The Legend of Zelda - 17 days left! 17 Zelda games remain! Let's discuss: The Adventure of Link

17 days left! 17 Zelda games remain! Let's discuss: The Adventure of Link

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:46 PM PST

In 1988, the second installment in the series was released. It was a very different game from its predecesor, changing the top-down perspective for side-scrolling, and introduced RPG elements that are not found in other Zelda titles. This one is known as the black sheep in the series, but let's take a look back and give it some love.

In this thread we discuss all the previous Zelda games, one per day until we finally get to explore the world of Breath of the Wild.

5 simple questions about each game!

1. Your favorite aspect of the game? (Replay value, music, gameplay, characters, the world)

2. Favorite Dungeon.

3. That one song in the game everyone should listen to.

4. The quote, moment or cutscene that stuck in your head.

5. Why should anyone play this game?

Let's talk about the black sheep. Let's discuss Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (1988)

submitted by /u/Not2Xavi
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Expansion Pass

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:03 AM PST

Happy Valentine's Day! (Official art tweeted by Nintendo Japan's Zelda Twitter)

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 05:29 PM PST

Nintendo prepares downloadable content for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:03 AM PST

From my wife this morning. :) She found the idea on Pinterest and didn't even fully understand the reference. But it sure is timely. :)

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:19 AM PST

My husband hand draws me a valentines card every year.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:38 AM PST

An overview of the content of the Zelda BotW DLC

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 05:31 AM PST

A Valentine from Hyrule's greatest merchant!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:05 AM PST

Run Link, run! (I made this out of Perler beads a few years back, and have been meaning to post this here since then.)

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 06:59 PM PST

I created the Hylian Shield!!

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:47 AM PST

Why Zelda DLC Isn't A Bad Decision.

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 06:06 AM PST

Okay let me start off by saying that there's no need for unnecessary backlash and that this is a personal opinion of mine.

Here are some of the major points I want to get out of the way:

1) Core Gameplay - It looks like unlike most industry level DLC, this one in particular does not remove anything from the core game and attach it as paid extras, which is sadly what many companies do these days. Unlike the various FPS franchises, the Zelda franchise has a more promising outcome to expansion packs.

2) Hard Mode - We don't know if it's traditional hard mode, or a special new challenge mode. So don't judge yet. If it is traditional hard mode...then damn, I don't like that.
EDIT: I saw an article stating that it was an additional hard mode to the existing game. (Can't Confirm obviously)

3) Side Story - The Witcher 3 approach. This DLC seems to be taking the Witcher 3 approach by introducing a side-story line that will not interfere with the core game. AKA: a good thing.

4) $19.99 Price - Significantly cheaper prices for a season pass than most AAA companies.

5) We simply don't know enough about it to HATE it outright until we get further details on the content.

Basically, the DLC acts as the days of old, where expansion packs were VERY common. Hopefully the DLC is a throwback to the quality of how expansion packs used to be, and not the current money-grabbing industry standard.

TLDR: if the DLC genuinely introduces content that does not interfere with the base game but instead provides an additional experience for $20, similar to the olden days of expansion packs, then we should give it a chance. My only disappointment is that they did not include the expansion with the special edition of the game but I can understand why.

submitted by /u/BawsAnimations
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My girlfriend put real heart into her cookies

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:54 PM PST

10 year old daughter drew Deku Link. I am one proud papa!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:26 AM PST

For anyone who didn't watch the video here's what was announced

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:13 AM PST

Why is DLC bad?

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 09:00 AM PST

With all the hate on Nintendo for promising DLC for BotW, I'm genuinely confused as to why. I'm wanting to make a short video just talking about the process of how day-1 and other early day DLC comes about from a game development perspective, but I also want to talk about reasons why people dislike the idea, so please offer your reason as to why you hate the idea of BotW having early DLC below.

submitted by /u/BtheDestryr
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My girlfriend gifted me these patches!

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:13 PM PST

I know exactly what I am doing first.

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:40 PM PST

I hope we see the physical Triforce in Breath of The Wild

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 11:41 PM PST

There's something about seeing the actual relic in game that always makes me excited. It usually means you beat the game or are close to the end or that an important scene or event is happening.

The conclusion of Zelda I, the creation of the world in Ocarina of Time, the flooding of Hyrule in The Wind Waker, the Dark Link scene in Twilight Princess, the finale of Skyward Sword and A Link Between Worlds.

Every Zelda game has the iconic Triforce logo scattered throughout wherever the game takes place, but not every game shows it. It's not super important but I always am happy to see it.

submitted by /u/windsleeper
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Happy Valentine's Day !

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 10:56 PM PST

Improving my work space

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 02:55 PM PST

Full size version of the BOTW DLC image

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 07:28 AM PST

How would you rename Breath of the Wild?

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 09:41 PM PST

Legend of Zelda: Half Naked Pyromaniac

submitted by /u/triotone
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Breath of the Wild UI font

Posted: 13 Feb 2017 07:45 PM PST

Hello! Over the weekend I hacked together a facsimile of the BotW UI font. I call this version Calamity Sans. It's my first attempt at editing/distributing a font, so feedback and bug reports are very welcome.

LENGTHY DISCLAIMER: The in-game font uses modified characters from a Japanese font called FOT-Rodin, and you can go throw a few thousand ¥ at these guys if you want the full 15,000+ glyphs and can read Japanese. But the in-game characters are not directly from that font, they're modified, and so are the less-than-300 glyphs in my version. I believe this establishes enough distance between the commercial version and my own to make my distribution of it acceptable, especially in a world where Zelda Universe distributes unmodified commercial fonts used in Zelda art. But mods, if you find this unacceptable, I totally understand if you delete this post (just please don't ban me!).

submitted by /u/75thTrombone
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My biggest fear about the Botw DLC

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 08:49 AM PST

Let me preface this by saying I think 20€ is a good price for DLC, I'm not cancelling my preorder or anything like that.

I fear the story won't be something that follows the base game like Majora's mask (although I assume it would be much smaller obviously) followed Ocarina of Time.

I'm worried that they might add something you can do before beating the game.

Imagine the new zelda game was Windwaker (it's easier this to explain my point this way). This would be my fear:

My fear is that they add the 3rd dungeon that's missing in the game 10 months after I beat the whole game and I spoiled the story for myself.

You only get to have a 1st playthrough of a Zelda game once. I really don't want that to be spoiled by playing the non-definitive version of the game.

The only way that won't happen with DLC is if the new story is locked and you have to complete the base game first. Which I honestly doubt is going to happen since the whole idea of the game is being able to complete the dungeons in any order.

The whole game revolves around exploring and even if the game is a full game by itself (which I have no doubts that it will) it will still be a letdown that my first playthrough of the newest game from my favorite franchise will be of playing the inferior version.

I don't want to play a side-quest after I've already beaten the game. It doesn't feel the same. It's like doing all the side-quests in Majora's mask after you've beaten the main game or collecting all the heartpieces in other Zelda games after you already killed Ganon.

It's just not the same even if you're playing the same content. :(

It's like if they added 6 episodes of Breaking Bad in 2017 that are supposed to be part of Season 3. Part of me likes the fact that there is new content, part of me really wishes I had waited to watch the 6 new episodes without knowing how the show is going to end.

submitted by /u/ReddSquall
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