Pokémon GO - Free Talk Friday [Meta]

Free Talk Friday [Meta]

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:08 PM PST

Good morning /r/PokemonGO,

Just one more day until you can post those generic screenshots we all love so much...

This megathread is anything goes! Say whatever you want in here (within the realm of good taste)

Please keep it respectful and be courteous of other users.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Updated Egg List Distances Reference Image for your Phone! [1899x1435]

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:08 AM PST

Niantic please randomize the Valentine's spawns. The Pokémon I was most excited about are nowhere to be found. The Halloween event was also biome independent.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:29 PM PST

In my case I was really looking forward for Chansey, Clefable and Exeggcute. The latter never spawn where I live. As a matter of fact, I am still walking my Exeggcutor (90km and counting).

Others have pretty much the opposite problem. So randomizing the whole thing is obviously the way to go. I don't even understand why it's this way this time around after the Halloween spawns appeared to be mostly random.

submitted by /u/NickLeMec
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The pokemon go dead zone + incense trick during this event results.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:24 PM PST

I have a dead zone not too far from me where there are no pokemon for probably 5 miles. I go there with an incense every now and then and sometimes I score big. I never tried this during the thalloween event but I decided I'd try it with this event to see if the spawns would be completely random or if the game would still try to prioritize the event pokemon. I live in a heavy grass type biome for reference.

I used 3 incense in the dead zone and here are the results. 8 exeggcute, 4 jigglypuff, 2 ponyta, 1 growlithe, 2 magnemite, 3 pidgey, 3 clefairy (very rare "pink" in my biome. Only saw 2 before this) 1 slowpoke, THREE chansey (had not seen this lil bugger until today. 2 were back to back) 2 lickitung, and 1 vileplume.

It seems that the event "pink" pokemon DO effect this little trick. I've heard that this event just increases the pink Pokemon that are already found in your area so if you wanna try for a chansey or something not found in your area it's not a bad idea to try this. I'm glad I did. I bet I wouldn't have found a chansey without it

submitted by /u/Tulot_trouble
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Boyfriend gave me my Valentine's gift a few days early because of the event! ��

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:49 PM PST

Niantic killed most of the Clefairys at 7pm GMT

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:34 PM PST

A minutes silence for the trillions of Clefairys that niantic murdered. On the plus side my nearby tracker is no longer 8 clefairy and a pidgey. Also the first time ive seen pokemon despawn and reappear 2 seconds later.

submitted by /u/OriginalUsername111
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Perfect little baggies for water resistance!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:45 PM PST

2 Days, haven't seen 1 Chansey on this event.....

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:21 PM PST

Can anyone give me any ideas on what I'm doing wrong when looking for Chansey because all I'm finding is Slowpoke, Lickitung, Clefairy etc.

Anyone else not finding any?

submitted by /u/steeeeeeeve89
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Rebalancing EPS and DPS to change the meta

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:13 AM PST

I think that the current event is mostly a good thing (the number of Blissey in gyms tho -__-). While not new content, it is at least something to keep people playing. Now while we wait, there is one more thing Niantic could do that could change the game without much effort on their part.

With Gen II looming over us, they need to address (again) move imbalance. Both damage per second and energy per second.

Blissey Is An Issue

As we all know, Blissey is going to be a monster due to the fact that of all the original base stats used to calculate the base stats in PoGo, HP was the only one to be directly translated into the game. Stamina is simply HP x 2, which widens the HP gap between Pokemon. This has been addressed many times, but now it is really going to be a problem because: everyone playing during this event will likely acquire the candy to evolve at least one Blissey (catching, transfering, hatching, and buddy walking to victory). If Blissey does become widespread, it will completely kill the meta-game unless something is done (changing how defenders are ordered solves this, somewhat).

Besides changing SE and NVE values, here is another simple measure Niantic could take to at least alleviate this problem.

Balancing Moves And Creating Move Uniqueness

  • As the original games are turn based, there is no energy gain or "cooldown" for move use. Thus, while they have power, how they are implemented in PoGo is pretty arbitrary. That is to say, Niantic pretty much just made up cooldown and EPS for all of the moves (and made some questionable decisions when making certain moves quick attacks and others charge attacks).

  • Water Gun, Ember, Thunder Shock all have base 40 power in the main games. But as we all know, one is clearly better than the others.

  • There are 3 other moves with the exact damage/energy model as Water Gun. Bite, Scratch, and Dragon Breath all do 6 damage every .5 seconds (base 12 DPS), and build up 14 energy per second (7 energy per use of the move). The problem here is that there is no drawback to these moves. They rank among the highest DPS and the highest EPS moves in the game.

  • I want to be clear. We should not make every move the exact same. We do not need to make Thunder Shock and Ember play exactly as Water Gun does. Rather, if moves have a weak damage output, they should be balanced by having a higher energy gain per use. So, while you do less damage in the meantime, you will be able to use your charge move sooner and more often. By balancing moves in this way, we can give "character to the moves," how they play will be much different and less dependent on simple DPS in the short-term (most people look at the damage a move does over 1 second as the basis of comparison)

Back To Blissey And Doing Some Math

  • Blissey is going to be godly, and our current fighting types won't be able to stop this juggernaut (maybe Heracross will be the hero we need, but we deserve a better Machamp).

  • Machamp – out of all 251 Pokemon in Gen I and Gen II, only two Pokemon (Dragonite and Tyranitar) have a higher attack stat than Machamp in the original games. It ranks up there in PoGo as well, but…it has Karate Chop (ಠ ͟ʖಠ). Now here is a way to fix Karate Chop to make Machamp a little more interesting (besides changing SE to higher than 1.25x). Raise the EPS to compensate. Karate Chop does 6 damage every .8 seconds, with an energy gain of 10 per second (worse than Water Gun in every way lol). In the original games, Karate Chop actually has a higher base power (50) than Water Gun (40). But let's just keep the DPS the same. Instead, raise the EPS of Karate chop so you can use Cross Chop ("CC") much sooner, and more often. Right now Bug Bite has the highest EPS at 15.56. What happens if we increase Karate Chop ("KC") to, hmmm, 25 EPS?

Analysis of Karate Chop at 25 EPS

  • 25 EPS for a move with a .8 second cooldown = 20 energy per use of KC

  • 5 uses of KC to 100 energy full charge, at 6 damage per hit = 30 damage dealt before ready to use CC

  • 5 uses of KC (at .8 second cooldown) takes 4 seconds. Cross Chop does 60 damage in 2 seconds.

  • The cycle = 4 seconds KC (30 DMG), 2 seconds CC (60 DMG), 4 seconds KC (30 DMG), 2 seconds CC (60 DMG) – 180 damage in 12 seconds.

Now for an analysis of Water Gun("WG")/Hydro Pump ("HP")

  • WG does 14 energy per second, has a .5 second cool down = 7 energy per use of WG.

  • 14.2857 uses of WG to reach 100 energy, rounds to 15 uses of WG before you can use HP, which does 90 damage in 3.8 seconds.

  • 15 uses of a .5 second move takes 7.5 seconds, and at 6 damage per use = 90 damage over 7.5 seconds.

  • The cycle = 7.5 seconds WG (90 DMG), 3.8 seconds HP (90 DMG) – 180 damage in 11.3 seconds.

Move Comparison

Even modifying KC to a much higher EPS, in this short cycle comparison, it deals less damage per second. WG/HP deals the same amount of damage in .7 seconds less. But imagine how big the gap was when KC only yielded 12.5 energy per use, for 10 EPS…you can see how bad of a move KC is given the current damage model. However, keep in mind that Machamp has a much higher attack stat than Vaporeon, and if used at a type advantage would get the 1.25 SE multiplier that would clearly make Machamp better for matchups he should be better at. Right now, Vaporeon simply outdamages Machamp in pretty much every scenario even when dealing neutral damage. With an EPS change, Machamp can finally become the Blissey and Snorlax counter he is supposed to be (also change the SE multiplier, but here is an additional option)

Conclusion and TL;DR

By changing the EPS, we can balance moves and create more defined playstyles. With Machamp, you can dodge more during your charge move since CC has such a short cool down, and you will be using your charge move far more often than other Pokemon do if you increase the EPS. Re-balancing EPS with DPS should add more variety to how we use Pokemon with the limited battle mechanic we have now, and is not a difficult update to implement.

submitted by /u/DavidKSA
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This event has had a pleasant yet maybe unintended effect

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 04:50 PM PST

Hey all, I just wanted to say, on a positive note, that since lures last 6 hours, the downtown area of my city has been lit up since the event started. For the last few months a collection of lures either meant one person was going super hard on their play, or a bunch of bot accounts were running. However, now its a pleasant surprise to see all the different names of players still out there.

If anything, this event showed that my city still has people willing to play, even if its only here or there or on their way to school or work. The only difference is now when people have 45 minutes to sit around and play, their lures are left for others to see and realize they are not the only ones left.

Just my positive vibes of the day, enjoy the event everyone!

submitted by /u/ztec4
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Got my first Snorlax!

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:46 PM PST

Imgur: http://imgur.com/a/PcBvJ

So I booted up the game for the first time in a little while since the Valentine's Event is going on. Been playing since day one and haven't been able to ever catch or hatch one. I've been sick all week in bed, and since I had nothing to do I just opened it up out of curiosity. It's a good thing I did since I saw that Snorlax in my sightings and ran outside to get it! It snowed all day today where I live, but I didn't care. After a few minutes I found, and caught him!

submitted by /u/geocartridges
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I just spent 15 minutes listening to Pokémon cries. Made me remember how great I felt about the game when it just had launched.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:30 PM PST

"Wow look, here's another Weedle and there is even a Beedrill on sightings!!"

Listening to Pokémon cries made me remember the excitment me and my GF felt when we were running around town like crazy during launch week. Good days that I always will remember.

submitted by /u/stjaernjerry
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Candy Saving Guide for Gen 2 Evolutions. Updated with higher resolution images and easier to read text. Original made by /u/buellerbuellerbuelle

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:02 PM PST

I feel like all Niantic needs to do to get me to play again is give us more egg incubators

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:55 AM PST

I find it incredibly awesome to breed out more eggs at once. i just open the app wherever i go. when you lose all of them it just feels useless to open the app in the first place. no joy, nothing to gain without events

submitted by /u/CPT_RedShanks
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Niantic please fix the Apple Watch app

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 09:50 AM PST

1) Every time I start a new work out the session ends immediatly and I have to start another to track distance. 2) Constant popups that my watch isn't connected when it is. 3) Today I started a workout while I shoveled snow. I didn't check the watch because it was under lots of layers. When I finished shoveling, I went to end my workout. I got gotten 3 kms during the session but NONE OF MY EGGS UPDATED. I had to restart my watch and force closed and restarted the iPhone app and Watch app multiple times before the distance synced with the eggs. Still lost those 3 kms. They show up in my activity app but didn't sync with Go so.

submitted by /u/saltymatt_
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6 hr lure results

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:51 PM PST

decided to take advantage of the stop next to my room (and my free day) to see if the lure would bring anything good. some things first. it was the first time i used a lure in the stop (and the first time overall too). my biome can be considered water+electric (seen pretty much all water types, lots of them, lots of magnemite, some voltorb, havent seen lapras at all though despite people saying its found in this kind of biome). and yes, i stayed the 6 hours next to the stop, i did do other things while i caught the poke (thank god its a mobile game and i can take my phone around with me) but managed to catch and record each of the 120 poke.

hope this help u guys decide if its worth it or not, personally i'll try again this weekend if i manage to have some spare time (6 hours lol).

had a table but idk how to make one here so i'll just put the results:

total poke caught: 109/120 (only 2/109 had over 80% iv, 1 pidgey and 1 porygon)

number of pink poke: 27/120

jigglypuff: 16

porygon: 8

mr mime: 3

most encountered:

pidgey: 29

rattata: 26 (+2 that turned into ditto)

spearow: 17

no clefairy, chansey or exeggcute. impressively enough, no slowpoke either (pretty common here). nothing very rare (cuz porygons are common here during the event).

anyway, the supposedly decrease in pidgey/rattata spawns a while back seems to have disappeared, cuz i never had seen so many of them, there seems to be more of them than pink poke while on Halloween it was the other way round. anyway i hope u guys have better luck and hope i do better in the other lure. dont get me wrong, porygons are great, but at this point id rather get a clefable or at least some clefairy so i can fill up my dex.

TLDR: used a lure, 120 poke, only 27 were "pink", only 3 kinds which were already relatively common to the biome, shit ton of pidgey/rats/spearow, over -100 net on pokeballs (despite spinning the stop constantly, not every 5min but still).

submitted by /u/Xsemyde
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Freezing when attempting to access trainer profile?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:44 AM PST

Hallo! Just a quick query -- I was wondering if anybody else has had the Pokemon Go app freeze when attempting to access their trainer profile?

It's only been within the last couple days that I've noticed it (although I'm not much of a regular user, I'll admit). Happens on 4G, although I've had some intermittent issues on home wifi as well.

I have a Samsung J5, and I'm on Marshmallow.

Thank you very much for your time!

submitted by /u/fiologica
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Walking distance accuracy

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 02:02 PM PST

Did this update make a huge improvement on walking distance accuracy for both eggs and buddies? I'm making huge strides today with hatching eggs and buddy candies!!!

submitted by /u/The_Nak
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Stardust, I'm starving here

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:54 PM PST

This is probably one of the only rpg games I've played where the costs of leveling are dynamically increased while the rewards are static. I wish I could only find weak ass pokemon and just catch those all day so I could get some stardust to actually use. Instead I have to farm 40+ pokemon to just power up one of my guys once.

I wish there was some sort of scaling for stardust based on a pokemon's cp so leveling was rewarding beyond just increasing the cap at which pokemon can be found/trained.

submitted by /u/Borly
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Blizzard blues

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:58 PM PST

So big snow here today; everything closed; figure it's a good time to get out and work the event. But the storm took out 2 local cell towers and there's no reception in town! Can't hit the stops, can't catch anything outside of wi-fi range.
No love from nature today.

submitted by /u/mndrew
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Pokemon Go- Playing issues?

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:27 PM PST

I was wondering if anyone else was currently having issues playing Pokemon Go?

Pokemon Go is loading for me, but when I click on a pokemon to catch it, the app crashes. Another issue I keep having is gyms. I can't battle or put my pokemon in the gyms.

Is anyone else having this problem, and how did you fix it?

submitted by /u/cheshire_cat34
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Reminder: Save up more Porygon than you'd think

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:01 AM PST

While a lot of people know now that Porygon gets a gen 2 evolution, it's worth remembering that it also has a gen 4 evolution, and now is the perfect time to try to get the 150ish candies needed to get it all the way

Edit: The same goes for lickitung

submitted by /u/N-Bizzle
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[Suggestions] Pokemon Go ideas from a longtime lurker

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:39 PM PST

So, I've really never posted before. But I've seen too many threads suggesting 'fixes' along the lines of "Give us more X, stop having 1012 Jigglypuffs everywhere and give me a Chancey, stop putting nothing but Vaporeons in Gyms," et cetera. Too much of it just sounds like complaining rather than actual conducive ideas for the game, so I thought I'd post a thing and then slink back to my corner.


In my town, gyms are prominently controlled by Mystic/Instinct, and as a Valor player, I've really only found one gym location that is predictably Valor at any given time. It will never be even between the three teams, but to get it closer to being so and in the spirit of the game, here are a few ideas:

--Gym time limits: each gym, right after it gets retaken and presuming it doesn't get taken down by another team, will last for 24 hours, and thereafter has a small and increasing chance of being taken over by a neutral team with similar-cp Pokemon to those that were in the gym prior. This team should be something like Team Rocket, or Team Skull, or something exciting related to the current generation--later gens could even have multiple of these teams. This way, you can't just take a gym with 3k+ Dragonites, get 9 buddies to do the same, and sit on it for weeks.

--Turn some gyms into typed gyms, where only certain typed Pokemon can compete and be added. This would make Pokemon whose movesets differ from their type enormously advantageous, such as an Arcanine with Bite/Bulldoze or a Charizard with Wing Attack/Dragon Claw. As generations advance, this could be very exciting: for instance, having a Bug-only gym, but allowing in Pokemon with dual-types (one being bug). This could definitely break the trend of seeing nothing but Dragonites, Vaporeons, Rhydons, and Gyaradoses atop gyms.

~-Pokemon catching-~

With Generation II (presumably..) looming, the idea of having a candy type for each Pokemon seems increasingly Farfetch'd. Instead of the current system, I have two ideas, and it would have to be that both are implemented or neither are:

--Pokemon award candies specific to their type, so for instance, catching a Squirtle would award you with water candies, catching a Meowth would award you with normal candies, etc. Pokemon would give a net of two candies this way, instead of the current three, and transferring would award an additional two candies, instead of one.

--Many pokemon are dual-type. Thus: catching a Pokemon of two types would award one candy of both types, and transferring a Pokemon of two types would award one candy of both types. You get the gist, I hope :3

~-Pokecoins and items-~

The item shop is pathetic, honestly. The only buyable balls (non-event) are Pokeballs. You also can't buy too many of the useable items in the game--revives, potions, and raspberries.

--Either stop having Pokeballs as buyable items, or add the other ball variations to the shop. The same goes with revives, potions, and raspberries.

--New balls: gen II specific balls. Yea or Nay? I can't decide if they would truly benefit the game or just add unneeded complications and complexity.

--Add a very small percentage to spinning a Pokestop and receiving a lure module, incense, or incubator. Not everybody has the luxury of easily gathering 80 or 150 Pokecoins to afford them from the cash shop.

--Add a small chance of catching a pokemon that is holding an item.

-Make item selling a thing, again for people who do not have the luxury of easily obtaining Pokecoins the usual way. Alternatively, for people who have hundreds of potions they no longer want and are ok with selling them for like, 1 Pokecoin each.

--I would suggest new items to add to the Pokecoin shop:

---Tm Moveset (150 Pokecoins): rerolls a chosen Pokemon's current moveset from their possible movesets. Or a possible variation to this: rerolls one of a chosen Pokemon's two moves from their possible normal and power movesets, respectively.

---Running Shoes (80 Pokecoins): allows one to click on the map and move short distances for a limited amount of time. For when you're literally a foot from the gym you want and you aren't in a situation where you can get up and walk to it.


It seems very strange that eggs are so prolific. I was under the impression that, not only did eggs not exist in Gen I, but they were largely uncommon and not available at every other Pokestop, provided you had a space for one. Thus, suggestions:

--Make eggs rare. Like, rare to the point where every single player isn't walking around with 9 of them at all times.

--Make them identical--you shouldn't know how many kilometers the egg needs to hatch initially. Instead: have the bar start out at "X/? km walked," and X/10 km walked only after you have walked over 5km, thus determining that it's a 10km egg. Give the game some mystery :3

Are there any of these that you would tweak or rebalance in some way? Shoot me a message or comment~

submitted by /u/Articulatesheep
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Ever since update 0.55.0 I cant see my trainer profile.

Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:57 PM PST

Like the title says, this damn update they had to push right before the Valentines Day event is so BROKEN! I cant swap my buddy pokemon to something I actually need to walk because the game crashes if I try to see my trainer profile.... the game also struggles a lot loading pokemon ever since this update came out, and its overall less stable.... Im use the Android version of the game, from waht I heard the android version is the one thats so broken, the game was working perfectly before this update... Im so bummed, its ruining the event for me, I wish they had the decency of fix thsi before releasing the event...

Ok Im done ranting, sorry about that, Im just so frustrated.... Any idea how I could work around the profile problem? I'd love to be able to change my buddy pokemon...

submitted by /u/lkanacanyon
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