Smite - Changing Roles at HiRez

Changing Roles at HiRez

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:33 AM PST

Hey Everyone!

For the last year and a half I have been working on the Community team with /u/HiRezAmanda, /u/HiRezSavvy, and many others across the studio. Starting as a smaller team on SMITE all of us have done a lot in terms of planning in-game events, gathering feedback from all over the place and going through it, and bringing your concerns directly to the Dev team to be discussed and acted upon. It has been amazing to work on this team, but today is my last day as a Community Manager.

I am still here though, just now under the banner of System Design. My new new focus will be on reviewing our current in-game systems, improving current systems, and designing whole new systems that you all will be using. Some of the things that are currently tasked to me are Clans, The Wisdom Tab, Console Chat, Refer-a-friend, Ranked and many more. Rather than just gathering feedback and presenting it, I get to start putting it into action more directly.

I have already been working with the Community Team to make sure the transition is smooth over the last week. They already do a ton of work for y'all behind the scenes, and I fully trust them to continue that good work while taking over the more forward facing roles I had.

You will still see me posting around here and discussing issues with you guys (especially when it comes to systems like Ranked) but /u/HiRezAmanda (@HiRezAmanda) and /u/HiRezSavvy (The Console Queen herself @HiRezSavvy) are your best contact for sending in your feedback, getting answers to questions and concerns, and keeping you in the loop on the latest news.

I'm looking forward to improving some of the Gameplay and Community Systems I know you guys have been wanting to see and can't wait to see where we will be in a years time.

Thanks everyone!


submitted by /u/PonPonWeiWei
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When they said "limited use promo codes", I thought it meant EVERYONE could use it before it expired...

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:54 AM PST

Not just have 250 uses. Is this for real? Why would you even think about giving away only 250 use codes as a 1 MILLION subscriber special? Something like the retro hercules event was waaay better. I was so excited for them to reach this milestone, and I still am, but I can't help but feel a little disappointed in this whole "reward" thing. I don't feel entitled, but I do feel that when you celebrate 1 MILLION subscribers and want to give back to them, you actually give something to all 1 million. We get only 250 use codes instead. Kinda feels like a slap in the face compared to retro hercules.

EDIT: /u/Hirezamanda has fixed this and made them limited use codes from 1pm-4pm EST. Thanks Amanda!

submitted by /u/SomeFreshAirBreathIn
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2 types of Loki in this world, both of which are straight up AIDS.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:19 PM PST

Preview of late game team fights

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:49 PM PST

instead of making limited uses for rewards,make them avilabe for a limited time(like x houres)

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:11 AM PST

limited uses is a very bad idea

submitted by /u/Ali_rz
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Marvalz Rama clips #14

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:45 PM PST

What was the purpose of Thoht's stun again?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:00 PM PST

too ruin the fun of the team opposite of thoth's?

submitted by /u/JhayAlejo
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Hi Rez stated that Ah Puch would see ability redesigns

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:15 AM PST

In the last buff to Ah Puch, I think patch 3.21 or something (closest to the Halloween patch) Hi Rez buffed Ah Puch and said that he desperately needed a few adjustments because his conquest performance was getting ridiculously close to unplayable despite being borderline broken in Assault, Joust, Arena, Duel (IDK and IDC), MOTDS, Clash, and every other mode outside of Smite's main game mode.

Obviously, this is impossible to balance.

Hi Rez stated in that patch, that if Ah Puch doesn't see any improvements to viability that they would consider ability redesigns because of how strong he is in other game modes.

So what exactly is the consessus on this now that its been roughly 4-5 months since this change and statement.

They also said there would be a rework at the end of Season 3, and another early Season 4. There's no way Hel can be considered that rework.

submitted by /u/TaxAdvantage401
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So I was perma big boy Vamana.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:23 PM PST

Xbox Smite. Unable to predict season ticket matches.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:34 AM PST

I am on Xbox one and I am unable to predict the pro matches under the season ticket tab. When I click on schedule it opens a blank schedule and even after I press X or any other buttons, nothing comes up. Please help because I would like to predict the matches since I payed for the Spring Split pass.

submitted by /u/Cfarm2468
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Kuzenbo and Gem of Isolation

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:14 PM PST

So when Kuzenbo came out I thought there wasn't any item in particular that synergized well besides items that reflects damage like thorns or nimean lion. Then I realized his 2 deals ability damage. So I thought that Gem of Isolation would work out fairly well for him. So if you go in the middle of the entire enemy team where they then attack a big easy target to hit you activate your 2 and the entire enemy team gets hit for a chunk of the damage they dealt and are slowed for 2 seconds. Or if you are running away and your enemy is smacking you with fatalis auto attacks then you use gem of isolation and all of a sudden they are hit with a lot of their damage and now they can't just hold down the auto attack button and keep up as well.

It also gives your 1 a slow as a decent long range cc, the person you grappled with your 3 will be a bit slower after you let go letting you body block them easier or get in an auto attack or two, and then your ult... Well if your victims weren't already inable to control their characters for a few seconds then gem of isolation will slow them and make sure they can't even hope to get out.

However I guess you'll be giving up some defense... except his passive with 10% damage mitigation will make up for the defense you gave up, but you also got ccr to make cc on you less effective along with some health to make you a bit more bulky. Not to mention his scalings aren't too terrible for a guardian (if you can do multiple hits with the grapple and ult) so the 90 damage will make him do a decent amount more damage.

May not be good for a the first few items, but I think Gem of Isolation would work pretty well with Kuzenbo.

submitted by /u/water2770
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The SPL is back!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:27 AM PST

Incredible video/montage by Weltzeit - SPL ALLSTARS

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:56 AM PST

All out assault 2.0 needs an update

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:31 PM PST

All new gods from erlang Shen to the morrigan are all automatically banned. K

submitted by /u/Wuzat_115
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Skin Concept - Ryuko Nemesis

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:12 PM PST

So Ryuko from the anime Kill La kill.

In my opinion her 2 could be her using her scissors and her 3 could be her using life fibers for the shield. EDIT: I'd just like to say that I didn't make this picture. I just grabed the first example of Ryuko I could. EDIT2: Yes I know the picture in the post shows the eyes. I'm not good at drawing so.

submitted by /u/AdmiralCrunch56
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How TP is awarded appears to makes no sense

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:52 PM PST

Warning: This is a long post but needs to be to present all the facts I have gathered from duo-queuing and comparing TP awarded to us after the match. This is put together across multiple seasons, where the behavior on how TP has been awarded has been consistent - but confusing.

Season 3: In Season 3 my duo and I played every single match of ranked that we played together. Because previously we had not done so we did not have identical ELOs and there had not been a hard reset at the end of S2 so our placements our results were:

Me: Silver V

Duo: Gold V

After placements we began to notice a weird phenomenon. We did not receive the same amount of TP for wins. In every instance where we did not receive the same TP for a win, he (the higher placed player) received more. In a case where we lost I always lost more TP.

This is surprising to me because I would expect the lower ranked player to be awarded more for winning against presumably higher elo that he was expected to lose against. Or at very least the higher elo player to not be rewarded for winning a match he was expected to win. The same for loses.

Season 4 In Season 4 there was of course a hard elo reset. The same duo and I did 9/10 of our placements together. (Slight asterisk here. We had the party glitch where I got put into a match without him once.) The one game different in placements I won and he did not. Our placings were:

Me: Gold V

Duo: Gold V

Now here's where things get weird. I am now the player who consistently gets more TP for a win and losing less for a loss. Also these are not minor differences. It is an average of 4 TP a game, but in some cases we have seen as much as 6 TP difference.

Performance appears to have nothing to do with it. He can out damage and out KDA me and I still have the same results (the same was true but to the opposite last season).

But this variation is happening despite us having 1 game difference in our records. (Me with one more win in a placement.) I even played his extra placement with him so I have the same number of losses over all as he does. I know that I do have a higher ELO than him now because when we queue I'm the one who can get 1st Pick instead of it being him.

TLDR: TP seems to punish lower ranked/elo players for beating better players. Which is presumably why Elo Hell has existed in the past. Also I'm largely not sure why things are being done this way.

Also I should stress. **My biggest complaint with this system aside from the fact that I don't understand what it is trying to accomplish is that it makes harder for friends to grind together. If a friend and I play 100% of games together and yet despite having an identical record one get's promoted too fast you can end up in situations where you literally can't play together. Plus its also just kind of demoralizing.

submitted by /u/Sigils
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A Few Notes For New Ranked Players

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:32 AM PST

I've been noticing a lot of new players in my ranked games (I sucked in qualifiers and am climbing out of silver). And they keep making the same mistakes which is getting frustrating. Especially in this weird meta where snowballing gets out of hand. So I figured I'd make a post about it.

  1. Pay attention to where your teammates and the other team are starting. People are starting in different spots depending on comp and what character they are. Junglers in particular are getting sneaky (check out weak3ns insta-win start video)So as a jg, don't leave your solo alone to lose his blue, and likewise don't leave the mid alone to get stomped at level 1. Make adjustments.

  2. Stay grouped for god sakes. If the other team is starting to snowball (which is happening a lot) please stay grouped. Adcs are building more crit than pen so their split pushing potential is weakened. Likewise, team fighting can start early with invades and gf harpy fights, portal demon fights. We need you with us!

  3. Stop chasing. Good players can get away with dope chasing plays, but new ranked players cannot. If you're Thanatos and you go in 1v5 with your ult, guess what's gonna happen. Not saying to play too safely, but be aggressive when it's appropriate.

  4. The last thing is that unfortunately you should stick to the top picks right now... if you are really good do what you want but Thanatos wins jg matchups 9/10 times. Herc and Tyr win most times. Sylvanus and khepri are crucial for support. Janus and Thoth are top mids and Iza and Apollo are top adcs. Just keep in mind that these gods win A LOT of the time.

submitted by /u/Gozii55
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[Mini-Rant] A Celebration Turned Rotten (A rant about the 1 million subscriber reward)

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:26 PM PST

I'd like to start off by saying this. I understand making the 1 million subscriber rewards limited as A) It's free for us but takes away profits from them and B) These were things people bought when they came out and even though most if not all of these things are in chests, it still adds randomness to whether you get it or not. With that said, I'm going to be ranting about the limited use codes like a lot of other people are currently doing, but (hopefully) in a more informative way than an emotional way.

First off, there are (at the time of writing this) 1,001,229 subs on the SMITE by Hi-Rez Studios YouTube channel. The code THANKYOUYOUTUBE was only able to be claimed 250 times. Using my 3rd grade math skills, I can determine that only about 1/4005 of the subscribers were able to claim the code. But that's only the best case scenario. Realistically, it'd be a lot higher since that's only people subscribed to the channel. What if I include SMITE players period? This is were the sourness of the celebration turns rotten, at least in my opinion.

During May of 2016 HiRezStew tweets that SMITE has 20 million registered accounts. Mind you that's all they are. Accounts. Some could be spam accounts, smurfs, or used for refer a friend, but for sake of simplicity, we'll use the whole number. That means that 1/4005 number goes up. A lot. 1/80000 to be more precise. And that was mid 2016.

SMITE players have a right to be at least annoyed. I mean, when SMITE got 10 million players everyone was at least given a chance at getting a free limited Hercules skin and Hercules as well if you didn't have him. Granted, that was 1 day (I believe) and this is the span of a week but still. That was still 10 million+ players that could of got a free limited skin with a model change (even if it was based on the old model) and a VO as well as a god if you didn't have him. I'm going to say a T3 or so.

Although I can see how it'd be unfair still, here's what I'd suggest Hi-Rez do. Either allow a 12 hour claim period (as the video was released 1 PM EST, they could just allow it to be claimed til 1 AM EST) or only let people claim one video's code. The second one isn't the best solution for the players, but for Hi-Rez it'd allow them to not lose as much profits as the first reason.

Feel free to discuss (But please try not to be toxic as Box Jellyfish).

submitted by /u/Superpet256
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Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:18 PM PST

i got this great idea of a skin concept based off saxton hale for ravana, after playing ~300-600 hours of VS Hale on TF2.

i do not do art at all, so I just found the best picture of saxton hale i could. sorry, if you want drawings of something, do not come to me.

some of the voice lines could be based off some of the voices lines from the actual TF2 mode itself.

for example:

introduction - "The name's Saxton Hale! Australian, C.E.O. of MANN Co. and the man who's gonna burn this place to the ground!"

"Lets get this over with, there's a white shark waiting for me in my office!"

"You just interrupted my breakfast steak. A crime you'll pay for with your lives!"

achieving a pentakill - "Um... They were all hippies right?"

"My job is done, you're finished."

and some of the voice lines from the TF2 mode work perfect as a direct response to Gods, such as this line which can be used when you kill Mercury -

"You may be fast, but you can't outrun my fists!"

submitted by /u/epicbounce
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SMITE - Thank You for 1,000,000 YouTube Subscribers!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:38 AM PST

The new Stone of Gaia is a good counter to Xing Tian

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:13 AM PST

Not sure if well known, but since the CC on Xing Tian's ult is a grab, you can completely negate his blink -> ult combo by buying Stone of Gaia.

submitted by /u/ShirayukiCleber
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Portal Demon Map Design

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:30 AM PST

Anyone here remember how Siege is a map? If you do you probably know that similar to the Conquest map; it also had a Portal. A better portal to be more specific. The Siege map integrates a unique visual for where the portal spawns; it has that amazing looking chamber that comes alive and opens right on up. What does Conquest have? A portal, that's it. No map design to fit that fact that a portal actually could spawn there. I'd assume with the rumors of a visual 'overhaul' of the Conquest map that this would be added in, but I thought I'd just bring it to everyone's attention so that if it isn't there, we can realize it and continue to suggest it.

submitted by /u/Swiftliest
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Undocumented 4.2 changes

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:34 AM PST

I straight up have to vent about my S4 ranked experience.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:40 PM PST

I've been having the worst luck in ranked as of late and I just needed to vent about how annoying this shit has become. So I started Season 3 pretty late in the season and was stuck in silver 2 for a long time, so i was pretty happy when i got placed in gold 3 to start S4. I started the grind up to gold 2, getting some feeders, carrying some games, and having some less than stellar performances. Eventually I got promoted into gold 1, but this is where everything turned to shit... here are all of my most recent losses:

Me in jungle: 13-7 rest of team: 11-31 lowlight: 0-11 ra

Me in jungle: 11-3 rest of team: 8-24 lowlight: 0-7 medusa

Me in mid (getting camped by a kali): 2-5-1 rest of team: 1-9 lowlight: 0-3 fenrir

Me in mid: 1-7 rest of team 6-26 lowlight: 1-9 nezha

me in mid: 5-9 rest of team: 13-30 lowlight: 4-10 merc

and finally, the straw that broke the camel's back:

me: 0-0-1 team: 3-8 lowlight: janus DC after 1 wave. comes back at 10 mins at lvl 2 and we f6.

AND I GOT DEMOTED ON THAT SHIT... probably no one cares, but god damn. I know i played bad in those last few games, but I still dont think I had a chance to do well because everyone on the team lost terribly.

btw that was a 1-7 stretch, in the game we won i went 6-2 with pos and no one fed

submitted by /u/grandpaJ
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[META] The legacy of Lionkun - an endeavor to revive a mighty source for learning material

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:58 AM PST

Hello again, this time I came across a plan, a big one at that. Some of you might remember Lionkun. He was one of the most recognized and helpful slaves contributors to r/smite. The main thing he did what redditors visiting our sub thoroughly enjoyed was his mighty wall of guides (it didn't have an official name lol) that he happily updated and distributed to those in need, mainly but not restricted to newer players looking for help. Either he would see posts and dumb his wall into them, or he would be summoned by another redditor and do the same.

I want to revive this tradition. You might wonder why, since our sub already has a similar wall provided via AutoModerator automatically or by command. This has been a great replacement so far for new and returning players to get started and around in general, with lots of official and unbiased sources and information. Since a copy of that more or less would be pointless, I intend to bring the old Lionkun wall into a rather detailed and more specific domain. This means the Floofington wall will feature an extensive range of everything where Lionkun left off. I wnat to provide a community-based source for Guides, info for beginners, advanced players and more complex content, useful tidbits and a vast collection of YouTube and Twitch content. Basically a library for players willing to learn.

If you're asking yourself how I would provide this big wall of info to newer players: Easy enough! Same method which Lionkun used. If I have not seen a post myself, anyone can summon me by simply tagging me in a comment. Mods, if there is any problem with this, please let me know and I will cease working on this.

For all of that to happen, I still need a good amount of work from you, the community. Lionkun's last update to his wall was in August 2015, and much of its content has been outdated eversince. Lionkun himself hasn't been active on Reddit for a year either. If you are a content creator or know where to find any of those points listed right below, please leave a comment. Any help is greatly appreciated! If you have any other suggestion to add to the post, don't hesitate to comment either and I will consider adding it!

I really hope this catches on with people. It's a way to endorse and promote community members and content creators, aswell at the same time to share knowledge and provide hekp. There are people willing to learn out there, I just feel like a lot of the sources and the distribution of them had gone missing which I found to be shameful really.

Here is all of the old content that has been outdated.


  • A new version of these charts, depicting item power levels


  • A LoL to Smite transition video, similar to this video but updated for Season 4.
  • A written Newcomer guide for Conquest, similar to this
  • A warding guide, showing common ward placements for each lane/role like this one
  • A replacement for Hindu's "Learn by watching" guides, showing pro gameplay with explanations, similar to these videos
  • More YouTube channels (looking for ~5) with content useful to newer players. A lot of Lionkun's latest update have stopped uploading SMITE since then. Currently in the list are: Smitegame, Incon, Weak3n, DMBrandon, GloriousSmite, Allied, DukeSloth, ArtillerySr, Geowarp (pending), Samdadude and TydeTyme.
  • More general (non-/ex-pro) Twitch streamers (looking for 2 private streams and 1 more official-looking hirez related), same reason as above. Current list: HirezTV, SmiteCentral, F., PonPon, Hinduman, Ajax, Mesmoreyez, Smitten, HirezCapslock, DMBrandon, SamDaDude, ProxyQQ, Anatoliy, Mattypocket, Wolfy2023, Snakeskin, Jerbie and Suntouch.
  • More pro streamers (looking for 1 streamer from each role and up to 4 subs or free agents), again same reason as above. Current list: Barraccudda, Incon, DjPernicus, Zapman, MLCSt3alth, Jeffhindla, Repikas, Allied, Lawbster, Xaliea, Shadowq, Weak3n, Snoopy, Eonic, Andinster, Funballer and Trixtank.
  • More non-english Streamers and Youtube channels, also preferably something other than spanish. Current list: Dheylo, Warchiwar, SmiteESP


  • Some suggestions on what you think are good gods for beginners. What I understand under those are the 5 starter gods and gods that are safe and easy to play.
  • An updated version of this video. This one is only missing the new neutral camps since S3.
  • A guide to starting positions, similar to this article
  • Is this article about Farming still up to date?
  • A source for frequently updated Tierlists for Conquest, besides DMbrandon's, Incon's and
  • Is the Word of Thoth still being updated?
  • A new guide to Counterbuilding, similar to this one
  • More websites where to find giveaways and free stuff.

And this is what the post looks like, as of now. It's a two-parter, split between Guides and Media in two comments when I would post it. This is under construction and will look much more polished when finished.

Beginner Gods

  • Hunter: Apollo, Chiron, Cupid, Medusa, Neith
  • Mage: Agni, Kukulkan, Nu Wa, Poseidon, Ra
  • Warrior: Bellona, Erlang Shen, Guan Yu, Nike, Sun Wukong
  • Assassin: Arachne, Bastet, Hun Batz, Ratatoskr, Thor
  • Guardian: Ares, Bacchus, Fafnir, Khepri, Ymir


Game/Meta Guides

Guide Description
New Players Basics Of Conquest Video explaining the basics of conquest by Hinduman
Beginner Class: Farming Explains how farming, gold and exp work in Smite, for Season 1 but majority of the info still applies.
Rotating Basics Good explainations on Rotating in Smite

Builds & God Guides

Guide Description
Smite.Guru Guides and Builds Shows the most common builds for each god and has the most up to date guides
Smitefire Guides and Builds Most extensive source for builds and guides, not all guides are currently up to date
Tiermonster Guides and Builds Not all guides are up to date

Additional Info

Link Description
VGS Cheatsheets - One - Two - Three Commands are great to learn and always useful in every game mode
VGS Practice - One - Two Another way to learn and improve your ability to remember and quickly use VGS
Latest Tier Lists - DMbrandon (Explanation) - Incon
Smite Dictionary Huge lists of all the terms used in Smite
Smite Common Terms Smaller list of the more common ones
Smite Wiki Official Wiki for Smite
/r/SMITEtraining Tons of info and a great place to post questions and get answers


Youtube Channels & Playlists

Channel Description
Smite's Watch & Learn Smites Basic guides and Know your Enemy videos.
Incon's Guides Upcoming Guides on Mid.
Weak3n's Jungle Guides Guides on Jungling.
Weak3n's God Guides Upcoming Guides on all Gods.
DMBrandon's Youtube Gameplay videos with lots of build & play explanations
GloriousSmite's Youtube Tons of great videos on different gods
Allied's Youtube Lots of gameplay videos in different roles
DukeSloth's Youtube Useful guides, gameplay and discussions
ArtillerySr's Youtube Videos in various game modes and explanations on builds
Geoswarp's Youtube Guides on various gods
SamDaDude's Youtube Master Ranked Duel player that explains a lot about counter building.(Advanced)
TydeTyme's Youtube Master Ranked Duel player.(Advanced)

Twitch Streams

General Streams

Smite Official Stream SmiteCentral
F. PonPon Hinduman
Ajax Mezmoreyez Smitten
Capslockfury DMBrandon SamDaDude
ProxyQQ AnatoLiy Mattypocket
Wolfy2032 Snakeskin Jerbie

Pro Streamers/Twitters

Jungle T Hunter T Mid T Solo T Support T Free Agents/Subs T
X [T]() BaRRaCCuDDa of Luminosity T T [T]() [T]() [T]()
DjPernicus of Team Eager T Zapman of Team Eager T MLCSt3alth of Noble T Divios of Team Eager T Jeff "The Sex" Hindla of Luminosity T Allied of Luminosity T
Repikas of NGP T [T]() Lawbster of Valance Squad T Xaliea of Valance Squad T Shadowq of Flash Point T [T]()
Weak3n of ALG T Snoopy of In Memory of Gabe T PrettyPriMe of Obey T Dimi of NRG T Eonic of In Memory of Gabe T
Andinster of SoaR T Funballer of Valance Squad T Incon of Flash Point T CycloneSpin of ALG T Trixtank of Team Dignitas T

Non English Streams/Channels(Work In-Progress)

Stream/Channel Language
Dheylo's Twitch - Youtube Spanish
Warchiwar's Twitch - Youtube Spanish
SmiteESP's Youtube Spanish

Important Links & Twitters

Link Description
@Smitegame Official Smite Twitter, follow for general updates and news
@HirezChris HirezChris provides updates on server status, ranked, spoils and much more useful info
Server Status Server status website, listing all of Hirez' games on all platforms
Employee List A list with all important HiRez employees who typically interact with the community

Additional Links

Link Description
Free Smite skins Free promotional skins offered by HiRez
SmiteCentral Loot List of current promotions going on for Skins/Gems
submitted by /u/Floofington
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