Pokémon GO - Daily Screenshot Megathread - February 18

Daily Screenshot Megathread - February 18

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:07 PM PST

Share your newfound pokemon encounters, exciting catches, and interesting glitches here!

As mentioned in this announcement post, screenshot posts are banned from this subreddit for the next 2 weeks and can only be submitted as replies to this daily megathread. Thank you, trainers, for understanding and for helping to keep the subreddit navigable and useful to all members during these thrilling gen 2 times!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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A primer on Gen 2 Pokemon, with images!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:30 AM PST

Hello trainers!

Having missed out on Red/Blue/Yellow, my first Pokemon game was Silver, so I'm pretty familiar with the Gen 2s. However, I realize that many people may not know them so well, so here's a decent comparison list!


Chikorita -> Bayleef -> Meganium

Gen 2's grass starters, comparable to Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venosaur - but without that pesky Poison typing!

Cyndaquil -> Quilava -> Typhlosion

Fire-type starters, comparable to Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard.

Totodile -> Croconaw -> Feraligatr

Water-type starters, comparable to Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise.

Common Trash

Okay, maybe "Trash" is a bit harsh, but these are probably going to be pretty common, if they're comparable to the original games.

Sentret -> Furret

The Ratatta and Raticate of Gen 2. Normal types, not going to excel.

Hoothoot -> Noctowl

The most common bird of Gen 2 - think of them a bit like Spearow and Fearow.

Snubbull -> Granbull

Gen 1 had cats (Meowth -> Persian), but Gen 2 has dogs! Note that these guys are fairy type, which is great for the Fairy catching medal.


It's the Tauros of Gen 2.

The Bugs of Gen 2

Ledyba -> Ledian

Spinarak -> Ariados

Because they take 25 candies (Ledyba) or 50 candies (Spinarak) for their single evolution, these bugs are probably more comparable to Paras -> Parasect in Gen 1, rather than to Weedle/Caterpie and their evolutions.

Other bugs:



Bug/Rock, and known in the original game for having SUPER high defense and SUPER low offense. Probably won't be as useful in PoGo.


Bug/Fighting - this is the Pinsir equivalent in Gen 2. In the original games, it was one of the few creatures that could learn Megahorn, the strongest Bug move, and had some decent functionality in matchups.

The Fish

Chinchou -> Lanturn

Water/Electric, an odd combination of types. They only max out at ~2k CP in PoGo, however, so probably won't be useful in gyms except as a prestiger. They are doubly strong against Steel moves.

Marill -> Azumarill

Water/Fairy, with good stamina but TERRIBLE max CP (Azumarill tops out at ~1480). They'll probably make good prestigers.

Wooper -> Quagsire

Water/Ground eliminates their weakness to Electric (not that Electric has ever held much place in the meta). Watch out for Grass, as it's doubly effective against these guys. They max out at 1900 CP.


Not much to say here. Water/Poison.


Water/Rock, super resistant to fire, but with a max 1100 CP that leaves it out of gyms.

Remoraid -> Octillery

Yes! A tiny fish that evolves into an OCTOPUS! Unfortunately, Octillery is missing its signature move, Octazooka. So sad. These are basically the Krabby/Kingler of Gen 2 (down to the evolved form having a special move; Crabhammer/Octazooka, neither of which is in PoGo).


Water/Flying. Keep away from Electric, like Gyrados (but maxes out at 2k CP, unlike Gyrados. Sad).

The Plants

Hoppip -> Skiploom -> Jumpluff

This is the Bellsprout/Weepinbell/Victreebell of Gen 2, except they're awful. Seriously, Hoppip is known for awful stats, and even Jumpluff only maxes out at 1500 CP. These will probably be evolution churn.

Sunkern -> Sunflora

Pure grass, just barely break 2k CP, probably won't see much use.

New evolutions

Several of the Gen 2 'mons evolve from those in Gen 1. Everyone's talking about Blissey, but there are others:

Crobat (Evolves from Golbat for 100 candies)

2400 max CP, poison/flying - this isn't going to change things up much.

Bellossom(Evolves from Gloom for 100 candies and 1 Sun Stone item)

2k max CP, grass-type moves. Not stellar.

Politoed(Evolves from Poliwhirl for 100 candies and 1 King's Rock item)

Water-type, 2.3k max CP. Not much more to say here.

Espeon/Umbreon (Both evolve from an Eevee that's been walked as a buddy for at least 10 KM; Espeon evolves during the day, Umbreon at night)

Our new Eevee dominators! Espeon is Psychic-type and tops out at nearly 3k CP, with some very strong Psychic 1-bar moves. Umbreon, on the other hand, is Dark-type, tops out barely at 2k CP, and has no 1-bar charge moves. We'll have to see how they play into the meta.

Other note: Naming tricks! Naming an Eevee to "Sakura" will evolve a guaranteed Espeon, while naming an Eevee to "Tamao" will evolve a guaranteed Umbreon. Note that this trick works only once, so use it on a high IV Eevee!

Slowking (Evolves from Slowpoke with 50 candies and a King's Rock item)

Exact same stats and max CP (2.4k) as Slowbro. Unlikely to dominate.

Steelix (Evolves from Onix for 50 candies and a Metal Coat item)

Onix is slightly less useless now! Steelix tops out at 2.4k CP and is doubly resistant to Rock and Poison. May have some use as a niche attacker.

Scizor (Evolves from Scyther for 50 candies and a Metal Coat item)

What's that? You wanted a 2.7k max CP Bug/Steel powerhouse that is weak only to Fire, and deals out Steel destruction? You got it! Scizor probably won't hold gyms, but he'll decimate Rock, Ice, and Fairy types with his STAB Steel moveset.

Kingdra (Evolves from Seadra for 100 candies and a Dragon Scale item)

Water/Dragon with some strong STAB Dragon-type moves, although hindered by a relatively low (2.3k) max CP. Might be very useful for attacking Water-types, as it is doubly resistant to Water attacks and the Dragon-type moves will hit hard. A soft Vaporeon counter?

Blissey (Evolves from Chansey for 50 candies)

The tank has a new form. Reports are saying that Blissey doesn't see any real HP boost over Chansey's already huge HP pool, but it's got the CP (3.1k max) and some added power and defense to force almost anyone to time out when fighting it. Blissey will lock down gyms, but keep in mind that she's nearly impossible to prestige against. Don't expect that gym to grow any bigger, and putting one on a level 3 gym may be considered a bit of a dick move.

Porygon2 (Evolves from Porygon for 50(?) candies an Upgrade item)

Normal, 2.5k max CP, and dammit, I haven't even seen a single Porygon yet!

The (Potentially) Great 'Mons of Gen 2

Note: This is almost all hypothetical, supposed, and based off of other games. Models and testing will prove whether these predictions are right or wrong - but I'd try to catch these guys!

Larvitar -> Pupitar -> Tyranitar

They aren't dragon-type, but these guys are almost comparable to Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite in Gen 1. High stats, quite rare, and extremely strong (Tyranitar's CP maxes out at 3600!). Tyranitar is Rock/Dark, which means it does great against normal, fire, and psychic types (major threats in this game). It's doubly weak to Fighting, but we'll have to see if the move rebalance brings fighting moves out of the dumpster.

Houndour -> Houndoom

The Growlithe/Arcanine of Gen 2, with added Dark typing. The max CP is only 2400, but given Espeon's high CP, you'll probably want a Dark-type attacker for fighting gyms. Think of Houndoom as the poor man's Tyranitar.

Pineco -> Forretress

Lower max CP (2200), but Forretress's Bug/Steel typing means that it's resistant to a lot of types (Normal, Poison, Bug, Steel, Grass x2, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, and Fairy). It's doubly weak to Fire, but those resistances may help it survive longer.

Mareep -> Flaaffy -> Ampharos

A good electric-type? Is it possible? I'm hopeful - Ampharos tops out at 2600 CP, and has some great-looking STAB moves. Still unclear if water-types will continue to dominate this meta, but Ampharos may be a very useful attacker.

Teddiursa -> Ursaring

Not super amazing, but a 2700-CP normal-type with fighting as its only weakness might do well in less-highly-contested gyms.

Others I skipped

I didn't mention Phanphy/Donphan (2.9k max CP Ground-types, comparable to Rhyhorn/Rhydon), Natu/Xatu (Psychic/Flying), Murkrow (Dark/Flying), Sudowoodo (Rock-type tree), Misdreavus (pure Ghost), Unown, Wobbuffet, Girafarig, Dunsparce, Gligar, Sneasel, Slugma/Magcargo, Swinub/Piloswine, Delibird, Skarmory, Smeargle, Hitmontop, or Miltank - man, there are a lot of new Pokemon! All of these have been excluded due to mediocre stats, low max CP, and the fact that they probably aren't upgrades to many specialists in Gen 1.

Still, there is always room for debate, and I'm sure I missed plenty of other Gen 1 to Gen 2 comparisons! Trainers, I hope this primer helps you on your way into our newly expanded world!

Edit 1: fixed incorrect numbers for evolutions with special items; candy is also needed.

Edit 2: Added Murkrow, fixed that Kingdra evolves with Dragon's Scale, not King's Rock

Edit 3: Added naming convention (Sakura/Tamao) for Espeon/Umbreon.

submitted by /u/Romanticon
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No matter how many times I see murkrow, I still think I have an unseen pokemon on my radar...

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:01 PM PST

I keep looking down at my radar and getting excited to find a new pokemon. Nope, just another un-evolveable murkrow. Not actually complaining because nothing can be done about it. It's just funny how many times I actually fall for it

submitted by /u/smit4465
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PSA: Wild Togetic is a trap! Beware!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:18 PM PST

Togetic's catch rate in the wild is basically 1% no matter what ball or berry you use. There are stories of people wasting their entire supply of Ultras and having nothing to show for it. Unless you're really dying for the Pokedex entry and are willing to gamble your inventory away, it's probably a better idea to just find a Togepi and evolve it.

RIP this guy

also this guy

submitted by /u/deevee12
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[Other] TIL: Hoothoot actually has two legs

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:10 AM PST

I've been playing Pokemon for nearly 20 years now, and always thought it was just one leg, then the bastard jumped!!!! Um.... Yeah, so that was a revelation.

submitted by /u/ZackWCU
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All Generation 2 Pokemon That Have Been Discovered

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:28 AM PST

This is a list of all Generation 2 Pokemon that have been found and have screenshots of them. I will be updating this as more are found, feel free to give links.

EDIT: Thanks everyone for the help, all the available Pokemon have been completed!

152 Chikorita: http://i.imgur.com/bxD3hX2.png

153 Bayleef: https://imgur.com/a/49Kcv

154 Meganium: http://i.imgur.com/xvSSmbX.jpg

155 Cyndaquil: http://imgur.com/jFniBhF

156 Quilava: http://imgur.com/a/tqJp6

157 Typhlosion: http://imgur.com/MFpIDJ2

158 Totodile: https://imgur.com/gallery/fQlNm

159 Croconaw: https://imgur.com/ziSVGYk

160 Feraligatr: http://imgur.com/gallery/TO4wA1L

161 Sentret: http://i.imgur.com/Wg9ZsCH.png

162 Furret: https://imgur.com/a/iA9fk

163 Hoothoot: http://imgur.com/Dc96xip

164 Noctowl: http://imgur.com/AbAmtGr

165 Ledyba: http://imgur.com/wDNtXqx

166 Ledian: https://imgur.com/a/3ECMe

167 Spinarak: http://imgur.com/MiI4RvI

168 Ariados: https://imgur.com/a/O7YBA

169 Crobat: https://imgur.com/kdGDDXe

170 Chinchou: http://imgur.com/a/NO9kp

171 Lanturn: https://i.imgur.com/LRjslPf.png

172 Pichu: http://imgur.com/qPeZZjf

173 Cleffa: http://imgur.com/II0GUCp

174 Igglybuff: http://imgur.com/66MRJIk

175 Togepi: http://i.imgur.com/srK8WwS.png

176 Togetic: http://imgur.com/gallery/JcooX

177 Natu: http://imgur.com/4Tmdd7R

178 Xatu: https://imgur.com/gallery/2UqBA

179 Mareep: https://imgur.com/gallery/snLN2

180 Flaaffy: https://imgur.com/a/fmWPN

181 Ampharos: http://imgur.com/yBrM3sO

182 Bellossom: http://imgur.com/6uTCy4j

183 Marill: http://imgur.com/Yu3Ggt9

184 Azumarill: https://i.imgur.com/YAsQYxa.png

185 Sudowoodo: http://imgur.com/zy4xwhh

186 Politoed: http://imgur.com/PcJ6z7n

187 Hoppip: http://imgur.com/wT8cIXL

188 Skiploom: http://imgur.com/1CoPykt

189 Jumpluff: https://imgur.com/a/dk1Ri

190 Aipom: http://imgur.com/eFGx5C1

191 Sunkern: http://imgur.com/dVpwijg

192 Sunflora: http://i.imgur.com/dLRaUVT.png

193 Yanma: http://imgur.com/tRmSflm

194 Wooper: http://imgur.com/RpvVoGf

195 Quagsire: https://imgur.com/a/yMaTA

196 Espeon: https://imgur.com/a/kimUg

197 Umbreon: http://imgur.com/a/yHOrw

198 Murkrow: http://imgur.com/zo5kVm6

199 Slowking: https://imgur.com/a/ifWpa

200 Misdreavus: http://i.imgur.com/VGC1JtR.png

201 Unown: http://imgur.com/eJDkuyb

202 Wobbuffet: http://imgur.com/XQzrWDB

203 Girafarig: https://imgur.com/gallery/hrIMf

204 Pineco: https://i.imgur.com/FLJabEK.png

205 Forretress: https://imgur.com/gallery/WLm25

206 Dunsparce: http://imgur.com/HH9fToB

207 Gligar: http://imgur.com/0k4uCyl

208 Steelix: https://imgur.com/gallery/FxavU

209 Snubbull: http://i.imgur.com/VhHKecq.png

210 Granbull: https://imgur.com/TlKERne

211 Qwilfish: http://imgur.com/tETyCZL

212 Scizor: http://imgur.com/bIQxrkI

213 Shuckle: https://imgur.com/a/muRuG

214 Heracross: http://imgur.com/PBiMs1s

215 Sneasel: http://imgur.com/A09in6j

216 Teddiursa: http://imgur.com/EB1P7Dn

217 Ursaring: http://imgur.com/zY07X75

218 Slugma: https://imgur.com/gallery/Y6dvQ

219 Magcargo: https://i.imgur.com/D7Pe797.png

220 Swinub: http://imgur.com/245ESZZ

221 Piloswine: http://imgur.com/qBhSl1H

222 Corsola: http://imgur.com/a/lmeYK

223 Remoraid: https://imgur.com/a/TM9AU

224 Octillery: http://imgur.com/a/OiWiS

225 Delibird: UNAVAILABLE

226 Mantine: http://imgur.com/a/W54nv

227 Skarmory: https://imgur.com/gallery/LUSNh

228 Houndour: http://imgur.com/a/ikYQo

229 Houndoom: https://imgur.com/gallery/tIRVAqC

230 Kingdra: http://imgur.com/DNpxeC3

231 Phanpy: http://imgur.com/a/uUI2a

232 Donphan: http://i.imgur.com/giv9DLe.jpg

233 Porygon2: http://imgur.com/gallery/J25ZI

234 Stantler: http://imgur.com/uPXtpVO

235 Smeargle: UNAVAILABLE

236 Tyrogue: http://imgur.com/8c2a6X8

237 Hitmontop: http://i.imgur.com/RdtcsMk.png

238 Smoochum: http://imgur.com/5EGM2Hp

239 Elekid: http://imgur.com/CGtCzds

240 Magby: http://imgur.com/nxYGyuW

241 Miltank: https://i.imgur.com/Eeca0BN.jpg

242 Blissey: https://imgur.com/a/d1TMt



245 Suicune: UNAVAILABLE

246 Larvitar: http://imgur.com/a/PW7Hj

247 Pupitar: https://imgur.com/gallery/htN6m

248 Tyranitar: https://imgur.com/gallery/0pfV7




submitted by /u/legobagel521
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Possible April Fools Idea

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:09 PM PST

When they introduced ditto, you never knew which pokemon was going to be one until you caught it. What if for April Fools, every Pokémon looked like ditto, but once you caught it it would turn into a random Pokémon? Just an idea, chances are it won't get implemented but still thought I would share it.

submitted by /u/jackt0821
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Anyone else surprised we didn't get greeted by the Johto starters?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:50 AM PST

I was pretty sure we'd switch on to find Cyndaquil, Totodile and Chikorita waiting for us, with instructions to pick one.

Not to be one of those "wah wah give us free shit Niantic!" types - I'm not shitting the bed about it - it just would have been a nice mirror to picking a gen 1 starter the game first launched.

On that note, I look forward to seeing one of them in the wild for the first time. Anyone caught one yet?

submitted by /u/SillyMattFace
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I wish we could organize our Pokémon better, maybe in boxes like the video games.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:00 PM PST

We can favorite Pokémon, but I'd still like to be able to organize them better. Maybe with tabs at the top of the Pokémon page, a little like the way we can in boxes for the video games.

This way I can put the Pokémon I like as my personal favorites in a box. Put ones away that I'm saving up for trading. Separate the ones I want to hopefully be able to breed in the future. Have a box where I can keep the ones I want to level up, etc.

submitted by /u/NoraRose_86
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For releasing Gen 2 in the middle of winter, they picked a pretty darn good weekend.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:24 PM PST

At least here in Minneapolis, the temperature will be up into the 50's and 60's Fahrenheit (10-15 Celsius) for the weekend, and these are mind-boggling temperatures for this area in February. I'm not expecting another day with temperatures like these until late March or April.

submitted by /u/VIDCAs17
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Pokemon GO Gen 2 egg chart

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:40 AM PST

For those of you wondering, here is the egg chart.

Normally we don't allow stuff from their site, but seeing as they have a complete list we'll allow it.
































Happy hatching trainers.

submitted by /u/zslayer89
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Probably the best part of the new update: Volume of background apps isn't reduced!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:20 PM PST

I decided to play music in the background of my Pokémon hunting session, so in preparation, I boosted the volume way up like I always do with GO running. I've never been so excited to have my ears bleed.

Edit: I have an iPhone 6.

submitted by /u/Lennypoco
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CP 3000 Blissey gym just broke the game.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:40 PM PST

I am watching people trying to bring down a nearby gym but they all fail so far. I think currently there's no way you can defeat CP 3000 Blissey in 99 seconds. Niantic should start to nerf it before they start to engulf the world.

submitted by /u/IS_REAL
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[Story] My first experience with a ??? Pokemon

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:47 AM PST

Backstory: Level 28 with some decently powered up mons, so I had never seen a ??? Pokémon past level 15 or so.

I was at a local park looking for new gen 2 Pokémon when a Tyranitar shadow popped up on the radar. After a short sprint to the stop a block down the street, he spawned. I almost dropped my phone when I saw he was ??? CP. My best at the time was a 2.7k Dragonite that I had dumped a bunch of dust into.

Around 7 ultra balls and razzberries later, I had a 2.8k Tyranitar with Bite and Stone Edge. He also came with 10 candies, and combined with a few Lavitars I had found earlier, I was able to get him maxed out to 3020 CP.

First 3k Pokémon and A NEW gen 2 dex entry, absolutely amazing.

Edit: I was in and around Chicago and the northern suburbs, not sure where I found all the Lavitars, since I didn't realize they evolved into Tyranitar and wasn't paying much attention to everything I was catching.

Pic Sauce

submitted by /u/nowis3000
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[Discussion] PSA: Everyone stay naive

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:54 PM PST

Catch everything and have fun. I have no clue what these new Pokemon will mean eventually for gyms. But I'm just enjoying Pogo for what it is. I'm even catching Commons from gen 2 since I'm so pumped for.this.

I have a 1000 storage space so I'm not worry about IVs or evolving anything yet. Just having fun and enjoying it with friends.

Everyone should do the same.

This will be our innocent times just like launch week. Make the best of it.

submitted by /u/Miguel30Locs
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I kinda feel bad for the gen 1 Pokemon I'm now ignoring. [Discussion]

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:23 AM PST

I accidentally brought up a Jigglypuff while actually trying to catch a Spinarak, and she looked so pleased to not be ignored for those two seconds until I clicked on the runaway button or the yeah-no button or whatever it's called that I almost caught her out of sympathy. Even the Krabbys seem somehow cuter as I hurt their feelings by striding right by.

Spearows and Venonats are still assholes, though.

submitted by /u/AlpheusWinterborn
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To the random truck driver who put a lure module up at 3 am. Thank you!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:15 PM PST

As the title says, I was out walking trying to catch some of the new Pokemon's right after I was done with my homework. I decided to take a break close to a bus stop since I had walked for quite a while when I saw a cargo truck holding still at a red light. When the light turned green did the guy driving the truck honk at me which I believed at first to be an act of cheekiness but instead, did I see he put a lure module up. 5 minutes after caught I a Mr. Mime and a Ditto which was 2 Pokemon's I needed, so I was quite happy! So thank you random truck driver and I hope you also will find some Pokemon's when you are off from work!

PS, English ain't my first language so apology if there are to manny spellings mistakes.

Edit, spelling.

submitted by /u/Topmathias
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How to get Umbreon and Espeon AFTER using the naming trick!

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:37 AM PST

Buddy with an Eevee, walk 10km with it and you'll get one of the two depending on whether you evolve at day (Espeon) or night (Umbreon).

Happy evolving!

Source: https://imgur.com/a/L1Is3

submitted by /u/PVTheChosenOne
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[Discussion] Shouldn't prof. Willow have discovered something by now? Should we get worried for him?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:22 AM PST

Seriously, when something changes in the P-GO world doesn't he tweet/fb/... about his discovery within the first 12 hours?

Think something happened to him?

*crazy conspiracy theorising intensifies*

submitted by /u/liehon
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Just a Reminder

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:18 PM PST

Just a little reminder with the influx of returning and new people playing Pokemon go to watch your surroundings. I know the app tells you every time you log in but most just brush it off and forget about. Sadly I had my phone stolen by a cyclist today he took it straight out of my hand and he was gone. So just a reminder to be careful and be aware of what's around you.

submitted by /u/JammyRob
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I really hope that the game will become as popular as it was during Summer 2016

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:45 AM PST

It's sunny outside again people! In my city I still see some very rare players but they are ashamed of showing that they're still playing that game.

I had most fun meeting people and just hanging out with my friends. I don't care about the pokemon tbh...

Please gen2, don't disappoint

submitted by /u/thecocolovesme
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Before you rage at the number of Swinubs and Murkrows, remember they are a HUGE blessing in disguise. (Ice and Dark medals)

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:34 AM PST

The recent event allowed many people to get the Fairy Gold medal. With Dark type introduced, Murkrows are excellent to farm the medal. As a serious(ish) player, I have barely gotten the silver Ice medal. Swinub is an amazing opportunity to get that Gold ice medal!!!! (yes I know they'll get annoying eventually but it's a gift from Niantic. They could have easily not made them common)

submitted by /u/123123123jm
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RIP Jolteon

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:57 AM PST

A moment of silence please for the best counter to Gyarados and a decent Vaporeon counter.

Now that Jolteon has been slowed down and the already great Vaporeon has had it's moveset buffed (Water Pulse is too powerful, even for a "not very effective" move) and the speed advantage it had is now gone, i have to rely on Exeggutor, who has deminishing returns on power up after 2499 and is still destroyed by water pulses that are common, powerful and undodgable.

Did they even buff the electric type attacks?

Why do Niantic have such a hard on for water types.

Also RIP Lapras' CP.

submitted by /u/Capta1nAsh
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