Smite - Let your jungler last hit the buffs!

Let your jungler last hit the buffs!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:53 AM PST

We no longer heal from just being around a camp when it's taken. Please let your jungler heal off of the buffs, it can be a matter of life or death and is very important! This is especially important in the early game where fighting one camp can leave you at half health! Don't be a dick to your jungler! Thank you.

submitted by /u/keytheway123
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Good news to all Jing Wei mains

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:55 PM PST

I've checked on PTS. The new Jing Wei skin is directly purchasable. No chests required.

submitted by /u/SIRUNKLYDUNK
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New Noble Esports roster

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:38 PM PST

We WERE supposed to get free cutesy avatar chest rolls.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:03 PM PST

I searched and this is the result from Google:

"Double Everything Weekend | FWOTD | SMITE 6 days ago - From Friday, February 10th to Sunday, February 12th, earn double Worshipers, Experience and Favor! ... That's 3 total Cutesy Avatar Chest rolls all weekend!"

Notice this was 6 days ago. Now notice the page is no longer there. (

But there is a new page that replaced it (

HOWEVER, it does not mention ANY cutesy avatar chest rolls.

I'm not the type of person to bitch about free stuff, especially when we just got free gems, but Hirez, DONT tell us about stuff and confirm it then take it away.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Someone has pointed out that a requirement was to win on the new egyptian clash map. Considering Season 4 is not on consoles due to the delay, the chests MAY be delayed to next weekend. However, i'm still leaving this thread as it's good to bring it up in case that isn't the plan.

submitted by /u/girlnamedblush
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Zapman can't die.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:20 AM PST

BaRRaCCuDDa Podcast Episode 1 (he took over our Domination Podcast :/)

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:56 AM PST

I came here to learn more about Smite, its gods, builds and strategies, and potentially find people to play with.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:55 AM PST

Ive almost exclusively found posts complaining of this game, this subreddit, the developers and the community. Its disheartening. Nothing is perfect.

Ive never posted in rsmite before, I dont expect I will again. Ask yourselves, how many people do you think come here with the same intentions, and leave with the same feelings?

Good Day

submitted by /u/DIRT_JOCKEY
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When F. Ganks

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:32 PM PST

Smite PTS 4.2 Datamining

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:30 PM PST

The game of Smite itself is in a sorry state. I would like to be heard.

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 10:00 PM PST

I would like to preface this by saying I have played smite for more than a year now. I have poured loads of money into it, and I have enjoyed every second of playing it. It's one of my favorite games of all time.

As of now though, my drive to play and support Smite is at its lowest it has ever been for so many reasons. One of my biggest issues is that Smite cannot even compare to games in the genre like League of Legends, or Dota 2, that it has heavy competition with. Smite has a tiny fraction of popularity that these two games have. Hi-Rez is not doing what they should to compete, and grow a game that I want to see grow. Not only is the game now across 3 platforms, but Hi-Rez is now devoloping TWO new games that are blatant rip offs of other games that are very popular, and slapped a Smite sticker on them so people will play them, which will further fragment the community. Smite was on Steam's top 100 grossing games list recently - showing clearly that it is Hi-Rez's main source of income, but they are taking a community that needs to grow to compete, and dooming it to forever not be able to compare to other games in the genre in size.

The other major problem I have is that Smite's actual stability as a game is a joke, and sadly even mentioning it puts this post at risk of deletion. I have never had as many problems with Smite as I have had with any other game, regardless of even genre - singleplayer or multiplayer. Smite's servers have always been unacceptable for a company, and we get apologies but no improvement every time. In the past week I have hardly even been able to play the game, I have been booted from games, had insufferable lag, had my friends list appear completely empty, and innumerable other problems. For a few days now Smite has had a breath of fresh air with servers, I tried to play, and the game crashed in lobby. I played a few custom games with friends to pass the time from the 30 minute deserter, only to have the game crash in lobby again - giving me a massive deserter. I wouldn't be as frustrated with this if Smite hadn't always been like this, but by god it has. The most recent god release, The Morrigan, was one of the most unprofessional things I've ever seen. She went through a public testing phase, and still completely broke the game upon release, ushering in glitches that I don't even understand with my knowledge of game code. All abilities would disappear, games would be completely stuck in the defeat/victory screen, duplicate matches would appear in my match history, and they even had to temporarily remove a god from the game (which they've had to do in the past). How did this get past public testing? Why even have that phase?

My main point is that Smite is clearly Hi-Rez's sustenance, and despite that, I have never seen the level of ineffectiveness in maintaining the stability of a game that is this popular in the market as Hi-Rez has shown - and I feel that will doom it to always lose when it comes to other games in the genre.

I say these things not because I want to whine and complain, but because Smite is a great game, and I want to see it be better - that is what I would like to emphasize the most.

submitted by /u/Traeger0
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Just found this gem of young Barra and Jeff

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:58 PM PST

The 10 official rosters that are qualified for the SPL Spring Split!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:00 AM PST

Hey Hi-Rez when are the Kawaii Neku Desu Doki Doki Skins Coming Out for the Rest of the ADCs

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:51 PM PST

I want my dank Kawai Izanami and my Doki Doki Dusa.

Also when is weaboo Apollo coming out?

submitted by /u/tymandude1
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This week's episode of First Period: My $0.02 on the new rosters

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:33 PM PST

SMITE Gods with Pokémon Types [UPDATED 4.2]

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:52 AM PST

This had to be Jing's Skin reference. Was it, Hi-Rez?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:57 AM PST

FACEIT will be hosting the SPL Combine. Detailed information inside the blog post about how to participate.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:39 AM PST

What will Hi-Rez do with Smite?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:11 PM PST

Here's a post from Erez 3 years ago titled 'What will Hi-Rez do with Smite?', which was mainly about the state of their previous games as they moved forwards in the blossoming development of Smite. The Tribes: Ascend community was very frustrated at how they handled the final years of the game and I feel like this post is becoming relevant again due to Hi-Rez's movement towards their other developments and away from Smite.

Tribes: Ascend could have been a great game for Hi-Rez but due to some poor decisions they failed to listen to their community. Smite is a much bigger game than Tribes: Ascend was, and had a lot riding on it after the initial deal Hi-Rez made with Tencent, so why do I and many others feel the need to express our disappointment in the current state of the game. Don't get me wrong, I love Smite. I love the old gods, I love the new gods. I love the concept, I love the gameplay. I have always loved the way Hi-Rez has handled this MOBA and I would play it non-stop in Season 2. But now the servers are worse than ever. As an Australian I'm lucky to play a full game of Arena without disconnecting. The competitive scene has been doing okay but many pro players have left for other games. Overwatch is doing great, why is Hi-Rez focusing on competing with Paladins when they had a perfectly good MOBA that was only going to go up.

I wish I loved this game as much as I used to, but I can't not compare Erez's old post on the state of Tribes: Ascend with Smite today, especially when this company keeps trying to juggle Tactics and Paladins when their most popular and profitable game is struggling and full of problems. Are they really doing this right?

EDIT: Spelling

submitted by /u/phlobs
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Have Hi Rez forgot about kali on Console?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:37 PM PST

Where's kali? She was removed from Console 3 weeks ago and still hasn't come back. It took about 4 days for her to come back to Pc after she was removed.

submitted by /u/TheCrazyDude8
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Smite is the superior MOBA

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:40 AM PST

Call me cheesy or whatever but this game rocks. It feels balanced, its fun as hell, has tons of variety, and is just plain addicting. I play other mobas like LoL and holy crap I can't tell you how frustrated I feel after every match, even if I win. With Smite, win or lose I am having fun and when I die it feels deserved. Of course every game isn't perfect and sometimes things happen that you cannot control but the positives outweigh the negatives. Smite has reinvigorated my passion for the moba genre and I am so happy I found it. Thanks so much HiRez for the hard work you put into making and maintaining this game! I am so excited for the future and wish nothing but good things for this company!

PS. Sorry if that sounded like brown nosing, Im just happy I can enjoy playing this kind of game again. Its really exciting after being miserable with other games for so long. :D

submitted by /u/yeuna
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One thing they almost never say about certain new skins...

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:45 AM PST

Chest exclusive(if so how many items), season ticket reward or direct purchase?
I know only about AMC skin being a Season ticket reward.

submitted by /u/Arrancar88
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And you wonder why Terra's heal is actually trash

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:21 PM PST

Evidence that her deployable can actually be destroyed by minions/jungle camps and not just basic attacks. Also, ignore the title; I tried to edit it but it didn't work.

Apparently ALL depoyables can be destroyed by minions and jungle camps. HIREZ PLEASE >:(

New SPL strats, leash minions from lane into the jungle to clear wards for you immediately upon placing a sentry.



submitted by /u/matteo81992
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Could we see a medusa displaying kuku skin maybe like the rat skin ?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 11:43 AM PST

If you D.C. in Duel it should use your pause.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:44 PM PST

[4.2 PTS] The mini self knock up after using Blink has been fixed

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:39 PM PST

You know that odd little delay you got after using Blink / Flickering? Yeah, that seem to have been fixed in the 4.2 PTS.

You can blink and pretty much immediately cast abilities after it, so...This is actually quite a big buff to Blink; It now feels much smoother to use, at least in Jungle Practice.

Just throwing it out there.

submitted by /u/BurningFlareX
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