Destiny - Daily Thread - Lore Thursday [SPOILERS AHEAD]

Daily Thread - Lore Thursday [SPOILERS AHEAD]

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to Lore Thursday! Let's discuss the lore and story in Destiny.

Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!

In need of more Destiny Lore? Come visit /r/DestinyLore!


You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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For those who want to bash Bungie for the further nerf to Red Death, they're just following Vanguard policy.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:02 AM PST

Red Death - Vanguard policy urges Guardians to destroy this weapon on sight.


submitted by /u/razobak09
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If you have Amazon Prime, you have complete access to all 3 Destiny Soundtracks.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:27 AM PST

Just like the title says. If you have Amazon Prime, you have Amazon Music as a feature of your membership. Included in Amazon music are the complete soundtracks for:

This includes downloading them to listen to offline.

On a side note, anyone else think that Michael Salvatori is a worthy successor to Marty? They worked together for so long that it has a very familiar sound. Taken King and Rise of Iron are fantastic, and they are very much an evolution of Halo.

submitted by /u/danis5
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Right before Destiny 2 launches, Bungie should release a balance patch that returns every weapon, exotic, and archetype to their most OP form from throughout the past 3 years

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:48 AM PST

Just imagine it:

  • Suros and Vex mytho go back to their vanilla strength.

  • The Last Word gets all its hip fire damage back

  • Thorn returns to two-tapping anyone not running the reduced DoT artifact

  • Messenger and Hopscotch Pilgrim revert to their original power and stability

  • Hand cannon accuracy goes back to year 1

  • MIDA gets working high caliber rounds

  • Hawkmoon can triple-stack the lucky bullets and 1-shot

  • Clever Dragon and Grasp are reverted to their pre-patch strength

  • Universal Remote loses all the nerfs it received after it became popular

  • Shotguns go back to their ultimate form

  • Snipers are unnerfed (lose the increased zoom, gain back some of the aim assist, etc)

I'm sure there are a bunch of other examples I can't think of off the top of my head.

Seems like a fun "SCREW IT!" way of wrapping up Destiny 1 before everyone goes to D2.

EDIT - Any that I forgot that get mentioned below:

  • Pocket Infinity returns to infinitely voop us all

  • Return all subclasses to their best form. Bring back OP Sunbreakers, Firebolts, pre-nerf Blink, non-shortstop Blade Dancer, sticky tripmines, jugg shield, etc...

  • Shot Package

  • Final Round

submitted by /u/MizterF
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No Land Beyond is now the meta, not because it's good, but because almost every other exotic has been made worse than their legendary counterparts.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:14 AM PST

Tlaloc, No Land, G-Horn, Suros, the Lords, Trespasser, MIDA, and Monte Carlo are the only exotics with using in PvP right now. Bungo Why? (Disc) Edit: I should have said "not the best" instead of "good" Edit 2: Hawkmoon, Icebreaker, TLW, and Nemesis Star are also quite good. I can't speak for Jade Rabbit cuz console exclusively :( Edit 3: Front Page! Mom, get the camera!

submitted by /u/Manectric55
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Apparently r/destinythegame is the 10th most filtered out subreddit on the site. Who knew we were so (un)popular?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:57 AM PST

Currently on the front page. I dont mean to shitpost, i was just shocked to see us so high on the list!

submitted by /u/adubiouspickle
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A reminder for the oncoming TWAB.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:06 AM PST

Before we Guardians rush to the comment button after the TWAB will be posted today, please remember one thing.

With the salt that has been piled in this sub since the release of the patch, I think Bungie as a whole is fully aware of what the community thinks of parts of the patch. Their choice of word about the "inadvert changes" might have not been the best but there is one thing that should not be forgotten: They said they would listen to our feedback on these changes.

DeeJ is not a developper but a community manager. Don't hold him accountable for the changes that have been made. Don't hold him accountable for the contagious Hungering Blade modification.

DeeJ himself has no power on these things but can only serve as a conduit between us and the developpers. And if we want to be heard, if we want them to restore the subclass abilities to pre-patch state, we have to engage the discussion by being constructive.

I do not think posts like "Bungie you suck revert this ASAP" would entice the devs to listen to us. I think posts like TripleWreck's or Mercules904 analysis are the way to go to improve the game and correct what we see as mistakes in the patch. It's not enough to say we want something, we also need to explain why.

So far DeeJ has done a, in my opinion, great job at communicating with us and not taking the piss at every single thing that was thrown at him (although when he does his roasts are legendary) and if not for him, Skorri wouldn't have been mentioned at all during the stream and the devs might still not be aware of a balance need from the community.

And remember: if he avoids a subject or stay silent, it's not because he doesn't want to talk about it but he is most certainly not allowed to or doesn't have the info himself. I personally do not expect him to talk about D2 in the upcoming TWAB.

Edit TripleWreck post:

And Mercules904's post :

submitted by /u/Turlututu1
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TIL That the No Land Beyond is inspired by WW2 veteran soviet sniper Vasily Zaytsev who killed 225 soldiers during the battle of Stalingrad

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:30 AM PST

I died soloing the Nightfall because of Hungering Blade

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:20 PM PST

Gif for people who read with pictures.

So everyone is up in arms about the side-effects of the Hungering Blade nerf, but not many people are talking about the PvE implications. And for those that are, most focus on the Voidwalker "vampire build" getting shafted. But it goes beyond this.

Let me set the scene for you:

  • I am trying to solo the Nightfall, because it's basically the biggest PvE challenge available to me to do by myself.

  • I am running Defender because it is my favorite PvE class, and it is excellent for survivability.

  • I am using Weapons of Light (instead of Armor or Blessings) so that I can kill stuff faster, namely the Goliath, and the bosses at the end (the bounty is timed, after all).

Okay, so, I forgot about fresh troops, and I was getting swarmed by major Psions. I was low on health, and decided to pop my bubble for a damage boost and also to recover some health. After all, casting Ward of Dawn starts health regeneration. Or at least, it did on Monday. I forgot that because RealKraftyy Bladedancers are blatantly overpowered in PvP (/s), my Defender's health no longer regens when popping my super.

Please, Bungie, fix this. I know you left the door open for these side effects to become permanent, but remember that PvP is not the entire game. Red Death is ruined (I used it when I went into WotM blind for the health recovery), Cauterize has a cooldown and rapidly killing adds doesn't recharge health like Bladedancer. PvE has suffered enough because of your PvP balances. This time we're getting punished because of a bug that you guys knew about when releasing the patch...

I type this because I care. This is not anger, it's frustration borne out of passion for the PvE content you have created and since forgotten.

TL;DR - I died. On a Titan. In PvE. Because of a nerf to Bladedancer. That no one wanted.

Edit: grammar and whatnot

Edit 2: Wow. This took off more than I thought it would. Hopefully we can show Bungie that we don't want these changes to be permanent.

Edit 3: A clarification. Yes, it wasn't a great play by yours truly. However, since the shields and health would begin to regen simultaneously, I would have had a shield buffer to allow my health to come back even after the Psion hit me. But I digress, that's not really the point of this post anyway. My Defender Titan was punished for a Bladedancer Hunter change.

Edit 4: I'm going to "surgically" address the critiques of my gameplay with one blanket edit. If you think me getting bitch slapped by a Psion is the reason I made this post, then you're missing the point. It has nothing to do with me wiping in the Nightfall. It has everything to do with an unnecessary and unwanted change for a different class in a different game mode affecting my Destiny experience.

submitted by /u/OhMyGoth1
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Updated Voidwalker Skill Tree after patch

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:16 AM PST

RIP Blink

RIP Life Steal

RIP The Hunger

RIP Embrace the Void

Bungie please fix!

submitted by /u/wilkie2726
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Infinite "First Curse" Perk

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:36 AM PST

You can retain the First Curse perk after emptying the mag with the perk proc'd as follows.


1. Play Hunter
2. Equip Sealed Ahamkara Grasps
3. Activate the First Curse perk with a precision kill
4. When you run low on ammo, switch weapons
5. When doing melee damage with Sealed Ahamkara Grasps, you have a chance at refilling your primary magazine
6. If your ammo get's refilled with First Curse stowed, you retain the perk.
7. This works best with Incendiary Blade as each tick of DoT counts as melee damage.
8. If the weapon is not stowed when the automatic reload happens, you lose the perk.


That's about the short of it. It's nice that Gunslingers have a neat little trick that makes their gunslinging a little bit better, even if this trick is highly situational.

First Curse is much better after the patch, and is very good with the First Curse perk activated. First Curse when paired with Gunslinger can retain the perk longer, as well as successfully First Curse bodyshot to Throwing Knife headshot kill guardians.

Give it a shot. They nerfed the shit out of Bladedancer, and First Curse HAS Quickdraw on it as a perk, so what do you have to lose? This DOES NOT work with smokebomb, by the way.

Edit: Resubmitted because I apparently linked to a blacklisted youtube channel.

submitted by /u/Sliq111
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Don't Need a Backup Plan (art)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:26 AM PST

I got an idea for drawing a Titan punching something, which is commonplace as we all know. Then I thought about drawing one in a traditional boxer's stance. THEN I realized I haven't drawn a Titan with No Backup Plans yet. Turns out, I'm not great at drawing them! Something about the holographics and all I guess. But hey, I think he looks cool.

Alternate titles include "You Stepped Into The Wrong Bubble" and "Purple Is A Royal Color, Dang It!" The Destiny Fun Police are out in force. is the link to my other Destiny Art. I try not to post on here every time I draw one because it would feel like spamming. But I do like how this one came out so there ya go. :)

Hope everyone has a great week! Try not to lose sight of the fact that we still get to play video games! Yay!

submitted by /u/Pherian
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What I think is the real problem with Bungie's approach to PvP.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:03 AM PST

I've been a Scout Rifle fan since day one and a sidearm lover since hitscan on tTK. Since this patch hit I've been having tons of fun which fills me with dread. I now feel certain that Bungie will ruin scouts and sidearms in the next patch because that's what they do. I shouldn't have to feel that way. Their approach is all about ruining what's most popular NOT bettering what's unpopular and that sucks the fun out of everything. It doesn't allow players to enjoy what they enjoy.

submitted by /u/jomiran
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Solo Aksis on Hunter Kill

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:22 AM PST


With this, every final raid boss is now solo-able by all classes!

First and foremost, again FULL credit to JosecitoxTRG for discovering the initial part to the glitch on this. His video can be found here. He found the original glitch that you could prevent the lockout, but wasn't sure on the exact details on how it was caused. From there I discovered what the actual trigger to the glitch was: simply spam drop/pickup your cannon enough and once you meet a certain threshold you'll end up glitch into first person with the cannon, and no longer getting Charge Lockouts.

The concept is much the same as the Titan kill from a few days ago. However, due to it being Hunter and having no innate damage buffs on melee/grenades, the play required for Hunter needs to be far more optimized than the other classes. There's little room for error when doing it on the Hunter!

Also a slight difference from the other day too, due to Jose's work he figured out how to prevent Dark Drinker from glitching out during this, allowing for use under specific circumstances. This is essential for Hunter to meet the damage requirements. A simple explanation being you have a very specific order in which you need to swap weapons and certain action you need to do/not do during the run, otherwise it glitches out the usage of Dark Drinker. You can pretty much observe the order of things throughout the run if you watch closely.

The biggest issue I personally found with Hunter though was simply managing the glitch. I spent a lot of time trying to do this where every single attempt I wouldn't get Empowerment in the third and forth rounds. I couldn't work it out for the longest time and experimented with several different build setups, gear, timing and everything trying to fix it. It was basically the only thing stopping my runs. Last night I finally worked it out, if you don't pick up and drop the cannon an additional three times once the glitch is activated, Empowerment tends to bug out. So just simply dropping and picking it up once the glitch is activated and it fixed my Empowerment timing. It took far too long to figure that out...

Once I finally worked that out and how to consistently get Empowerment, it took me about 1-2 hours of attempts to kill it. Had several round 4 wipes in that period of time (10.7mill damage x2, 10.55mill damage and missed third slam), so it wasn't too bad once the glitch was found out. Practice from other solos definitely helped however.

Difficulty-wise on Aksis Solo's, I think that Hunter is by far the hardest and most demanding. For me from Hardest to Easiest: Hunter - Warlock 4 Phase - Titan - Warlock Regular.

Any questions feel free to ask!

submitted by /u/esoterickk
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Bungie's Goals vs. Hotfix - Did Bungie achieve what they set out to accomplish?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:17 AM PST

Warning: Incoming wall of rant...

1. Promote alternatives and counters to Shotguns

In the two days that I've played, I've barely been killed by anything but a primary weapon. With the state of special ammo it will be difficult to tell if the shotgun nerfs (rangefinder buff) brought shotguns down enough to be countered.

As for promoting alternatives to shotguns (AKA alternative special weapons)... It feels like we're being forced to play with sidearms, icebreaker or invective in the special slot.

Verdict: Fail

2. Align potency of Primary Weapons with surgical changes

First impression: I'm happy with the changes they made. I haven't seen much scout rifle usage but only time will tell.

Verdict: Pass

3. File down a couple of issues from each class

They missed the mark on so many changes:

  • Hungering Blade - They targeted the weakest super in the game, made it worse, then inadvertently broke Voidwalkers, Sunbreakers, Defenders, Suros Regime, Red Death, and a few other things... Well played.

  • Blink - One less reason to use Voidwalker and Bladedancer.

  • Quickdraw - The only good perk the Bladedancer had left is now trash. Cheers for that.

  • Thuderstrike - They said they nerfed it but didn't really.

  • Landfall - The overwhelming majority uses ionic blink.

Verdict: Epic Fail

4. Fix some issues with a sampler platter of Exotics

Three things: 1) Since when is two considered a platter? 2) No one cares about young wolf's howl. 3) Thanks for ruining the Truth

Verdict: Fail

5. Supporting adjustments to Special Ammunition

Not a huge fan of this change. It's not terrible in 6s and most 3v3 game modes.

I think it's going to ruin Trials/Elim... I see one of two scenarios for the overwhelming majority of matches: 1) Everyone running a sidearm, icebreaker or invective in the secondary slot (note: invective regens ammo pretty slow, so probably not the best option). 2) Extreme camping around ammo boxes.

Verdict: Fail

submitted by /u/G-star-84
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Remember Slappers from "Goldeneye?"

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:39 AM PST

So apparently the last community induced nerf party wasnt enough. Instead of learning to counter shotguns, changing your playstyle, improvising, adapting, you got everything nerfed. Now, (as I predicted) the sidearm meta has begun, one I have been running for almost a year, and SURPRISE: THE SAME PEOPLE ARE CRYING FOR A SIDEARM NERF. So I propose this - a 'slapper' Crucible mode. Weapons wont ever be 'op' because there arent any. No Supers, no grenades, just melee basic attacks. You can go there, slap each other to death like bitches and leave the rest of us, who enjoy a challenge and our guns alone. Come back when you learn how to kill stuff by shooting it.

submitted by /u/ThinkingWeasel
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Next to bladedancer, defenders were hit the hardest in this patch

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:43 AM PST

The hungering blade nerf hit not only the melee but the super itself. The nerf broke the health regen when you pop the bubble and ive been seeing a lot of reports of the grenades not coming back.

The new ammo economy hurts one of the few defender builds available, shotty/NBP. Yes we can still use UR but compared to rest of the primaries it is among the worst. And iirc the regen for NBP was hit by the nerf too

We did get a mag grenade buff tho so that was nice

submitted by /u/vanpunke666
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Bladedancer nerf thoughts from a Bladedancer

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:00 AM PST

I've mained blade for the best part of a year now and the following are my observations having played half a dozen matches so far:

  • the Hungering Blade nerf hasn't hit as hard as I assumed it would, but I can definitely appreciate how it's still an issue for Voidwalkers & Defenders as their neutral game tends to revolve around healing.
  • Arc Blade itself is actually better now the use of shotguns and fusions has noticeably dwindled. The only time I was killed during it was with a guy spamming me with a Wormwood but only after I had already taken damage. Doubles & triples were more frequent and Hungering Blade should still be the perk of choice.
  • Quickdraw nerf is noticeable but not the end of the world. It seems a couple frames slower in swapping weapons in & out but it doesn't destroy the HC/sniper play style.
  • Don't use Blink. Ever. They've gone way too far in nerfing it.
  • Shinobu's are still the exotic of choice in my opinion. The nerf to the number of seekers hasn't hit it too hard, they're still good for distracting opponents.

I still think the nerfs were unnecessary as it does take us down an extra peg compared to some of the other classes, but it hasn't been a complete disaster. We're still viable enough, for now.

submitted by /u/Toffe3m4n
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I love the new meta! For Real.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:04 PM PST

Never got a god rolled Matador or any other shotgun. Did ok with the Clever Dragon. But now I can rock whatever I want and just wrecked for 3 hours in elimination with Hawkmoon last night.

I'm no longer getting bum rushed by shotties and my months of Wormwood practice seem to give me an edge against all of the sidearm noobs with the new patch. People are using PRIMARY weapons and only using specials in special circumstances. Imagine that. The game feels great.

In Elim we were rocking CoAL since no one is Rez sniping anymore or demolishing overshields with full auto Matadors. It felt a lot more like Trials in year 2 when almost every team had 2 CoAL bearers.

I think people should just chill out and play the game. Or don't and stop filling up my message boards and streams with negativity. People act like the meta never changed before. As for me, can't get enough.


submitted by /u/Seriflex
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Satire tldr for tomorrow's TWAB

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:54 PM PST

Talked about patch going live

Acknowledged broken health regeneration perks, but not going to do anything

Announce iron banner and have clever dragon up for grabs to troll us in true bungie fashion.

Live team is working on stuff we can't talk about.

See ya next week.

submitted by /u/AwesomeJ5
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Taniks annihilated in 4 seconds

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:02 AM PST

I hope D2 doesn't follow suit with D1 by giving us amazing powers and weapons up front that largely become shells of their former selves over the lifespan of the game.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:51 PM PST

Say what you will about Destiny's balance issues, but it's hard to argue against the fact that weapons and powers made you feel legendary in the earlier stages of Destiny and were tremendous fun. Destiny was front loaded with immense power, no arguments there, but by and large we've seen our powers and weapons become increasingly mediocre with each new iteration of the game.

Now I'm not arguing that Destiny's "balances" haven't been done with competitive PvP the best interest of the game in mind. But I would argue that it takes a toll on the long term player experience when the landscape of changes over the lifespan of a game is predominately marked by nerfs that end up giving you the overall sense you're actually becoming less legendary.

Bungie, please don't front load D2 with amazing powers and weapons in an attempt to garner sales and excitement if it just means we're going to see them all nerfed to oblivion by the time D3 is ready to launch.

Either that or please come up with a new tagline for your game.

submitted by /u/platotudes
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A dreamer wishlist for the april update

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:42 AM PST

To change the topic from the most hated patch ever for just a minute, here's a wishlist for the April update that would make me truly happy:


  • Bump up max light level to 500, faction packages to 490, strikes to 485. (pretty much the same, just grind LL again).
  • Bring ALL raids and CoE to 500 LL (scale drops accordingly).
  • Bring back elemental damage on primaries. Add an element to KF and WOTM raid primaries.
  • NF up to 500 LL, NF sunrise bounty primary gets a random element.
  • Bring the blue flames back.
  • give void burn to boolean gemini, poor lad.


  • Trials Lighthouse and IB rank 5 primaries get a random element.


  • Re-shuffle vendors
submitted by /u/bigdeddu
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The nerf to blink was unnecessary, poorly thought out, and totally ridiculous

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:26 PM PST

This is hard for me to post. I'm a big believer of "play the game you have, not the one you want". Complaining about whatever is O/P at the time is stupid. There will always be a flavour of the month. Adapt and use what's best.

But I also enjoy playing all three classes and change builds around. Blink was always a bad choice in PVP and you really saw little of it in competitive play. Why they would nerf it is beyond me. They presented all this data for their changes and I get it. But blink - no data or reasoning was given.

Currently, blink is simply unusable even just as a laugh in any competitive game. The loss of radar for that long is crippling when you're playing against people who are not potatos.

Can anyone explain to me why they would make an entire movement ability completely unusable? Is there anyone at all who thought blink was O/P pre patch? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

submitted by /u/Martialsage
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Model Lego Thorn

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 11:52 PM PST An old model I made back in 2014. The Thorn is still my favorite weapon.

submitted by /u/InCactusMaximus
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Necrochasm vs. StormTrance

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:50 AM PST

Satisfaction Guranteed!

submitted by /u/Berg9940
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