Learn Dota 2 - Supports


Posted: 17 Feb 2017 05:30 PM PST

I have played lol for years and decided to pick up dota and I've had a few games but every time i play I feed a bit as any new player would and get told to just play support so what supports are good for a new player? I got told start with lion and maybe tide hunter

submitted by /u/Fayzar
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What is a Battle Pass and what does it do?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:27 PM PST

Basically title. I am googling around and it just seems to give cosmetic items for heroes? And some kind of quests but I dunno what they do? Do the quests unlock the items? Does the Battle Pass have something to do with the betting I see at the start of games?

submitted by /u/AshumanTV
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How to persuade my carry?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:51 PM PST

Just had a game with jug bf and spec rad first item despite me telling them not to get it. Im a mild person so I dont bug them constantly. I tried to be suggestive. I dont want to suck their dicks to prove a point. I dont want to flame them and get all my teammates to boycott him.

Nothing works except when i type an essay in the chat. Currently im trying to get other teammates to explain my point for so i dont have to.

Muting is losing and i dont like shitty supports so i play supports. What works for you guys?

submitted by /u/xxAnamnesis
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Small tip versus antimage with aghanims

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:25 AM PST

If you use hurricane pike on antimage it will break his spell shield and push you away (but you won't get the 4 attacks).

If you use force staff it will break his shield and force staff yourself.

I've seen one too many invokers cold snap or euls or hex themselves on antimage with aghs. Force staff / hurricane pike is the best item counter as far as I can see. (for example, u can force staff to break the shield then immediately hex him). In addition, if he has aghanims and linkens sphere, the aghs spell shield procs first. So you would want to break the shield with hurricane/force first, then break the linkens with something else (e.g. euls), and finally hex/stunlock him.

submitted by /u/Wakawakayukayuka
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How to split push in a bad game

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:12 PM PST

During pick phase, whenever i consider splitpush i first wait for the enemies to pick so i can see if they have a team that can easily deal with me. But some games just go horribly wrong and we have 0 wards and can't leave our base,so i end up with a hero itemized towards spit-push, forced to stay together with my team and be useless in fights. What do i do in this situaion and how do i avoid it?

submitted by /u/Tobix55
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Winter 2017 Battle Pass Quest Help - Fluid Dynamics

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:56 PM PST

Hey guys, I am stuck on the quest named Fluid Dynamics, it requires you to: Evade or disjoint 30 / 45 / 60 enemy Hero attacks, 1 / 3 / 5 must be spells.

Who should I use? I was thinking maybe PA with 50% passive evasion and rushing a butterfly and maybe hitting up a shadow blade for disjointing spells.

submitted by /u/Goocherino
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How to get money with Spectre?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:25 AM PST

Ok, so I really like Spectre, shes a really fun character once I started figuring out how she works, but my biggest issue with her is getting gold. I'm not the best at last hitting, but I'm not terrible. I'be been working on the goal of 50 last hits by 10:00 that you guys gave me. But for some reason I have the hardest time getting last hits and getting money with her. Usually, I can out lane people XP wise but I'm getting screwed when I don't get enough money to start doing some work because I can't get last hits with her.

submitted by /u/Sv3ngali
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Huskar right click build?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 11:41 AM PST

I've been thinking of ways to make Huskar scale better into late game by turning him into more of a right clicker, would this be a good build?

Treads - Assault Cuirass - BKB - Satanic - MKB - Daedalus

submitted by /u/Narwhalbaconguy
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How the hell do you deal with Sniper mid?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:27 PM PST

I don't play mid much, I can usually do acceptable vs any hero, besides sniper. The last two games I played vs mid sniper were as mirana and TA. I try to cs and just get poked at, if I try to harass him I just get shrapneled to death.

submitted by /u/WUMIBO
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Is Phantom Assassin partially a ranged hero?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:39 PM PST

Hey guys.

I've been playing quite a bit of PA.

One thing I've found is that with Phase Boots and the Dagger skill maxed, I can kind of kite someone while throwing daggers at them. How many daggers until they decide they've had enough? Well, it depends. But I can keep up this insane ranged harass that has chance to crit and do massive damage - and THEN I can use blink strike to gap close, and finish them off.

Between dagger and phase boots, I don't have any trouble staying on top of people.

This is currently blowing my mind, because I just assumed that PA was a melee hero. But being able to, at range, pick my fights and whittle their HP down... is just opening up whole new perspectives on the hero, and how I think about it.

submitted by /u/lookseedooso
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Picking the right hero

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 08:09 AM PST

I started making this post as a rant in my mind for r/dota2 but realized may be i need to make a change in my play style so came to this sub.

I love playing gankers/playmakers. Heroes like Void, Sand King, Slardar(my fav), Centaur, Rubick or Bara.... You get the idea..... Also for the record, i don't mind playing supports, especially venge, omni, shadow demon or ogre.

Coming to the problem at my MMR. If i pick Sand King, people assume i am solo support and proceed to pick cores. If i pick silencer as mid, i am solo support. If i pick Centaur, i end up Laning with a PA or Drow. If i pick Zeus, guess what, i am again solo support.

What to do in this situation guys, i am fed up, should i just accept it and change my hero picks to solo supports only. Or may be not support at all, since there is a high chance enemy will also have a half ass support peasent like me.

By the way am hovering around 2K. Any serious suggestion are welcome.


submitted by /u/shubhambatra49
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What the hell happened to us

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 03:58 AM PST

Was this some smurfing or something? This Juggernaut just 1v5'ed our whole team after jungling from the start. I'm so confused right now


submitted by /u/apoptygma
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What should necrophos be doing most of the game?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:33 AM PST

Hey, I like playing necrophos, but he's built a ton of different ways, so how do people normally like to translate that build into a gameplan? I normally play him mid and I feel like I should get 6 and treads/veil and from there just roam trying to reaper murk people, but I am thinking greaves might be better. I feel like farming on necrophos is not super good and he's best early to mid game and should farm heroes instead.

Also, when should I ball out of control and buy a radiance?

submitted by /u/hntd
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Whats the best way to learn how to improve if you plateu in mmr?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:08 AM PST

Rigt now Im feeling that Ive plateued on 3.6 to 3.7. How do I improve from this point? I cant just keep queueing becausen then I wont be learning anything. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/StivoDivo
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tips on getting better

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 07:05 AM PST

i'm currently at 2.5k(2.4-2.6k) after 260 ish ranked game in 3 years from 2k,i rarely play matchmaking because my laptop cant support it and my internet is really unstable.so i need to go to internet cafe everytime i want to play even normal matchmaking.i rarely play ranked because most of the time its just so toxic.What can i do to improve myself when i'm out of the game

submitted by /u/danang5
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Omniknight offlane

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:54 AM PST

How do you build omniknight core offlane? Both in abilities and itemization.

submitted by /u/KhangEngio
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Gyrocopter Aghanim's Scepter

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:45 PM PST

I was watching the elimination mode stream and they kept talking about how terrible Gyro's ags upgrade is. While I agree that it is rarely the best option especially considering the cost, there are no negatives to it. It only adds damage (it is unfortunate that it is to a random target). Sunsfan and Synderin were saying that it was only useful if an Alchemist had already given Ags to everyone including himself. I don't understand why this is hated so much. It seems like a good item that is somewhat outclassed by other options.

submitted by /u/keithgmccall
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Advice for a lost game and what my team can improve on?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:51 AM PST

Hi Guys

I've been playing as a five stack mainly when playign dota, only rarely venturing into solo queue, as someone who has come from lol and have a bit of a background and understanding of moba's and closing out games i find it a little frustrating as my team doesn't always listen to certain objectives i'm calling for.

more specifically this game we just played i opt'd to go for an offlaner as i wanted us to have some engage and team fight as its what we always lack the most, after watching a lot of videos about the game and looking over matches to see why we lost i understand the importance of having a balanced comp especially as my team mates do generally like to go right click carries.

With this game we generally felt ahead and in control up until i'd say 36 mins where we was hitting their t4 tower but not all of us were focused on taking this, i believed this was the turn around as cm came out with a BKB and ulted and managed to kill most of us after this they turtled up and seemed to get the gold and farm even with 2 racks down.

Even with this fight going so badly and then their carries coming online much stronger as of how long the game went i'd like some advice on what we could of done to won or even just generally kept our lead. anything about items builds as i don't believe we are being that optimal with this, if want to feel free to also mention other picks that me or my teammates can try.

Any help and advice is appreciated

Game : https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3002333568

submitted by /u/HDMike4
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Tips for rank?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 04:22 AM PST

So I just reached level 21 a few hours ago which means I can play ranked now but I'm not entirely sure on what to do in rank because a lot of my friends keep saying that Normal Matches and Ranked Matches are completely different. So I think if I play ranked I'd just drag my team down.

So I'd really like some insight on rank before I start my 10 games to calibrate.

Sorry for bad english, it's my second language.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/YourCompass
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Playing pub with friends and hidden rank

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 02:28 AM PST

Hi guys, I have a very simple question and I didn't want to create a post for it but I couldn't find a good place where I could write this.

So, I am playing a lot f Pub because Ranked makes me rage a lot even if I play with friends and I can't afford this during these months. So I want to know If playing a lot with my friends that are a little lower than me ( I dont know which is my skill or mmr since I calibrated very long time ago, but I should be still very noob so let's say between 1900 and 2400 mmr ), Is there any way I can boost my friends and find harder opponents? What can I do to boost my pub rank? It is just about winning like ranked?

And given that I am here, I always find hard to win many games in ranked - when i play it - because there is no tactics, no teamfights, no common objective, people tend to not take tower when they should etc etc, probably you have heard a lot of it. So what should I do? Spam meta hero until I find comfortable with the bracket I am in term of teamfights etc? Like I find myself to be represented by that skill bracket? I find it to strange, given the things I have learnt, that Im still at the same level of 3 years ago. It can't be possible.

submitted by /u/Houston922
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Why people don't want to play supports? What should I do when I am solo support?

Posted: 17 Feb 2017 12:17 AM PST

I am 3.5k support player, like 5% of my games I got 2 supports in my soloq. Rest of the games I have to be the only support because we either got jungler, dual core offlane or people arguing over mid. Can someone explain me why is it like that? I love playing support, it is the most fun position imho but people rather playing PvE and farming creeps for 30 minutes.

What should I do when I pick Rubick or some similar position 4 supp and we got no other support? Should I just sacrifice my core items like Blink Dagger for wards, detection, smokes? Should I try to roam or just babysit my carry on lane? Should I go deward when my carry can't farm safely or stay on lane and ignore their obs? Should I tp to save other lanes and sacrifice safety for my carry? I just feel at the end of the day I am the one everyone will blame because of not doing my job. But I don't know the way how to do all of those support jobs on my own.

Please people. Try to play supports. You will realize how much fun it is.

submitted by /u/Ciiza
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