League of Legends - Meteos to sub for Phoenix1 this weekend

Meteos to sub for Phoenix1 this weekend

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:38 AM PST

SKT Wolf: "My Twitch stream has a low viewership...I hope more people tune in."

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:39 AM PST

Post-game interview with Wolf by Daily Game.

VOD link: http://esports.dailygame.co.kr/view.php?ud=2017021700415839837

[영상인터뷰] SKT '울프' 이재완 "개인방송 시청자 적어…많이 와줬으면"

Q. Thoughts on the victory today?

I was mistake-free today so no regrets at all. I had a good game today, as a pro player should have.

Q. You played a comp without any CCs in 2nd set. It must have been tricky to pull off?

We picked champions with strong lane phase, and I have always believed that a fast champion is a good champion. For example, when I play solo rank I always go for mobility boots. Since we had a fast comp, I had no real pressure and thought we had a good chance.

Q. It looks like Bang will have to wait for his 1000th kill.

Um...(pause)...it was a funny situation. For the last one, he (Bang) asked the team to give him the kill. I didn't feel like giving it to him but I still had to pretend like I did. So I just played without much thought, trying to get a kill for myself when I could.

Q. So you didn't want to give him the kill...

Peanut suggested that we give it to him, but when I checked the replay and he was leaping in for a kill himself as well...so yeah (laughs). Everyone said "let's just give it to him" but we were all probably thinking otherwise.

Q. You've been with Bang since your Najin days. How has he changed since then?

First off, coach fixed his immature personality so he's more like a normal person now, and his plays improved as well. Overall, I think not that much though. He's always been hyper-competitive, loved the game and a funny person, so I can't pinpoint anything that has changed significantly. Just matured in terms of his play and personality.

Q. You and Bang were selected as MVPs today. Do you ever think about sweeping the MVP award?

I always want to have it all for myself. As it is for any pro gamer, it's an opportunity for honor and glory. I always want to play better and appeal to the fans.

Q. With SSG out of the way, you have a matchup with KT left. Are you confident you can finish the first round with 8-1 record?

Yes I will try to...it will be a blood bath if we don't (laughs). So we will do that to the best of our abilities. It's our only break after the New Years holiday, so we will take this time to recharge and try to have a better showing.

Q. Any last word for the fans?

Hm....I'm going to mention something personal today. So you know we recently started streaming on Twitch...(laughs) and it pains me to say this, but my Twitch stream has a low viewership. So I hope more people tune in. Thank you for support, I am always grateful. And please continue to cheer for us. Thank you.

submitted by /u/twofacedtoo
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Plat Kha'zix survives 1v2 with sliver of health

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:41 AM PST

G2 Esports vs. Unicorns Of Love / EU LCS 2017 Spring - Week 5 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:58 AM PST


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G2 Esports 2-0 Unicorns Of Love

G2 | Wiki | Web | TW | FB | YT | Sub
UOL | Wiki | Web | TW | FB | YT | Sub

MATCH 1: G2 vs UOL

Winner: G2 Esports in 40m
Match History | MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
G2 Shen Gangplank Camille Corki Swain 81.0k 20 11 O2 I3 B4 I5 B6
UOL LeBlanc Rengar Jayce Rumble Maokai 63.4k 5 3 O1
G2 20-5-37 vs 5-20-8 UOL
Expect Renekton 3 6-0-5 TOP 1-6-1 4 Poppy Vizicsacsi
Trick Graves 1 4-2-5 JNG 3-0-0 1 KhaZix Xerxe
Perkz Orianna 3 9-1-7 MID 1-5-2 3 Ryze Exileh
Zven Jhin 2 0-0-12 ADC 0-2-3 1 Varus Samux
Mithy TahmKench 2 1-2-8 SUP 0-7-2 2 Malzahar Hylissang

MATCH 2: G2 vs UOL

Winner: G2 Esports in 40m
Match History | MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
G2 Shen Gangplank Camille Corki Swain 77.4k 17 8 O2 B4 I5 E7
UOL LeBlanc Rengar Jayce Orianna Cassiopeia 75.6k 19 7 I1 B3 B6
G2 17-19-39 vs 19-17-40 UOL
Expect Rumble 2 4-3-9 TOP 2-3-5 4 Gnar Vizicsacsi
Trick Graves 1 5-5-6 JNG 3-1-11 1 Ivern Xerxe
Perkz Azir 3 2-4-5 MID 7-5-7 3 Ryze Exileh
Zven Varus 2 6-3-6 ADC 5-5-8 2 Jhin Samux
Mithy Braum 3 0-4-13 SUP 2-3-9 1 TahmKench Hylissang

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

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submitted by /u/TomShoe02
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Girlfriends are Ruining the LCS

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:02 AM PST

Fnatic vs. Splyce / EU LCS 2017 Spring - Week 5 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:57 PM PST


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Fnatic 1-2 Splyce

FNC | Wiki | Web | TW | FB | YT | Sub
SPY | Wiki | Web | TW | FB | YT


Winner: Fnatic in 26m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC shen graves jayce ivern khazix 55.3k 18 11 C1 O2
SPY rengar leblanc varus zyra lulu 39.1k 5 0 None
FNC 18-5-36 vs 5-18-12 SPY
sOAZ camille 1 5-0-5 TOP 0-4-1 1 rumble Wunder
Broxah lee sin 2 4-1-8 JNG 2-4-3 3 reksai Trashy
Caps ryze 3 8-2-7 MID 2-6-3 4 cassiopeia Sencux
Rekkles ziggs 2 0-1-9 ADC 1-2-2 1 jhin Kobbe
Jesiz karma 3 1-1-7 SUP 0-2-3 2 malzahar Mikyx


Winner: Splyce in 43m
Match History | MVP Poll | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SPY varus camille ryze zed katarina 85.7k 16 10 O2 M3 B4 E5 B6
FNC rengar lulu rumble khazix graves 71.0k 12 2 M1
SPY 16-12-29 vs 12-16-25 FNC
Wunder gangplank 2 7-3-4 TOP 2-7-8 1 shen sOAZ
Trashy ivern 3 1-2-8 JNG 4-4-6 2 lee sin Broxah
Sencux leblanc 1 6-2-4 MID 1-3-5 1 malzahar Caps
Kobbe sivir 3 2-1-5 ADC 5-1-3 3 jhin Rekkles
Mikyx zyra 2 0-4-8 SUP 0-1-3 4 miss fortune Jesiz


Winner: Splyce in 45m
Match History | MVP Poll

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
FNC shen graves jayce bard malzahar 73.6k 10 4 C1
SPY rengar leblanc camille nautilus maokai 85.8k 18 10 O2 B3 E4 B5
FNC 10-18-22 vs 18-10-43 SPY
sOAZ kled 3 2-2-3 TOP 2-2-6 1 rumble Wunder
Broxah lee sin 2 1-4-5 JNG 3-1-11 1 khazix Trashy
Caps ryze 3 3-4-3 MID 5-2-6 4 corki Sencux
Rekkles varus 1 4-2-3 ADC 8-1-9 2 jhin Kobbe
Jesiz karma 2 0-6-8 SUP 0-4-11 3 thresh Mikyx

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

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submitted by /u/DJGoatie
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Cowsep's champion changes after locking in

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:14 AM PST

[Comic] Singed x Camille, an accurate depiction of last game (by my shy girlfriend's shy sister of course)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:56 AM PST

A quick comic I drew while bored at work as a guide to dealing with Camille.

Link : http://imgur.com/rCIPb1v

submitted by /u/pierrotdelalune
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Piglet: “If I don’t win this season, it would be about four years of me not winning anything since my move…(If I don't) I think it’s a 70-30, with my retiring being the 70.”

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:51 AM PST

The Blame Game | S7 Spring W4: Reasonable TSM Fans, Piggy & Intnori | Team Dignitas

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:48 PM PST

Gosu scripting Debunked!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:42 PM PST

So, I think most of us have seen the clip of Gosu "scripting" what i want to say is there is no mini map shown and I want everyone to go look at the video Gosu-8 where the clip was taken from. Look at the mini map it redirects him as soon as the trap is placed because it's viewed as terrain, you can see the line go red(Which is from him A-Clicking on Cait). What i'm saying is that Cait traps are indeed bugged and the traps were considered terrain for at least .25 seconds. I'm not saying i'm 100% correct but i'm 95% sure this is the case. Also to add on to this point he still is going to the spot he clicked on in the first place but was quickly redirected when the cait trap was placed for a small moment. If he had scripts on, an input would be needed and there was no input at all, he was still going in the same direction as he was previously till he clicked away.

For those who might wonder the play starts @ 0:38 the trap is placed around 0:45-0:46. make sure to watch it closely and even zoom into the mini map around that time.

Actually a new source was just posted on the main page, IT'S VERY LIKELY THAT BOTH the zyra seed and cait trap are counted as terrain right when they are placed even if it's for a small second.

https://youtu.be/0ZxpTNFPwSk https://youtu.be/smZLquvsI8E is the source proving that it DOES count as terrain. credit goes to~ /u/Leethere

THE BOY WONDER THE KID has sorta debunked this proving that it's more than possible that they counted as terrain


Edit: I agree that everyone has their side but this is what we have. You can make a case for both sides but in the case of law i believe there is more then enough shown that Gosu is not scripting. Is there a chance he is? Yes there is there is always a chance that someone is scripting but these clips have explained a lot. I think it's time we stop ragging on Gosu till Rito gives as answers on Gosu. I think it's okay to talk about but attacking Gosu when none of us are really 100% on this is not the right thing to do. My only problem is where is Gosu during all of this?

something we can keep track of is his LOLKING which is linked to the ID of the account.


it still seems to be up and running!

Edit2: If Gosu is scripting the Zyra clip is from December, It's In mid Feb now. He would've 100% been hit by a ban wave if he was scripting at that time frame. Just some food for thought.

Edit3: Doublelift saying sorry <3 er well kinda?


Edit4: From the main page that I'd like everyone to consider.


These types of posts always concern me because they are often wrong and usually have bad evidence but severely damage the players credibility regardless.

Edit5: Here is another video showing the small movement just randomly just like in the Zyra clip https://gfycat.com/SlightTinyCow

Credit goes to~ /u/TornOrder

Edit6: This is my last edit since the damage is done, while watching other big streams it's pretty much scripting memes and talking about Gosu scripting... This is definitely gonna impact him in one way or another even if he didn't script he will now be meme'd into the ground as someone who has depression I hope all turns out well for him. This is just another note that we need to learn what we are doing, instead of straight out saying he scripted it could've been handled as a maybe instead of making it sound like it's 100%.

submitted by /u/IvvyX
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The Breakdown with Jatt: C9 vs FLY Team Fight (NA LCS Spring Week 4)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:00 AM PST

Romain's(UOL's Manager IIRC) Motivational Speech

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:40 PM PST

SPY vs FNC - Brohah play

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:24 AM PST

G2 vs UOL - Base save

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:57 AM PST

I recreated the champion page from the new client for my Riot job application.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:19 PM PST

My Champion Page!

I recently applied to Riot games for the eSports Web Content Associate position and I wanted to share my creation with you guys. Knowing that they get tons of applications, I wanted to have something that stands out, so I created this website on top of my resumé and cover letter. I tried to stay as faithful as possible to the new client's rendering. Enjoy! :)

submitted by /u/slashken
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SK Telecom T1 vs. Samsung Galaxy / LCK 2017 Spring - Week 5 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:00 AM PST


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SK Telecom T1 2-0 Samsung Galaxy

SKT | Wiki | Web | TW | FB | YT
SSG | Wiki | FB


Winner: SK Telecom T1 in 39m | MVP: Bang (100)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SKT malzahar jayce leblanc nami tahmkench 75.5k 13 8 I3 C4 B5 E6
SSG camille zyra rengar rumble gangplank 63.1k 4 2 I1 I2
SKT 13-4-39 vs 4-13-5 SSG
Huni shen 3 2-1-7 TOP 1-2-1 2 maokai Cuvee
Peanut lee sin 2 2-0-9 JNG 3-2-1 1 khazix Haru
Faker orianna 3 4-3-6 MID 0-3-2 1 ryze Crown
Bang varus 1 4-0-8 ADC 0-2-0 3 ashe Ruler
Wolf karma 2 1-0-9 SUP 0-4-1 4 thresh CoreJJ


Winner: SK Telecom T1 in 42m | MVP: Wolf (300)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
SSG jayce malzahar ryze katarina shen 66.7k 12 3 O2
SKT leblanc camille varus zyra nami 84.7k 16 11 M1 O3 C4 B5 E6 B7
SSG 12-16-19 vs 16-13-41 SKT
Cuvee maokai 2 1-2-2 TOP 1-4-7 3 rumble Huni
Ambition rengar 1 3-6-6 JNG 4-2-10 1 khazix Peanut
Crown viktor 3 3-3-4 MID 7-3-5 4 corki Faker
Stitch jhin 2 5-1-2 ADC 1-2-8 2 ezreal Bang
Wraith kayle 3 0-4-5 SUP 3-2-11 1 karma Wolf

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

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submitted by /u/esoemah
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RiotMeddler: " Diving Fighter are a strong contender for a class rework at the end of the season. Mid season is up for the tank rework "

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:32 AM PST

SKT T1 Faker: "I will prepare myself and come back with satisfactory performance."

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:34 AM PST

It would be awesome if there was a setting to make the training dummies in the practice tool either chase or run away for kiting.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:55 AM PST

There are many cool mechanics to test out in the practice tool but one of most vital parts of the game are based in movement.

It's difficult to practice on a stationary target and then transition that muscle memory into a real game and all of a sudden nobody stands still for you to do your sick new combos/animation cancels/attack moving on.

submitted by /u/elispion
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This or That: Scrims and Swears

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:00 AM PST

Riot Meddler states that a new shielding/healing support is on the way in 2017

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:35 PM PST

What is a champ you hate playing against not because they're strong, but because they're annoying?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:42 AM PST

For me personally it's Tryndamere

Edit: Rumble ≠ Super Galaxy Rumble, that skin sucks

submitted by /u/ThoseWhoCantCheat
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Fun facts before today's big match in the EU LCS

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:17 AM PST

All data taken from Stage.gg

Zven is the player with the highest KDA in the EULCS, with 8.7, and the player with the highest CS@10, with 92.

Trick has the second highest CSD@10, 10.5. Impressive (because he is a jungler), or he simply "tax" his laners more?

Mithy has a 31.1% Death Share %, the third highest of the league.

Despite being the two best teams of the League, none players top the DPM charts - the first to appear is PerkZ at 5th, with 555.

Xerxe and Hyllisang are the only two players with more than 10 assists/game in the EU LCS.

Exileh, as I posted some days ago, has the highest kills/game across ALL major regions, with 7.0

Vizicsacsi has the second highest GD@10, only behind GBM (who only played 3 games thus far).

Well, that's it, I hope you enjoyed this and I hope we have a great game between the two best European teams at the moment.

EDIT: Thanks to u/Legiraffetamer for this one: It's also been a year since G2 lost a series in EU LCS. (Source)

EDIT2: More fun facts, courtesy of u/Adanooos (taken from Oracle's Elixir):

UoL has the lowest average game time in a League (33.7), while G2 has the highest (39.3).

UoL the highest combined kills (team kills + enemy team kills) per minute in EU (0,88), while G2 has 2nd lowest (0,57), just behind Misfits (0,56)

UoL put only 2,82 wards per minute, it is the lowest number in LCS (both Leagues), while G2 put 3,44 wards per minute, it is 5th number in EU LCS.

UoL also clears only 24% of enemies wards (9th in EU LCS), while G2 clears the most enemy wards in LCS (both Leagues) - 35,8%

submitted by /u/WeAreRespawn
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ROX Tigers vs. MVP / LCK 2017 Spring - Week 5 / Post-Match Discussion

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:47 AM PST


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ROX Tigers 0-2 MVP

ROX | Wiki | TW | FB | YT
MVP | Wiki | Web | TW | FB


Winner: MVP in 41m | MVP: Max (500)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
ROX jayce sion camille shen rumble 69.7k 9 3 O4
MVP leblanc varus rengar miss fortune zyra 83.1k 19 11 I1 M2 B3 O5 B6 E7
ROX 9-19-26 vs 19-9-43 MVP
Lindarang maokai 2 1-4-8 TOP 3-4-10 3 renekton ADD
SeongHwan khazix 1 2-2-5 JNG 3-1-10 1 elise Beyond
Mickey ryze 3 2-5-3 MID 4-2-7 4 syndra Ian
Sangyoon sivir 2 4-4-3 ADC 5-0-8 1 jhin MaHa
Key zilean 3 0-4-7 SUP 4-2-8 2 malzahar Max


Winner: MVP in 32m | MVP: MaHa (200)
Match History | Damage Graph

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
MVP zyra jayce malzahar tahmkench ekko 63.9k 18 11 M1 I3 B4 I5
ROX leblanc camille varus shen sion 46.9k 4 0 I2
MVP 18-4-46 vs 4-18-10 ROX
ADD nautilus 3 3-1-10 TOP 1-3-2 2 maokai Lindarang
Beyond rengar 1 3-1-10 JNG 2-5-2 1 khazix SeongHwan
Ian syndra 2 5-1-6 MID 0-2-4 4 corki Mickey
MaHa caitlyn 3 7-0-5 ADC 0-2-0 1 jhin Sangyoon
Max thresh 2 0-1-15 SUP 1-6-2 3 karma Key

G Gold K Kills T Towers
I Infernal O Ocean M Mountain
C Cloud E Elder B Baron

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Looking for people to help out with LCK and LPL. Click here to send us a message if you are interested.

submitted by /u/Semmlbroesel
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