Diablo - Diablo 2 lead dev David Brevik is convinced Diablo 4 (or whatever you want to call it) will come

Diablo 2 lead dev David Brevik is convinced Diablo 4 (or whatever you want to call it) will come

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:40 AM PST

Link to video.

This is part 2 of my interview with David Brevik. Here's the TL:DW:

  • David Brevik, one of the fathers of Diablo who left Blizzard during early work on D3, wholeheartedly believes there will be a new Diablo game.

  • He thinks the new game may be of any genre, not necessarily an ARPG.

  • He doesn't think the game will be out soon.

  • He would love to rejoin Blizzard in the future, and it seems Blizzard would like him back as well. The timing just hasn't been right.

  • He wants to see the Diablo series go on.

  • He doesn't believe Blizzard will be pressured into releasing a new Diablo gamer sooner than "when it's ready."

submitted by /u/Rhykker
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Top 100 in 24 hours of playtime?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:49 PM PST

Hey /r/diablo, I set out earlier this week to see just how far I could get a new character on a fresh account in 24 hours of playtime. To give you some context as to why I decided to try this, see this thread. Essentially I felt like /r/diablo generaly has a very pessimistic view of the leaderboards, and people tend to just assume they can't climb because getting on the ladder means you have to be super high paragon, play all day, or bot.

Let me start out by saying right away that I did not make my goal of top 100 (GR88) in 24 hours. While I did hit rank 568, given maybe 5-10 more hours or some better luck while gearing I think I may have been able to get there.


  • Start from paragon 0
  • Solo only except for 1-70 power level, split bounties, and public games (e.g. no clan stuff, no private communities, etc.)
  • The 24 hours includes everything the game includes in the playtime stat


What stopped me

  • First, WD was a lot slower than I thought it would be. I lucked out and had a set of Manajuma's shorty after hitting level 70, but I couldn't put together any build that remotely compares to what I'm used to on DH so farming keys and materials took a lot longer than I thought it would.
  • Arachyr is far squishier than I expected, and as a result while I have the DPS to clear GR88 right now, I would have had to fish for a decent rift to survive in (which would have cut into my 24 hours both in unattemptable rifts as well as key farming)
  • It took me a huge amount of time to find two Unity rings, and this severly cut into my ability to find ancients in other slots (Kadala shards going to rings, and Death Breath's going to ring upgrades)
  • I was unable to find an ancient Vile Hive


  • Gearing/Build
    • Because of my lack of paragons and ancients (resulting in low Vit and reduced resistances from Int), I opted into putting all of my paragon points into Vit
    • My lack of survivability forced me to swap Grave Injustice for Swampland Attunement
    • I used Henri's Perquisition both because of my lack of survivability and because I could not find an ancient Vile Hive
    • I used Esoteric Alteration for GR75-82 (including my final clear), but swapped to Trapped for the last couple rifts at 83 before running out of time
  • Thoughts on WD: as someone who has never played WD outside of zDPS way back in the first few seasons, this little experiment has convinced me that I never want to play WD again. I'm sure some of you guys love the class, but in my opinion the abilities aren't very satisfying to use, the gear is all ugly (I'm a bit of a fashionista when it comes to transmogs), and the playstyle of the current prevalent build (Arachyr FB) felt really bad to play.
submitted by /u/FujiwaraTakumi
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Can single player Diablo 3 get some love please?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:28 AM PST

The two things that I would like to see for my self personally are as follows 1) Bounties, it is 4 times faster to do them in a split group then it is to do it alone. My suggestion here is that we increase the drop rate based on the amount of people in the game, the less people there are the more items you get. Since the D3 dev team wants to incentivise team play lets say that you get double the rewards in a 4 man group then if you would solo but not four times as it is now (if you take time into effect since we are talking about rewards per hour). 2) Followers need a freshening up. They have had the same skills since Diablo 3 came out. Since D3 is a very different game from what it was at release the Followers can really use some love. Some new items that are specific for them would also be nice. Since everybody is using the "Your follower can not die" we could have that as a permanent bonus once you find it, like a new Follower Gift. We could get legendary items that give benefits only to followers, that are designed just for them and have them do all kinds of wild things since they are not limited to being player and follower items.

Diablo 3 came out on 15 May 2012, it's about time single player got some rebalance and love. What is your idea to improve the single player game?

submitted by /u/Shizuri
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Just found Primal Wings y'all

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:35 PM PST

[TIP] Prevent numlocked skills from interfering with town portal and other channeled interactions

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:12 AM PST

This is most probably a common knowledge, but for some reason I haven't encountered this tip in numerous numlocking guides. And with some builds now having up to 3 simultaneously numlocked skills (all with different cooldowns) it can sometimese be hard to cast town portal, identify items etc.

Long story short, opening a map (press M) right after you start channeling TP, interacting with bounty objective, identifying an item, etc. will prevent any numlocked skill from being cast untill the map is closed. On other hand it won't pause your game even when playing solo.

Just thought some people might find it useful.

EDT: Also works with opening/closing chat (Enter) or area map (Tab). Thanks /u/m1m1n0 and /u/TheCrastinator

submitted by /u/veryblackraven
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People can buy the game multiple times, use 2-4 accounts and play in the same game?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:39 PM PST

This one dude helped me out. He invited me and there were two other people who I thought were his buddies but it turned out it was just him. He said it's legal to do that, buy the game multiple times then get different accounts and play in the same game. I forgot what he said but I think he uses some kind of legal program that can control all characters at the same time so getting gear is a lot faster and easier. Is this true?

submitted by /u/Tuvok-
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Primal Ancients Dropping on PTR?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:00 PM PST

Has anyone gotten a primal ancient to drop on the PTR in the last day or two? I have watched a person identify over 600 ancients over the past two nights on the PTR and not a single primal ancient. Wondering of the PTR is bugged and primals aren't dropping or if the drop rate is horrendously low...?

submitted by /u/AdamZapple
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Favorite enemies (all games)

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 09:12 AM PST

Self-explanatory. Would like to hear what your favorite enemies were across the franchise, those that are super iconic or look baller or gave you trouble; whatever makes them memorable to you

(Background: working on a Diablo-themed Pathfinder game and wondering what enemies people think are cool. Also this sub needs discussions that aren't about d3 mechanics)

submitted by /u/punkchops
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Top 3 easiest builds to make to go 90+ solo and group? Also what are the best builds for farming deaths breaths and fastest bounty run builds?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:35 PM PST

These questions apply to this season as well as next season. I want to still have fun and play this season but I also want to plan for next season. I think best builds for DBs need to have sage set, best bounty builds need to be super duper quick, etc.

I have been playing lightning wiz. It seems like the best overall build for everything but I don't think it can equip sages and be effective and although it can teleport, I don't think it's the fastest bounty build cause you gotta pause a little once archon runs out. Chicken wd or crusader might be better, I don't know. Just need opinions from people more knowledgeable than me on these subjects.

submitted by /u/TheCh0sen0ne-
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Summary of our 3-word criticisms, with a positive twist!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:39 PM PST

These were our top posts from the criticisms thread:

1st Place: Deckard deserved better.

2nd: Least Prioritized Franchise.

TIED for Third: Strength=Dexterity=Intelligence


endless paragon grind

VIPs, along with top complaints-

What was that?

Trading, what's that?

New seasons when?

Top complaints:

Paragon needs work

Community is whining

Too much RNG / Kadala's a ho

Now for this one, I'd like you guys to say either 3 things, or in 3 words something you thought was 'okay' about D3. I'll start:

Has diablo name.


Has cinematics
and music

And guys, do upvote so we don't fall off the page :)

submitted by /u/forthewarchief
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Down to Earth SEASON 10 OVERVIEW (Starting Sets, Conquests, etc)

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:33 AM PST

Stupid question about HARDCORE characters

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:13 AM PST

I know this may seem stupid but if your Hardcore character gets in trouble, and you're playing solo, can't you just pause the game and wait for the server to time out? Or does it make your character suffer for the 10 seconds it usually takes to kick your character out when you D/C?

I'm scared to try it at the moment with my seasonal character - but the thought occurred to me just now and was wondering if anyone has tried this and knows the outcome.

submitted by /u/chasmammoth
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Firebird ignition indicator

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:09 AM PST

Ok so maybe I'm just an idiot but I can't tell if I'm igniting mobs with the firebirds set. Yes I have 3 separate fire skills, yes I have the full 6p bonus. I only get an indicator on the buff bar for a 20 stack when I'm fighting a champion, absolutely nothing for regular mobs or most elites. Does it only show a full stack? That would seem weird. If it matters I just got the full set and don't have an archon build/appropriate legendaries yet, I'm going off of the icy veins disintegrate build. I can clear t4 pretty well but feel more squishy than I'd like.

submitted by /u/perfringens
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Wth is going on with the PTR atm?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:17 AM PST

2h 12 min queue? Are you kidding me? Blizz slashed the PTR servers or what?

submitted by /u/pfzt
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Reaper of Souls - Act V - Wizard Gameplay

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 10:56 AM PST

Where can I improve on this build? Haven't played in two years.

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:22 AM PST

Some questions about season 10hc

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:45 AM PST


Looking to start the new season with my friends the composition will be as follows : zdps monk zdps barb wd and wizard. We will be playing on hardcore as well. With the new patch there will be the primal items. At the moment the way to unlock them is by doing gr70. However, blizzard said that for seasonal and hc characters it would be different how so? Also in regards to team composition as it's hc a firebirds wiz better than mh wiz? Last thing the witch doctor received buffs to zuni making it stronger than helltooth is zuni better than fb arachyr in a group settings or is it still the same? Thanks.

submitted by /u/Dwarfy_8395
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Diablo Writing Excersize..

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:24 AM PST

I decided to create a very small piece of writing based off an artwork I found done by Khull On deviantart of Tyrael.


The link above is the image!

It probably isn't the best but I hope some of you will enjoy it as I very much did writing it!

Here goes:

Judgement, that which was granted to our very eyes.

The Hellspawn's brethren stood helplessly as the Angels Judicator himself spanned between them. His wings tressed wide in embrace of the very space around him.

In an act distinguishable from his kinds accepted intention and disgust for these execrable creatures, his fist closed adamantly around this demons throat in absolution. How mighty he stood, Wings radiating brilliantly, Armour a luminous gold and his Blade, El-Druin - The purest extension of the being was trenchant by his side with its cerulean eye penetrating deep within the very soul of all who gaze upon it in sagacity.

Then, with strength to make even the most formidable demons quake where they reside, he enforced his target downward to which the demon fecklessly followed. With his head now cocked away from the angel, facing the outer reaches of sanctuary, It's expression turned empty, lost and defeated.

And as Justice sang through the air indisputably, the surrounding Hellspawn reared backward to distance themselves from such a verdict. The blood of the absolved washed over them. It's spirit rose from the vessel it once inhabited, now split cleanly from shoulder to waist.

As the cleansed soul soared weightlessly toward the heavens, its release from transgression became etched within time.

Purgation through death,

Justice through violence,

Tyrael the Mighty.

submitted by /u/Dminge13
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Weekly Looking For Group Friday - 02/17/17

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 135 of Looking for Group Friday!

The weekend is coming up and everyone's looking to play their favorite monster slaying, loot-collecting game. As we all know, monster slaying is more fun with friends! However, what if you don't know anyone who plays Diablo, or your regular demon destroying buddy is out of town for the weekend? Public games can be scary and frustrating, so why not play with a fellow redditor! Just comment below with your Battletag and time, or join someone who's searching for a partner (or two).

  • Battletag:
  • Region:
  • Hardcore?:
  • Seasonal?:
  • Day:
  • Time (and timezone):
  • Difficulty:
  • Goals:

Check the Discord server as another way to find a buddy. It has both text chat and voice chat, so you can communicate however you want. And, as always, may your loot be legendary!

If you have any suggestions for this thread or any other ideas, please message the mods.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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need a help to create...a definition of a genre: diablo-like or diablo-clone

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:25 PM PST


I think that this genre that includes diablo, torchlight, poe, grim dawn, titan quest....need a more specific name than : hns arpg. give me a hat on tvtropes if you think so! ty

submitted by /u/Kevan88
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Crusader question...

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 01:10 AM PST

Hello, everyone... haven't played my Crusader in a long time, and I mean a very long time (think 1 year or more) and I want to ask... is a Blessed Shield build still a viable one? Or am I better off respecting to say Thorns or Hammerdin? Thanks

submitted by /u/lchiRuki
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