Smite - Weekend of Feb 17-19 Competitive Megathread - Season 4 - SPL Spring Week 1, OPL Spring Week 1, Challenger Circuits, and (maybe) more!

Weekend of Feb 17-19 Competitive Megathread - Season 4 - SPL Spring Week 1, OPL Spring Week 1, Challenger Circuits, and (maybe) more!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:01 PM PST

New to watching competitive Smite? Seasoned watcher who is just looking for their weekly fix? Look no further! Here you will find the overview of last week's competitive games, as well as discussion and predictions for the games that will be played this week! As always, discussion is 100% encouraged.

Continued thanks to the Smite EsportsWikis page for their readily available statistics, as I would have a hard time keeping up with so many brackets.

This week this post will discuss the following (in this order):

  • Smite Pro League - Spring Split Week 1 Discussion

  • Oceanic Pro League - Spring Split Week 1 Discussion

  • NA/EU Challenger Circuit - Spring Week 1 Discussion

Last Week Recap

Last Week's Megathread

In Europe,

  • 6 teams battled it out for the final 3 spots in the Pro League: eLevate, CycloneGG, New Game Plus, Novus Orsa, Last Minute Monsters, and Deserted. 14 of the 15 games had to be played to determine the best teams from this event.

  • CycloneGG had a fantastic day, qualifying first and only dropping a single game to Novus Orsa in their 5 games.

  • eLevate qualified second, also only losing once to CycloneGG in their 4 games.

  • The last two games determined whether New Game Plus or Novus Orsa went to the Pro League. Last Minute Monsters played spoiler to NGP, winning their only game of the day. Meanwhile, Novus Orsa took down CycloneGG to secure the final spot in the league.

In North America,

  • 6 more teams played a grueling day to determine who would play in the SPL Spring Split: Enemy, Noble, NeilMah, Astral Authority, In Memory of Gabe, and Cope is Still the Problem. 17 games were played of the originally scheduled 15, with a tiebreaker mini-bracket being necessary.

  • In Memory of Gabe took the first qualifying spot after not dropping a single game out of their 4 and looking strong in every one.

  • Enemy qualified second, surprisingly falling to Astral Authority but winning their other 3 games.

  • Finally, a 3-way tie at 2-3 with a circular win record between Noble, NeilMah, and Cope is Still the Problem forced a tiebreaker bracket between the three. NeilMah took the first game against Cope, but Noble secured a win against both in a grueling double-header, snagging the final spot in the Spring Split.

Season 4 SPL Spring Split - Week 1 Discussion and Predictions

Where to watch: - Saturday and Sunday, 2/18 and 2/19, 1pm EST/7pm CET

Official HiRez Article

8 teams from each region will duke it out in this 6-week Split to try to qualify for the Spring Finals LAN. 2 teams from each region qualify for that event, with a third team from each region battling through a Gauntlet for the final spots in the 6-man event. Week 1 is going to be one of the more hectic weeks, being only the second week in competitive Season 4 Smite as well as the first week that 10 of these 16 teams play a competitive match in this new environment. With that said, here's week 1 of the SPL!

Note that this is the only week in the Spring Split without Thursday games

Meet the Teams


Team NRG Obey Dignitas Valance Squadron
Solo Dimi ManiaKK Variety Xaliea
Jungle Adapting CaptainTwig QvoFred Cherryo
Mid yammyn PrettyPriMe Zyrhoes Lawbster
Support iRaffer EmilZy Trixtank BigManTingz
Hunter emilitoo Ataraxia Arkkyl Funballer
Team Sanguine CycloneGG eLevate Novus Orsa
Solo TheDarkDodo Deathwalker MoGoW Duck3y
Jungle MiketheMagikarp iceicebaby Faeles FrostiaK
Mid MrSt3fan Wlfy BlizzardFX ShadowNightmare
Support DeathPanter KaLaS Dardez Frezzyy
Hunter Nika Vote Jermain FleuryQ
Team Luminosity Eager SoaR Allegiance
Solo ScaryD Divios Benji CycloneSpin
Jungle Mask djpernicus Homiefe Weak3n
Mid Baskin TheBest andinster Metyankey
Support JeffHindla Aror Jigz PolarBearMike
Hunter BaRRaCCuDDa Zapman Vetium Oceans
Team Flash Point In Memory of Gabe Enemy Noble
Solo Aquarius Whalrus Uzzy
Jungle Mirage Cynosure Varizial1 ElChapo
Mid Incon Hurriwind Khaos MLCSt3alth
Support Shadowq Eonic PainDeViande Wubbn
Hunter Xenotronics Snoopy PandaCat Wowy

Week 1 Schedule

I sat down with /u/Necromann to discuss predictions for this week for the thread for both SPL and OPL, and these comments are a mix of what he and I both said. We may be adding other people's predictions to the thread in the future.

EU - Saturday, 2/18 @1pm

  • CycloneGG v Dignitas: Dignitas looks like a really strong roster on paper. They have some of the strongest people in each of their roles, and they could perform very well. Meanwhile, Cyclone hasn't historically been one of the strongest rosters, but sticking together and working on synergy between seasons is very important. They also looked really good this past weekend despite only having their starting jungler for some of the games. This set feels like a 2-0 to Dignitas, but we wouldn't be too surprised if Cyclone managed to snag a game here.

  • Sanguine v Valance Squadron: Sanguine's roster, on paper, seems a little lackluster. They have 2 seasoned veterans and 2 complete rookies (to my knowledge), so we have no idea how well some of the less seasoned players will do. However, there have been a number of question marked teams in the SPL before that have shown u in big ways. Meanwhile, Valance Squadron's team seems really nice. Cherryo's ping may be a factor in these games, but all of these players are considered very good in their roles. This feels like a 2-0 to Valance Squadron, but Sanguine may give VS some good games.

  • Novus Orsa v eLevate: This is the first of two run-backs from the Relegations, so we've seen both of these teams play before. eLevate won the best of 1 last week, but Novus Orsa seemed to turn up against Cyclone a few hours later. This match could be high variance as both teams seem good but not fantastic, persay, so our predictions reflected this variance. 1-1 split seems like a fair assessment of this match, but eLevate could also maintain their win streak here and take both games.

  • Obey v NRG: Obey's roster changes don't feel bad at all. EmilZy feels like he could synergize well with the squad, and ManiaKK has historically been an amazing player. However, him being gone from the game for some months leaves a small question mark next to his name for the first week or so of competition. Meanwhile, NRG is NRG, and there's not much more to be said there. The two-time consecutive World Champs should take this set, but it'd be cool to see Obey give them a run for their money again. 2-0 to NRG.

NA - Sunday

  • In Memory of Gabe v Allegiance: This might be one of the best sets all week. IMoG looked amazing this past weekend with their new roster, with each player filling their roles really well. ALG is 4/5 of the roster that made 5th at Worlds, losing to LichT and NRG, with a strong player in Metyankey rounding out the roster in mid. On paper, both teams seem fairly even, but we have seen IMoG in action and only can guess how ALG is performing. That being said, 1-1 split may be the safest bet here, but I don't think you can go wrong betting 2-0 to either team if you are really feeling one over the other.

  • Luminosity v Flash Point: Baskin has rejoined BaRRa and Jeff to round out a Luminosity roster that feels more nuts than their roster with a game 5 performance against NRG under their belts. In theory, this roster feels like it should be a top 2 team this split. Meanwhile, Flash Point had nearly a full roster swap, with Xeno back in ADC, Incon in mid, Mirage in jungle, and newcomer Aquarius in solo. The team has potential with the names it currently has on the roster, but they may not reach that potential in the beginning of the season. This feels like a 2-0 to Luminosity, with FP potentially showing promise in their games.

  • Noble v Enemy: This is the second set from Relegations, and Enemy kind of stomped Noble last week. Noble did look much better in the second half of the day, of course, and according to them they only scrimmed with St3alth for 2 or 3 days prior to Relegations. Meanwhile, Enemy did fall to Astral Authority in ridiculous fashion, so there is still a question mark over this set. However, Enemy gets to play with their full roster this week instead of their coach, so that may push them over the edge. 2-0 to Enemy feels like the most likely scenario, but I don't think you can go wrong with a split down the middle, either.

  • SoaR v Eager: SoaR has a number of members from the Flash Point roster from last split coupled with Andinster middle and Jigz in support. Each of these players is mechanically amazing - it will just depend on how well this team can synergize with each other in the time they had. Eager is the same roster that fell in the Semifinals at Worlds, and they looked very strong from the Fall Groups to the end of Season 3. They are huge on innovation, so they could pull out something really cool this weekend. 2-0 to Eager is our bet for this set, but SoaR could very well surprise us with a split.

OPL Season 4 Fall Split Week 1 - Discussion and Predictions

Where to watch: Saturday and Sunday, 2/18 @ 2am EST/5pm AEDT/8am CET and 2/19 @ 3am EST/6pm AEDT/9am CET

The Oceanic Pro League is back again, and better than ever! Oceania is now officially streamed on HirezTV, which is extremely sweet. 6 teams will compete across 7 weeks for the chance of going to SMITE Masters at the end of April. No team was safe from roster changes, with every team adding in at least one new player - this means that the first few weeks are going to be chaos while we try to figure out which teams are good. With that being said, here are your OPL rosters!

Meet the Teams

Team Dire Wolves Legacy Avant Garde
Solo kikiomeo ElChuckles Elkiero
Jungle Rowe Yada Robdigidy
Mid Ochita iDivine JustSpeedy
Support RichardCastle Weave Tomolomu
Hunter MingyuSeo Liimits Zaze
Team Daddy Daycare PRETTY BOIZ Team Noxide
Solo Zakaryha Kayo TekzyX
Jungle OnlyGoodAtSolo Desacrator FreeMason
Mid Shred Senses Neus
Support Gruff Envisionise SplitPush
Hunter Swifty Galen Sharks

Week 1 Schedule

Saturday - 2am EST/5pm AEDT/8am CET

  • Team Noxide v Dire Wolves: Dire Wolves is 4 of the 5 members from Worlds this past January, with a new member in powerhouse ADC MingyuSeo, formerly "hs247," replacing Maxen on the starting roster. They were the Oceanic champs last fall with members who have been the best in the region at some point. Noxide is a group who, for the most part, had never been in the OPL prior to this split, but they show some promise. It will be difficult for them to take down Dire Wolves though, so it makes sense to give this one 2-0 to Dire Wolves cleanly.

  • PRETTY BOIZ v Daddy DayCare: Daddy Daycare is a meshing of a number of rosters from last split. A number of the members of this team came from Alpha Sydney, one came from Legacy, and others from other teams, as well. Each of these members are solid in their own roles, but we have seen before in the OPL that a really strong roster doesn't always correlate with strong performances. PRETTY BOIZ has some members from the old Corvidae roster with some new members that have never seen the OPL before. They have potential, but it may take a few weeks for them to unlock this potential (if they do so at all). This is a very controversial game, but with the names on the DDC roster I'm giving a potential, but not certain, 2-0 to Daddy DayCare.

  • Legacy v Avant Garde: Legacy's roster feels nuts, even more so than Daddy Daycare's. Many of these names have been on a top 1/2 team at some point in the last year, with semi-rookie Liimits to back them up from the hunter role. This team feels like it could be a top 2 team in OCE by the end of the split. By comparison, Avant Garde's roster has some notable names on it, but none quite as impressive, especially with Robdigidy out of the hunter role and into the jungle. That being said, they look like a solid roster overall, and they could do work as the split progresses. I'm giving a solid 2-0 to Legacy here, however.

Sunday, 3am EST/6pm AEDT/9am CET

  • Legacy v PRETTY BOIZ: If Avant Garde feels like a solid win for Legacy, PRETTY BOIZ probably feels very similarly, if not even more so. Their roster feels a little weaker, although it has potential to look okay. However, Legacy should have this one in the bag. If PRETTY BOIZ stomps Daddy Daycare, then this prediction may change, but this should be a 2-0 to Legacy.

  • Avant Garde v Team Noxide: Depending on how each of these teams does the day prior, it's possible we see more out of one or the other in this set. However, neither team seems really strong if we're going by merely speculation here. If one of these teams show up against their previous matchup, this could change, but this feels like a potential 1-1 split, with a slight edge to Avant Garde.

NA/EU Challenger Circuit Week 1 - Discussion

Where to watch: Saturday, Feb 18 @ 10:30am EST/4:30pm CET and Sunday, Feb 19 @ 11:30am EST/5:30pm CET. At ~1pm EST/7pm CET, when the SPL starts, stream will migrate to

Official Tiermonster page for the Challenger's Circuit

The new Challenger's Circuit is here! The three teams that did not make the SPL through Relegations meet up with the 4th place team from the Open Bracket to make the new Challenger's Circuit. Three weeks of play will determine who stays in the Challenger's Circuit and who has to fight for their Challenger spot - the top two teams stay and the bottom two get relegated to play the top Combine teams for the 3rd and 4th Challenger slots.

Meet the Teams


Team New Game Plus Deserted Last Minute Monsters Optimus Gang
Solo N0Numbers TheBigSB R3bound Sibi
Jungle Repikas Gorgonzolla Hestrix Dzoni
Mid Kero BroTuZ FaraKrik
Support Murrdurr Hoek HalfDevil Fusify
Hunter Gamehunter Baas Joshy Kespainify


Team NeilMah Astral Authority Cope is Still the Problem 1st Rounders
Solo KikiSoCheeky Mangoh iFates
Jungle Skeeledon fineokay Mexiety Giliara
Mid Venenu Sheyka Viper Quig
Support NeiruMah Leftsyndrome Balentine Genocide
Hunter DayToRemeber FaymousHate sops BennyQ

Week 1 Schedule


  • New Game Plus v Deserted

  • Last Minute Monsters v Optimus Gang


  • NeilMah v Astral Authority

  • Cope is Still the Problem v 1st Rounders

Did I miss something? Want to discuss the predictions and/or add your own to the post? Just hype in general for the first week of SPL action in Season 4? Let me know in the comments!

submitted by /u/Srixis
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Hi-rez, important notice that needs to be fixed.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:19 PM PST

Hello! We as a fellow community need to get this message to Hi-rez members so that it can be fixed ASAP. If you would like to help us, please do!

Dear Hi-rez,

As of currently writing this post, 4 (and possibly more) steam users (including me) have been banned from SMITE for 6 years, and for no reasoning why, and have tried to speak out and explain what they were doing and why it has happened, but to no avail.

Various users are getting banned, various aren't, and it's confirmed that it's mostly happening to steam users as more and more people who use steam are coming out saying they're also being banned.

However, this makes an impact as a lot of the Steam community want to play SMITE, but yet some of them will be greeted to a 51,200 hour ban, and there's no reasoning behind it (except for it's "match griefing", in which some cases for some users is just not possible.)

We hope that from this post you will read you can make a notice on the situation and let us know and/or fix it quickly.

If anyone here has been banned, please tell us and let me know if you're running steam or non client.

Edit: Forgot to mention this has only occurred today.

Here's also the posts of the 3 out of 4 users who have come out about the ban:




Edit 2: Here's a screenshot of the ban message that I currently have. It's happening to many steam users and is absolutely real.

Edit 3: It's definitely an error.

Some are saying it could be something to do with the new anti-cheat system, but after having that system since the beginning of s4 and it seeming to work properly, I doubt it would randomly break one day and ban a lot of users, and to one client specifically. It doesn't add up, so it can't be the anti-cheat system.

Edit 4: Another user's post.


Also, to those who suggest verifying the cache; that doesn't work. Verifying the cache only makes steam compare files with the current version and my version of the game, since the ban is done by something else created by hi-rez and will mostly be disabled in the code until required, cache verifying will find nothing wrong with the game and I will still be banned.

u/ponponweiwei, u/hirezchrisl, u/hirezstew, u/hirezisaiah, u/hirezamanda, please help us.

submitted by /u/kieran2735
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Can we give the portal next to fire giant a map icon?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:05 PM PST

Currently, there is no simple way to tell if the portal is up when your own team has destroyed the portal demon. There is the icon showing the time since you have killed the portal demon, but this is only useful if you know how long the portal stays up for since the death of the portal demon. A timer on the map (like we have for buffs) and a little icon (which could contain this timer) would be nice so we know what's going on.

submitted by /u/Skillershark
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Skins that need some love!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:20 AM PST

There was a recent thread that discussed why we don't go back to old skins and update them. The answer is that we have done that in the past and half the community that purchased that skin is really really happy and the other half is really really sad that we ruined their favorite skin.

However, it was suggested that some of our older models could use some sprucing up and maybe we could go back and review their textures.

What are the skins that you would like to see updated (as far as textures or missing VO).

Let me know!

submitted by /u/HirezChrisL
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Taco compares a random ranked player's rama to Marvalz

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:29 PM PST

Petition for Ah Muzen Cab to have a "Ya Like Jazz?" joke voiceline added.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:27 AM PST

Let's get a retroactive meme in.

submitted by /u/thatblokewiththehat
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Nu Wa

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:36 AM PST

Why does "New" never get removed from certain skins/avatars/etc.?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:19 PM PST

I know it isn't all that important but it might trick new players into thinking they can still get things when it's not possible anymore. It also brings out some OCD.

Some examples:

Skins: Valkalli Kali (limited skin as well), Plague Bearer Izanami, Baron Frostchild Ymir.

Avatars: Cutesy Chef's special avatar, Cutesy Merdusa avatar,

Event stuff:Odyssey 2017 pedestal (not that old but "new" has been taken off the celtic one). Everything that you got with T5 Anubis (except ward skins).

Normally I wouldn't even bother to post this but what really made me aware was a few things. Standard Erlang Shen, like, his default skin says new. It's only suppose to say new when the god just comes out on their reskin, not the standard one. Kali and Chaac viking skins, all 4 being limited and not new at all, but Valkalli is labeled new. Skadi Such Cold and Woodland Rogue Morrigan isn't labeled new, while Fafnir Griffindwarf is.

TL;DR Take "new" label off stuff the following patch update or once unavailable, please? And no, I'm not sure why I took the time to go this much in detail instead of just stating the question.

submitted by /u/ritzbitzzz
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Playing Against Fatalis+Poison Star+Wind Demon is Just Not Fun

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:39 AM PST

Being continuously slowed, having your damage reduced, and having your oppenent just zoom all around you while you can't hit them is very annoying. It feels like you can't do anything about it, I know there are counters for crit and attack speed but sometimes, certain characters just can't focus their build just to counter 1 person. When Poison star came out everyone (including myself) said it was going to be "Frostalis with crit" but it was underwhelming in S3. Now that the Star tree has Attack speed, it's slowly becoming a "Must buy" on most hunters.

Unless the AS is removed from the tree we're going to have another Golden Bow situation, it's going to get nerfed and nerfed and the main cause of the problem is never going to get fixed and the item itself is ultimately going to be useless.

submitted by /u/AlfredosoraX
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Silent Kali nerf?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:25 PM PST

Kali's ult used to scale from 4 to 5 seconds in duration.

Now it scales from 3.5 to 4.5.

I don't believe this nerf was ever in any patch notes. Did Hi-Rez silently nerf Kali?

submitted by /u/Lilpu55yberekt
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SMITE & HiRez Employee Contact List

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:41 AM PST

Here's a list of Hirez employees working on Smite that typically interact with the community through Twitter and/or here on Reddit. I basically created this list for users to save so you guys don't have to ask around for handles and such. Note: Not included are employees who are acting like retweet-bots on Twitter and/or don't typically reply to inquiries and such. If you think someone needs to be in this list or you can fill in some of the gaps, please comment.

Useful tips for navigating: This list is sorted by category, then by name. You can click on the table headers to sort it differently. You can also use your browser's search function (usually CTRL+F). Use Reddit's save function so you don't have to spend time to look for this list!

Category Name Twitter Reddit Position Real Name
Executive HirezChris @HirezChris u/hirezchrisl Executive Producer Chris Larson
Executive HiRezStew @schisam u/hirezstew President of Hirez Studios Stewart Chisam
Executive Lionheart @L10NHEART u/l10nheart Vice President & General Manager Brian G.
Executive Todd Harris @ToddAlanHarris u/hireztodd Hirez' Co-Founder & COO Todd Harris
Community HiRezAmanda @HiRezAmanda u/hirezamanda Community Producer Amanda Erickson
Community HiRezSNK @SNK8Four u/snk8four Esports Community Manager Andrew Bernard
Community PonPon @PonPonSmite u/ponponweiwei Community Manager Daniel Cooper
Community Todesberg @HiRezTodesberg Not in use Community Manager Daniel Staggenborg
Design Ajax @HiRezAjax u/hirezajax Lead Designer Francis
Design Chuk @TheKrushalator ??? Art Director Chuk Vinson
Design HiRezBrew @HiRezBrew u/hirezbrew Graphic Designer Scott Brewer
Design HiRezClumzydeath @HiRezClumzyD u/clumzydeath Associate Designer Dishant Samtani
Design HiRezFish @HiRezFish u/hirezfish Game Designer Daniel Fishman
Design HiRezTina @hirezkama u/hirezkama Game Designer Tina
QA & Bugs HiRezCAPSLOCK @HiRezCAPSLOCK u/hirezcapslock QA Analyst ???
QA & Bugs Mamacita @Mamacitascorner u/lilmamacita QA Analyst ???
Esports AnatoLiy @iGAnatoLiy u/iganatoliy Commentator Anatoliy Alekseyenok
Esports F. @fdotny u/f-dot Caster Thom Badinger
Esports Hinduman @HiRezHinduman u/hinduman Caster & Commentary Lead Graham Hadfield
Esports HiRez Aggro @HiRezAggro u/aggre5sion Esports Specialist & Caster Ryan Bailey
Esports HiRezCooper @HiRezCooper u/hirezcooper Senior Esports Specialist S. Cooper
Esports HiRezDan @HiRezDan u/hirezdan Senior Esports Manager Dan McHugh
Esports SmitePro @SmitePro N/A Esports Twitter N/A
Esports Taco @thebesttaco u/thebesttaco Esports Specialist Melissa Posada
Support HiRezIsaiah @HiRezIsaiah u/hirezisaiah Customer Support Isiah Turner
Support HiRez Support @HiRezSupport N/A Customer Support N/A
Console HiRezBaker @HiRezBaker u/hirezbaker Console Producer ???
Console HiRezSavvy @HiRezSavvy u/hirezsavvy Console Community Manager Savannah Teems
Other HiRezAndy @HiRezAndy u/hirezspielberg Video Producer Andy Sexton
Other HirezEnaBuns @EnaMirandaBuns ??? 2D Marketing Artist Ena
Other HirezDavid @uglycatlady Not in use Events Producer David Nguyen
Other HiRezLancelot @HiRezLancelot u/hirezlancelot Marketing Director Andy Anderson
Other Hirez Operations @HirezOps N/A Server Status Twitter N/A
Other HiRezRev @HiRezRev ??? Platform & Technology Producer Blake Harrison
Other Hi-Rez Studios @HiRezStudios N/A HiRez Studios Twitter N/A
Other Kaostic @Kaostic u/kaostic FACEIT Community Coordinator Kris West
Other Recruiter @HiRezTalent N/A Talent Acquisition N/A
Other Scarlet Dangerfield @ScarletPHR ??? Talent Acquisition Scarlet Dangerfield
Other SMITE @SmiteGame N/A SMITE Twitter N/A


  • 2017-02-16: List created.

Future Updates: The history section will also list employees leaving/joining/moving.

PS: Sorry for the notification spam, HiRez <3

submitted by /u/Floofington
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1 Million YouTube Subscribers Video Schedule

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:34 PM PST

Please make chalices refresh duration on use.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:44 PM PST

When S4 was still on PTS I made this post. I would've hoped that chalices would've been changed before they got to live but they haven't. For those who don't want to click the link:

The reason why they said that chalices refresh potion duration instead of adding to it was because you could just pop all 3 charges then walk into fountain and pop them again and get basically infinite potion time. The simple solution to this problem is just to make fountain cleanse all chalice stacks on you. That way you can't cheese stack potion durations permanently, but if you're out you can still pop all your charges to increase the duration instead of having to wait until 0 to pop another charge.

P.S. This is the way refillable potions work in LoL and it works just fine.

It's super annoying to have to wait until 0 to pop potion, especially after not having to wait for 3 years using normal potions. It would be great if they functioned the same way normal potions do.


submitted by /u/Doodobirdie
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There is literally no reason not to build Wind Demon and Poison Star right now

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:33 AM PST

Hirez killed the only real crit-counter item in S3 Celestial Legion Helm while also buffing the shuriken tree. So now carries can steamroll everyone.

  • If the enemy carry builds them and you don't as carry, good luck winning boxing matches in lane

  • If they build them and you're a mage, you can't even get close without losing half your health. Good luck playing Zhong, Hades, Hel, or He Bo.

  • If you're a guardian or warrior, you are pretty much forced to build Hide of the Nemean Lion or Midgardian Mail to hinder the enemy carry. You thus lose out on one or two slots for other items.

  • If you're an assassin, you'd better get the job done quick, or else the carry will roast you like a close range mage. That said, assassins have the easiest time dealing with the shurikens compared to other classes.

submitted by /u/Shlappz
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Rituals have ruined the 75/80% CDR + max build MOTD's for me.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:41 AM PST

They used to be really fun for me, I would queue them all day and now I don't want to play them anymore because rituals are really dumb.

submitted by /u/GibbsLAD
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SKADI DON’T – Why the Kaldr nerf was only half the story

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:02 AM PST

According to most tier lists, Skadi was among the worst ADC's for competitive play, usually finding herself down with AMC and Cupid below an A ranking. Despite less than stellar performance, Patch 4.1 made changes to Skadi that proved to be an overall nerf. Kaldr, a large source of damage and her unique skill was reduced from 90% attack damage to 80% at max rank (a consistent 10% nerf across all levels). Kaldr does double damage to targets afflicted by Piercing Cold, making this 10% nerf a 20% nerf when used in combination. Thanks to /u/WyzeThawt for pointing out that I am bad at math. While it does make the nerf more significant after Piercing Cold in raw numbers (10% of 200 > 10% of 100), the percentage is always 10%.

This was meant to reduce frustration when facing against her and offset a 15% movement speed buff to her 3, since updated again to include a lingering effect. It seems nearly everyone considered these changes a big nerf to Skadi and in a new season where AMC and Cupid are seeing pro level play, Skadi seems to be the lone wolf at the bottom of the tier list.

But the nerf to Kaldr is only half the story – nearly every item top Skadi players purchase saw a cost increase or stat nerf in the same patch (Talaria boots were nerfed in the previous patch reported as a bug fix).

Because Kaldr's damage is more influenced by his 80% attack damage (previously 90%) than his 50% attack speed, Skadi's damage relied on penetration items. Because Skadi lacks a true escape, her build's usually included additional movement speed as well. Here are how her most common items were nerfed:

  • Telaria Boots (3.25) – Marking a target for Kaldr to chase no longer causes Telaria Boots to generate gold.
  • Heartseeker – Becomes a melee only item; Skadi can no longer purchase.
  • Masamune - Becomes a melee only item; Skadi can no longer purchase.
  • Titan's Bane – Increased price from 2050 -> 2300
  • Brawler's Beat Stick – Decreased Physical Penetration from 20 -> 15 (decreased cost from 2400 -> 2200)
  • The Crusher – Decreased Physical Power from 40 -> 30, Decreased Physical Penetration from 20 -> 15 (added +15 Attack Speed); Passive changed from: Each Basic Attack against towers and phoenixes grants a Stack that increases your Attack Speed by 10% and Physical Penetration by 5 for 2s.(Max. 5 Stacks) -> Successfully hitting an enemy god with a basic attack will subtract 1s from all your abilities currently on cooldown. This effect can only occur once every 5s.
  • Jotunn's Wrath – Increase price from 2440 -> 2450 (admittedly the least significant change).

As you can see, the nerf to Skadi's abilities only tells half the story. Nearly every item she utilized has become unavailable to her or nerfed. She performs well in duel, but the game isn't primarily balanced around duel and if that is the reason, then the nerf to the items should have been the starting point. Then, only if her duel dominance persisted, should they have explored nerfing Kaldr. As it stands now, she's only gone from bad to worse.

TL;DRAfter not only a nerf to Skadi's abilities, but a nerf to every item she builds, patch 4.1 has left her significantly underperforming.

submitted by /u/AllenRoughton
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It upsets me that I have to personally email Hi-Rez to actually get someone banned for violating rules.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:12 AM PST

Hear me out for a second, I know that there's a 'an action has been taken place' notification that you can sometimes get, and if you've got that notification before, great! I, personally have never gotten the notification however, and I've come across a lot of toxic people.

Now I won't report someone for saying 'stfu you bitch' or something like that, because in my eyes at least, it's not very report worthy, we all have our moments where we get frustrated and need to cuss our anger out. However, I will not hesitate to report someone if they're being racist and homophobic towards me or any other player on my team, or sending death threats in game and after the game, just for not playing well. I report them in the client, obviously. Provide screenshots and examples of the what the player has said.

Even though I provide as much evidence as I can, I STILL have never gotten the 'An action has been taken place' notification. And these people get away with being horrible, and they continue to be horrible.

It's come to the point where I have to message customer support, telling them to please do something about this racist and homophobic person, or a person sending death threats, and guess what? They usually end up doing something, but they always say 'Keep in mind, we have a report function in game, please use that instead of emailing us'.

And I would, I don't want to have to email Hi-Rez every time I see someone with unacceptable behavior. But in my experience, Hi-Rez have done nothing when I use the in-game report function.

TL;DR: Reports in game are not being payed attention to unless you mass-report someone, and I've resorted to emailing Hi-Rez about players with unacceptable behavior, which they don't want emails about.

submitted by /u/Charmtsu
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Just wanna send some love to PBM

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:06 PM PST

Just wanted to say that PBM has been pumping out videos on his Youtube channel of really good season 4 content that i can see as being very useful to new players,as a Khepri main ,his newest video is very well thought out and i can't find anything he could have missed. Good job PBM.

Upvote this so he hopefully sees it please!

submitted by /u/SirStrawberryJam
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Apollo putting DM to sleep

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:11 PM PST

Xing Tian's New Root

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:35 PM PST

Xing Tian has had a good deal of trouble since his nerfs, and making the root a much larger size helps him compete with other guardians in the support role that have more cc. Any thoughts? Obviously he has other issues with his ult windup, but any little buff helps. (Yes this is a known issue, but i think it should stay)

submitted by /u/electricviper
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Wolfy2032: Mechanics Of Thanatos, Better Picks, and Builds

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:24 PM PST

It would be cool to have a God with basic attacks like fafnir in dragon form

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:39 PM PST

Having a cone spray with low damage/high AS and reduced range would be a lot of fun on a frontline God. I guess like anubis 1 but with a smaller cone and you can move during it? Could put it on a toggle ability that drains mana like empowered xbal attacks. Might be hard for them to tune the damage but it could be really interesting on a warrior or guardian for an on hit build

submitted by /u/rotorain
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Bacchus cop skin concept

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:16 AM PST

coffee and donut how is this not in the game yet? but please don't use a retarded voice pack, do it like that anubis K9 voice lines.

submitted by /u/h8m8
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Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:56 PM PST

Can Hi-Rez please do something to his stun? Reduce the range, lower the damage, lower the stun duration, make it be where it hits and stuns the 1st unit hit instead of going through the wave, increase the cooldown, or decrease the speed of it. There just needs to be something changed with it because that ability is one of the most bullshit abilities that I can think of.

submitted by /u/kooldUd74
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Tyr Vector Wallpaper

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:38 AM PST

You can do this with Nu Wa minions

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:28 AM PST

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