Guild Wars 2 - Jormag Plz

Jormag Plz

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 11:58 AM PST

Waiting for the patch release...

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:16 PM PST

"The Head of the Snake" delayed

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:39 PM PST

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:35 PM PST

A note from Mike O'Brien:

"The Head of the Snake" delayed

Hi all,

Sadly we're not going to be able to launch the new episode "The Head of the Snake" on its intended release date today.

We were hit hard by the Seattle area storm and resulting power outage. We've been working to bring everything back online as quickly as possible, but after a series of setbacks, it's become clear that it won't be today.

Please accept our apology. We're going to keep at it through the night and hope to be able to launch tomorrow, but obviously we can't promise anything.


Link to Original Post:

submitted by /u/GaileGray
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EU - Players would have needed a "Not Today Announcement".

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:23 PM PST

The 7th is now over and many of the Eu Players including me (after this post) will go to sleep (work and stuff). Why you didnt release a "not in the next 2 or 3 hours" Tweet? Many of the European Players only staying awake for the Release of this episode and so People were totally unclear if when they will go to sleep in the next 15 min the patch would go live, or the would have to wait till 2 in the morning.

This is about the missing Tweet not about the delay, it was a blizzard, totally understandable but please just an short info for the EU Guys would have been nice. Now its to late but only a short reminder. Gn8

(Sorry for the terrible English Grammar btw.)

submitted by /u/Klepto_Mane
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Patch will be little late today

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:06 AM PST

Attack on Divinity's reach

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:27 AM PST

Dev Celebration Chat on Reddit Tomorrow

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 01:07 PM PST

As you're probably aware, the ArenaNet studio experienced a weather-related power outage that impacted the release timing of our February 7 update. The team is working hard on getting the build in order and out the door as soon as possible.

In light of the situation, we're going to postpone our Reddit dev celebration. It'll take place on February 8th in the afternoon Pacific Time. We look forward to seeing you in the game when the build goes live, and in the celebration tomorrow!

submitted by /u/GaileGray
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Several years ago I made a post that lead to removal of human female idle animations; today, I jinxed the patch launch...

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 11:34 AM PST

Goodbye, lil boat

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 09:13 AM PST

To counteract all the negativity, let's not forget we can still play.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:12 PM PST

If this was a different MMO the whole server would be down for maintenance and we wouldn't even be able to log on and play what's already there. I understand people are excited, but let's remember there are still other things to do in the game and not take that for granted.

submitted by /u/Kondibon
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Posted: 07 Feb 2017 11:32 AM PST

I have never seen anything like this. You are absolutely the best Community!

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 02:14 PM PST

I would never guess, that this situation would cause so much fun! When I see a lot of players, which are gathering in Queensdale and Divinity's Reach, I just feel so moved.

I am glad that I am part of You and I really appreciate, that you are so amazing!

But anyway I wanna the new patch! :)

Thank you all! And have fun with incoming Episode 4!

submitted by /u/auroraeleonora
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I Kodan't believe my eyes when I saw this.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:44 PM PST

The dam is a lie...

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 11:54 AM PST

Waiting for the patch like...

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:47 AM PST

Denial eSports moving on from GW2. A message to the community. - Helseth

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:28 AM PST

Soo .. don't forget to take your 16 envelopes for some extra gold.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:44 PM PST

Thank you Anet!

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 04:21 PM PST

For being awesome and working hard to put the patch out!

Big love thanks for all you guys do

submitted by /u/Fiction23
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Pre-Patch Story: I did Party Politics + All LS3.1/3 so You don't have to. Here's the notes:

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 08:00 AM PST

Hey Reddit. In preparation for today's patch, I set aside last night with a few parked alts to run the following stories for lore, hints and tidbits:

LS2E4: Party Politics (on a female norn), because DR politics

LS3E1: All (male human), because it's the same team and subplot as 4

LS3E3: Last Instance (male asura), because it's chronologically the most recent main story

Current Events: Open Letters, because it's chronologically the most recent non-festival happening in Tyria



-Anise's voice actor intentionally sounds super young. Spooky, given her potential very old age

-Contrary to my memory, Estelle is not ARRESTED, rather she agrees to cooperate with Anise to stay out of jail

-Kasmeer may have regained her family's honor by helping Queen Jennah here

-Kasmeer lie-detecting talent in action

-Canach sounds very seditious - as in, "the second they let me off this leash I'm out of here," not playing the good guy


-Caudecus's voice actor is great. One of the best. He has the setup for a really good story and I hope it isn't wastedtrump.gif .

-Canach still playing the anti-hero, displays no interest in Fate's Razor

-Marjory's cynicism is pretty high even in this episode, foreshadows her "betrayal" in e2

-Marjory seems to hint at a serious schism with Kasmeer right now. Related to Kasmeer regaining royalty?

-Digs against Mesmers are real

-Caudecus: "I won't return to DR until I wear the Crown"

-Human PC's really react strongly to the whole "white mantle are back, not again..." HOWEVER my human didn't know what a Jade Construct was? Guess gutter rats didn't get good schooling

-Bloodstone Fen is just beautiful. Tomb of the Confessors is a very conspicuous POI and I bet it's the entrance to the new raid

-It seems EVERYONE (taimi, Vigil Head...) knows about the Bloodstone in Maguuma before it explodes. Stands to reason everyone should know about the other GW1-found bloodstones, too.


-Unlike my Female Norn, Female Sylvari, and Female Human, Male Asura really lets Braham have it. Strong voice acting, actually felt like we were telling his shit ass how things are.

-Reminder that "Caudecus is heading towards Janthiir" - why? And how does this tie into a siege on DR?

-Not much else here relevant to episode 4, it seems

Open Letters

-Caudecus admits he leads the White Mantle

-Caudecus hates on the other 4 PC races - divisive

-Caudecus with Ascalonian ties?isweartheyhungEvennia

-Caudecus reminds us about the Titans and Door of Komalie

-Lots of references to lack of Justice / Trials in DR under Jenna

-White Mantle under Caudecus are really struggling to keep people from defecting to Lazarus

So, there it is - now we're all caught up and ready to Lore!

submitted by /u/sylvain_ice
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I made a program to alert you when a new game patch is available

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 03:22 PM PST

Anet has an API at that has the game's build ID. I suppose it changes when a new patch is released. Simply turn on this option on the web application or use this link to turn on the alarm (also available on the overlay app). The program will check Anet's API every minute to see if the version number has changed, and use Google's voice to speak to you a new build is available.

submitted by /u/Drant
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I really enjoy GW2

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 07:56 AM PST


I've seen a lot of negativity on the sub recently, and I just wanted to say that as a new player, I am really enjoying Guild Wars 2. No, I did not play GW1, no I am not an expert on the lore, no I don't put in tons of hours (I play rather casually), so you can use all of those excuses if you want. However, I really really like the game. I honestly haven't played a real MMO since Runescape years ago. I've only played about a month, and I'm having a blast. Recently got my main to level 80 and finished the personal story. I started exploring PvP a couple days ago and had a blast with that as well. I'm currently trying to save up gold to buy LWS2 since I don't have the money to spare right now, and I'm so excited for it. I'm also excited to buy the 2 episodes of LWS3 I missed. I am apart of a rather large Guild and they do events every night of the week. I'm constantly exploring new areas and trying new things due to my guild mates taking time to help the noob. It's a little impersonal due to size, but the benefits of always having something to do or someone to help me outweigh that. I chose the class with one of the largest learning curves (elementalist) and still love every second I play it. I definitely don't have a great grasp on using a rotation or dodging yet, but I figure I will get there. I didn't mean for this to be a rant, but I just wanted to post something positive on this subreddit. I play Hearthstone as well, and that subreddit has become one of the most toxic places I've ever seen. If you don't hate the game, you get downvoted. I don't want that to happen here.

TL;DR This game has brought me tons of hours of fun recently and I just wanted to express that to everyone. New players are still coming into the game. and really enjoying it.

submitted by /u/twists
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We say Goodbye to the Dam in Queensdale! [EU servers]!

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 08:59 AM PST

The RP community must be really scared right now.

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 10:04 AM PST

Their poor city is about to be assaulted. Lets pray for their safety

submitted by /u/Darkcool123X
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Fluff! About legendary I'm making for..

Posted: 07 Feb 2017 06:42 PM PST

After talking with Attunement regarding a Legendary that I want to give away to you guys on GW2Reddit (as a thank you for the support), I was thinking "well should I do one Greatsword or a Staff?" Due to more classes running with one or the other.

I'm putting a voting poll here. Can you guys vote for which one you want a chance to win? This will help guide me to which weapon to give away. Thanks - Kit The Traveler

Here is the link. Please drop a vote in so I can make a weapon for one of you cool folks. This my thank you for the 2-year mark coming up soon with traveler events/support. :) PS: Sorry if the voting poll is not the norm. I don't know what a good poll site XD. I'll explain the giveaway when the votes are cast.

submitted by /u/KitTheTraveler
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