Heroes of the Storm - Small Suggestion: When a hero gets a major rework, put one of their skins on sale or bring back their launch bundle

Small Suggestion: When a hero gets a major rework, put one of their skins on sale or bring back their launch bundle

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:17 AM PST

By a "major rework" I mean recent examples like Murky or Tassadar that drastically change them and are likely to bring renewed interest in the hero. For whatever reason Murky is one of the few heroes I never chose to buy. After seeing his rework I decided I wanted to get him, looked at the shop, and bought him with gold without a second thought.

If his launch bundle had come back and it was ~$15 for him and the Grunt Murky skin I might have been tempted to spend real money on him instead. And of course, as I've been having a really good time playing with him I'd probably never be more likely than right now to buy a skin for him if one was on sale. In general, a hero's rework seems like a great time to re-promote that hero's skins or a past bundle while interest is highest and as a customer I'd love to see new and different types of sales. Feels like a win-win for Blizz and players.

submitted by /u/Ryzor99
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Glaurung: The Great Escape

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:28 PM PST

HORSEPANTS & mewnfare breaking the meta - "This is why we call this the leader of the midget strat."

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:03 PM PST

In case you're interested in stuff like this, here are some of HotS' voice actors!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:17 PM PST

Time to increase what's offered in the weekly sale?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:12 PM PST

Throwback to a post submitted nearly a year back. We've got so many heroes and skins now available that it would be well appreciated by all I imagine if they increased what was available on sale each week. 2 skins and 2 heroes? A mega monthly sale 3 skins, 3 heroes and a mount? Something along those lines at least.

submitted by /u/Arkenz
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Trikslyr 1v1s Jaina as Abathur

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:33 AM PST

Heroes Brawl of the Week, Feb 17, 2017 : Ghost Protocol

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:40 AM PST

We did it, boys!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:08 AM PST


We're rising up to the big leagues. Need more good shitposts.

submitted by /u/Phoenixed
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Time to do that Voodoo that I do so well!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:37 PM PST

Hinterland Blast Cooldown reduction works on Samuro Clones, Nova Decoy and TLV to make instant Hinterland Blast

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:47 AM PST

Exactly what the title says. You get a cooldown, you get a cooldown, EVERYONE GETS A COOLDOWN!!!!!

submitted by /u/Andraste_Of_Reddit
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There is still no way to see the cooldown on Olaf's charge

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:54 AM PST

This is very important because sometimes the charge bugs out like rehgar's and it goes on cooldown, yet there is no way to see how long for.

submitted by /u/Werbenjager
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A cute little Murky Abathur combo could be strong.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:16 AM PST

Hilarious Lucio interactions

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:55 PM PST

I've been playing Lucio quite a bit in hero league lately, and I've had some hilarious interactions.

For example, dehaka tongue grab + speed boost allows him to drag people an absurd distance. Had a dehaka drag a greymane all the way from braxxis beacon to our towers.

Similarly, 60% speed boost talent + stitches gorge is basically stitches/medivh all over again, but more usable in regular games.

Finally, Azmodan laser build + lucio is hilarious as he just chases forever and burns people to the ground.

Anyone have any other fun stories to share?

submitted by /u/tarsn
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LUCIO PROBLEM: No ingame music

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:13 AM PST

Blizzard created such a wonderful ingame soundtrack (Sky Temple and Towers of Doom soundtracks are really masterpiece), and then muting it with Lucio's tracks which are repeating and only play one time after you toggle music.

In league of Legends Dj Sona have special button on scoreboard which allows to mute DJ Sona's music, if you want to listen to ingame music (so half of game you just play with no music at all).

May we have something similar? I really love to listen to ingame music, but Lucio's repeating themes become boring, or change his music to actual Lucio-HotS theme (i.e. full tracks), which is epic as well.

submitted by /u/Existor371
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New Tyrande skin has a nice little QoL change on her W

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:39 PM PST

In a moment of impeccable taste, Tyrande's love goddess skin has a little cupid for her W instead of an owl. Cute. BUT the cupid also makes a kissy-wissy sound whenever it hits an enemy hero, so you know how effective you were. It was always a little hard to tell how many you hit if you took the Pierce talent. This should be applied to all Tyrande skins! Maybe not a kiss sound every time though...

submitted by /u/Cosmianaut
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No, i dont want your help malf :|

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:14 AM PST

man, i was hoping they "fixed" it during the ptr, but please let the try mode save our preference, i use it a lot and have to unpick malf each time.


submitted by /u/Sortvind
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Wish Lucio's allies could see the range of Crossfade.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:31 AM PST

I feel like lucio's allies should be able to see the indicator for crossfade so they can stay in it more easily, especially since at later levels that range can change, so you should be able to know when you can go further and still get heals/speed.

submitted by /u/EridanAmp
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QoL Needed - Add armor values to hero's trait

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:42 AM PST

Nowhere in the game does it say anything about hero's with base kit armor. New players would probably have no idea that anubarak has built in spell armor, uther, arthas, etc... please add this info some on the hero's description or trait. Not everyone read those patch notes that one time. Might also be nice to add to the stats when you hit C.

submitted by /u/noobalicious
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Whatever happened to the battle.net "appear offline" status that was supposedly "coming soon" back in 2012?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:16 AM PST

Sometimes I don't want real life people to know when I am sneaking games :D

submitted by /u/odavr
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The Real Reason why this Game isn't Growing

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:08 PM PST

Quick Match.

A bunch of my WoW friends came in to try the game but hate it because of Quick Match. Three Stealths versus no support. Artanis solo tank versus Varian Muradin. Solo Support Tyrande versus Malfurion Medic. How on earth is this balanced?

Blizzard needs serious role revamps in quick match. Sonya isn't a tank. Tyrande isnt a solo support. I should never be against so many stealths.

submitted by /u/rRase
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Tassadar's Recent Rework

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:01 AM PST

I thought they are making Tassadar more like a High Templar. But eventually he became even worse... http://imgur.com/a/3J2jh

submitted by /u/Ricendithas
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Please Blizzard, TFInsomnia just wants to play his character

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:27 PM PST

I think the SCV from starcraft would be an interesting hero addition.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:43 AM PST

I'm just curious what you guys think about this idea for a new hero, the SCV unit.

More curious how you'd like to see him work, or a specialist of that nature who focuses on unit/unique structure production and base defense.

To be honest a hero who could specialize in some form of base defense would be really cool against heroes like sylvanus or ragnaros who just obliterate defenses.

Plus hearing his voice lines in hots would just put a smile on my face :)

submitted by /u/shirtboxers
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[Post-Murky/Lucio Patch] Tracer is NOT a counter to Murky

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:51 AM PST

DISCLAIMER: This applies to the changes made after the Murky/Lucio Patch. This thread will be completely void if any changes are made to Murky or Tracer after the February 14th Patch.


The point of this thread is to convince many of you that the once go-to Murky counter: Tracer is no longer the main counter to Murky. I will provide as much statistics and personal experience to prove that Tracer cannot viably stop Murky. For this study, I am only using stats in Diamond/Master league only because it is the place where the most optimal plays are being made.


Who am I? In the last 30 days (before the Murky rework), I have been consecutively playing Tracer mostly in QM, Unranked and TL. These are my stats in the last 30 days at around 3.5k MMR. I believe my experience as well as further testing in try mode can provide great insight to how Tracer can function in this new meta.


Prior to the Murky Rework, many people would consider Tracer as the go-to Murky counter, as her fast AA can immediately deny any Murky push with the Pufferfish, her ability to gain lvl 4 Untouchable stacks consistently, and most importantly, secure a kill on Murky once he has used his Bubble. However, after the Murky rework, Tracer is can no longer consistently do these three things like before the Murky rework. This is also evident with the rise of Murky's winrate (63% in two days) while Tracer's winrate decreased a little (48.4% in two days) despite the increase of Murkys in games.


Let's start with Murky's W: Pufferfish. Before murky rework it would only take Tracer 3 shots to kill the puffer fish. A huge part of Tracer's kit is knowing when to reload. Since the puffer fish "buff", below are a list of shots that are required to take out a puffer fish. After Murky Rework, here are the numbers:

I used the lvl 16 Locked and Loaded talent in my chart solely because it is the talent that gives you the best consistent reward. Focus Fire does kill the Pufferfish faster, but it assumes you are not attacking any other enemy before hand. As I mentioned before, knowing when to reload is a huge part of Tracer's kit. Sleight of Hand does not reduce the number of shots needed to kill a Pufferfish, but similar to Focus Fire, it only kill the Pufferfish slightly faster.

Level, Talents, and Stacks Tracer has Number of Shots Needed to Kill a Pufferfish
lvl 1 20 shots
lvl 20 without lvl 16 Locked and Loaded (LnL) - 0 Untouchable Stacks (US) 26 shots
lvl 20 with lvl 16 LnL - 0 US 18 shots
lvl 20 with lvl 16 LnL - 5 US 18 shots
lvl 20 with lvl 16 LnL - 15 US 16 shots

Just a few notes about these numbers.

  • The difference between 5 US and 15 US needed to kill a Pufferfish is only 2 shots. This only hurts Tracer as the requirement to get and keep 15 US is bigger than a Murky dropping his Pufferfish every 15 seconds.

  • At level 20, Tracer without LnL and 0 US, it takes 26 shots to kill a Pufferfish. This means it is possible that you might run into situations where you need to reload twice to kill a Pufferfish. (I.e. If you start attacking the Pufferfish anywhere at and below 6 ammo left on Tracer).

  • Keep in mind since the explosion radius on Pufferfish is buffed, Tracer can no longer safely attack the Pufferfish out of range. This means if you fail to destroy the Pufferfish, it can deal half of Tracer's health in an instant.



Next up is Murky's Q: Slime. In a time when the world was a happy place before the Murky Rework, it was relatively easy for Tracer to jump out of Murky's Slime and AA range. Due to the nature of Tracer's kit, however, Tracer needs to get into melee range in order to use her W "Melee". With the Murky Rework, it becomes absolutely risky to even consider using Melee on Murky. A well prepared Murky would take Fish Tank talent at lvl 13 and AA a Tracer right as she comes in. Murky can then follow it up with Slime (coupled with the Slime talents that increases the slow and range), which forces Tracer to leave immediately, usually a forced Recall or using all 2-3 Blinks.

Although it is pretty hard to mathematically represent the buffed Slime compared to pre-Murky Slime build, here are some numbers showing how strong Slime can hit on a Tracer.

If Tracer at lvl 20 has 2644 HP, Slime does 189 Spell damage without previous slime. However, Slime on a Slimed target deals 585 (this is possible with Murky's lvl 20 Slime CD reduction). Just within 3 seconds in Murky's AA range, it is possible for Murky to deal 1,754 damage. The numbers are: AA = 131, First Slime = 189, Second Slime = 585. With Murky's lvl 16 Toxic Buildup, Murky's third AA casts a slime which results in a free Slime that is cast.

The math: 132x3+189+585x2 = 1755.

This results in more than half of Tracer's health lost if a Murky is lucky enough to get 3 consecutive AAs off. In the meantime, Fish Tank allows Murky to stay in the fight longer than before. Let's look at the numbers.

If Fish Tank reduces Physical Armor by 75, and Tracer's AA deals 59 damage per hit (without LnL or US), then Tracer attacking Murky with Fish Tank active will only deal 14.75 damage per hit. Keep in mind, if Tracer picks Leeching Round at lvl 13, it will only heal her for 3 hp per hit. At lvl 20, Murky has 1669 HP (without Big Tuna Kahuna at lvl 20), where it will take Tracer 5 to 6 reloads before killing Murky.

Of course, this is all speculation on paper. In reality, it is impossible for Murky to keep up Fish Tank buff, or for Tracer to stay indefinitely at 0 US or never procing LnL. However, the problem that hurts Tracer the most is that even with her lvl 16 LnL or US stacks, it can take a while before Tracer can safely and consistently kill a Murky. In the future, I can see Blizzard tuning Murky's Slime numbers, but for the future of Tracer, I doubt Blizzard is willing to do anything to change her current state.

P.S. I would love to take any constructive criticisms about this thread as I may have left some points out!



TL:DR. Tracer is not a counter pick to Murky as she can no longer kite Murky with the Slime upgrades, safely or consistently kill Murky like before the Murky rework, nor kill the Pufferfish consistently. With the "Point-and-Click" (Varian/Diablo/Valeera stuns and silences) and Tank meta, I predict Tracer will fall in winrate as it will be harder to justify people picking Tracer.


EDIT: Formatting.


submitted by /u/NikoC7
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Tyrande is not classified as a Hearthstone hero when you search 'Hearthstone' in hero select

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:24 PM PST

Literally unplayable.

Medivh is in there and he is a secondary character, so Tyrande should get the same treatment.

submitted by /u/tservomst
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