Heroes of the Storm - HGC North America :: B-Step vs Team Naventic :: Discussion Thread

HGC North America :: B-Step vs Team Naventic :: Discussion Thread

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:35 PM PST

Previous match thread: HGC North America :: No Tomorrow vs Gale Force eSports :: Discussion Thread - can be useful if this thread is posted too early.


The match was planned to start at 16:30 PST / 1:30 CET, 5 minutes before this post was posted, so it should be starting very soon.


Community challenges


B-Step vs Team Naventic
aPm support - ranged bigempct
iDream flex - warrior bkid
k1pro flex - support Kenma
KingCaffeine warrior - flex Tomster
McIntyre flex - flex Zuna


A single best-of-5 match.

Each team bans one map. Then, the "home" team chooses a map for the first game. In the following games of a match, the losing team of the previous game will have the choice for Battlegrounds selection or first hero pick in the draft.

Game version

HGC matches this weekend are played on Valeera patch. Valeera is available for draft. Lucio and reworked Murky are not in the game yet.

For feedback about the match thread, please contact /u/lerhond.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Murky with 4803 games played is at 57.5% Win rate

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:18 AM PST

I think it is safe to say he is a bit over tuned and will get a slight nerf but I wonder what they can change without killing his viability.

submitted by /u/TheEstyles
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I know it has been on here multiple times before... but Arthas' model. Image in description

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:28 AM PST

Like many of you, I believe Arthas' model is in need of an update. I believe that less is more in terms of what needs to be changed. Here (before and after) is my proposed model.

Arthas always looked like he was a kid wearing his father's armor. Way too big for him. So my main goal was to shrink key pieces so they fit better. I started with his second tint and went from there. I changed his hair to white and darken his face. Then went and shrunk his left shoulder, forearm piece, belt, and both shin guards. I also found an image of frostmourne and replaced the one he had (I didn't realize how bad the current is until I did this).

I think these changes would be easier to implement than most. Arthas would still have the same silhouette as before so his other skins would not also need to be changed.

Please leave your thoughts.

Edit: "Like many of you Arthas" to "Like many of you, I believe Arthas"

submitted by /u/Pie_IT
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3D Sindragosa

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:26 PM PST

We Move Together As One (Nexus Remix)

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:02 AM PST

Server Crash?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:57 PM PST

3 people in a quick match -- all getting 'ATTEMPTING TO RECONNECT'

submitted by /u/BIG-SPENCE
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Anyone else get disconnected just now?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:58 PM PST

I just got disconnected but Internet is still working anyone else?

submitted by /u/nighttimespoon129
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Blizzard, can we know how Parry/Evasion/Blind is supposed to work with add-ons so we know when it is bugged?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:26 AM PST

Bit of a back story, Giant Killer used to be ability damage and trigger things like Spell Shield and Dampen Magic. Blizzard decided this wasn't really the behavior they were looking for and changed these to a "null" damage type. Not ability, not auto attack. But because they were add-ons to auto attacks and not auto attacks the null damage was going through things like Evasion, which was an indirect nerf to Illidan.

Blizzard fixed that. Blinds, Evasions, and Parries negated add-on damage. A couple of patches ago there was a pretty huge bug with The Bigger They Are... not performing this way, which made the talent slightly abuseable in certain situations. It was fixed.

But this patch things are kind of all over the place and because Blizzard hasn't given us a clear cut set of rules on what the intention is, I genuinely don't know if these are bugs or design decisions. It also makes me concerned because a lot of the bugs involve Varian's Parry and given how strong he is right now in the pro scene always concerned he is going to be changed because of a bug.

Goes through Parry:

Giant Killer, Sizzlin' Attacks, Mini-Gun WITHOUT Bigger They Are... (Bigger They Are... fix still works), Giant's Curse on Xul.

Does Not Go Through Parry:

Tassadar's 16 talent Focused Beam, Titan Killer (odd, because Giant's Curse is very similar talent wise)

None of these go through Blinds or Evasion. I didn't test the pretty large variety of other add-on effects, like Manticore on Valla, Fiery Brand on Illidan, Spectral Leech on Leoric, etc., there are just to many. If someone would like to test them I'll update the list.

On an unrelated note Focused Beam damage DOES count for Life Leech on Tassadar's shields, something no other auto attack damage add-on in the game currently does. Which in my mind really highlights the inconsistency with the way these effects are probably being coded.

submitted by /u/CavalierGuest
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Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Patch Notes — Feb 17, 2017

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:42 AM PST

Separate Healer and Support roles for QM matchmaking

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:49 AM PST

I just got off of a Quickmatch where we had Mafurion and Lili to their Tyrande. Naturally it was a 22-2 stomp in 11:30. This treating Tyrande as interchangable with a healer support has got to stop; if either one of our supports had swapped places with Tyrande, it could've been a fine game.

How to fix this: create a new role category for purposes of QM matchmaking, called "Healer". This includes all current Supports, minus Tyrande and maybe Tassadar. Then add Zarya, Tassadar, and Mediveh to Support (optionally also keeping their old category), along with all Healers.

Finally, replace the old Support rule for matchmaking with a few new ones:

  • If one team has a Healer, both have a Healer. (High priority)
  • The number of Supports should be equal, or at least within +/- 1.

There, that'll at least let people queue for Tyrande without frequently feeling they lost the match on the load screen.

submitted by /u/Senshado
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Ending Support for Windows XP and Vista

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:08 PM PST

For repeat brawls they should have a slot machine that further modifies the rules before every match.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:20 AM PST

The slot machine could spin while everyone is picking their character or during the period before gates open. Things like increased run speed or half cooldowns or double damage randomly on q,w,e or r.

submitted by /u/fleetze
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The high pitched noise feedback on HGC right now is unbearable

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:02 PM PST

I don't know if blizzard sees this stuff, but if you do, please fix the audio feedback. It's worse with headphones on. I can't even watch.....

submitted by /u/followATEVA
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Did the client just crash for anyone else?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:58 PM PST

2nd time this week for me and a few of my friends.....

Is there a bug?

Edit 3:05pm pst - Game back up

submitted by /u/followATEVA
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Can we get a fix for the audio issues in the HGC Broadcast?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:57 AM PST

Last week we had constant audio cracks in transitions when we went from turning the game audio on and now. It was present in all of the HGC North America and Europe sets and games, and it is present in all the VOD's.

This week we still have that issue. There now is also a screeching noise and crackling noises coming in and out of the broadcast at random times.

Watching it right now (in the Draft of Fnatic/Playing Ducks game 2), and the screeching is constant, with the volume going up and down (from it being very loud to a noise you hardly hear) at random.

Can we please get the nice folks running the HGC Production to realize they are having this issue so they can get a fix for this for the betterment of everyone?

submitted by /u/Johnknight111
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please let us rate the brawls ingame

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:46 AM PST

hi, sometimes after a completed match the game lets us rate something from 1-5 stars.. like "rate this hero", "rate your teammates cooperation", "rate your match experience"

a survey called "rate this brawl" should ALWAYS appear after a brawl match. I think currently for brawls it doesn't appear at all, never...

in my opinion the nova brawl is the worst ever, complete cancer and only casual players can find this funny, but hey this is just my opinion, that's why we need ingame surveys for all brawls.

and I'd recommend that each player can give a vote after each single match, and not just once, but that then blizzard takes the average of all votes of a single person to prevent manipulation.

this is because maybe people don't like the first brawl match and would rate it 1 star, if they have to play the wrong role or a hero they don't like or because they did not understand the brawl the very first time, but maybe the 2nd or 3rd brawl match is more fun and they'd rate it better..

submitted by /u/AlarakAkbar
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Dreadnaughts knowledge of this game is insane. Listening to him analyze the details of a play.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:29 PM PST

Li-Ming Lunar Skin - Power Hungry

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:09 AM PST

Li-Ming's newest skin is missing something. After picking up a regen globe with the Power Hungry talent, her offhand orb still glows purple. I feel like it should be glowing red to match the rest of the skin.

If you take cannoneer, her wand glows red to show the buff. Other skins have her wand glowing purple. I feel like Power Hungry's visual effect should be consistent.

submitted by /u/neonmystery
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Interview with Khaldor: "I can't wait for it all to start"

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:02 AM PST

We haven't had a single "vehicle" map added since the originals.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:00 AM PST

I don't know how many agree with me on this but Dragon Shire is the best map in the game. I love the vehicle objectives like in Garden of Terror as well, but we haven't had a new one since the game was in beta. Would anyone else be hyped for a new vehicle based objective map?

I've had a few ideas for some, one being the map taking place in the Plaguelands with Ebon Hold floating overhead, where the vehicle is a Meat Wagon from WCIII. Another idea I had was letting a team have more than one vehicle (obviously weaker) where they serve different functions. What other ideas do y'all have?

submitted by /u/BuckSleezy
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Suggestion: Label Tassadar as a specialist

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:23 PM PST

First of all, let me clarify. I don't have any problems with Tassadar being labeled as a support, and I think he is fine after rework too.

It's just that I'm tired of reading the same thing over and over again: people complaining about Tassadar not being a good support / or a weaker support than before.

Look at Medivh. He is labeled as a specialist and nobody complains about his support capabilities, even though he can be a very good support in some teams.

Just label Tass as a specialist, and people will change their perception about his role in the game.

submitted by /u/Dandu13
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To the person who said "U N00b, U can't jump to a cleansed enemy w/ Seeker in the Dark"

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:34 PM PST

Tricked vs Misfits core race

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:08 PM PST

Did Blizzard do something to matchmaking? It's so fast.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:46 AM PST

Since Lúcio patch my queue time has gone down to cca 20 sec. Even with Murky or Lúcio I'm never waiting more then a minute. How is that possible? I haven't noticed any decrease in quality of matches.

submitted by /u/BotaZnohy
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Heroes of the Storm: WP and Funny Moments #104

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:27 AM PST

Artanis outta nowhere

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:15 PM PST

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