst captain ever

submitted by /u/mjjdota
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Lets Discuss Morphling!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:29 AM PST

I feel like morphling is really good right now and im surprised he isnt more populiar. Ill list all reasons I think morph is pretty good now and I want to hear what you guys think.

Talents- while his talents are nothing out of this world I feel they are pretty good. At lvl 10 you can get 200 mana or 8 agi. I feel like the 200 mana really helps with his early-mid mana problems. At 15 I can get 25 attack speed which is always nice. The big one is lvl 20 tho. 40 damage combined with morphling's high attack speed makes up for really high dps. Also the lvl 25 50% replicate damave can be huge in certain games.

Items- I feel the items we have really solve a lot of morphling's issues. An early dragon lance gives some nice stats and greatly improves morphling's pathetic range into pretty decent. And raindrops help with morph's natural early weakness to magic as well as giving mana regen.

matchups- one of the reasons I think morph is really good right now os hebhas pretty good matchups against a lot of the populiar carries like luna, ck, pa, jugg and lifestealer. Ill briefly explain each of them.

While luna can be strong vs morphling due to her ability to pus real fast this is also something to his advantage. With the recent buff to replicate it niw deals 80% damage. This means that in all points of the game you can get your own luna and use her against the enemy team to great effect. The illusion also carries lunar blessing giving your team extra 38 damage for free. And if the game drags to late game you can get luna illusion that deals 130% damage making it hit harder than luna herself. Combining that with morphs own dps you are in for a good time.

Jugg is the same as luna, u get very strong illusion. But you can also avoid his ult with wavwform and you massively outcarry him later in the game.

Ck also gives ultra powerful illusion. Also u can always escape him with waveform and linkens.

Pa gives good illusion too. The illusion has pretty good damage with crit, 50% evasion and carries the vlad aura pa often buys. Also if u get ahead u can shotgun her or just dps her down later in the game.

Lifestealer can never get to you amd even if he does he preys on high health low armor heroes. And you are low health high armor mobile hero. U can dps him dow from range and he cant really kill you.

Overall I feel morphling has good matchups against a lot of the meta carries. In early fights he can morph some strenght and use his waveform and replicate for damage while being decently tankym in mid and late game he becomes an unkillable powerhouse. I spent some time explaining why and how we can cover his weaknesses. You may be wondering- why bother tp cover weaknesses when we can pick something without weaknesses? Well because morphling can do more than anyone else. He can nuke harder than anyone later on. He has monster dps. He is very tanky. He is very mobile. He has a stun. He can make strong and long lasting illusions. He can splitpush. He can do it all. He is also one of the hardest late game carries and can go toe to toe with any other carry. What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/VooDooFruit
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Solar Crest as a passive armour item?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:44 PM PST

More specifically, getting it with the intention of using it as a passive armour item but definitely using the active when the situation calls for it.

The reason I was thinking about it was because I was thinking about possibly EHP items on Necrophos. I looked at Medallion / SC and the stats looked pretty decent, especially the +% mana regen since he doesn't get many items that provide that, and the evasion gives a good boost to his physical EHP against right click lineups if they don't get MKB's and/or Bloodthorns.

So back to my question. I know that certain heroes like Venge and Dazzle get this to complement their -armour abilities, but can SC be picked up as a passive physical EHP item?

submitted by /u/Etherkai
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Maxing Aura vs Wave on Pos. 1 Venge?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:32 PM PST

Do you think it's better to max aura or wave on carry venge (4/1/4/1 vs 4/4/1/1 vs 4/3/2/1)? Most pro players seem to max aura aside from forev and loda (from what I've seen). I think maxing wave does more dps than maxing aura if enemies have >~5 armor, which isn't that uncommon once you're level 11.

What are the pros and cons of each build? Which do you prefer?

submitted by /u/enduredonuts
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a couple of questions about centaur warrunner and dotabuff

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:08 PM PST

been playing around with centaur, and I really like him. So,a couple of questions:

  1. heart vs octarine late game? I tested it in a lobby, and octarine seems really good, especially paired with radiance (if the game actually goes that long).

  2. I THINK i get it, but how does blademail interact with return? Are they two separate instances?

I've also been playing around with axe, and I noticed on dotabuff that axe has a .08% advantage against centaur. But if you look on centaur's page, it says that centaur has a .35% advantage against axe. Now, I'm not a mathy person, but that seems fishy to me. Can someone explain it, or should I just pretend I did not see it?

Thanks as always!

submitted by /u/shawnsterp
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Hot Key Setups

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 11:12 PM PST

I use the old HoN setup. (qwer for spells alt+qweasd for items) But it's definitely no longer the most efficient. Fingers start getting really twisted when i have 2+ activated items. What do you guys use?

submitted by /u/Babybean1201
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A big thank you to True_Dota2

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:47 PM PST

For two reasons:

  1. The posts here actually interest me and make me a better player.

  2. I saw posts about Lone Druid being really good like a week after 7.00, thus allowing me to play him before he was cool. Now he's one of my favorite heroes.

submitted by /u/kashiman290
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Nyx Aghs Buff?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:52 AM PST

I had an idea for a Nyx aghs buff the other day. I actually haven't checked balance and win rates with/without aghs so it could be totally unnecessary, but here it is.

*Adds ability Burrow and subability Tunneler

Nyx takes advantage of his extensive knowledge of underground pathways and traverses the map freely.

Upon burrowing, Nyx gains the ability Tunneler. When activated, Nyx becomes invulnerable, immune to detection, and unable to attack, cast spells, or use items. His movement speed is set to 350 (?). To emerge again, Nyx must first use burrow.

The idea here is give him more mobility and the option to set up his siege ability better. It could be given a cooldown like broodmothers web ms and invis upon taking damage.


submitted by /u/velumer
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Itemizing Pudge

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:15 PM PST

I've been debating how to itemize Pudge most effectively. Assuming a position 4 (roamer) role, what is /r/td2's opinion on what items Pudge should go for? It feels like too many items are important and viable on this hero.

The early game itemization seems fairly linear to me (Wind Lace, Tranquil) but things get tricky when it comes to your first "big" item. For starters you definitely want mobility (Blink/Force Staff/Eul's?). But there's also a lot of merit to Aether Lens, since the mana pool buff and hook range are pretty big. Then you have Blade Mail which IMO is pretty much core since the huge buff it received as it allows Pudge to be extremely relevant throughout the game against carries, and finally Scepter which is definitely a late-game core choice.

So what is your opinion on the ideal item path for Pudge? Most importantly, what do you think are the first two items you should get, considering that as a position 4 they are likely to be the only ones you get?

submitted by /u/HokutoNoChen
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A Tip For The 2k Junglers

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:05 PM PST

I've been playing Jungle forever, as lycan, lc, beastmaster and I've found a trick that a lot of lower mmr players never see coming. What I like to do around lvl 3, is roam to my safelane and try and kill the offlaner.

The reason this works so well in 7.00 and in 2k is because almost no offlaner blocks the camps with a ward near the safelane, so they don't have vision. They also assume I'm Peruvian which is why I went jungle. So they never expect a legion, beastmaster, or lycan to suddenly start beating on them. It's even better in 7.00 because you have more free time with the changes to the neutral spawn timings. I've been doing this for a few months now, just about everytime I play jungle and it works 9/10 times.

To the 6k players: Does this work in your games? Am I noob? Am I peru? Find out on the next episode of Game of Throws!

submitted by /u/Enderwhovian
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what can be done to nerf how strong WW is against meepo?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:44 PM PST

i just played a match as meepo vs WW, i felt like the game was 4v5 there was nothing i could ive done to prevent him just deleting me from the fight as soon as it starts and as meepo you cant buy any defencive item such as bkb/linkens as is dosnt work for his clones, what could i have done? or why such a counter exists? it feels unfun to play meepo with his already big selection of counters but ww is just plain stupid

submitted by /u/Tails9905
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