Dota 2 - Hero Discussion of this Day: Dazzle, The Shadow Priest (February 15th, 2017)

Hero Discussion of this Day: Dazzle, The Shadow Priest (February 15th, 2017)

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:41 PM PST

Dazzle, The Shadow Priest

In the Nothl realm, brightness is dark, and the touch that heals a friend will fell a foe.

The Shadow Priest is an unusual support spellcaster, who focuses entirely on physical damage rather than magical attacks. Hence, he is extremely effective backing up allies with strong physical attacks. Poison Touch doesn't deal much damage, but it is a very effective slow and stun with a ridiculously short cooldown. Escaping from a Shadow Priest with a high level Poison Touch is nearly impossible. Shadow Wave doubles as a good heal and damage ability. Similar to Poison Touch, this ability may seem weak at first, but due to the extremely low cooldown it can be cast constantly, and with some clever placement can cause a lot of damage. Shallow Grave is an essential ability. When cast on a nearly dead ally, it can prolong life for several crucial seconds, allowing them to escape or cause even more damage before they go down. Often enemies will chase a hero who is under the effect of this spell, believing them to be an easy kill. This is can be a fatal mistake. Finally, the Weave spell gives the Shadow Priest a method for boosting the power of his own spells and also giving his team a significant advantage in any battle. Due to the low cost and cooldown of Weave, Dazzle can cast it at practically every fight with great effect.


Each young acolyte to the Dezun order must complete a series of rites before becoming a shadow priest. The final rite, the rite of shades, is a harrowing spiritual journey through the Nothl Realm, an unpredictable domain from which not all visitants return. Of those who do, some return mad. Others return with strange aptitudes. But all who go there are changed by their experiences. Driven by the need for enlightenment, Dazzle was the youngest of his tribe ever to request the sacred ritual. At first the order refused him, saying he was too young. But Dazzle was not to be dissuaded. Sensing something special in the headstrong young acolyte, the elders relented. Dazzle drank down the sacred potion and sat by the fire while the rest of his tribe danced through the night. In this ethereal dimension of the Nothl Realm, the properties of light and dark are inverted. Thus his brilliant healing light, beautiful to our eye, is actually a sinister kind of evil; and the darkest deeds are done in a dazzling glow. The elders' intuition was prophetic: Dazzle returned to his people as a Shadow Priest like none seen before, with the power to heal as well as to destroy. Now he uses his gift to fight his enemies and help his friends.

Roles: Support, Nuker, Disabler

Strength: 16 + 1.85

Agility: 21 + 1.7

Intelligence: 27 + 3.4


Damage: 41-59

Armour: 2

Movement Speed: 305

Attack Range: 550

Missile Speed: 1200

Base Attack Time: 1.7

Sight Range: 1800 (Day) / 800 (Night)

Turn Rate: 0.6


Poison Touch

Casts a poisonous spell on an enemy unit, gradually slowing movement, and causing damage over time. At level 4 the target becomes stunned after the slow for 1 second.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 70 15 600 N/A 7 Puts a negative buff on a target, slowing them for 3 seconds and dealing 14 damage per second for 7.3 seconds.
2 70 13 650 N/A 7 Puts a negative buff on a target, slowing them for 3 seconds and dealing 20 damage per second for 7.3 seconds.
3 70 11 700 N/A 7 Puts a negative buff on a target, slowing them for 3 seconds and dealing 26 damage per second for 7.3 seconds.
4 70 7 750 N/A 7 Puts a negative buff on a target, slowing them for 2 seconds and dealing 36 damage per second for 7.3 seconds. Stuns after the slow duration for 1 second.
  • Physical damage

  • This damage is not reduced by damage block abilities (such as Vanguard, Kraken Shell, etc)

  • Level 1: 33% slow for 3 seconds, 14 damage per second for 7.3 seconds.

  • Level 2: 33% slow for 2 seconds, 66% slow for 1 second, 20 damage per second for 7.3 seconds.

  • Level 3: 33% slow for 1 second, 66% slow for 1 second, 100% slow for 1 second 26 damage per second for 7.3 seconds.

  • Level 4: 33% slow for 1 second, 66% slow for 1 second, stun for 1 second, 36 damage per second for 7.3 seconds.

One of the few Dezun rites used for offensive purposes, the paralytic enchantment often proves useful.


Shallow Grave

An ally blessed with Shallow Grave, no matter how close to death, cannot die while under its protection.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 140 60 650 N/A 5 While under the Shallow Grave buff, the unit cannot die and will be left it 1hp
2 130 45 700 N/A 5 While under the Shallow Grave buff, the unit cannot die and will be left it 1hp
3 120 30 850 N/A 5 While under the Shallow Grave buff, the unit cannot die and will be left it 1hp
4 110 15 1000 N/A 5 While under the Shallow Grave buff, the unit cannot die and will be left it 1hp
  • Targeted hero's HP won't go lower than 1 for spell duration

  • Shallow Grave will not prevent Axe's Culling Blade ability from killing a hero

  • The target is kept alive with the Pre-Heal mechanic, which prevents the heroes' health from dropping below 1 without directly reducing incoming damage.

Only a seasoned acolyte of the Shadow can properly perform the rite of preventing death.


Shadow Wave

Shadow Wave heals several allies, which in turn cause damage equal to their healing in a small area around them. Dazzle is always healed by Shadow Wave, and it does not count toward the number of targets.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 90 12 900 475 (bounce radius) 185 (damage radius) N/A Heals a target and nearby allies by 80 and damaged enemies surrounding healed targets by 80. Max allies for heal is 3
2 100 10 900 475 (bounce radius) 185 (damage radius) N/A Heals a target and nearby allies by 100 and damaged enemies surrounding healed targets by 100. Max allies for heal is 4
3 110 8 900 475 (bounce radius) 185 (damage radius) N/A Heals a target and nearby allies by 120 and damaged enemies surrounding healed targets by 120. Max allies for heal is 5
4 120 6 900 475 (bounce radius) 185 (damage radius) N/A Heals a target and nearby allies by 140 and damaged enemies surrounding healed targets by 140. Max allies for heal is 6
  • Physical damage

  • Will always heal Dazzle, regardless of target. Dazzle does not count toward number of bounces

  • Will heal you without counting against the targets limit before bouncing to the target

  • If targeted on self, you will not count against the targets limit, then the spell continues bouncing normally

  • Allied heroes are primary target for heal

While it is a simplistic and routine rite among Shadow Priests, the Shadow Wave is also the most critical for success.




Applies a buff that increases allied hero armor or decreases enemy hero armor in the target area, changing armor by 1 every second.

Level Mana Cost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 100 40 2000 575 (775*) 24 Every ally hero affected by this buff has their armour increased by 0.75 (1.25) per second, and every enemy hero has their armour reduced by 0.75 (1.25) per second for the duration
2 100 40 2000 575 (775*) 24 Every ally hero affected by this buff has their armour increased by 1.0 (1.5) per second, and every enemy hero has their armour reduced by 1.0 (1.5) per second for the duration
3 100 40 2000 575 (775*) 24 Every ally hero affected by this buff has their armour increased by 1.25 (1.75) per second, and every enemy hero has their armour reduced by 1.25 (1.75) per second for the duration
  • This ultimate can be upgraded by Sceptre, (*) shows the upgraded effects

  • Places buffs on heroes, so entering or leaving the initial area after the cast won't have any effect

  • UProvides 575 (775*) for 3 seconds

  • If cast on a hero with magic immunity, Weave will have no effect, but if magic immunity is enabled after Weave is cast, it will remain in effect

His ethereal journey into the Nothl realm has allowed Dazzle to mend together the powers of light and dark, creating shifting waves of enchantments.

Talent Tree

Option 1 Level Option 2
+6 Shadow Wave Heal (+0.7% Winrate) 25 -6s Poison Touch Cooldown
-30s Respawn Time 20 +25 Movement Speed (+7.7% Winrate) Holy shit
+60 Damage 15 +100 Cast Range (+1.7% Winrate)
+125 Health 10 +10 Intelligence (+3.5% Winrate)
  • Upgrading health increases maximum health capacity and keeps the current health percentage.

  • The attack damage is added as bonus attack damage, and therefore does not benefit illusions.

  • Respawn reductions cannot reduce respawn time below 1 second.

  • The Shadow Wave talent also affects its area damage, not only its heal value.

  • Winrate staistics from Dazzle's Dotabuff page

Recent Changelog


  • Level 15 Talent from +40 Damage to +60


  • Multiple instances of Poison Touch​ now will stack on each other.


  • Increased Poison Touch​ cast range from 600 on each level to 600/650/700/750.

Previous Meepo Discussion: August 30th, 2013

Previous Hero Discussion: Meepo

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submitted by /u/VRCkid
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Elimination Mode 3.0 Day 6 Match Discussion

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:34 AM PST

Elimination Mode 3.0

Organized by Moonduck



Day 4: February 14

ID Team 1 vs. Team 2 Results PST EST GMT CET SGT AEDT Format
- - - - - - - - - - - -
LB2 vs. WanteD 11:00 14:00 19:00 20:00 03:00 06:00 BO3
F Team Onyx vs. TBD 14:00 17:00 22:00 23:00 06:00 09:00 BO3

NA Lower Bracket 2: compLexity vs WanteD

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:0  

NA Finals: Team Onyx vs TBD

Game 1 Winner:
Game 2 Winner:
Game 3 Winner:

Result:   0:0  

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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32 Years Old with a Baby. Just got from 4.9k to 7k in 4 months. Warning, Abaddon spammer.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:27 AM PST

To every jungle picker in ranked...

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:25 AM PST

Changes to coL.Dota

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:48 AM PST

EE asks MidOne

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:19 AM PST

The things you want to know when going to Kiev Major

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:16 AM PST

Location: the National Palace of Arts Ukraine (Virtual tour)
Dates: April 27 – April 30
City: Kyiv

  • Exchange rate.
    Average exchange rate is
    1 USD to 28 UAH (ukrainian hryvnias)
    1 EUR to 29 UAH

  • Is Kyiv safe?
    Kyiv is a capital. We have a police patrol and they keep city safe enough. Of course, as in any other city there are more and there are less safe regions. Basically, the closer you to the city center, the safer it is. Just don't go into dark streets late at night and you will be fine :D

  • Where to live?
    National Palace is located on Palats "Ukrayina" metro station. So basically any place near metro station would be good. Preferably blue metro line of course.
    It's better to find hotel but you can also rent a hostel (low cost hotel) if you want to save some money.
    Prefer west side (west coast) of the city against east side (east coast) of the river) when choosing place to live.

  • What/where to eat?
    National Palace is close to Ocean Plaza Mall. You can find KFC and McDonalds there (outside) as well as some national food, sushi, wok and etc. I know that "Eurasia" sushi bar is good (enough) and they give you twice more food if you get it to go (you need to order 1 hour prior for this).
    Sushi33, Pizza33, Mamammia are great services that will bring you food in 1.5-2 hours anywhere in Kyiv. You can also order Dominos is you want food fast. They deliver in 30-45 minutes anywhere and pretty good.
    Lvivska Shokoladna Maysternya (Lviv Chocolate Workshop) is a good place to try some chocolade made in Ukraine. They also serve a great coffee!

  • Local food worth to try
    You should try salo, borscht and Kompot. Also pelmeni and Pierogi worth trying.
    You should try drink mead and other alcoholic tinctures. You should also try beer from Solomenska Browarnia

  • Where to drink?
    This are just my favorite places and my own opinion. Some may disagree with it.
    Klaipeda - good beer, great food
    ProRock on str. Pushkinskaya, 32 - good beer, good food.
    Solomenska Browarnia - great local beer, good food.

  • Food/drink prices
    Average pizza (medium) cost about 100-120 UAH (3-4 USD). McDonalds menu costs 60-80 UAH (2-3 USD). Regular cheesburger at McDonalds costs 15-20 UAH (0.6-0.7 USD). Beer in shops costs 15-60 UAH for half a liter. Beer in pub costs 50-100 UAH (2-3 USD) for half a liter.

  • Taxi
    We have Uber and Uklon (local uber). You know what Uber is and Uklon is local (not so good) version of it. I suggest you to use Uber, because it's easier to use. In Uklon you need to pay in cash (you probably don't want to give them you credit card info) but it's good enough.
    Taxi price depends on time of the day (higher at peak hours) and distance. Uber also takes time spent in taxi into consideration but arrives much faster.
    Taxi will cost you 50-130 UAH (2-5 USD) with minimum of 40 UAH (1.5 USD).

  • Taxi from/to airport
    You should consider having Uber (Android, IPhone or Uklon(Android IPhone WindowsApp ) app installed on your phone when arriving. Taxi between Boryspil airport and city center will cost you 300-400 UAH (about 15 USD). You will also have a good overview of the city and Dnieper river =)
    There is also autobus "skybus" going from airport to railway station which is rather close to the center, you can use that. Costs 80 UAH(about 3 USD)

  • Public transport
    Public transport is pretty cheap. it's 4-5 UAH (1/7 USD) for one ride. But you should probably avoid it because it's not clean and not a lot of fun. Metro costs the same price.
    Public transport works from ~6AM till ~23PM. After that - pretty much taxi only. Google Maps public transport routes work quite well.

  • Language
    Most of population don't speak English or speak it just a little.
    Metro is in both languages (Ukrainian and English). Most popular hotels too. About half of cafes have menus in Ukrainian, Russian and English. Uber don't require any communication with driver and Uklon has "English speaking driver" function.
    Public transport, sadly, in Ukrainian/russian only. But you can always use 3G with navigator on your phone to find your way and to help you find what bus to use.

  • Local mobile and 3G access
    Local carriers (Kyivstar, "Vodafone") provide quite good 3G net for 3$ a month+1$ for initial purchase of SIM card (you'd only need it for a couple of days but navigating unknown places is much easier with net).

  • Basic rules
    Just keep you money on credit card, avoid shady places and don't do into dark streets on city side at night. If you use public transport or/and metro keep you purses close to you in safe place and you will be just fine. Prefer taxi/uber against public transport and don't go into east side late at night.


Service for booking provided by /u/wololo_


Credits to /u/SatyrTrickster on following part:
Tourist-tier things to see— guide from a ukranian from another city So, I assume you gonna start in the very center of the city, on Khreschatyk street / subway station. Have a look around, check Maidan, get a grasp of the place. On the square there's also that glass-covered underground trade center with a nice cybercafe inside; spotted Mysery there in april last year :P From there, you could go up by Instituska street or Mykhailo Grushevskogo street to see the government quarter, parlament building and Mariinski palace+garden. You can go down the Khreschatyk street, to Bessarabski market, and down to Olympiski stadium complex. On your way there'll be just typical old city architecture combined with modern places, lots of places to eat at, Olympiski stadium itself is worthy to check, and also there's st. Nicolas roman-catholic cathedral. You'll see a lot of orthodox churches around, but this one is really different cause it's catholic in gothic style. Back to Independence Square, you can also go down a bit, and then go up by Prorizna street — until you reach Golden Gate. It's an element of very old fortress, 1000 years old or smthn, back from Kievan Rus times. That's about all places that you can walk yourself from the city center, for the rest it's better to use transport. You absolutely should check out Andriyivskyy Descent, it's a historical place and also lot's of stuff for tourists around. Just near the descent there's also a very new district, called Vozdvyzhenka (ask locals); I find the place quite fancy to walk around, google it to see if you want to check it out. The closest subway station is Kontraktova Ploscha, but you'd still need to take a 10 minutes walk. I suggest you check out botanical garden — a very wonderful place to my taste; and also there's Rodyna-mat' statue nearby (the very big lady with shield and sword) and Kyiv-Pecherska lavra — the main main church also from ancient times. Altho I prefer the garden to those two. Closest subway station is Druzhby Narodiv. After this, you saw the very main places, but there's still a lot of stuff to explore: Obolon' embankment, Upper city, Podol; you might want to check out cybersport arena — the home of starladder; you might want to check out some oldschool museums, modern theatres or fancy trading centers (make sure to visit Gulliver near Olympiski stadium) — you call it.

submitted by /u/trololonya
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Febby learning what Kappa means

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:42 AM PST

Can we please sell things from Dota client

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:18 AM PST

As in the title. It's kind of annoying how we can buy stuff off the market in the client, but have no way to sell items. Valve pls.

submitted by /u/juvi97
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Japan's MaraCup 2 aka Oyster Major returns!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:29 AM PST

MaraCup Season 2

Mara Cup Season 2 aka the Oyster Major returns this weekend on the 18th and 19th of February starting at 19:00 Tokyo Time (10:00 GMT, 05:00 EST)! Join 32 teams as they fight through to victory, fame, friendship and oysters!


※DISCLAIMER: Oysters only available within Japan※




Teams and Starting Brackets:


Team A vs Team B
QuestBoy vs TonitleScere
Vindicators vs BOBOXILE
GaMeR's LiFe vs Animals
TSA vs Team fav.


Team A vs Team B
Team MarvelHeroes vs Presence of Mind
大正義ふぁんたろう (Daiseigi Fantarou Kai) vs GameDeveloperRejects
Happy together vs oyster ranger


Team A vs Team B
emahome vs Betrayal
TryHardForFun vs O!☆Pussys (Oyster Pussys)
K5 vs こたつでdota
どら焼きモンスターズ (Dorayaki Monsters) vs SylvanianFamilies


Team A vs Team B
We're watching you vs MacDonald
あの日の川原で (Ano hi no kawahara de) vs 日本 (Nihon)
IRUSU Gaming vs 千里馬 (Senriba)


Relevant Links

Sorry no subs FeelsBadMan

Interviews with some teams

Art Contest VOD

Challonge Live Overview

Official Site JP

submitted by /u/EmperorCasts
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Forsen is now streaming himself playing Dota!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:03 AM PST

First official Crumbling Island Arena tournament. Main prize: an Arcana of choice

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:17 PM PST

I found Jugg Arcana

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:35 AM PST

Febby licked elbow himself WutFace

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:43 AM PST

Winter Battle Pass Ends Before Major

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:14 AM PST

Rip Region Lock (2017-2017)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:34 AM PST

How to make brood great again??

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:06 AM PST

Spiderite's attacks awaken the Spider Bang's power. Upon the fourth hit on the same enemy hero, Spiderite earns four charged attacks that have bonus damage and lifesteal.
Required Hits: 4
Charges: 4
Attack Damage Bonus: 80/120/160/200
Lifesteal: 20%/30%/40%/50%
Counter Duration: 10

submitted by /u/Wisp_Khalifa
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Request: Day9 Vs Slacks - 1v1 mid

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:47 PM PST

so.. we all know Purge has been coaching Day9 for the last month or so. We also know that Slacks is ~5K. I personally would love to see a 1v1 mid competition between slacks and Day9 after Day9 has been through all the Purge coaching sessions. LETS MAKE THIS HAPPEN!

submitted by /u/Grizzly86
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100% Calculated

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:02 PM PST

Great force staff, 33 vs VEGA

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:46 AM PST

1 dagger and im die

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:35 PM PST

i miss the 1v1 Tournament

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:04 AM PST

I was introduced to Dota right after TI3 so i watched a lot of VOD's of it. Part of it was the 1v1 Side-Tournament which was pretty cool. it was very funny ( i believe iceiceice won and we all know how entertaining his playstyle is ) and it was good for me since i was new and i had only two heroes to focus on instead of 10.

Since then there was nothing of this sort. TI 4-6 only had those all-star matches. Correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think a lot of people really cared for that match. It is a very clowny thing. Nobody really tries and in the end they even activate cheats. Don't get me wrong the all-star match is entertaining but i don't consider it a very good replacement for the 1v1 and i wish it would make a return is all.

submitted by /u/chuanito
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Dota 2 Update - February 16th 2017

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:37 PM PST

Fixed Necrophos Ghost Shroud not preventing Physical damage from spells

Fixed Shadow Dance lasting 0.5 seconds longer than intended when he doesn't have Scepter

Fixed Berserker's Blood attack speed bonus not affecting illusions

Size: 30.8MB

submitted by /u/Tris511
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Help new players out! Add neutral camps & other mechanics to the learn tab

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:23 PM PST

Kiev Major Dates and Tickets

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:30 PM PST

College students...

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:13 AM PST

There's free entry to a $10,000 league that is launching next week. It's for US and Canada schools to participating in inter-collegiate dota 2.

It lasts 8 weeks with group stages leading up to a final championship. You can find new friends and teammates on the website and see all the rules: Here

Good luck!

submitted by /u/localgamers
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