Fallout - [SPOILER] I just finished the game without even going to sanctuary and you get unique dialogue with Codsworth.

[SPOILER] I just finished the game without even going to sanctuary and you get unique dialogue with Codsworth.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:52 PM PST

I half expected to go back to sanctuary an not even expect any additional dialogue, just Codsworth wanting to be a companion, but i was wrong and when he asks about young Shaun, you can tell him the institute kidnapped him and that both him and your wife are dead (if you sided against the institute). I thought that was really clever to add those lines even though few people ever skip out on sanctuary until the end.

submitted by /u/GodsOlderCousin
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Man The BoS are dicks.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:22 AM PST

So I invaded the institute using the brotherhood and damn, They open fire at innocent scientists, I got into the bioscience place first and a BoS Knight just destroyed that scientist who was like "wtf lmfao help"

submitted by /u/Tr4iLL
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Codsworth understands Takahashi (or pretends to).

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:53 AM PST


I love the little interactions Cosdworth has with various people in the game.

submitted by /u/Psyker_girl
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Has anyone made a Diamond City Radio playlist that includes Travis's commentary?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:24 PM PST

I'm currently building a prop Pip-Boy for my phone, and I want to be able to play DCR from it. I'm currently using a Spotify playlist of the DCR songs, but it just doesn't feel right without Travis's commentary on songs and the world. Does anyone have a trackc or playlist with his commentary added to the relevant songs and his news updates?

submitted by /u/ousire
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I'm finally getting Fallout 4!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 11:04 PM PST

I know this game has been out since forever, but I don't care, I'm excited!

A few years back, I lost a lot of things and people important in my life. My job, my friends, my car, to name a few. Money became really tight, and what was once a purchase that I could easily afford, now became completely unwise and out of reach. I promised that I would never spoil it for myself, and decided that one day, when things were better, I would find a way to get this game, no matter what. Since then I've completely avoided this sub, as well as any news about the game. I still don't know what its about, or even who the characters are.

I'll spare the gory details, but eventually I was able to find stability somewhat, with internet work, freelance writing and learning to code. The money isn't as great as it used to be, but it keeps the bills paid and me from starving in the street. I still have to avoid frivolous spending though.

A few months ago, my sister bought me an xbox one for my birthday. A few days ago we were reminiscing and she remembered the game that we used to play together back in the day(Fallout 3). I told her there was now a part 4, and today she said she bought it for me! I'm so excited for it to come, and so grateful! My sis didn't have to do that, but she did!

I'm so happy right now! I'm so grateful to have a sister like mine! I'm glad to finally be getting this game. I can hardly wait to play!

submitted by /u/dingycollar
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RaspberryPi Pipboy3000 Project

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:42 AM PST


Slowly building a Pipboy3000 using a 3D print and a RaspberryPi.

submitted by /u/richardanthonymorris
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Found this cool picture of Nick on the Community Hub (Artist: killdeny)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:42 AM PST

Xbox One Season Pass on Sale Anywhere?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:18 PM PST

I've been waiting a little while to get the Fallout 4 season pass because I want to wait until it's marked down. I check several websites and the marketplace every week and so far I haven't had any luck catching a sale. Does anyone know of any sales going on this week for the season pass on Xbox One? Or if not sales, maybe websites that sell them?

It's tax season and I want to get the season pass while I've got a few extra bucks. Thanks everyone!

submitted by /u/DamionVolentine
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Stumbled in to Old Olney Sewers by accident...

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:30 AM PST

5 Deathclaws downed before I had to run for my damn life after i'd run out of Stimpaks and Jet. FU Deathclaws!

submitted by /u/epsilonik
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[Shitpost] What if Bethesda and Rockstar collaborated on a Fallout game?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:58 PM PST

Am I gonna get a bunch of hate and be called a heretic? Just hear me out, please.

Bethesda would handle the Roleplay elements, quests, and story, maybe lots of aesthetics too.

Rockstar would do the gameplay, vehicles, and some other shit. Also, I'm sure that the game could have plenty of humor that would be decided by both devs (like Ryan Reynolds shooting ideas for Deadpool).

How do you guys think this would turn out? Of course it will never happen, but I think a Fallout game with fun vehicle mechanics and better physics would be SO FUCKING FUN

Edit: AAAAAAAAND THERE'S THE DOWNVOTES XD I swear, you can't have a fucking opinion anymore.

submitted by /u/DarkestXStorm
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Wooooh hoohooohooooo

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:36 AM PST

Liam Binet Terminal

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:45 AM PST

I found a terminal in the institute that said that teenager Liam Binet received a "wrist injury from use of terminal, but declined to explain further". Sounds to me like Liam has been looking at "Synth Sluts 5" a little too often...

submitted by /u/ChooChooPaPow
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Question about Fallout series.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:20 AM PST

Hi. I recently purchased New Vegas after wanting to play the game for a while. I heard from a friend that you did not have to play any other fallout games in order to follow New Vegas. My question is if I can do the same for the other games. Do I have to play 1-4 in order or does it not matter? If not, which games would you recommend I play first?

I love New Vegas so far and I look forward to playing the other games in the future. Thank you

submitted by /u/basedgodCookie
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Fallout 4 randomly deleted

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:30 PM PST

I have been playing it again and then after one day steam wants me to install it again but I have all the files.

submitted by /u/-ChooseGoose-
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Radio Mod not Working

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:29 PM PST

I'm having a problem with a mod I use called Radio Nam. It's a radio station, but it stopped working. I tried reloading the game and I noticed it stops right after I blew up the Institute. However, I loaded my other save where I blew up the institute and it works fine. I tried reinstalling it and getting rid of other radio mods. idk what to do now. Can someone help.

Heres a link to the mod page. https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/2713796

submitted by /u/otayah
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Are there any mods for passing out?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:11 AM PST

Maybe another level of immersion for fallout games (I'm talking 3, NV, and 4) would be a % chance to pass out if you're extremely close to death, or from a crippled head, or sleep deprivation in survival mode. There could be a brief minigame to stay awake, and if you fail you pass out. It could act akin to the wait system, and depending on how long you're out for there would be a % chance for a loss of random inventory (because you're gonna get looted). Just a thought.

submitted by /u/wasgudlilma
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Showerthought: The Sole Survivor(and I suppose ghouls also)have sort of been dealt some cruel circumstances, because they can remember the what the world was like before the The Great War.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:57 PM PST

PS4 Won't Load With Nuka World

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:25 AM PST

I can download every other dlc, but when I install Nuka World, my game or the mods won't load. Like I would hit continue and the loading circle would appear at the bottom of the screen and just sit there. And with the mods, I click on that, but it just says initializing. It won't load no matter how long I sit there. Any help would be great. 3rd time reinstalling the game...

submitted by /u/JocularMonkey
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(Fo4) Destroying the Brotherhood after their ending.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:36 PM PST

Is there any way to join the brotherhood, complete the story, then come back as the Nuka World raiders and destroy them?

submitted by /u/magnuman307
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What recurring characters would you like to see in the next Fallout game?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:05 AM PST

In New Vegas, Doc Mitchell appears, who was also in Fallout 2. In Fallout 4, we see Doctor Madison Li, who was in Fallout 3. Who would you like to see from Fallout 4 in the next game?

submitted by /u/BIG_GAPING_CUNT
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Fallout Arizona - Part 4: Sunrise

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:35 AM PST

Are you seeing this?

Yes, thought Haywood, but she could scarcely believe it. They had camped overnight at the old junction on the All-American canal, so as to have the morning sun on their side in case Legion soldiers remained in Sunrise. They made their way down the Araz road and the settlement's namesake revealed the unending horror. The irony was not lost on her.

For over a mile along the side of the road stood wooden crosses, each affixed with a person; the settlers of Sunrise. There were so many that there could be no one left to account for. She periodically checked for life signs from every few crosses, but there were so many, and all were still. For a moment, Haywood thought that perhaps it wasn't a raid at all: just a cruel slaughter.

Have you noticed something? Enquired Fernandez.

Apart from a road of death, what else was there to notice, she thought.

They're all men.

Fernandez was right. Haywood had yet to caught on to this. Men, on every cross. Some as young as teenagers, and the elderly too, accompanied with every age in between. No women and no children. Haywood felt fear, she was not immune to it, but she had seen enough not to suffer from the feeling too often. This was something else: a sign of things to come.

Come on, let's check the town.

There was not much to see. Every building had been burned to the ground. The fires had expired and apart from the odd smouldering bit of wood, the skies were clear.

Well, now what?

Fernandez's question was more than pertinent. They had orders to pursue Ungala, but on the understanding that they'd be able to acquire some information from the settlers and track him into Arizona. Haywood was at a loss.


A deep booming voice came from behind. Their instinct took over and they aimed their weapons as they reeled around. The first thought from Haywood was that this was either someone who was very stupid, or had never seen an NCR Ranger before. Yet the moment she saw the individual and origin of the voice she dropped her guard.

Facing her was a monstrous humanoid: scaly and green - A Super Mutant. She had seen them before, but the majority had left the NCR many years ago, after the defeat of the Master, the leader of the initial Super Mutant scourge. However, the ones who had remained in the Republic were always friendly, well-mannered and intelligent. This, added to the fact that a bullet would merely aggravate the beast, were the determinant factors in her signal to Fernandez to lower her gun.

Yeah, NCR Rangers.

You're late.

What happened here?

Legion. They came from over the river. Killed all the men. Took the women and children.

Why only take the women and children?

They raise the children: males become soldiers, females will replace their mothers as slaves and child bearers.

Haywood felt sick. She didn't understand. She knew raiders could commit despicable acts against women, but they usually had women in their ranks. She knew that even in the NCR some fathers were not fit to bear the name, but women were revered in their society. The first NCR President was a woman, an idol to Haywood and to so many other females in the Republic. And now, these people were rewriting everything. Well, not on her watch.

Which way did they go?

Back across the river.

Do you know where?

No, although if you're planning on going after them, I request to join you.

Captain, we can't take a mutie. No offense.

No offense taken, but I can look after myself. Also, I may have something you want to see.

With that the mutant turned and walked away without a word.

I guess we should follow it.

Haywood agreed. They walked alongside the lumbering juggernaut, flanking it on either side.

Who are you? Asked Haywood.

My name is Gabby.


Yes. Well that's what they call me. The humans that lived here.

Why? Fernandez interjected.

I believe It's ironic. A title that conveys to be very talkative, but I'm usually a woman of very few words.


Yes, before I became a Super Mutant I was a woman, I believe. It was so long ago it's hard to remember.

And you lived here?

Yes, I suppose they thought I would be useful protection for the town.

Some good that did them. Snorted Fernandez.

The mutant paused and faced Fernandez, who recoiled slightly.

I dismembered five of their members before they decided I was not worth the effort. Would you like to find out how useful I am in a fight?

The mutant briefly stared the ghoul down, then continued onwards. Haywood smiled to Fernandez.

Never seen you that scared.

What about that time that man came onto me in Dayglow?

They re-joined the mutant.

My name is Captain Haywood, this is Sergeant Fernandez.

It is a pleasure to meet you.

Why are you so keen to join us?

I feel I owe these people. The Legion must pay for their crimes. I would have gone after them myself, but that would have been suicide even for a Super-Mutant.

You know of the Legion?

Oh yes, I have been east. Seen what they do. They are not so kind to mutants, and ghouls too if you weren't aware. So, I came back west and settled here.

You said that we were late. Were you expecting us?

I suppose. I was under the impression that the NCR were aware that a large Legion slaver party had camped across the river.

Why would you say that?

The settlers here may not be aware of how brutal the Legion can be, but when you see fires burning across the river, I'm assuming a messenger would have been sent for help.

We received no word, as far as I know.

Then the settlers here must have thought they could deal with the Legion themselves.

Don't you know?

I may be accepted here, but I'm not exactly privy to the decisions of the council.

Haywood reflected on her discussion with the Agent from yesterday. It had been bothering her for some time that Christiansen had said that they had possible identification of the Legion leader, but they couldn't confirm, or perhaps willing to divulge, if Sunrise had been attacked. Yet, if they did know of the attack, then why send them at all to check? Unless…

He knew.

Who? Asked Fernandez.

Christiansen, not sure about Merritt. He told me in the meeting that they wanted Sunrise to join the Republic. So, they must have tracked the Legion raiding party across the river, knew that they were going to attack, but waited for Sunrise to ask for their help. Sunrise meanwhile knew this would set a precedent and lead to annexation, or they were just stubborn. Meanwhile HQ hear no word of an attack, they don't even check until they've sent us. Either they want to disregard it, lest they get blamed for leaving it unprotected, or maybe they thought that the Legion decided not to attack. Whatever the case, they choose to ignore it until we told them about Vitus. Then they had no choice but to send the only ones who knew, and at the same time we could do their dirty work by killing Ungala.

Vitus? Asked the mutant.

Yes, he was a legion scout we ran into the other day.

Funny you should say that…

They had reached the Yuma Crossing bridge on the Colorado river, still standing although a shadow of its former self. The river before them was calm, dividing the new ruins of Sunrise and the old ruins of Yuma on the opposite bank.

It's very nice and all but why are we here? Fernandez questioned.

A man came through here yesterday. He was dressed in Legion uniform. He calls himself Vitus.

Where is he?

Down there.

The mutant pointed towards the shore on their side of the river bank. Vitus was submerged in the shallows of the river, his upper torso and head above the water line. He was still and bowed over slightly.

He's still alive. I found him weeping in the Sunrise ruins. Never seen a man of the Legion cry. I had half a mind to take his head, but I thought he could prove useful for interrogation. He offered little resistance. I tied him up, and fastened a stone to his feet casting him into shallows. I said that if he didn't talk the river would take him. I still don't think he's realised that the Colorado has no tide.

Has he talked?

Yes, plenty. He says that he's on my side. Says he's trying to rescue a friend.

Then I think it's time we had a little chat with our new friend.

Vitus trembled next to the fire they had constructed near the ruins of Sunrise. Gabby stood behind him, supervising his movements in case he made an attempt to escape. Haywood took a seat next to him and handed him a flask. He looked at it quizzically.

New Republic whiskey. It'll warm you up.

He took it slowly, took a long sip and then coughed.

I'm sorry I drugged you both. I didn't know if you would let me go.

Vitus spoke softly and carefully. His sentences were sometimes broken, but his words were always articulate.

Best night's sleep I've had in years. Joked Fernandez.

Let's start from the beginning, Vitus. Tell me everything you know.

Vitus handed the flask back to Haywood. He brushed his hair back.

Many summers ago, before I was Legion, a man came to my village. His name was Peter Lowell. He was a kind and learned man. He came from a tribe, or um what you call group? Called the Followers.

The Followers of the Apocalypse?

Yes. He said he was there to look at the broken wall: the dam in the River of Souls. But instead he stayed with us for two summers. The Elders did not like him living in the village as he was outsider, so, he lived in a cave above the river. We youngsters liked him.

He paused briefly.

Walks-Among-the-Stars especially, she spent much time with him.

Sorry, walk where?

No, her name. Her name is Walks-Among-the-Stars. It is a tribal name. She is the last of… my old tribe - The Painted Rocks.

If she's from your tribe, how come she's the last?

I am Legion. Only Legion. That is the way it is and must be.

Okay, go on. Haywood gestured for him to continue.

Peter taught her much about his knowledge, and she taught him about our ways. But when the Legion came, they killed him along with the elders and many of our warriors. I was taken but she hid. After a time, I left the Legion, not for good, but as a speculatore, I am expected to be gone for many months, so I returned to my old village. I found her in Peter's cave. She thought I meant her harm, but I was just happy to see her alive. I would visit her as often as I could, but she is strong, stronger than me, a survivor, and she knows much. If my brothers could only see how much she knows, but they would kill her, so I kept her secret. Every time she would tell me of what she had learned, none of it I understood. The last time though, she told me she had broke the password. On those windows.


The box windows, with words.

I think he means a terminal. Gabby suggested.

Yes, on this terminal she heard Peter's voice. I have it… or I did.

He looked up to Gabby.

He has a holodisk in his bag. I have it here.

Gabby handed the bag to Haywood.

Okay, I'll listen to it later. Carry on.

I do not understand it, but she said it could save the Legion. She said that she needed to get over the great river. That she needed my help. How could I refuse her? But it would mean I would have to betray my brothers. I thought maybe I could bring her here and then return to my brothers.

How can you stand being with those people? Snarled Fernandez.

They are my family. I have become a great speculatore. I find many places for them. I found a place of the old world north of here and I found this place.

He fell silent.

I remembered this place and brought her here. But my brothers had already arrived. She gave me that message, in case we were separated. I tried to protect her, but they took her away. I escaped, but only just. I walked west.


I would die if I went east and I would be no good to her dead.

He began to tear and he looked to the sky.

What is your name? He asked Haywood.

You can call me Captain Haywood.

Do you have family Captain?

Yes, my parents live in Junktown.

And is your tribe – NCR - your family too?

NCR is my country. I love my country very much.

It is the same for me. Legion is my family, and I serve only them till death. But Walk-Among-the-Stars, she deserves to carry the name of the tribe. I will protect her even against my brothers. She believes in me. Without her I would have forgotten my past. My tribe, my old life. I would be like my brothers, with only the Legion to serve. For this, she deserves to be free.

And what of the others Vitus? The women and children taken here?

Many women are not like Stars, not like you. They are worse than dissolute. Degenerates. They live better as a slave.

Can I please shoot this guy? Fernandez queried.

Vitus, do you know where they may have taken your friend?

Yes. There is a great camp, a slave camp, in what they call Quartzsite. They will be taken there to be sold.

Do you know a man called Ungala? Ungala the Despoiler.

Vitus' eyes narrowed on Haywood.

Centurion Ungala. He is mighty, brave and one you do not want to fail. It was he who led the raid.

Haywood stroked her chin.

Would you recognise him if you saw him?

Of course, I have served him many times. He wears the face of a deathclaw…

Yes, I know.

But, I have failed him, he would kill me.

But if you take me to Quartzite, to Ungala, I can help rescue your friend.

Captain… Fernandez croaked.

I suppose, but what of them?

They're coming with us.

They are not pure. If my brothers see them…

Let me worry about that. But listen to me Vitus: I will be in charge, do understand?

Yes, I understand the principles of disciplinam.

But do you understand me?

Vitus took his time before answering carefully.

Yes, save my… friend Captain, and I will serve you loyally.

Okay, what of this of tape…

It talks of the metal soldiers.

Metal soldiers? You mean robots?

I do not know, just that they are secret.

Haywood, studied the holodisk. Its distinctive orange colour was faded, but it was otherwise intact.

Is there anywhere to play this? Haywood asked the mutant.

Yes, there are terminals in the old prison across the way. In the museum.

Alright, Fernandez keep an eye on Vitus. Gabby, keep an eye on Fernandez.

Fernandez dispatched a curse Haywood's way as she journeyed to the longstanding prison. She entered through the ancient broken gates and past the old cells. She knew little of history but knew it must have served the same purposes as the NCRCF's that held raiders and traitors throughout California. The museum had caved in partially and many of the items inside had been taken, most likely by the settlers of Sunrise. However, a terminal stood on a desk of the museum shop, useless for farmers and traders, but still running from its internal atomic battery. She powered the old machine and loaded the disk into the drive. The disk crackled for a moment before activating and broadcasting the deep voice of a male:

If you're listening to this Stars, then I am sorry. I am dead and I was never able to say goodbye. You must understand that I encrypted my terminal as I was unsure who may have had access. As you now know, the answer was in your name: stars, the sign you were born under. If I had made it any more obvious then this may have landed into the wrong hands.

I suppose I should start from the beginning: I left the Boneyard on behalf of the Followers on a journey into the Mojave Desert. My mission was to uncover the secrets of the great tower in the city that was once known as Las Vegas. From what I had learned, this tower – the Lucky 38 casino – was owned by Robert House, the pre-war genius and founder of Rob-Co industries. As a structural engineer, it was my task to find out how the building had avoided any signs of structural degradation, a contrast to the skyscrapers of Boneyard that had long since collapsed. Traders and travellers spoke of the tower with mystery, but what I did not expect was to find the building occupied. House was alive. There was little contemporary information available but it was believed that he had perished in the Great War. Now, here he was, alive and well, with the secret of longevity, far more valuable than anything I could find on structural durability.

He was willing to trade his secret if I could retrieve something for him: a poker chip. He said that it could be found in the ruins of what was once called Sunnydale, and he offered me more caps than all the Water Merchants of the Hub. "Do this" he said "and I will share Vegas with you." He wouldn't tell me anything more: what it was for, or even what it was exactly. House may be a genius, but his love of monetary wealth is his frailty. I assumed he was lying - an excuse to get rid of me.

So, I conducted my own research. Some of the operating systems he was using were old and easy to hack. I found information referring to a weather station on Fortification Hill near the old Hoover dam. Inside was a vault of some sort. I deducted that this place may actually be where he was "housed", if you excuse the pun. Inside could be the secret to everlasting life. Instead, I learnt that it contained an army: an undisclosed army of machines. With such an army, America could once again re-settled, the marauders and slavers placated for good.

Despite my efforts however, I was unable to open it. I had a plan though: the dam. If I could reroute power from the dam to the station, then maybe it may overload the blast doors protecting the inner sanctum, forcing them to open. Scavenging the ruins of Sunnydale back west for a mysterious chip was never in question, so I worked on optimising power output from the dam to the station. My understanding of hydraulic engineering was lacking, and only one turbine seemed operable. I would need more power.

I know I went out on a limb, alone into the wastes, but we Followers can be too restrained on our objectives sometimes. I found a map at Hoover that indicated all the dams in south-western America. I concluded that if I could find a dam in better condition, then maybe I could reroute power through the grid back to the station. If not, then at least I would learn more on turbine control and maintenance. It was worth the risk for the prize in the vault.

I made my way down the Colorado, examining the Parker, and then the Alamo on the Bill Williams, but both were breached. I headed deeper into Arizona, to the Painted Rock dam. I should have known. Hoover was one of a kind. Painted Dam was merely a flood control dam. And what's more, it was also breached. I had navigated my way down the Colorado, avoiding lurks, raiders and deathclaws, but I didn't know the simple difference between pre-war dams.

That was two years ago, and here I remain. Your tribe fascinated me. Ferocious, but tactful. Traditional, but perceptive. Almost overnight I became more an anthropologist, and less so an engineer. The side project ultimately became my main focus. I may have learned nothing about dam's, but much about people. That rad-scorpion sting I got in the leg was the final factor in my decision and I abandoned my venture – there was no way I would make it back to the Mojave. I spent too much time on House's secrets of longevity, engineering, and robotics that I forgot about people. The Followers have always claimed to have the opposite goals of the Brotherhood of Steel and now I'm proving it.

I would have let go, but on my travels, I heard about the rise of the Legion. When Bill Calhoun returned, he warned us of their threat, but we didn't listen. Maybe this recording will prove to be tragic irony, and that my death was a result of their arrival, but the risk is that many in the tribe would set out to find them if they knew of their existence, and would willingly join. If I am wrong, then I hope I did all I could to protect you and the tribe. But it also means that you must find a way to open that vault. I have taught you all I can, and on this terminal, you will find my notes. I don't know how or whether you can do it, but I believe in you. If necessary tell the NCR, the Followers, or even House. The Legion cannot know of this. With such an army, nothing will stop them.

I never had a daughter, or any family to speak of, but I consider you as the child I never had.

Goodbye. Peter Lowell, Follower of the Apocalypse.

submitted by /u/Eyes_87
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Institue or brotherhood? Which side should I choose.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:46 AM PST

Replaying Lonesome Road

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:13 AM PST

Oddly I just realised how Ulysses is responsible for all of the dlc. He sent Elijah to the Sierra Madre, he trained and unleashed the White Legs, he made the Think Tank remember the past (nearly unleashed them on the world). What a knob.

Still I hate the way he speaks after a while. That he can only speak in a cryptic, laboured drawl really was a weak point of the dlc I find as It wasn't cool when he has more than one sentence to say and just got annoying.

The plot was also highly convoluted in my opinion and I especially despise how the devs made a backstory for the courier that we have no control over-weakening one of the strongest elements of New Vegas-that it's an RPG. Giving our Courier a whole background just seemed like such a bad decision from an otherwise great writing staff.

I think in retrospect Dead Money had a superior story and better written, more concise and believable villain. Just because you write about complex philosophical concepts does not automatically mean your writing is better. This mistake happens in TV and film all the time. Sometimes it is better to do something a bit simpler well rather than thrown in "high minded" concepts if you can't properly grasp or implement them in a suitable way.

An example that springs to mind would be Prometheus vs Alien. The one that will be remembered is not the one that has every character constantly debating the orgins of life as oppose to the one where they are mainly "holy fuck how do we kill it".

Another thing I would add is that it definitely also suffer from a lack of other npcs. Again surely everyone adores the sheer dialogue choices in New Vegas and the multiple outcomes that could arise from your choice. So having only one npc who would for the majority of the dlc (save the ending) remain unchanged or unperturbed by your speech made all encounter with him feel like dull monologues (which they usually were). This also killed the replay value. I appreciate it's supposed to 'Lonesome' road but this doesn't prevent this being a weakness in terms of actually gameplay.

On a more positive note I think the aesthetics of world and enemies are good and the new weapons and armour are decent.

In summary: meh.

submitted by /u/ObadiahHakeswill
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