Overwatch - My single greatest achievement in overwatch

My single greatest achievement in overwatch

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:14 PM PST

I made 'Mercy' in Minecraft from the Halloween screenshot.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:49 AM PST

I'll never understand Roadhog's Hook...

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:52 AM PST

OW Team: "One guy cant lose whole game, its always team fault!" Roadhog: "Hold my beer"

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:01 AM PST

Every Tank Hero Highlight Intro, but with CATS

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:00 AM PST

Imgur album with a few of them in GIF form! http://imgur.com/a/vyGYP

Here's the full animation to all of the highlight intros!

And here's a side-by-side comparison with the in-game highlight intros!

Hey guys! Dillon here. Thanks for the awesome response last time I posted the Offense heroes of "KatsuWatch", a new series I'm working on. This time, I have the Tank heroes done for you guys! This means Reinhardt, Winston, D.Va, Zarya, and Roadhog. I really hope you like it! I will be continuing the series and doing the Defense and Support heroes soon, so stay tuned!

Let me know what you guys think :)

submitted by /u/dillongoo
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TIL Death Blossom is in fact an actual military slang word and not just some edgy shit the OW team came up with

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:45 AM PST

I might have gotten the record for longest-range hook in 2.0?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:58 AM PST

Look both ways before beginning your celebration

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:15 AM PST

Pro tip for DPS players forced onto lucio: when in doubt default to the passive 30% speed, not the healing.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:50 AM PST

As a rein main in masters, never have I been saved by 12.5 healing per second. If you're inexperienced on lucio, just stay on the speed mode and wait for amp if you need more heals. If you're close to ult then at least flicker between the two so I still get speed. Do whatever you want between fights.

Also, DPS players, stop fucking yelling at lucios for using speed. Nothing worse than them just defaulting to healing and I have to try and shield battle against a team that is 30% faster than me the rest of the match. I don't understand how people don't notice how much easier it is with the extra speed.

submitted by /u/boogerking2
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Jeff Kaplan would be *very* excited to work on a Clan/Guild system

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:36 AM PST

I never pressed Shift so hard

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:37 AM PST

How Lucio helped me remember who I really was

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:25 AM PST

When I was a kid up until my second year of college, I was always praised for having such a positive and caring outlook in life that nothing can ever make me sad and angry. It even went as far as being able to prevent my friend from committing suicide, which he thanks me till this day. I never got the point in being consumed by negative emotions; it always seemed to be such a drag when you know for a fact that you always have the option in looking at the lighter side of everything.

Fast forward to 2009, something really bad happened in my life which I won't go into detail. It was so bad that I did a complete 180 from who I was. I was always so angry, irritated, cynical and distrustful with people, even to the ones I held dear. I always wanted to be alone and not be disturbed. When Overwatch came out, I immediately looked at the support lineup because I've always played support in all of the past games I played. I've picked up Lucio and started getting good with him. Slowly, Lucio's positivity seeped into me with every uplifting quote he said. The feeling of being positive felt familiar and foreign at the same time. It was until 2 weeks ago that when I was in my last game until gold, was a really bad game. While I was waiting to be respawned, I told my teammates to just give up and hopefully we don't face another 5 stack. Respawned and heard Lucio utter words that strongly resonated with me.

"Don't give up, we can still win this!"

I don't know what came over me, but I speed boosted back to the objective and fired the sound barrier and went ham, which resulted to barely winning the game. Sorry if it sounds cheesy, but ever since then, my buddies said that they felt a nice change of pace when they talk to me and it really makes me happy. Thanks to the Overwatch team for creating a character like Lucio.

Sorry for the long post. If we happen to see each other in a game, I'll always let you guys know that don't forget to have fun and I'm proud of you, win or lose.

And the beat goes on!

Tl;dr – Lucio made OP positive again after years of being an ass.

submitted by /u/Tenseiken
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Lúcio - Sonhos Ômnicos!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:02 AM PST

The beauty of 0% cooldown.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:17 AM PST

I drew Doomfist

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:44 AM PST

There must be an invisible Sombra contesting the poi - oh

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:38 AM PST

Blizzard Shuts Down the Playwatch Magazine

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:00 AM PST

A few days ago, the Playwatch creators received a notification from a digital copyright protection agency that claims Playwatch Magazine infringes Blizzard's intellectual property rights for using Overwatch Heroes.

For a period of three months I had the pleasure of collaborating on the magazine that spread quickly and attracted hundreds of thousand of readers in just a couple of weeks. From the first issue until the last one, many collaborators, including me, were able to join the team to bring Overwatch fans a new way of enjoying the game and creating a place where artists and writers could share their work with the rest of the community.

The Playwatch team wrote to Blizzard, but they haven't responded yet. I am still trying to figure out the reason for the shutdown. We weren't harming anyone with the project, on the contrary, we were writing articles and drawing fan art for other Overwatch fans to enjoy them. The copyright company asked the Playwatch team to close the website and delete all the tweets and posts related to the Magazine. They even had to remove the Twitter cover picture because it showed two Overwatch heroes (fan art created by one of the collaborators).

There are thousand of artists, websites, twitter account, youtubers… using Overwatch heroes in their channels, even making money with them. Why aren't we allowed to keep doing this fan work? Maybe blizzard is chasing Overwatch porn, but the magazine had no porn on it or in it, the cover was a parody of Playboy and there were no nudes or explicit content inside. On the contrary, it was full of fan art, articles, and some creative and hilarious ideas, like an interview with bastion or conversations with fed-up support characters.

I am just sad to see a project like this, full of fans, full of imagination and hard work, with the only purpose of entertaining other fans, being shut down without an answer from Blizzard :(

submitted by /u/Falahil
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Jeff Kaplan: McCree is getting new content this year

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:31 AM PST

Can Winston please have a peanut butter related highlight intro?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:10 PM PST

I play winston,
- When I play Winston there is a jar of peanut butter on my desk
- I play the horizon skin because it's the same colour as peanut butter, the Wukong skin may be a better fit though.
- My voiceline references peanut butter
- My emote shows winston eating peanut butter, I weep tears of joy while watching it. - My player icon is peanut butter
- My spray is peanut butter
- My life is peanut butter.

But do you know what isn't Peanut butter related?
My highlight intro

When I do well with Winston and please the big glowing ball of peanut butter in the sky, I can't then show the enemy team the true power of Peanut Butter.

I will wrestle with Jeff, covered in peanut butter to have this.

submitted by /u/TheLastParade
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Jeff Kaplan explains Blizzard's buff/nerf philosophy

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:19 AM PST

Dear Blizzard the sombra arg challenge was fine, just not the "countdown" rewards

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:50 PM PST

I saw a post on the forums, that said that blizzard took the sombra arg to heart, and I was worried that something like this would happen after such an event.

I'm here to say that the challenge was welcomed, we understood quite clearly, that solving the puzzles wouldn't release sombra faster, however, while some may have been willing to fool around with the puzzles, the difficulty curve required to go through to solve these puzzles, were at times nigh impossible for the majority of your playerbase,

I think it was well within reason that when the more dedicated overwatch puzzle solvers stayed they expected something to happen as a result of braving such trials, but the reward that followed were countdowns till the nigh end. Even though we got a spray out of it, a more relevant reward was expected, not something ludicrous or over the top, but something related to the puzzle, which was information on sombra.

In the end the rewards weren't satisfactory for all our hard work , that just about the only problem, we are ecstatic whenever we get early information or a preview into the characters we loved the challenge of it all, those are very much welcomed, what wasn't welcomed was an unrewarding extremely difficult task. So if you wanted to learn anything from the arg that would be it.

submitted by /u/OverTim
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Today is Charlet Chung's (Voice of D.Va's) birthday!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:12 AM PST

IMDb proof

Happy NerfBirthday, Charlet!

submitted by /u/Sean_The_Pawn
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Why I hate Symmetra with every fibre of my body, but don't want her to change.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:43 AM PST

I've had this deep, burning loathing within me for some time now, bubbling away, making me saltier than the Dead Sea. I don't think I have ever experienced such complete and utter contempt for someone before, real or fictional.

Every time I run out of spawn, full of hope and vigour, looking forward to a fun, challenging game of Overwatch and am greeted with a painfully slow moving ball of death I consider leaving, knowing full well that the next 10 minutes will just be me screaming death threats at someone I will never meet. (Not down the mic, just to myself).

I hate Symmetra. I hate her turrets. I hate her death beam. I hate her death balls. I hate both her ults. I hate people who play her. I hate how morally ambiguous her backstory is. The only thing I can't hate is her voice actor, because like them all she does a great job.

Despite all this, I don't think she needs to be changed. My hatred drives me, inspires me. I want to be the greatest anti Symmetra player ever. I want to make it so if anyone plays Symmetra on the enemy team they get nothing but pain and frustration as I take everything they love from them.

The lore of Overwatch is fantastic, but for me Symmetra is the one true villain, an evil far greater than Talon or any omnic.

submitted by /u/edhfarrow
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My Inspiration as Reinhardt

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:46 AM PST

Nine plays you might have missed from Apex - CaptainPlanet

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:30 AM PST

Hey Reddit, CaptainPlanet here! I sometimes write about Overwatch. This week there's no Meta Report, but I thought I'd do something different instead. There was not a lot of professional Overwatch last week, but sometimes quality can overcome quantity -- at least when keeping up with what the pros are doing. Big individual plays can shape the narrative surrounding the "why" pro teams run the lineups that they do. It can be as simple as a Widomaker headshot, or as complex as a multi-ultimate combo. The point being, at the top level of Overwatch heroes are chosen for a reason and sometimes that reason emerges in a lineup-defining way. With that in mind, I present the 9 plays you might have missed in the last two weeks of Apex Season 2:

1. The Biggest Bang?


There's an argument to be made for playing Tracer whenever there's a Zarya in your team's lineup, if only for plays like this one. There's also an argument to be made that pushes to the top left of Hanamura often fall flat because of how little space is available for the attacking team. Big Bang Combos are mainstays of king of the hill maps, but Tracer's mobility and rapid ultimate charge rate has contributed to her steady rise in usage on payload and 2CP maps. On offense, Tracer fits well into resurging dive comps, but on defense teams highly value her combo-ability with big tank ultimates like Graviton Surge.

2. Tviq demonstrates the Power of Positioning (and Helix Direct Hits) with Soldier 76


There's no denying that Soldier 76 has been one of the premier DPS heroes since the balance change that brought increased his damage, but his overall usage was dampened by D.Va's nigh-unkillable harassment. Well no more! In this clip, TviQ has positioned himself on the high right platform overlooking the entire point of Temple of Anubis, having used a combination of rocket jumps and sprinting to get there. Because Soldier 76 deals long-range sustained damage -- rather than spike-y damage like McCree, long sight lines are essential for a successful 76 player. Stationed where he is, TviQ can see all avenues of attacking as well as punish any attacker who dives too deep by mowing them down when they try to flee.

Remember how I said Soldier 76 deals sustained damage rather than spike damage? That's not entirely true, because Helix Rockets exist. After finishing off Tydolla's Genji, TviQ nails Takethis' baby D.Va with Helix direct hit that speaks to hours of practice. Soon after, he responds to a call from his teammates that Attune's Tracer has ended up somewhere near point B and again nails the Helix from extremely long range. Helix direct hits deal the same damage (120) as a Pharah Rocket directs, and give skilled Soldier 76 players the on-demand burst that they sometimes need.

3. The next step in the Evolution of D.Va Torturing


During the Tank Meta, teams found themselves with an overabundance of D.Vas without their mech suits after teamfights. Realizing the opportunity to split-spawn their opponents -- and gaining valuable seconds by doing so -- pros began to develop progressively more interesting ways to bully the baby D.Vas like cats playing with their food. First it was simple Ana Sleep Darts followed by mocking the D.Va's sleeping figure with dance circles. Then Roadhogs started to save suicidal D.Vas from death by jumping off the map by hooking them to safety. Now, it seems Misfits has taken it to a new level by completely barring Takethis' desperate attempt to return to his team by stuffing three tanks in the choke and body-blocking her. I honestly didn't even know this was possible.

4. The Ryujehong play you might have missed


Teams bring Anas for the obvious reason -- she has the best single target healing output in the game. But Ryujehong showcases another reason why Ana is so good: she's extremely resistant to flankers. Ryujehong plays Ana in a bit of a different way than traditional Ana players like Chipshajen, in that he almost always saves his Biotic Grenade to turn the tide of a 1v1. In this clip, he use it and some good positional awareness to avoid being killed by Saebyolbe's Tracer. This puts him in a position to flip the table on the Tracer player; Ryujehong hits one shot which with a bit of help from Zunba's Zarya bomb ends Saebyolbe's life.

5. Luna, the ultimate Kiter?


Speaking of Ana, she's pretty damn effective on the offensive as well. Let's play a little bit of Overwatch Detective with this clip to find out how Ryujehong's counterpart, Luna, contributes to four separate kills throughout this team fight. Leading off, Luna Nanoboosts Janus who has just Earthshattered Whoru's Genji, which Luna promptly kills offscreen.

Luna 1

He then gets jumped Miro's Winston who does what Miro does best and nearly kills Luna on the spot.

Luna 2

But Luna doesn't care. Luna sleeps Miro just as the final health bar is about to tick off. Janus on Reinhardt cleans up after him.

Luna 3

Luna rushes under the bridge to grab the big health pack, but by the time he gets back to the point Whoru has returned and he's seeking vengeance.

Luna 4

But Luna barely pays attention to him -- he's busy finishing off Zunba on the other side of the point.

Luna 5

Which he does.

Luna 6

Zunba dispatched, Luna casually pulls a 180 and...whiffs his first shot at Whoru. But what he does next is actually more impressive. You have to listen to the audio to hear it, but after the 180 and falling off of the bridge, Luna hits the clutch sleep dart before Whoru can Dash him to death.

Luna 7

While the camera is elsewhere, we see that Luna Biotic Grenade combos the sleeping Whoru to death

Luna 8

And then Lunatic Hai holds the point anyway. I still give my MVP to Luna here though, his actions directly or indirectly lead to the deaths of four Lunatic Hai members. Rock on, nutty Ana players.

6. This single support, Sombra strategy teams have been running on Lijiang Tower

Ult at: https://youtu.be/NpLgXGPGj2Q?t=1143

Sombra players these days are often flamed even before teams leave the hero select screen. Good Sombras are hard to come by after all, but the pro community has started to warm up to new, Sombra-based strategies. Particularly, teams are starting to play around with single-support, Triple DPS Sombra lineups on Lijiang Tower's Control Center, where Sombra's EMP is nigh unavoidable. The Sombra in this lineup hacks the nearby health packs for her pair of flankers (a Genji and Tracer) to stay topped off, while also quickly charging her ultimate. Twilight then drops the EMP on the point, deleting Panker's Reinhardt shield as well as the bubble that Butcherr had just applied to him.* Panker dies instantly afterwards without means to defend himself and Myunghoon easily cleans up with his Dragonblade.

In terms of impact that a good EMP can have, you can make the argument that it's near the level of Graviton Surge. Sure, it does not lock a team in place, but it's instant, un-dodge-able, and reduces your opponent's ability to fight back to nearly zero. So the next time you're on the ranked ladder and someone locks in Sombra, think twice before flaming. Make sure you use their hacked health packs early and often, and maybe you will get to experience your own EMP-based team wipe.

*As a side-note: this is the most cinematic EMP I've ever seen, shoutout to OGN's observers

7. Stealth-Roadhog hooks to combo with Earthshatters


Outiside of Graviton Surge, Earthshatter is perhaps the most impactful ultimate in Overwatch. But pros have a problem with Earthshatter: actually landing it. Reinhardts are constantly trying to block, bait, and counterbait each other into wasting their Earthshatters into each other's shields. The Reinhardt mindgames are real -- so teams are constantly looking for ways to make their Earthshatters more consistent. Enter DNCE on Roadhog -- a hero that has fallen somewhat out of favor on king of the hill since the Hook 2.0 change. He sneaks into a position that Conbox is not expecting, then hooks...the Roadhog. Whoops. We can see what Kongdoo Uncia was trying to do here because Panker's Earthshatter hits milliseconds after DNCE's hook; it would have hit every single Conbox player had it connected with Gamsu's Reinhardt to drop the shield. This hook play is much more consistent and faster than spamming down the shield, or trying to guess when Gamsu would blink in the shield battle mindgame. Keep an eye out for innovative methods of dropping the Reinhardt's shield -- even if only for a split second -- whenever a team has an Earthshatter burning a hole in their pocket.

8. Remember that thing I said about Biggest Big Bang?


Mendokusaii did one better in this clip from Cloud 9's Lijiang Tower match against Afreeca Freecs Blue. Again, great example of the synergy between Zarya and Tracer

9. The EnVyUs Crossfire

The relevant action starts here

But I suggest starting from here to see all of Taimou's highlights.

This is the highlight you've all been waiting for. Everyone knows that Taimou...has good aim, but his otherworldly Widowmaker play is part of a larger Overwatch concept: the Crossfire. Monte and Doa correctly catch on to what's at play here, but don't have time to fully explain what makes the Crossfire strategy work between Taimou ripping off headshot after headshot. Crossfire requires two hitscan at opposing sides of the enemy, piling on the pressure simultaneously. The opposing team cannot hide behind a one-way Reinhardt shield, and so one of the two hitscan players always has an open look.

As the main EnVyUs faction pushes the cart, Taimou sets up the Crossfire by flanking to the back side of the point on his Widowmaker. To their credit, BK Stars catches on to his positioning as soon as he picks off Carpe in spawn, but Taimou outplays their effort to chase him away by nailing the clutch headshot on Bunny's Tracer. Taimou retreats, but then returns to this same position after nailing Bunny -- now on Genji -- this time uncontested. As the Cart turns the corner, Harryhook pops his Nanovisor on the other side of the arena and BK Stars has to choose between the Aimbot and the TAimbot. Unable to come to a consensus, they keel over dead instead.

Bear with me, I'm going to invoke a sports analogy because this is my article, damnit, and I'll do what I want. Thanks to a couple of rule changes and a sudden increase in skilled sharpshooters in the NBA, teams like the Golden State Warriors and the Houston Rockets have rewritten the rules on how offenses work in the league. Stacking their lineups with long range shooters and skilled ball-handlers has opened up floorspace that was never before thought possible, and the teams that make use of this new style of play have flourished in the contemporary NBA. The Crossfire style of play in Overwatch is a natural mirror to what's happened in the NBA in the past couple of years. A new rule change (the recent balance patch) has opened up the door for skilled sharpshooters (hitscan players) to rewrite the rules of controlling space in Overwatch. Just like defenses struggle to defend the Steph Curry / Draymond Green pick and roll, so does BK Stars struggle to defend against EnVyUs' own brand of Finnish Curry. Of course, it does help that Taimou can get just as spicy as Steph: when they're on, they can't miss...

I hope you all enjoyed this diversion from the Meta Report -- I'll be back next week late in the week, I'm going to be travelling all weekend!


Until next time,



submitted by /u/Falcon_Kick
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