True Dota 2 - Pos 2-3 aura stacking Venge vs Pos 1-2 DPS Venge

Pos 2-3 aura stacking Venge vs Pos 1-2 DPS Venge

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:11 PM PST

Another matter I wished to leave for discussion I put up a while with no real answer in /r/learndota2 ;

Vengeful Spirit's Aghanim allows her to keep her main power - her auras - up as illusion should she be focused down, providing both the positive and the negative Vengeance aura at the same time. With a pack like Vladimir, Helm of Dominator, Assault Cuirass and a Solar Crest you are very tanky to physical damage, have massive health regeneration to sustain poke and use yourself tactically with auras, while still having respectable damage with your talents and a combined -23 armor debuff(-6, -5 and -12 respectively from Wave of terror, Cuirass and Solar Crest); but the main attractiveness is that its a cheap build allowing you to finish the game relatively quickly. You're always useful to the team and you can pick up auras depending on need(Pipe, Greaves, Drums should it ever get buffed are options), so you're technically a variation of an inverted Underlord or an aura stacking Veno. The intuitive weakness would be is that if you cannot rely on your allies(the hard carry or the mid lane carry depending on position) or just don't have very right click-happy allies the effectiveness is halved.

DPS Venge(Treads Aquila Helm Pike into BKB/Satanic/Manta/Bfly or other typical rightclicker extensions) is attractive due to talents and scaling with her aura and stats, however she is very susceptible to falling behind in gold due to having no farming tools on top of being vulnerable to mid-game focus, even in competitive, so should you lose pushing momentum you're unlikely to gain it back, assuming you have the momentum in the first place to keep up. That said if you get over those hurdles you are fairly unstoppable and each swap ends with a game swaying teamfight win.

How would you compare the 2 builds in overall effectiveness, reliability/consistency, strengths and weaknesses, purpose? Which one do you prefer and why?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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Why is 7.02 Luna so successful?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:00 AM PST

In almost every bracket, Luna is the best pos. 1 farmer choice. As for me, I lose almost 75% of the games I have to play versus her. What is so different now that made Luna such a hero that suddendly ends the game in 30 minutes? If someone here played lots of Luna before, what is different now?

submitted by /u/aenapoeka
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Bristleback in 7.02

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:04 AM PST

I'm an Invoker and Luna spammer and had a recommendation from friends to start playing Bristleback, as we all play together often and we had carry positions and supports but not enough core picks (plus, I suck at Invoker thus practice him alone and so wanted to learn another hero).

He seems like a strong hero in 7.02 that is well balanced, but I had a few questions I wanted to run past people.

1) His Aghs is really handy for teamfights and makes it trivial to slow & have impact across multiple heroes in a fight (creeps too though, so obviously need to pick it right). Is there potential for rushing Aghs first and then going boots, Vanguard, etc?

2) Is Abyssal blade a common pick or situational? I have always gone Crimson Guard mid-game once I have blade mail

3) How strong do people think he is in 7.02? My take is as above but I'm a noob and curious what others think

4) I don't like blade mail, it doesn't seem to add much beyond its reflect ability. It doesn't have as much an impact as say vanguard does. Is it a must-pick on him?

5) Do you have any recommendations of who to pick if I enjoy Bristleback?


submitted by /u/atc
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What do you think is the most valuable way to spend extra gold from randoming?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:00 AM PST

I random every game. I usually get a wand or mana mask for support. For cores I don't know, rush boots?

submitted by /u/Kaiped1000
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Core Venge - Silver Edge or Hurricane Pike?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:42 AM PST

Silver Edge allows you to gank, provides useful Break and overall provides more dps.
Pike allows you to keep distance vs most melee's, pike back to your team post-Swap and generally reposition yourself.
Buildup seems more punishing and steep for Silver Edge, but half of the item is awkward to build up stats wise
One or the other? Or both? If both, how would you farm those up?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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Math Request: Sniper Aghanims

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 01:47 PM PST

Hey guys, has anybody done the math on Sniper Aghanims? I'd be interested to know how much damage it does for certain combinations like:

  • Level 12/18
  • with Dragon Lance + Aghs
  • with Dragon Lance + Maelstrom + Aghs
  • with Dragon Lance + Desolator + Aghs
  • with Dragon Lance + Maelstrom + Butterfly + Aghs
  • with Dragon Lance + Maelstrom + Ethereal Blade + Aghs
submitted by /u/mjjdota
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Skill order on Crystal Maiden

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 08:50 AM PST

Is there a 5k+/pro-preferred build order on Crystal Maiden? I always go 2-3-1-3-3-4-3-1-1-1-2-2-2. Reasoning for not picking level 2 ultimate asap is that it costs a bit too much. I value first skill more than frostbite, but I'm mostly curious about whether should I even prefer it more than 3rd or 4th point of aura.

Also about talents at 20 and 25. I generally pick gpm at 20, because I think if we got wiped late game, me being alive 35 seconds earlier than cores might not change anything. And there's always more stuff you can buy as CM, and auto farming buyback money is also good. At 25 talent I always went for crystal nova damage but what does everyone else think? Does frostbite duration work with agh's ulti applied frostbites as well?

Edit: Just played a CM game, went 2-3-1-3-1-1-1-2-2-2 by level 10 and I really felt the difference in the early game play making. I was barely having enough mana, and there were one of two instances where I did run out of mana but in the end I feel like it was better. Also about level 25 talents, I picked frostbite this time. I'm sure it helped me, tho I don't know how much because few times I noticed it was totally overkill. Still missed the crystal nova damage because there was a Tinker and I got put on anti push duty. We won in the end.

submitted by /u/Aesyn
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PSA: Play the objective.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 12:24 PM PST

Personal opinion here. I believe 7.0 meta changed the game significantly. I especially believe that now more than ever, playing the objective (towers, sanctuary) is extremely important. Sometimes I play in games where everyone is just afk farming running around the map while tier 3 towers stand untouched. If you're ever in a game where nothing is really happening and you feel there's no team fight and you're just sitting around with your dick in hand, PUSH THE TOWER. If you are the safelane carry and you manage to destroy enemy's offlane tower, go buy a TP, TP down to your offlane, smoke with your support, attempt gank enemy safelane and if successful, PUSH THE TOWER. Then all of you run back to your sanctuary, smoke up and rush mid to gank and PUSH THE TOWER. Dota is all about teamplay and movement, once you take and objective, move on to the next. Push together and secure easy gold. The days of afk farming late game carry are over.

submitted by /u/dafreshprints
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How should I spend my gold as a support if i'm having a huge lead.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:42 PM PST

Say i'm casually murdering everyone with Oracle, thus having huge amounts of gold, should I invest that gold on regular like Force staff or Glimmer cape, or should I go items like Dagon, Radiance, Rapier and that shit to capitalize my strong starting? Pls don't make this post a discussion about the viability of rapier in Oracle.

submitted by /u/Hiloloporo
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What to do when enemy keeps pulling creep aggro?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:06 PM PST

Mid lane: I am against a melee hero. He keeps pulling the creep aggro and creeps towards the safety of his tower.
This actually didn't happen to me, I don't play mid but I've seen this happens in my games.
What should be done in that situation?

submitted by /u/Culween
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Suggestions on number of ranked games per day/rules to stop playing?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:16 PM PST

Hi, I'm trying to get to 4k, at 3.8k right now. I can only really play on the weekends since I'm too tired after work. I've climbed 3.3 to 3.8 with about a 60-70% winrate. Wondering what you guys think the smartest way to go about playing ranked is. How many games per day? Stop after a loss? Also I play spirit breaker farming offlane mostly, maybe I've climbed quickly recently just because I punish people out of position. Is there some point near 4k where people start positioning better? Thanks.

submitted by /u/Fortune_451
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Invoker counter to axe

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:54 PM PST

DC vs NP was another example of an Invoker vs Axe. I don't understand why Axe doesn't get Sunstrike'd whenever he does a Call. What am I missing? Why isn't he just shut down by invoker?

submitted by /u/zhynn
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