Learn Dota 2 - Is Helm of the Dominator still a must have core item as of 7.02?

Is Helm of the Dominator still a must have core item as of 7.02?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:09 PM PST

Sitting at 4.7k for reference. With stats nerfed, Purge creep nerfed and each creep offering a hefty 125 gold(alpha wolves and roshan scouts die especially easily), is the item still worth purchasing on cores in your opinion?

I feel like the item shines where you either siege or have a semi clumped extended teamfight where the 8 hp/sec and the 10 AS aura and the creep can shine. In short skirmishes, it feels like you are very reliant on the creep's offensive abilities to make up for the item's innate lack of combat stats and you are prone to getting bursted.

I feel like it is now a more functional Vladimir's offering; decent to have one on team but other items feel like they are more impactful making it more of an offlaner or a pos 4 item, unless you get a sporadic 2+ man centaur stun or interrupt an Enigma with net which is rather rare.

Thoughts, opinions?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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Tips for getting better with Earth Spirit?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:50 PM PST

hey, guys. i am just a casual 1.5k mmr scrub that is on a losing streak. i tried earth spirit and he was so much fun to play with. i am planning to spam him in the future and i was wondering what to do to get better with this hero. Any tips and tricks with him would be nice.....

and another question? ive seen him play as roaming support. how do u play as roaming support?

submitted by /u/turtlez0614
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How to play roaming support

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:07 AM PST

I think in my bracket (2k) roaming support is a rare sight. Whenever my team mates first pick carry and mid (they always do unless i play with my mates) i always pick laning support but sometimes lane support are not impactful enough during the first 15 minutes of the game.

So lately i tried to play roaming support like riki, bounty hunter and spirit breaker. I find that roaming support is good if your team have a good kill potential in the early games but kind of underwhelming when my teammates played passively. And half of the time i roam to much without netting any kills or assist and sapping xp from the middle lane and being underlevelled. Is there any advice or tips on how to play a better roaming support? Thanks in advance :)

submitted by /u/rarkdeef
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How to go highground against the best turtle-lineup ever?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:58 AM PST

Hey guys, yesterday i had a very frustrating game. https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2988623383

I was Slark. It seemed impossible to go highground against their line-up. Our creepwaves were nuked down by zeus and underlord, rightclicked to death by sniper sitting behind their t3. Spiritbreaker and Enigma couldnt find a good initiation on them, because of the treantprotector always being able to ult to cancel BH and charge being stopped by pit of malice. I couldnt slowsiege because treant healing Tower up with living armor and lich buffing buildings with frost armor. They turtled like 50 Minutes till they just wiped us apart with sniper being unable to reach for our team.

What could we have done, what could i have done to win this game?

submitted by /u/baerniislove
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Always considered Invoker to be a hero i would never try to learn due to complexity but need help starting!

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:38 PM PST

So i feel i can play every hero but invoker i have no idea. What are some tips you can give me when learning? Is there a cheat sheet for his moves? is there an easy way to remember them? Any suggestions on what i should start learning with him and then what to focus on after?

Thank you :)

submitted by /u/cotch85
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How Should I Play From Behind as a Melee Initiation Hero

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:40 PM PST

On a recent Axe game, a couple bad deaths put me behind. After that, it felt like using call in a fight gave me about an even chance of death. This left me with a really poor blink time, which only furthered the problem.

As an Axe (or any similar hero), what should I be doing to recover if I get to a point where I can't safely initiate? Especially with Axe, where most of the hero's toolset involves being in the middle of battle.

submitted by /u/ricree
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Which Ember Spirit build is better for split pushing?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:11 PM PST

I notice that fire remnants last for 45 seconds, and Boots of Travel have a 45 second cooldown which means you can remnant in base, TP out and push for a bit and go back and repeat to split push.

But which of Ember's builds is better for this?

submitted by /u/ZeZapasta
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Any high level earth spirit players who can respond to a request?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 05:40 PM PST

Do you do any warmups like practicing boulder combos and stuff? If so can you upload a 5-10 min video of a warmup session? Would appreciate it a lot.

submitted by /u/asgdota2
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Question on how the temporary terrain skins work

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:57 PM PST

I understand that the winter terrain expires sometime in April (or something), but my question is whether it becomes available again the following winter or would I have to repurchase it?

submitted by /u/Pixlr
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Does anyone like watching other's replays? Because I don't know what I did wrong in my recent games.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:41 PM PST

Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/52465861

The last 3 games were all games where I didn't know what I did wrong. But I know that a 7k player would've won it probably. Anyone mind taking a look at one of them?

submitted by /u/The_Godlike_Zeus
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Does the day of the week affect the quality of games significantly?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:15 PM PST

I get the impression from my games today that players are significantly worse than usual on weekends

Is this just confirmation bias, and I'm experiencing variance, or is this really what is happening?

And if it is the case, what are some solutions to have good games on weekends?

submitted by /u/bobbusisthebest
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Purge does Replay Coaching of 1k MMR Rubick and CM

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 12:14 AM PST

LF informative stream

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:06 PM PST

Not a 5-6k mmr game where I won't know what's going on. But a middle ground streamer that explains things maybe?

submitted by /u/callen5445
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How do you make people follow you?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:32 PM PST

I'm in the 3k bracket and I am definitely not a good DotA player. And most of the people I match up with are selfish farmlords that has some severe phobia of towers and roshan. I try to make them listen but I just can't. I find it that my normal games match me with 5k players that carry me so I've learned some stuff from them. But when I try to apply it to my ranked games no one will listen. I mostly play Pudge as a roaming 4 but I can play other heroes. Should I just keep playin with this or do I need to play overpowered heroes and win the game single-handedly?

submitted by /u/SeanDeLeir
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Core Venge - Phase Boots or Treads, why?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:21 AM PST

Treads seem valid for int swapping for them Q's. They're also more manta friendly.

Phase Boots on the other hand feel great with a one off Wind Lace and getting close enough for stuns and swaps.

Which one would you pick and why?

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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Returning player. Looking for someone to relearn the basics with.

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 01:17 PM PST

Hey guys. I haven't played a match of Dota for more than a year and I am pretty damn rusty. I decided to give the game another try when 7.00 hit. However I remember the community being pretty aggressive so I could use some help with relearning the mechanics. I can be found here.


submitted by /u/ReallyHappyMeal
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Midas after first core item

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 02:28 AM PST

Why do some pro players go midas only after buying a core item, such as veil or blink? In my opinion, the earlier the midas, the more you get out of the item.

submitted by /u/XlelXz
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Tanker Razor?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 06:56 AM PST

Is Vanguard and Mekans on Razor still viable? Is rushing Aghs after these items a good idea?

submitted by /u/IkhlasNG
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What is most efficient way to farm as Naga(Safe Lane) before radiance?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 04:55 AM PST

I`ve been playing Naga lately and was wondering if there is a faster way of getting to radiance. The way I do it now: 1. hit lvl 5 in lane, 2. skill 3 in Mirror Image, 2 in rip tide or 1 and 1 ensnare, 3. send illusions to the small camp, 4. kill the camp if at even minute and send them to the big camp so that they can deal some small dmg, or if not at even minute stack the camp and then kill it(everything while farming the lane with Naga), 5. Farm the next wave with Naga only, 6. Next wave go to the big camp with Naga and send illusions to the lane. 7. Repeat untill radiance.

submitted by /u/OpuOpOp
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Dealing with feeding at low skill brackets, need help!

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 08:13 AM PST

obviously raging won't change a thing unlike what a lot of players in low skill brackets might think.... and by low I mean around 700 and around 1k(got calibrated there since 2 years, and I paused on playing for months more than once since then).

feeding can sometimes be from me, or my team mates, but my question is: how do you convince someone(random across the internet) to stop it? or instead of stopping, how do you deal with it? mostly they're not feeding kill streaks, but at the same time it feels quite hard to compensate for them.

usually when it's me, after being convinced that trying to improve across the game is impossible, I try to swap to supporting(as usually it's a 5 carry team or the support only gets courier).

submitted by /u/GamingAndAnasheed
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TA vs SF mid

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:34 AM PST

Is it possible for TA to get kills before level 6? or is it simply favorable for TA in that you cannot die and you can last hi well with some regen. Personally I have trouble trying to kill sf or sniper or any ranged hero mid before level 6. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Trivial-Savoir-Faire
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Can I Learn From Pro Teams?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 11:06 AM PST

I'm watching BeyondTheSummit and I'm relatively new. I've watched all of Pudges/Day9's videos. I've read all the wiki, I've read anything relevant in the sidebar. I'm looking to soak up more information and it seems watching pro players is the next step. What should I be looking for? Since I know pros play differently than pub matches. Should I even try to understand why they make picks/item choices if its not relevant to pub matches?

submitted by /u/Devobserves
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Midas Earth spirit

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:23 AM PST

Is it ok to get it on earth spirit? How often should you build it on ES? What is the timing on getting it?

submitted by /u/III_Raijin_III
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Opinions about this ogre magi build I just thought up

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 07:05 AM PST

Ogre magi is a great and fun support and I really enjoy playing him when I need to play a support hero.The only thing that I would love to have is amplify his magic damage so he can be an actual threat rather than just be tanky and annoying.So for this purpose I thought up this build.

  • Items: Midas>Arcanes>veil>blink/force staff>dagon>aghs And maybe throw in an e-blade as well

The reason being that he has 60 gpm talent at level 10.If we get midas and that talent the gold for wards and other support stuff becomes a non issue.So you can support your team as well as burst someone down.

  • Skills: I thought maxing ignite with 2 points in fireblast then maxing fireblast then maxing bloodlust and getting ult whenever possible

  • Talents: 60 gpm,50 damage,250 hp,15% spell amp

  • Concerns: My concerns about this build are two fold. 1) Midas actually slowing down my game impact instead of enhancing it by talents. 2) Mana regen could possibly be a problem.I don't know how to fix that.

Any suggestions/thoughts about this build are most welcome.My reasoning for this build is I want more killing potential and burst from ogre magi while still contributing as a support

submitted by /u/gambitflash
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How do I improve my Invoker play?

Posted: 11 Feb 2017 03:18 AM PST

Now, I'm a 3.3k player, and I've recently found invoker to be a very exciting hero to play. I know the basic stuff like his skills and combos and such, but there are a couple of things I've been thinking about:

  1. Everytime I play Invoker I always get cold hands. You know, the thing where your hands feel chilly and can't move or react as fast as you'd like, does anyone else get this? If yes then how do I deal with it?

  2. Is there any way to switch orbs faster? Because the way I do it is, for example I'm about to cast cold snap, no matter what orbs I have on me I just press QQQRD and it feels slow and clunky. Is this something that just needs practice or is there some trick Invokers do to do this more efficiently?

  3. What are the advantages of getting Aghs with naked boots over the euls first or drums or BoTs whatever build? (Talking bout wexort Invoker btw)

  4. What's up with the new Wexort skill build? Before this patch I believe it's supposed to be 4 points quas before putting wex, but I've seen that almost all of exort style Invokers are following this alacrity heavy style instead of ye old forged spirit style.

I really like the hero and I'm looking for improvement. Please share your knowledge with me XD

submitted by /u/SeanDeLeir
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