Super Smash Bros - Daily Discussion Thread 02/12/17

Daily Discussion Thread 02/12/17

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:06 PM PST

Welcome to the Daily Discussion Thread series on /r/smashbros! Inspired by /r/SSBM and /r/hiphopheads's DDTs, you can post here:

  • General questions about Smash

  • General discussion (tentatively allowing for some off-topic discussion)

  • "Light" content that might not have been allowed as its own post (please keep it about Smash)

Other guidelines:

  • Be good to one another.

  • While DDT can be lax, please abide by our general rules. No linking to illegal/pirated stuff, no flaming, game debates, etc.

  • Please keep your meme spam contained to the sticky comment provided below.

If you have any suggestions about future DDTs or anything else subreddit related, please send them our way! Thanks in advance!

Also, if you want to chat with other /r/smashbros users you can do so via our Discord channel.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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The Moon's Smash Summit 4 Rap! He's back at it again.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 07:08 PM PST

Dan Salvato here, 20XXTE developer and Melee modder of 5 years. Releasing the final version of 20XXTE soon. AMA about Smash or life

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:16 AM PST

Twitter: dansalvato

Hi everyone, I'm back for one last AMA to wrap things up. I recently announced 20XXTE v.2c (video) and that it would be the final version of 20XXTE. With lots of features and no more major bugs, I believe TE has finally reached a point where I'm comfortable calling it complete. I've wanted for a while now to move on from Smash to focus on more original content. So after I finish v.2c and PAL, I'll be done.

I'll still be around to partner with tournaments and share my Melee knowledge with the modding community. But at this point, there are already many other amazing people who have made things happen that I never thought were possible. I believe that eventually, modding will become a cornerstone of competitive Melee, allowing tournaments to collect match statistics and bring us ever closer to the level of professionalism we see in top esports.

Please ask me anything about modding, software/game development, the Smash scene, or life in general. If you're interested in keeping up with my upcoming projects, please follow me on Twitter. Thanks, and I hope to continue my friendship with Smash for a long time to come.

submitted by /u/dansalvato
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Congratulations to the winner of LanETS 2017 Melee Singles!

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:59 PM PST

Top 8

Place Player Sent to Losers By Eliminated By
1st (TSM)(Redbull) Leffen (Fox) --- ---
2nd (MIOM) KirbyKaze (Sheik) Leffen Leffen
3rd ERG Ryan Ford (Fox)(Falco)(Mario) KirbyKaze KirbyKaze
4th synK Kage (Ganon) Leffen Ryan Ford
5th (EMG) Nightmare (Marth) Ryan Ford Kage
5th Trulliam (Falco) Kage Ryan Ford
7th Legend (Jigglypuff) KirbyKaze Nightmare
7th Tranimal (Sheik) Nightmare Trulliam

Grand Finals

William "Leffen" Hjelte // Twitch | Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor
David "KirbyKaze" MacDonald // Twitter | Wiki | Sponsor

Leffen [W] 3 - 1 KirbyKaze [L]
= Dreamland 64 = ---
= Battlefield = ---
--- = Battlefield =
= Final Destination = ---

Generated by Tournament Tabler

the return of leffeb

submitted by /u/WindWakerFTW243
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Not even 24hrs after Civil War roster announced and shots are already being fired

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 08:21 AM PST

Bluezone with the 360° Falcon Punch

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:14 PM PST

Cross post from r/ssbpm, original post by u/Chronos91 can be found here.

BlueZone is an amazing Project M player and known for his flashy, creative play style. Check out his high quality combo videos!

Optimal is optional.

submitted by /u/chirouDown
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Hungrybox analyzes why Komorikiri didn't shake Captain Zack's hand

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:38 PM PST

Battle of BC 2 Player Announcement: EchoFox | MVG | MKLeo

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:39 PM PST

A huge announcement from UBC eSports in Vancouver! Battle of BC 2 will be hosted in the University of British Columbia on June 3-4! Tournament is getting more and more hype!

submitted by /u/SBphiloz4
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Kage with a clean ass zero-to-death

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:30 PM PST

Also made a high resolution cutout of Project M Fox (8448x5752 IR)

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:12 PM PST

HugS is going to Civil War?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:49 AM PST

Registration for 2GGC Civil War is now open!

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:55 PM PST

Hey all this is Champ from 2GG!

The time for talk is over, it's time for ZeRo and Ally to settle this once and for all!

Thank you so much to eSports Arena for making 2GGC Civil War a can't miss event for the smash community!


  • MKLeo
  • Nairo
  • Ranai
  • Larry Lurr
  • VoiD
  • komorikiri
  • ANTi
  • Trela
  • FOW


  • Dabuz
  • Abadango
  • Mr. R
  • Marss
  • Kameme
  • Zinoto
  • Mr. E
  • Ned
  • Pink Fresh

Civil War will be an experience like no other!

  • 100+ Set Ups
  • Overnight 24 hour venue
  • Panels from influences and content creators
  • Meet & Greet
  • Shutting down the street for block party and live concert
  • BYOC + Board Games Area
  • Artist Alleys & Vendors

Avengers assemble

We are contacting every PGR Top 50 players to attend Civil War and are allow to attend it. If they need help attending, we will work it out with them.


While we will have the main 10 v 10 showdown for $10,000, everyone else will still be able to participate and help your team win by participating in:

  • Online events
  • Smash ladder at Civil War
  • Singles and doubles

For every set you play, you will earn points for your team! So, join the fight and make a difference!

Vendors, Artist, Content Creators, Youtubers, and more are all welcome!

If you interested in being a vendor or want a vendor to be there, please tell them to fill out this form:

If you want content creators and youtubers to have their own panel, let them know to contact us and we will help them out!

2GGC Civil War will take place on March 24th - 26th, 2017 at eSports Arena in Santa Ana, CA!

Early bird registration ends on February 20th, 2017 so enlist now by clicking HERE

submitted by /u/champtang
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Shroomed with the sick Dash Dance on the Char Select Screen

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:35 PM PST

2GGC: Civil War Crews

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:34 AM PST

No one seemed to have made a clean post/comment with these

Team ZeRo Team Ally
TSM ⏐ ZeRo (Diddy) C9 ⏐ Ally (Mario)
NRG ⏐ Nairo (Zero Suit Samus) RNG ⏐ Dabuz (Rosalina)
MSF ⏐ Larry Lurr (Fox) LG ⏐ Abadango (Mewtwo)
CLG ⏐ VoiD (Sheik) eLv ⏐ Mr.R (Sheik)
FOX MVG ⏐ MKLeo (Marth) DNG ⏐ Kameme (Megaman)
IMT ⏐ ANTi (Mario) DNL ⏐ Marss (Zero Suit Samus)
2GG ⏐ komorikiri (Cloud) Zinoto (Diddy)
Ranai (Villager) Mr.E (Marth)
Trela (Ryu) VGBC ⏐ Pink Fresh (Bayonetta)
FOW (Ness) Ned (Cloud)
submitted by /u/kenniky
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If Syrox and Hugs both get into Summit, they'll do a MM and loser has to dress up as Chaozu for the rest of Summit

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:01 PM PST

2GGC: Midwest Mayhem Saga - Feedback Thread

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 05:41 PM PST

Similar to our last 2GGC of this year, I'm back in hopes of gaining what went right and what didn't in the eyes of the twitch audience.

Some things were very obvious such as the awkwardness of the interviews and introductions. Or the crowd mic not being apparent. But I'd like to hear from the viewers in hopes of fixing these issues moving forward.

submitted by /u/Jmex25
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Let's talk Melee analytics.

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:42 PM PST

Hi. I am currently developing a pipeline/methodology by which to extract a whole lot of game data from Melee VODs. It's moving rather slowly, but there is progress being made. I swear.

Specifically, here are the subtasks I am trying to programmatize. I'm going to keep this short so this post doesn't drown under a wall of technical data, but any and all questions pertaining to any of this are welcome.

  1. Segment a VOD containing some Melee (tournament) gameplay into sets/matches and everything else. The framework for this is fairly far along but not yet self-contained or documented. However, I consider it to be more or less solved.
  2. Identify an (approximate) bounding box for those segments that contain gameplay. This comes for free with #1.
  3. Extract stock and percent time-series from segments. Again, this does not require much work once #1 (and thus #2) are functional.
  4. Extract and tabulate every frame of every action state of every character. This sounds like a lot but I'm working on a way to make it go a lot faster which is pretty much down on paper but hasn't quite been cobbled together yet.
  5. Extract action state data from segments. This is why we need #4. Again, this is a lot but I have some ideas on how to lighten the load a bit.
  6. Extract character X/Y position data from segments. This is the hard part. Lots of math here, mostly to engineer around the camera.

Now for the less boring part.

Let's say you have access to the following data for any frame of any (recent) match: remaining time; each character's percent and stock; each character's action state (name and frame); each character's X and Y position with respect to the stage.

What do you do with it? What metrics can you think of that turn a bunch of numbers into a story about two people and the options they select?

Here are a few examples.

  • By plotting damage versus time, you can see how long stocks last, and thus get a rough idea of the match's pace and momentum. On a more granular level, it gives some idea of the nature of each conversion. Long combos will show up as arrhythmic spikes, while chaingrabs or tech-chases will have a more gentle, fixed slope.
  • A while ago, noted Pichu guy xChaos made a heatmap of the positions at which Hbox won neutral versus top Sheiks on Battlefield, which wound up being wildly asymmetric. Also, /u/FetchFrosh made similar heatmaps of Hbox's and Armada's position during BH5 GFs. With full X/Y data, such a map could be generated automatically.
  • Also, given a lot of positional data for some character/stage combination, we can automatically cluster those observations into particular areas of the stage with an eye toward won/lost neutral interactions, followups, or similar criteria, similarly to what /u/xChaos did for Hbox on Battlefield. Let's say (for a less floaty character) that some of these areas end up being on the three platforms, left and right offstage, left and right ledge, and center stage. When does this character move between those areas? What patterns can we discern from the paths they take around the stage? How long do they prefer to stay in a single area?
  • Perhaps the most relevant, and most widely applicable: what does a given player or character like to do in a given situation? So, for example, what are n0ne's most common actions after he gets a knockdown on a Fox? What are the 3 things Mango's Falco does the most from ledge, and how safe are they? How does Armada's Fox differ from Leffen's when recovering on Dreamland against Hbox?

You get the idea. Any and all ideas are welcome! (Should this project actually come to fruition, you will be appropriately credited.)

submitted by /u/markov-
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Shroomed will go Doc at Summit side events if voted in

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 09:24 PM PST

Trela (Ryu) vs MkLeo (Marth, Sheik, MK) and Javi (Cloud, Sheik) twitch vods

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 06:38 PM PST

PG Key to FrostBite Top 8

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:23 PM PST


Zage Pacman vs Flama MiiGunner

Cosmos Corrin vs Eon Fox


Kodystri Ness MiiGunner Robin vs Sonix (Chronic) Sonic

8BitMan Rob vs Vapor Corrin ZeroSuitSamus


Jpeds DiddyKong

Phoneix Sonic

ZZ Bayonetta Cloud

Tension Fox



Nibble Cloud

ForbiddenOne Pacman Corrin

Starman Greninja

submitted by /u/Aaron1997
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LAN ETS 2017 Grand Finals and Results - SuperGirlKels vs. Blacktwins

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 01:07 PM PST


Bracket is up here!

I seriously can't describe how hype and how close these two sets were. Blacktwins reset the bracket with a close as hell 3-2 and then a suspenseful 3-1 in Blacktwins's favor to take the event.

SGK hoped to take the event again as she did last year but in Game 4 of Set 2, Blacktwins got a quick DAir spike on the first stock. Wound up being last hit.

First - LGS EMG | Blacktwins - Cloud

Second - SuperGirlKels - Sonic

Third - LX | Venom - Ryu

Fourth - LX | Holy - R.O.B.

Fifth - MrGommi (Rosa) and LX | Nuke (Villager)

Seventh - FSharp (Ryu) and Fwed (Fox)

Ninth - Sharu, DarkAura, MTL HoH | Darkwolf, and wTT | Z

submitted by /u/ChapterLiam
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An Away Victory for the USA as Nairo Wins Tokaigi 2017

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 03:28 PM PST

Can we get a sticky for Lan ETS 2017 Top 8 ft. Leffen , Kage , KirbyKaze, Ryan Ford and more ?

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 12:07 PM PST

Most Underrated - Roy Analysis (1.1.6) - Super Smash Bros Wii U - ZeRo

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 11:38 AM PST

SAK Gaming Boss Rush: Duck Trailer

Posted: 12 Feb 2017 10:17 AM PST

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