Pokémon GO - Daily Screenshot Megathread - February 17

Daily Screenshot Megathread - February 17

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:09 PM PST

Share your newfound pokemon encounters, exciting catches, and interesting glitches here!

As mentioned in this announcement post, screenshot posts are banned from this subreddit for the next 2 weeks and can only be submitted as replies to this daily megathread. Thank you, trainers, for understanding and for helping to keep the subreddit navigable and useful to all members during these thrilling gen 2 times!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Gen 2 is live!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:12 PM PST

Generation 2 pokemon are now out in the wild. Go out and catch them.

Edit : hello r/all! Join us! Catch some pokemon and have a look at our community!

Also thanks for the gold.

Please report any reposts and redirect them here.

Please keep in mind we've made some temporary changes for our sub(it will last for 2 weeks). Expect to see a screenshot dedicated thread in the next hour.

Also, we will likely be seeing some new faces. Please be civil. Some users are new to Reddit and don't even know what the search bar is or how exactly it works.

Have a good one!

submitted by /u/zslayer89
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Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:24 PM PST

I caught a ledian, and had 5 candies instead of 3. I now have 8 ledyba candy after catching a ledyba as well.

I've seen posts of people catching things such as feraligatrs and they got 10 candies for catching it.


PS. Send help. Drowning in sentrets. Teddiursa also ran from me. Hope it's not rare...

EDIT: Transferring 2nd and 3rd tier pokemon still only yields 1 candy.

submitted by /u/Neth110
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How to get an Espeon

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:20 PM PST

Name your eevee Sakura, restart your game and then evolve to possibly get a Espeon. My dad just did it and got one, but I haven't gotten enough data to determine if it is 100%. Post below if you get it or not. I will make a new post for possible Umbreon name

Edit: Im in EST, 6:30pm for those wondering

Edit 2: for the Umbreon, either comments below or my other post on it: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/5uiqty/discussion_umbreon_name/

submitted by /u/Ceisus
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Niantic did a good job making the Gen 2 release feel like the first day on Gen 1

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:46 PM PST

The servers are slow and very unresponsive at times. When trying to catch a Pokemon it freezes and you lose the Pokemon. Nightmares all over again.

This is unacceptable from a company that has made Millions off of the game in the last couple of months. It was somewhat acceptable to me since it was a new company on release day and I could understand they couldn't afford resources to begin with. Now that the game has been established there is no excuse for them to have failing servers.

But let's be honest, it is probably because of minor text fixes needing to be done. /s

EDIT: Niantic seems to have recovered pretty quickly. Gen 2 was released at 6pm EST and the game seemed to have recovered by 7:20pm EST. Not too bad. Let's hope it stays up.

submitted by /u/BlueRacer90
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How to get regional Pokémon - SUGGESTION

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:26 PM PST

My daughter came up with an absolutely clever idea for Niantic. To mix up the regionals, have them sometimes spawn at zoos. After all, zoos have animals from all over the world. Why not a chance to get them at a zoo? Thoughts?

submitted by /u/mikebellman
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Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:12 PM PST


  • There were some server issues, which seem to already be resolved. You might still want to hold off from using shop and transferring/evolving Pokémon though.

  • Just a reminder: extended Lures are still a thing until 18 February. Also, Pokémon storage is half price until 26 February. If you bought Pokémon storage within the last couple days, try your luck and contact support - they might compensate it to you in some way.



  • Name your Eevee "Sakura" to get an Espeon upon evolve, name it "Tamao" for Umbreon. (without quotation marks)

  • Special item - Dragon Scale, Metal Coat, Sun Stone, King's Stone or Upgrade - might be needed to evolve some Pokémon into their 2nd Gen form. They can be obtained from Pokéstops. Golbat and Chansey do not need any special items to be evolved.


  • Some nests and spawns have changed.

  • Baby Pokémon can now be found in the wild.

  • 2nd evolution forms now grant 5 candies and 300 Stardust upon catch, 3rd evolution forms grant 10 candies and 500 Stardust.

  • There's now a 50xp "First Throw" bonus when you catch a Pokémon with your first throw. Quitting and re-entering the catching screen does not reset this bonus.

  • Pokémon can now move around the screen when you try to catch them.

  • Critical catches have been added.

  • Ditto can now be disguised as a Gen2 Pokémon such as Hoothoot, Yanma or Sentret.


  • There are new types of Berries - Pinap (double candies upon next catch), Nanab (slows the Pokémon's moves so it's easier to catch). You can obtain them from Pokéstops. Only one type of Berry can be used on a Pokémon at the same time (quit and re-enter the catching screen to reset if needed).

  • Level-Up rewards can now contain new items (Pinap and Nanab berries confirmed).

Other gameplay changes

  • As of now, it is not known what Gen2 Pokémon are regionally exclusive, nor if there are any at all.

  • Some Pokémon require less distance to find candies as a Buddy. (Togepi 5km -> 3km)

  • The Johto medal and Delinquent medal (Dark type) have been added.

  • There are new avatar customization options. Some of them need to be bought to use.

  • Some Pokémon sprites have been slightly changed.

  • Walking animation is changed.

  • All fainted Pokémon have been revived.

submitted by /u/xgdw11
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[Humor] Meanwhile, in the Niantic Hq...

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:20 AM PST

[discussion] so I guess the servers were never really upgraded, people just stopped playing

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:51 PM PST

Games impossible to play again thanks to the high server load. Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited, but it's a bit frustrating when you can't even power something up

edit: credit where credit is due. Things were fixed relatively quickly and now is pretty much seamless. Good job Niantic :)

submitted by /u/andysaurus_rex
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Sprint leak: Gen II tomorrow

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:07 AM PST


Sprint (NYSE:S) is celebrating the launch of new features and over 80 more Pokémon in Pokémon GO with a nationwide Lure-A-Thon on Friday, Feb. 17.

The additional Pokémon that will appear in Pokémon GO for the first time were originally discovered in the Johto region from the Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver video games. Lures will be set at Sprint stores across the country in order to attract Pokémon – maybe even Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile!

Additionally, Trainers can to visit over 10,000 Sprint and Boost Mobile PokéStops to collect Poké Balls, Potions, Eggs, Razz Berries and – for the first time – the new Pinap Berry and Nanab Berry to help them on their quest to capture Pokémon.

Visit your local Sprint store:

Play Pokémon GO: Fill your Pokédex without worrying about running out of data or surprise overage charges with Unlimited Data, Talk and Text. New customers can sign up for Unlimited Data, Talk and Text for $50/month for the first line with AutoPay, two lines for just $90/month; and the third, fourth and fifth lines of Unlimited Data, Talk and Text are FREE.1 Capture more Pokémon: Sprint is hosting a nationwide Lure-A-Thon at Sprint PokéStops and Gyms across the country from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. local time Friday, Feb. 17. Lures will be set during this time to attract Pokémon to the store. Stay charged up: Trainers can charge up their devices for FREE at Sprint PokéStops and Gyms. For a limited time, get $20 off of a Mophie Juice Pack for GS7/edge and iPhone 7/7 Plus. Play on one of the hottest new devices: Come in today and you can receive $300 off a Samsung GS7 edge2. "Today is a great day for Trainers!," said Roger Solé, Sprint chief marketing officer. "With the addition of over 80 Pokémon appearing in Pokémon GO for the first time ever this week, Sprint and Boost remind Trainers that we currently have thousands of PokéStops and Gyms where they can collect Poké Balls, Eggs, Potions and the new set of Berries – Pinap and Nanab. The Lure-A-Thon is a fun way to celebrate today's launch. And players are encouraged to check out our Unlimited Data, Talk and Text so they can play as much as they want without worry."

Sprint is the exclusive wireless partner of Pokémon GO. Trainers can visit PokéStops at Sprint, Boost Mobile and Sprint at RadioShack locations and players also have a go-to location where they can take Pokémon into battle against other Pokémon at Sprint-sponsored Gyms.

submitted by /u/Betuss
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Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:03 PM PST

I've had a lure out at work for the last few hours and just a few minutes ago saw a pokemon appear that I've never seen. I catch in in disbelieve and then notice a silhouette on my near by. I just completed the north American Pokedex the other day. YAASSSSSSSS!!!!1

Edit: Sorry for any typos. Just too excited!!!

submitted by /u/_CastShadow
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Niantic has come a long way. Update is more than minor text fixes. Gen 2 is out. Servers were extremely slow and within 20 minutes it was corrected.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:23 PM PST

Update: This is a substantial update. Much needed UI enhancements on the battle screen in addition to new items and evolutions. Also, new mechanics and a whole new styling system for avatars.

Gen 2: Hype train. Delayed but still so so appreciated.

Servers were SLOW: A million people decided it was time to play again and servers got SLOW. Niantic spun up new servers and the issue was fixed within 20 minutes... not 20 days.

Niantic isn't perfect and has a ton of flaws (in my opinion) but we are seeing immense growth here and I appreciate it.

submitted by /u/xn0mad
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Attention Trainers! We have some temporary sub changes due to the recent news.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:17 AM PST

With 80 new Pokémon, evolutions, gameplay mechanics, berries, and a new wardrobe just around the corner, we will be having some temporary changes on this sub. These changes will be enforced the moment the new features appear.

For the next two weeks we will have the following;

  • All screenshots are no longer allowed.
  • For the next two weeks screenshots will NOT be allowed on the weekends. The next screenshot weekend will begin on 4th March.
  • All posts must be submitted as text post only. Screenshots that promote discussion must be submitted in a text post.
  • We will have screenshot thread stickied DAILY. All screenshots can be submitted in this thread.

We know everyone will be excited to show off their new Pokémon, items, and moments, but we feel this is necessary to steer the sub in the right direction. We do not want our sub to become a sea of reposts, screenshots, and self-declarative moments.

With lots of new things going on with our beloved game, we feel this is the time to promote and reward discussion, help, and information within our sub.

Good luck trainers!

submitted by /u/TARS-CASE
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Pokemon shadows AND server lag?! It's like week one all over again!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:47 PM PST

I never thought that I would miss server lag! I'm so excited. And I guess the rest of the world is too, since the servers are all clogged up. This game has a unique ability to make me feel an incredible range of emotions.

submitted by /u/jquiggles
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Togepi now hatches from 2K eggs

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:01 PM PST

Just hatched a new 2K egg and got a togepi. That guy has been driving me insane the last few weeks. This guy was my first. It also now only takes Togepi 3k of walking per candy

Loving Gen 2 already

submitted by /u/Banbadle
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Chill people, Niantic did a GREAT job.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:57 PM PST

I'm sorry, it's ridiculous to see how many posts are still at the top of this sub about Niantic sucking and this being like day one. This is no where near to day one, on day one we looked forward to weeks of sporadic availability and near unplayability. Today we saw a rollout of their biggest update since launch and they dealt with a spike to traffic in LESS THAN AN HOUR. Chill out. They did a great job with the roll out. Always room for improvement and more updates will come but I'm VERY impressed with their initial rollout and surprised at how many people here are butt hurt for no reason.

submitted by /u/Highlander17
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I just leveled op to 29 - and received 15 Pinap Berries!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:52 PM PST

I just leveled op to 29 - and received 15 Pinap Berries!

Looks like you can get the new items from leveling up as well! Any one else experienced something like this?

Maybe it's also possible to receive evolution items like the Sun Stone?

submitted by /u/TheArnevik
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PSA: Do NOT set off lures or incense right now!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:41 PM PST

I just wasted the incense I'd been saving because I was excited about 2nd Gen. Don't kick off anything right now, the servers are jammed! It didn't even appear as being set off initially, I had to restart before discovering it was running.

submitted by /u/Durshka
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Anyone else salty about the Lapras nerf?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:59 PM PST

It was THE hardest Pokemon for me to find and catch. The absolute rarest I have. And now my 2100 CP Lapras, which was already hardly useful with the 2800CP+ meta for gyms, is a 1770CP Pokemon...

Not gonna lie, I'm super salty about this.

submitted by /u/2roK
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I have a lot more Pokémon names to learn...

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:33 AM PST

Pokémon Go was my first Pokémon experience and it took a couple months to learn all the first generation names (I still misspell a lot of them). It's exciting to have a bunch of new ones to learn.

submitted by /u/kfleet
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I wish the loading screen was updated

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:44 PM PST

With the new big update we didn't get a change from the New Year's update loading screen with the Gen 2 baby pokemon. With the release of most of Gen 2 today I wish we had a new loading screen. Maybe we'll get a new one soon. What do you think the new loading screen, should it come, would look like?

submitted by /u/SterlingStallion
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TIL: I know Nothing about about Gen 2 pokemon

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:41 PM PST

I'm not the only one right? I grew up in the 90s, played the first pokemon gameboy game, and even watched a bunch of TV episodes. Even after playing all the smash bros games, I felt like a savvy pokemon veteran, but after catching about 10 of the new species pokemon, I realized I know NOTHING about gen 2. At first it kind of bugged me that none of them looked familiar, but I guess it just adds to the excitement of catching and learning about new pokemon.

submitted by /u/Jappleseed23
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Server issues?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:29 PM PST

Anybody else having issues? Was in the game when gen 2 went live and then about 15 minutes later it kicked me and haven't been able to get on in the past 10-15 minutes it just sits on the loading screen. Is this probably going to be a problem for the next couple weeks? I feel like Niantic should've been better prepared since we've been through this already.

submitted by /u/ValleyOfChickens
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Anyone super sad because they're stuck at work and just staring at the nearby screen full of shadow pokemon?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:45 PM PST

My siblings just got out of school and are spamming my phone with pictures of Gen IIs they just got, but I'm at work for another 2ish hours. So far I only got the new Eeveelutions because of the trick from another thread, and a Snubbull that appeared next to me 42 minutes after the event kicked off :(

submitted by /u/Nomsthephos
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[Info] Gen 2 Pokemon candy to collect in preparation for future generations

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:27 PM PST

Hey everyone, I'm a long time Pokemon trainer. I've played through every region and I understand there are some Go trainers who've might've only played the first few regions. Generation 2 introduces 100 new Pokemon, some of which gain evolutions in the future. So for all you trainers who missed generations 3 and onward, here's a breakdown by generation of what Pokemon candy you might want to stock up on.

Generation III

No previous generation Pokemon gains an evolution in this generation. Wobuffet and Marill gain pre-evolution, or 'baby pokemon', but no reason to stock up on candy for this generation.

Generation IV

This generation added quite a few evolutions, and some pre-evolutions, to generation I and II pokemon. Here are the Pokemon that gain evolutions/pre-evolutions.

  • GEN I
  • Magneton will evolve into Magnezone, so collect Magnemite candy
  • Lickitung will evolve into Lickilicky, so collect Lickitung candy
  • Rhydon will evolve into Rhyperior, so collect Rhyhorn candy
  • Chansey gains a pre-evolution, Happiny.
  • Tangela will evolve into Tangrowth, so collect Tangela candy
  • Mr. Mime gains a pre-evolution, Mime Jr.
  • Electabuzz will evolve into Electivire, so collect Electabuzz candy
  • Magmar will evolve into Magmortar, so collect Magmar cany
  • Eevee gains two more evolutions, Leafeon and Glaceon, so keep collecting Eevee candy
  • Snorlax gains a pre-evolution, Munchlax
  • GEN II
  • Porygon2 will evolve into Porygon-Z, so collect Porygon candy
  • Togetic will evolve into Togekiss, so collect Togepi candy
  • Sudowoodo gains a pre-evolution, Bonsly
  • Aipom will evolve into Ambipom, so collect Aipom candy
  • Yanma will evolve into Yanmega, so collect Yanma candy
  • Murkrow will evolve into Honchkrow, so collect Murkrow candy
  • Misdreavus will evolve into Mismagius, so collect Misdreavus candy
  • Gligar will evolve into Gliscor, so collect Gligar candy
  • Sneasel will evolve into Weavile, so collect Sneasel candy
  • Piloswine will evolve into Mamoswine, so collect Swinub candy
  • Mantine gains a pre-evolution, Mantyke

Generation V A few more players seemed to drop off after gen 4 and gen 5. Generation V added 156 new pokemon, the most between all 7 generations. However, none of these were related to previous Pokemon so we will continue into...

Generation VI This generation added the final eevee-lution, Sylveon. Keep collecting those Eevee!

Generation VII The newest generation, which I don't think PoGo will see for another 5 years or so. This generation did not introduce new species of Pokemon. It did however introduce variants of some select generation one Pokemon, which I think is really cool. I'm not sure how Niantic will tackle this aspect of the main series games, but if you want to look into which Pokemon received variants, check out this page on Bulbapedia.

Happy catching!

submitted by /u/MayorJack
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The update was just forced on both Android and iOS, Heads up trainers! [news]

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:14 PM PST

With the recent slip from Sprint, we may very well have new Pokémon spawning sometime tonight, but tomorrow for sure.

Happy Hunting, and be safe out there!

submitted by /u/BBZak
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Major kudos to the Mods right now. I have some some seriously clickbaity posts on here and they have been promptly cleaning them up!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:25 AM PST

As the title implies. Every time I see a clickbait post or misleading thread, the Mods have jumped all over it.

Here is an example: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/5ugqak/80_new_gen_2_pokemon_will_arrive_this_afternoon/

This guy simply posted a picture of the pokemon go logo and titled it "80 new Gen 2 pokemon will arrive this afternoon"

Hellofa good job keeping crap like this off the page!

submitted by /u/Snigglets07
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