The Legend of Zelda - 15 days left! 15 Zelda games remain! Let's discuss: Link's Awakening

15 days left! 15 Zelda games remain! Let's discuss: Link's Awakening

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:45 PM PST

With the franchise's popularity raising, Nintendo couldn't let it's first handheld console without a Zelda title, and thus, the next entry in the series was created exclusively for the GameBoy (it got a re-released for the GameBoy Color later on). This new game took us out from the already well-known Hyrule, to a dreamful place: the Koholint Island.

In this thread we discuss all the previous Zelda games, one per day until we finally get to explore the world of Breath of the Wild.

5 simple questions about each game!

  • 1. Your favorite aspect of the game? (Replay value, music, gameplay, characters, the world)

  • 2. Favorite Dungeon.

  • 3. That one song in the game everyone should listen to.

  • 4. The quote, moment or cutscene that stuck in your head.

  • 5. Why should anyone play this game?

Let's make our dreams come true. Let's discuss The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (1993)

Previous discussions: A Link to the Past / The Adventure of Link / The Legend of Zelda

submitted by /u/Not2Xavi
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My Link Between Worlds Triforce Tattoo

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:03 AM PST

I'm telling you man, it was huge!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:52 PM PST

How about a "Termina mode" for BotW?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:51 AM PST

Hi everyone. So now that we know that there is gonna be some DLC, let's try to think of what would be a creative way to implement a "new" hard mode... Of course, it could just be the usual "tougher/more frequent enemies + revamped dungeons", but I was thinking it could be cool to try to drastically change the player's experience once they decide to play the game a second time.

Imagine for instance that you're playing a sort of "Termina Mode" for BotW: As Zelda explains you in one of the first cutscenes, the Beast is awakening and it will mean the end of the world if this happens. This time around though, there is a time limit to complete the game before Ganon is set free (I don't really know how fast times passes by in the game, but say for instance 1 month). So it means, while you still want to spend time exploring the world to gear up, you also have to make choices about whether or not you want to spend some precious time to finish a quest / get some great item.

Of course, there could be ways to help you a bit (for instance: Hylia statues could be used to throw you back one week ago, but only once for each statue). And the game could take this "real time" into consideration, by having for instance much worse weather conditions as Ganon's awakening gets closer and closer, impacting for instance things you can do / places you can go to...

What do you think? And do you have other ideas of how one could implement such a Termina Mode for the game?

submitted by /u/KoopAlex
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Prediction: now that we have voice acting in BotW, somewhere in the script, someone is going to say "excuse me, Princess."

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:52 AM PST

It would be such a hilarious and fantastic easter egg for them to throw in. And really easy, since it could be used in so many different contexts.

submitted by /u/D-TOX_88
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I still don't get why the majority are saying the Eng Dub is bad

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:34 AM PST

I don't want anyone to say that the guys who dislike it are "just weeaboos", but at the same time I'm tired of people telling me I just don't get it, because I clearly cannot recognize bad voice acting.

The only performance I think is off slightly is Impa, and that's because you can tell it's a young woman at the mic trying to sound old.

On Zelda, it's an unconventional choice but the performance is fine.

As for the crying scene, while on one hand we might have to wait until we play the scene to know for sure if it was suitable, but I refute the idea that because it's quieter, it's less effective. It's like when the Nostalgia Critic compared Peter Jackson and Ralph Bakshi's versions of Gimli reacting to his cousin's death, one where he couldn't keep himself together, and the other where he just sort of bowed his head and walked off screen. Both are equally effective and relatable, and I thought the same of the scene with Zelda.

On one hand it might depend on what kind of a character she is, but I thought her crying more quietly worked like a strong person who, under the weight of failure, was finally going weak at the knees. 'Works just as well as her wailing.

I think the people who feel like her loss always constitutes her bawling like the Jap dub and anything short of that is just bad, are kind of restricting their thinking.

submitted by /u/-Sawnderz-
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[OC] My Art (1/4) Ghibli X Zelda Fanart of BOTW Trailer

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:20 AM PST

Front and back of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for Wii U

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:53 AM PST

It's been a long journey but I'm ready

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:12 PM PST

Made Some Toon Link Chocolates

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:35 PM PST

Going to get downvoted for this, but here: The DLC outrage is actually on the gaming community's unrealistic expectations and not on Nintendo.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:09 PM PST

This whole backlash for Zelda DLC is borderline ridiculous. Nothing about the announcement was wrong, and the timing isn't bad either.

  • The game has gone gold - it's complete. Finished. Done. 300+ employees, a fuckton of content that we already know of and 4+ years of development. The idea that they could have cut content is irrelevant - there is nothing to suggest they have done so and that argument can be applied to any DLC - and DLC is not inherently bad for gaming, in fact it is more than likely a great thing for gaming. But that is its own debate.

  • DLC Pack 1 is a feature pack of content that was most likely cut due to resource and time limitations. In the past, you would simply just not get this content or it would be put into the next game - you are not entitled to it for free. Devs work extra to get that content to you. You are still getting a full game, ripe with features and content. Extra is just that - extra. Hence the concept of paid DLC - to support devs continuing to provide content.

  • "Past games had hard mode/Cave of Trials" - they were either HD remakes that needed extra features to sell and/or they were shallowly implemented and probably why Nintendo wants to take the time and resources to release it in a better way - if it turns out to be a shallow Hero Mode, then be angry and don't buy it. No one is asking you to buy it early. Which leads me to...

  • "Day 1 DLC"...No. Just..No. The three chests you get is not warranting this backlash. Current incentive for investment before payoff deserves some sort of reward, even if it means rocking a Switch t-shirt on Link. If that isn't your thing, then you are 100% capable of waiting until the real content is released. As a Mass Effect fan, don't bitch and act like this is anything worth a scandal. Javik being cut from the game and released as Day 1 DLC IS worth being mad about - that is significant DLC. But themed cosmetic items and trinkets that are 100% optional are nothing to get your panties in a twist.

  • 20$. Is not a lot for everything you are getting. Story expansion, dungeon, new mode, new features. Easily worth 20$. And no, the amount of money you've dumped into the Switch and all its accessories isn't a point against them charging for extra content. The Zelda team is the Zelda team, who work on Zelda. Your choice to buy anything else not Zelda, does not factor as an argument to whether Zelda content should be priced differently.

  • Nintendo's track record with DLC is fine, leaning towards good/great. Lots of content, usually fairly priced with no shady dealings, no crazy scandals that warrant this backlash. The quality developers that are making the game that everyone is clamouring for is promising to take another year to give you more content. Optional content.

  • "The timing is bad" - how? The game is done. It's a single player game. They want people to invest in the game rather than rent the game or lend it to someone for a month and never return to it. By showing a model that promises you content across the year, they will sell more - that is their job. If they announce this at release or now, it doesn't matter. The community being butthurt about DLC in the past simply doesn't warrant people hating on Aonuma and his team when there is nothing to suggest this is in bad practice. Nothing is unreasonable about this, except for gamers thinking they are entitled to extra content and developer time for free. Yeah, not everyone is made of money, but EITHER ARE DEVELOPERS.

tl;dr: sick of the community bitching about stuff prematurely and then blaming it on anyone but themselves for causing something small to blow up.

submitted by /u/grotesquejak
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Top down Zelda Maker, how bad you want it?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:56 AM PST

Think of creating your own dungeons with an interconnected overworld and passing the lore through item descriptions and NPC/bosses references ala Dark Souls style

I would kickstart it only to see endless genious/imagination of modders perhaps going as far as creating their own bosses or variations of the Legend

submitted by /u/exosion
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Is anyone actually against DLC?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:36 AM PST

I've seen hundreds of posts, youtube comments, videos, tweets, and discussions about how people need to stop whining that there will be dlc. However, where are all these people. Everyone is vehemently arguing for DLC as if there's some movement that hates it. But I've only seen people say that the "New hard mode" is vague and shouldn't be master quest.

submitted by /u/TheVoiceOfPleasin
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1 Miyamoto and Aonuma on Story Telling (game informer)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:28 AM PST

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: The Complete Official Guide Collector's Edition Is Amazon's #1 Best Selling Book!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 11:41 PM PST

Zelda BotW Deluxe Guide Page on Amazon (preorders not yet live)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:54 AM PST

Which Zelda should I play next?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:33 AM PST

So I'm a fairly newer Zelda fan. The only games I've beat are a link between worlds and ocarina of time. I'm also still casually playing ocarina of time on my 3ds. What Zelda game should I play next? My buddy is going to buy me major mask soon but that will be awhile. I own Zelda nes on my 3ds as well. I own a Wii as well.

submitted by /u/Jadethedragon1
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My latest cross stitch project in anticipation of Breath of the Wild

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:15 PM PST

I Got Zelda Art & Artifacts 8 Days Early! (Feb 13)!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:18 AM PST

I own 4 demo copies of Zelda's Adventure, the lesser known Zelda CD-i games.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:41 PM PST

A message about Breath of the Wild

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:39 PM PST

An important message to not only the fans, but especially to those of us who are going through hardship and have March 3rd as the next big thing in our lives.

Yes guys, I am excited for Breath of the Wild. I'm hyped, if that's the word you want to use. But I want to share a message with you. Especially you who, like me, wish it were possible to play the Song of Double Time and skip to the morning of March 3rd.

Breath of the Wild is a videogame.

That's obvious, of course. But it's something you have to keep in mind when hype gets to you. It's a game made by a development team composed of humans who, just like us mere non-Nintendo employees, make mistakes and things that dissatisfy others.

What I mean by that is, this game will have flaws. It will have things you will dislike, hate or even worse -- it might have things that will disappoint you. You all remember No Man's Sky's hype backlash.

Now, am I saying Breath of the Wild will be the new No Man's Sky? No, that's ludicrous -- we actually know what to do in Breath of the Wild before release. Besides, we have a very competent team in development with an excellent track record, regardless of their mistakes. I am certain the game will be good.

But the expectations for both games were/are exceedingly high -- people are going wild on theories that might not even appear in the game. Playing as Zelda, this Link being a previous one, playable flashbacks, Zelda and Link making love in a cave surrounded by guardians in the rain... let's face it, there's a 95% chance none of that will happen. This Link is a new one. Zelda will not appear half as much as Link. Flashbacks will be cutscenes. Zelink won't ever be canon (unfortunately for this incarnation).

You see where I'm getting at, right? If you expect anything of the sort, prepare yourself for truly heartbreaking disappointment. This game will be good, but it might as well be your very own No Man's Sky. Which is incredibly unfortunate for a game that seems to have so much effort put into it.

So please, what I ask of you is -- lay off the theories, the 30 minute analysis videos, any sort of speculative material. Don't look too deeply into the trailers, don't think too much about what this game might be. Take what you see and go with it. Don't expect anything more than that.

You want to think hard and deep about Zelda? Play the old games. Watch 40 minute long videos about how Majora is actually a Sheikah artifact and Lorule is secretly Termina. Go wild with the material that has already been released, and take Breath of the Wild at face value.

Tl;dr: stop speculating so much about Breath of the Wild, or you will be disappointed. Just wait for the game and discover it for yourself. Don't expect it to be the second coming of Jesus.

(Disclaimer: sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm quite tired and not a native speaker. Edit: polished it a little bit.)

submitted by /u/cantchoosenames
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[OC]Safe to say I'm more than excited

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:29 AM PST

Jan Mayen - Lanayru Desert (Remix from Skyward Sword)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:07 AM PST

First time playing though Ocarina of Time and I think I messed up. Tips appreciated!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:24 AM PST

This is my second LoZ game, the first was Wind Waker HD that I played last year. It's now one of my all time favorite games and left my hungry for more Zelda. Not sure why it's taken me so long to play OoT. So far I'm loving it, though I've had to use a guide a couple of times. Anyways, seven years have past and Link is now too big to play with masks I guess. I sold the first mask to the guard and grabbed the skull mask, but wasn't able to sell it in time. Am I screwed? Is it worth restarting over?

Any other tips or hints are definitely appreciated as long as they're not too spoilery. I can't seem to find the skeleton guy from the Lost Forest, I just delivered his Mushroom to the Hag and need to return some Medicine to him. One more thing, this doesn't relate to the story but I'm trying to figure how to quit to the 'start game' menu, I'm playing on Wii U and I want to check my deaths.

submitted by /u/UrsaOldNorthern
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15 DAYS LEFT TILL BOTW! Almost 2 weeks left, the anticipation is killing me! What do you think about having Rito and Korok in BotW?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:09 AM PST

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