Learn Dota 2 - What does CS stand for?

What does CS stand for?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:31 PM PST

New player to dota, title says it all.

submitted by /u/Goocherino
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New to Dota 2, came from LoL, why do people not like BKB?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:35 PM PST

Howdy guys.

I have played a shit load of MOBA games. Probably over 2000+ games each of DotA 1, HoN, HotS and over 5000+ of LoL. For one reason or another I put all those games down mainly cause I disagree with the game devs and thought I should quit MOBAs forever, then I saw 7.0 and thought it was a patch made specifically for me. Everything I hated about DotA 2 gone in a night.

So here I am, leveling my account and trying to relearn a game that I was once so familiar with. It's been harder than I would like to admit and low acc level games haven't been fun especially since only about 1 in 5 games actually go the distance without a leaver. However, I just try to focus on my own play and improve.

This leads me to my point, in DotA 1 BKB was considered the fucking best item in the game. Full stop. Period. Done. You were immune to like 95% of the unfun bullshit (like 16 seconds silences and 6 second stuns) in this game for like 10-5 seconds.

From what I understand, Valve has made the item have more counters and generally be less effective than it once was (totally fine with this btw, like how does being magic immune stop Axe from taunting you, good change) but why do I keep getting told not to get it on carries?

Normally finish boots, get a laning item or 2, then a core dmg item, then a BKB so I can actually team fight. It's on my Guides that look the most legit. But even still I get 'advise' that I should get something else or even flamed. Incase it matters, I mostly play heroes like PA or AM.

Is this an example of the DotA 2 community generally being uneducated or is BKB really not worth getting anymore for some reason I can't work out?

Cheers for the time to read, Ashuman.

TL;DR: Keep getting flamed for getting BKB (after a core dmg item) on carries. Am I retarded or my team?

Edit: I didn't want to mention heroes, but I figured that since this game has many variables I would give some examples. Now the entire thread has turned into: Is BKB good on AM? Which was not my question. TBH this is probably why so many people struggle to pick up DotA, cause everyone focuses on minute specifics and not the basics.

submitted by /u/AshumanTV
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The Dota 2 Event That Helps You Learn In a Competitive Environment: #TeachYouTuesday WEEK TWO IS TONIGHT ~ Free Coaching, Casting, In-Houses, & Giveaways

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 08:51 AM PST

A big thank you to everyone who came out and supported last week's #TeachYouTuesday event!
We had an incredible turnout given the few mishaps with the Dota server, and this week will be better than ever. Special thanks to /u/MrLlamaSC for being my co-caster last week.

Want to see last week's fun?
Check out the January 31st Gameplay & Analysis Here

Teach You Tuesday is a weekly educational series that will give new and experienced players an opportunity to play in a competitive setting without the pressures of toxic team members. I will be hosting a night of education and analysis, with casted in-house games that will be analytically-focused; meaning that anyone who participates in the game should be able to review the cast and should receive insight to improve their performance! Best of all, you can join as a solo player or full team!

Entertainment & Education?!

Click HERE for the Week 2 Sign Up Form


The player in each game who would benefit the most from coaching (determined from panel discussion and the stream) receives a free future coaching session from myself, or an Immortal item.

Being selected as the winner by no way signifies you as the worst player in the match. It's actually more of an evaluation of who the casters and coaches feel could get a dramatic boost in their skill level with a little bit of guidance! We saw something in you and we wanna take you to the next level. Congratulations to /u/Lavamites for being the winner last week! His future coaching session will be posted on /r/learndota2 as an educational resource.


TEACH YOU TUESDAY Format & Schedule

All matches will be casted and through our panel discussion each player will have a rough assessment of their gameplay. Players should be able to re-watch the game and - at the least - enjoy the commentary.Our goal here is looking to teach you something that will impact your future games in a friendly environment.

Future versions of this event will feature a free coach for each team in the in-house to provide a resource for asking questions along with general guidance across the game. DM me on Discord or email me if you're interested in being a coach or caster for this or future events: thedotadoc@gmail.com

The Schedule for 2/7:
All times are approximates, and may vary by up to 30 minutes

  • 7:00 PM ET - Stream start, one matchmaking game typically while waiting for stream to populate, people to join discord, etc.
    During this time, please join us on the sKai HIGH Gaming Discord to be considered for the In-House Games set to take place after this match. Your solo MMR must be visible on your Dota 2 profile to participate in the In-House game. If you do not have MMR, we recommend over 200 games in order to alleviate frustrations over skill gaps. Smurf accounts are not allowed in the in-house games, all teams will be balanced based on this information. If you want to get pre-authorized for the in-house games, you can do so here: https://goo.gl/forms/d3WJd0k9SspRo2gs2

We will be logging an internal banlist for toxic people and/or smurfers for all these events.
Don't ruin this for new players, it's better if it's balanced.


  • 8:00 PM ET - First In-House Game  

  • 9:15 PM ET - Post-Game Analysis & First Winner Chosen for Future Coaching Session  

  • 9:30 PM ET - Second In-House Game

  • 10:45 PM ET - Post-Game Analysis & Second Winner Chosen for Future Coaching Session  

  • 11:00 PM ET - Immortal Items Giveaway for All Viewers & Bonus Raffle to all Pre-Registrants

You do not need to be here for the bonus raffle to be able to win the prize as long as you pre-registered. You will be contacted via email, reddit, or twitter to claim your prize.

  • 11:15 PM ET - Feedback on matches from stream

  • 11:30 PM ET - We raid a low viewer count Dota 2 stream or a participant from today's event

See when I'm going live on twitter!

Best Regards,


Streamed (Almost) Daily, Starting Around ~7:00 PM (19:00) ET

See what time it is for you, here!

I am actively looking for someone to help manage the stream video content I create. If you enjoy watching dota, are well written, and want to make highlights or recap videos from my stream, contact me! I'm willing to offer coaching to you or a portion of my donations from the stream and pass it your way for the help. In addition, I want to build a domain, so if you're experienced in website development and want to trade my hours for yours, email me!

Select coaching sessions or casts from this will be uploaded to youtube and be made into highlights (as I have time), along with being posted to /r/learndota2 so other's can hopefully learn from them!

Note: I highly recommend a microphone for any in-house events and be relatively fluent in English. If you do not have a microphone or aren't verbally fluent in english, you're still welcome to join, but this event is catered to an English speaking demographic.

submitted by /u/Reach4sKai
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How to play with unresponsive teammates?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 05:31 PM PST

I feel more and more like to play ember and slark recently, mainly because of the unpredictability of my teammates. In 50% of the game, my team just super quiet, no tp rotation, or split push, need wards, back or any communication at all. It's just heartbreaking to play a support, or a carry who needs some supports. How should I do with those games? Usually I have really low winrate with quite teammates. I don't need them to talk all the time, but at least sometime. I don't even know if I am playing with a real human or bot so I can only play passively and just got carried and win/ or outfarmed by the enemy and lose.

submitted by /u/ICEunicorn
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Average cs@10?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 11:02 AM PST

Basically title. What should I be aiming for as a carry. Thanks everyone

submitted by /u/XIV__
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Seeing teammate's inventory from scoreboard

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:59 AM PST

i was just watching jerax's stream and noticed that he is able to see inventory through scoreboard anyone knows how u can do that ?


submitted by /u/HailNeineken
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How can I adapt to carrying at lower MMR then what I play?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 07:42 PM PST

So, I play 5 stack constantly at ~4K MMR. I haven't played solo ranked not drunk since I calibrated about a year ago with 50 hours. I got really low. I tried to play a ranked game not drunk and I got all the easy kills but the team didn't do their part to what I'm used to. How can I adapt to do all of my teammates jobs (carrying). I can never do it or else I get flamed for doing everything other then what "I'm supposed to be doing"

submitted by /u/Blizzy_the_Pleb
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Never Give Up...Seriously, Never! (Storm Spirit, 3700mmr)

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:28 PM PST

I don't frequent this sub but I do like that it exists to help people get better at dota and after a game I had last night I felt I just had to share.

I was playing Storm Spirit and here is the link to the dotabuff match and the Match ID 2982064941 for those that want it. I would highly suggest downloading this game and watching it for many reasons if you are around or below 3500.

First, I'd just like to say I've been playing this game for a few years off and on now and only in the last year or so have I really tried to dedicate myself to improving. I was stuck at around 3000-3200 for a year or two probably, and I have finally broken through in recent months to a point where I think I will probably keep climbing consistently until I hit at least 4k.

I've read a lot of the MMR experiments where people take low accounts and rank them up. I've watched tons of youtube videos and twitch streams about getting better and sometimes it can be overwhelming. However, by watching this game I feel there a bunch of things you can learn, not only from the way I play but my teammates and the other team as well.


Seriously, this cannot be understated. Look at that gold graph...are you kidding? We were getting stomped. At one point in the game every player on their team had more net worth than all of our team except me and I was third. Then at another point I was top net worth while my teammates were still on the bottom.

Yes, I was playing Storm Spirit and our lineup wasn't terrible. But at the same time look at the team comps, if I was a betting man there is no way we win that game or have a good high ground defense against them. But I didn't flame, I didn't give up, and we played as a team defending high ground until we came back.


I'll say it here, I hate BKB. It gets worse over time and I always feel like I'd rather have something else, but I will admit I need to start buying it more. However, if you watch that replay, my 10 second BKB during the second high ground defense basically won us the game.


If you watch the replay I am constantly split pushing while my team stays in base. Yes, I get decent kills to propel my net worth but my ability to stay relevant even while we were seemingly getting stomped was because I've been consistently trying to improve my map awareness and split push if I know they are grouping. Creep waves are worth a ton of gold, and I was able to take some objectives and get my game saving BKB due to my effective split pushing. As BSJ constantly says, don't farm jungle if there is literally anything else you should be doing on the map.

Also at one point around 37 minutes you will see me hiding in the trees while Slardar pushes out the wave. I could have easily jumped him and killed him because he looks to be alone and is such a juicy kill. Now, my old self even maybe a few weeks ago would have went for that kill. The problem is that even though I would have actually killed him in this scenario, there is no way to tell if his team is backing him up or not. Therefore, I don't go in. Remember, don't make risky plays like diving or going on someone when their whole team is missing. I can't tell you how many times I've thrown games by trying to go for a kill like that one at 37 min only to get blown up by the bait and then lose the game.

4 ADMIT YOUR MISTAKES I'm only a 3.7K player so I obviously fuck up a lot. I died way too many times mid, I had a completely idiotic death top where I literally ran into an arrow cause I'm a moron, and there were a couple team fights that I was super inefficient with mana usage.

I've been very frustrated at times when these 5k players seemingly stomp games in my bracket and I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Well, if you truly can't go into a replay of yours and find things wrong with your play, huge mistakes that cost you the game, then you aren't looking hard enough.

Conclusion If nothing else I hope this game helps people realize that in dota you really shouldn't ever give up. There were so many times I could have just said fuck it and thrown in the towel, instead I stuck it out and tried as hard as I could and my positivity helped my team perform better as well.

Many times its really easy to feel like you're stuck at an MMR because its simply impossible to win. Every game feels like your teammates are feeding, and you're doing everything you can but just can't seem to pull out the win. I'm here with this replay to say even I proved myself wrong about this mindset. Stop thinking that way, start looking critically at your own play, and never give up.

I hope this helps someone out there and if you have any questions about the specifics of the game or anything else just let me know and I'll be happy to answer.

submitted by /u/DoctorWelch
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Hey, does anyone have the wagamama's video guide for TA against Viper?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:35 PM PST

I have only found the in-depth TA guide here where he mentions he doesn't have a replay against viper and will do another video about it. I remember watching it but I can't find anywhere on his channel or general search on youtube. :(

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/atasheep
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How Do I Stop Dying Too Much?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:50 AM PST

So after xx years of playing (started playing at 6.27b), I've finally reached 4.1k solo & climbing.

I was able to shift my mentality and found that keeping things positive within the team really helps a lot. Now I just need to learn how to die less.

Can anyone out there point it out to me, I know positioning really is the key here but there may be other factors running about.

Here is my dotabuff

Dazzle match

Jakiro match

P.S. I mainly play support when I play solo ranked

submitted by /u/JtanDOTA
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Meepo: Power Treads vs Boots of Travel?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:33 PM PST

I'm trying to learn Meepo and I noticed on DOTABUFF that people switch between starting with treads and BoT.

Can anyone please give me some insight into the thought process when trying to decide which of these two boots to start with?

Any help would really be appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/nirate
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Having fun with Abbadons Talents!

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 05:02 PM PST

So i like going offlane with abba recently and its a heck of fun, good chances at killing shit with shield + oov + phase + curse (no points in Q early)

But whats amazing is abbadons endgame ... if you can make it to lvl 25 that is. I played a few rounds of casterdon pos 3.5 or smth and shit turns pretty insane endgame if you stack cdr + 400hp shield + active item effects.

So Build currently (needs refinement and some rethinking): Double Mango stout salve + ward for a start.

OOV - Phaseboots - Urn

Aetherlense (cuz if youre abbadon and you cant get into range of your allies in time they are dead)

Octarine Core

  • Any active item to abuse 40% cdr.

You will end with a strong purge 400 hp shield/nuke on a 3.8 sec cd a 200 heal with insane castrange on 2.8 secs you ult is easily active twice a fight (aghs? viable?) and you end a complete healing machine while also gaining good amounts of lifesteal from you shield explosion. Throw urn charges while the shield is up nvm being focused or out of range (phase is good for 2 reasons: a)during laning youre a threat b) during teamfights you can react faster.

The shield CD reduction is enough to have it active on 3 people at once which is a big deal because the moment a teamfight starts your opponents melees will take a 1200 dmg aoe burst which is absolutely insane considering its the cherry on top of shielding and healing the crap out of your allies.

Thinking about incorporating guardian greaves but then im worried about my laning without phaseboots.

submitted by /u/yinyie
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Just how strong is Chaos Knight ?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 05:35 AM PST

having faced this goliath of a hero many times in my ranked matches around 1.4K, no matter how good we are early game against him, he almost always makes a GG comeback later on into late game.

The average low MMR has all the perfect ingredients to let this hero thrive I believe :

1) Chaos when it comes to pushing as a group and pressuring early 2) lack of BKB on carries to avoid getting sucked into by his Reality Rift (level 25 talent is obviously their..but before that) 3)Very poor teamfight coordination

Having getting owned in late game by this hero I decided to try him out. I am getting amazing success (hardly 5 games or so though so still early days). However so many times it just becomes too easy to win games with him after a certain point into the game.

My questions :

1) How the hell do the average pub scrubs counter this mammoth 2)What are some good hero and draft counters to CK

At higher MMR how does he, if in case he does, fall off ?

submitted by /u/_Unleashedd_
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Which mode to start with?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:16 AM PST

I've heard to play captains mode because it has actual teams and coordination along with varied roles, but then I've also heard it is meant for people playing seriously and that I should stick to all pick until I get more experience. Which one is right?

submitted by /u/Aquatic123
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Why is Lone Druid considered OP this patch?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:49 AM PST

Hey I've been playing since about 6.83 (hoho-haha), and have seen some comparisons made between sniper and LD. I suppose I see some comparisons like the Attack Range being ridiculous as well as the move speed being crazy.

How was Lone Druid meant to be played in patches prior to 7.00?

How is Lone Druid best played in this patch? (Think itemization, team composition, phase of game, etc.)

I've not played him so maybe this is a stupid question without having any experience with him, but I don't consider myself a good micro player so I avoid those types of heroes. Just a general theorycraft question I suppose. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Directly2the4head
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Just Played the Best Game of My Life But I Have Questions!

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:26 AM PST

Storm Spirit. Holy. Shit.

First off.. all I knew about this hero going into this game was that he was weak early/mid game and that he can snowball out of control (more because I've been killed by a fed SS more times than I'd like)

Fortunately for me, I got first blood when I stole their rune and I dominated my lane and got to essentially free farm for the first 15 minutes of the game. Their composition was pretty much all hard Melee.. Ursa, PA, WK.. but also had a Weaver.

I went bottle, treads, orchid, bloodstone, upgraded orchid, linkens and eventually went Scythe as well. I went 24-3.

Here is what I did though and I am Not sure if it was smart and I need you all to say smart or dumb. Thanks in advance!

1.) Besides me, my team was getting preyed on hard mid game by the PA. At one point I had so many bloodstone charges that I essentially dove their team to kill the PA who was on a mega kill streak. I killed him but was killed with a reduced cooldown because of the bloodstone. I netted more gold by about 350. Smart or dumb?

2.) I tended to use my orchid on the WK simply because he could stun me. However, I was killed twice in a teamfight by the PA who dove me and would crit hard. Weaver also was hard to kill with his ult so I used the orchid on him once and vaporized him. WK was who I usually chose though.. Smart or dumb?

3.) I went Linken's because of said PA's dagger crit and the WK stun instead of BKB because I honestly felt unstoppable without those two abilities keeping me from Using Ball Lightning out of nowhere. Smart or dumb?

4.) Once I had the high end +mana and the mana regen items I would try and use Ball Lightning from the furthest point for the extra damage when I arrived. I did this kind of as an accident at first but I blew up 3.5 waves worth of creeps in an instant when I arrived at my Tier 1 from the fountain... this made the most amazing cash register/gold sound effect ever btw. Smart or dumb/waste of mana?

5.) (last one) I was playing WRECKLESS AS HELL once I got the Linkens. I felt with Storm's mobility, and the fact I had 23ish bloodstone charges that I could and would kill them all.. and in most cases I did. Smart or dumb?

Thank you all so much .. this Sub Reddit rules and is literally getting me out of theTrench (I was in deeeeep) .. you got me +1k mmr in about 2 months.

Best regards!

submitted by /u/Wizecrax
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I want to learn how to play tinker .

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:26 AM PST

Anyone has some guides or tips ?

I see my friends playing tinker and it looks more complicated than invoker . With all the use of shifts and rearms and shit

submitted by /u/Pootatow
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Was There any way i could have won this game? (lone druid)

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 11:34 AM PST

Veil of Discord on Queen of Pain?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:47 AM PST

When I saw this in patch 7.01, I thought people were trolling. But now quite a few players are doing this, with a complete lack of success. So what is the deal with Veil of Discord? It provides good stats, tankability and it amplifies her Q and E but not her ultimate. But is that a good build considering her ultimate is the still that does the most damage?

What happens to Orchid? Now that there is Bloodthorn, this item should be even more prevalent on Queen of Pain. And if you want to maximise her as a nuker, then why not buy some Dagon, Aghanim Scepter and Aether Lens? Those would surely be better than Veil of Discord.

submitted by /u/bibotot
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Need some help figuring out what I could've done better

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:12 AM PST

I'm a long time HoN player (6k games, 1850-1900 MMR) trying to make the conversion to DotA. I'm about 100 games in and I'm certainly starting to feel more comfortable. I'm still feeling like most of my issues are mechanical at this point (i.e. not being able to make my hero react as fast as my brain; screwing up hotkeys and using the wrong skills). Also still trying to figure out the best itemization routes for my few main heroes (Puck, CM, Abbadon).

I typically play supports and initiators, and play a very gank-heavy style (mainly derived from playing lots of CM in HoN). My issue recently has been winning my lane handily and getting my carry a ton of farm. Then the game falls off a cliff and we lose in a stomp. I don't know enough about DotA yet to know if this is because I did something very wrong, if my carry just wasn't capable of winning the game, or if the other lanes just fed too much. I'm sure there's plenty I did wrong, which I'd love to hear about, just not sure if improved play from me could've won the game. If anyone is kind enough to take the time to look at one of my recent CM replays and provide some feedback, I'd truly appreciate it.

OpenDota link: https://www.opendota.com/matches/2982078057

DotaBuff link: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2982078057

Jist.tv replay: https://www.jist.tv/watch?v=X2D8ztwHCmm0Van3

Edit: Wrong links

submitted by /u/KahlanRahl
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Must Have Meta Heroes

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:09 AM PST

Hi guys! Really new to Dota. Have less than 100 hours. I have a few heroes I'm going to list that I've played and like. If you can, name some Meta picks that are great heroes I should learn and let me know if these heroes are good. Right now I'm trying to play at least one game per hero. I've learned I enjoy Melee heroes the most.

Axe/Slark/Ursa/Sven/Bristleback/Tidehunter/Lifestealer/Spirit Breaker/Juggernaut/Riki/Sniper/Bounty Hunter/BloodSeeker/Phantom Assassin/Weaver/Witch Doctor/Lich/Lion/Necrophos/Queen Of Pain

I think that's all the ones I feel comfortable with so far that I have played. Axe/Ursa/BloodSeeker/Necrophos are my favorites though.

Let me know your favorites/good Meta picks/heroes you just have fun with. I'm only learning now but hope to play ranked once I know all hero abilities/Items.

submitted by /u/Devobserves
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Auto feeding/farming game? Bots? Why?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:55 AM PST

Sometimes when I want to learn a bit more about a hero I will spectate games of people of higher MMR than myself playing those heroes. Today I stumbled across a game (~4.2k MMR) where it was maybe 20 minutes in with a very high kill count, and each team had a clustered group of heroes just outside the enemy base, and one person from each team would auto walk out of base on respawn to be killed by the group. The courier of each team would shuttle items to the group of heroes, and the radiant had a mirana who seemed to be sentient, blindly pushing out the bottom lane. And it just kept going on like that. It seemed like it started like that from the beginning of the game since the designated feeder on each team was still lvl 1...

What's the deal?

submitted by /u/A_isnt_A
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What is your favorite educational Dota 2 Stream?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:02 AM PST

Sorry if this has been asked recently (couldn't find anything with the search function) but as mentioned in the title I'm looking for an educational stream aimed at newer players. From my experience with other games the more educational streamers are often times a little less popular and I don't want to go through every Stream on Twitch. Any recommendations?

submitted by /u/Kopeeh
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Average Length of Game?

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 08:47 AM PST

So I have been mostly playing bot games recently (even solo) because I am still learning and figuring out champions and items.

Yesterday I had at least an hour of playtime before my wife got home from work so I decided I would go ahead and play a normal game.

The game went pretty well. I was able to have a positive K/D/A and my CS wasn't horrible. I did okay, but the rest of my team did really well. We were pretty much smashing the enemy team. In league if we were winning so hard at this point the other team would probably vote to surrender and the game would be over sometime between 20 and 30 mins.

This game lasted 50 something minutes...

Part of the problem was that our PA did not join the team until the 40 min mark, even though he had been able to free farm the entire time. He could literally 5v1 the other team but decided not to. Even after I tried saying something nothing changed. Most people in the game didn't speak English, and I believe the PA who did speak English (Since his name was Fuck Spanish, Speak English) had everyone muted.

So if a stomp still takes 40+ minutes to finish, I would hate to see what a close game will look like...

I am gonna to keep trying, but unfortunately this might make me stop playing Dota before I even fully get into it.

Having a full time job and being married only leaves me maybe an hour a day to play a game, and if I can't for sure get a dota 2 game inside of that (matchmaking que / pregame included) then I don't think I want to invest the resources into learning.

So, whats the average length of the game? And do games usually drag on like this when they are winnable at an earlier point?

submitted by /u/KunfusedJarrodo
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