Learn Dota 2 - Hero Discussion - Terrorblade

Hero Discussion - Terrorblade

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:24 PM PST

Terrorblade, the Demon Marauder

"The self-righteous shall choke on their sanctimony." (listen)

Terrorblade is the demon marauder--an outlaw hellion whom even other demons fear. A cosmic iconoclast, he stole from the Demon Lords, ignored the codified rites that should have bound his behavior, and broke every law of the seven Infernal Regions. For his crimes, he was taught this lesson: even Hell has a hell. A short, brutal trial ensued, with many dead on all sides, and he was finally incarcerated in Foulfell, a hidden dimension where demonkind imprison their own.

But Foulfell is no normal prison. In this dark mirror of reality, demons are sentenced to gaze eternally into the twisted reflection of their own souls. But instead of suffering, Terrorblade made himself master of his own reflected worst self--a raging, thieving demon of unimaginable power. With his inner beast under sway, he destroyed the fractal prison walls and burst free to turn his terror loose upon all creation.

Stats (at level 1)

  • Strength: 15 + 1.4
  • Agility (primary): 22 + 3.2
  • Intelligence: 19 + 1.75
  • Range: Melee (150)
  • Damage: 48 - 54
  • HP: 500
  • Mana: 278
  • Armor: 10.14
  • Movement Speed: 315



Terrorblade brings forth an invulnerable dark reflection of all nearby enemy heroes. Affected enemy heroes are slowed and attacked by their reflection.

  • Cast Animation: 0.3+0.87
  • Radius: 900
  • Move Speed Slow: 25%
  • Attack Speed Slow: 25
  • Illusion Damage Dealt: 40%/60%/80%/100%
  • Duration: 2.5/3.5/4.5/5.5
  • Cooldown: 22/20/18/16
  • Mana Cost: 50

Conjure Image

Creates an illusion of Terrorblade that deals damage.

  • Cast Animation: 0.15+0.77
  • Number of Illusions: 1
  • Illusion Damage Dealt: 30%/40%/50%/60%
  • Illusion Damage Taken: 400%
  • Duration: 34
  • Cooldown: 16
  • Mana Cost: 70


Terrorblade transforms into a powerful demon with a ranged attack. Any of Terrorblade's illusions that are within 900 range will also be transformed by Metamorphosis.

  • Cast Animation: 0+0
  • Transformation Time: 0.35
  • Illusion Radius: 900
  • Attack Damage Bonus: 20/40/60/80
  • Attack Range Bonus: 400
  • Move Speed Loss: 25
  • Duration: 40/44/48/52
  • Cooldown: 140
  • Mana Cost: 100


Severs the life from both Terrorblade and a target hero, exchanging a percentage of both units' current health. Some health points must remain.

  • Cast Animation: 0.35+0.83
  • Cast Range: 550
  • Minimum Health: 25%
  • Cooldown: 120/80/40 (Talent lvl 25: 90/50/10)
  • Mana Cost: 200/100/0


Level 10: +15 Attack Speed / +6 Health Regen Level 15: +200 Health / +25 Damage Level 20: +25 Movement Speed/ +15 Agility Level 25: -30s Sunder Cooldown / +15 All Stats

Item of the Week:

Dragon Lance

Built with an Ogre Club (1000) and Two Bands of Elvenskin (450). Builds into Hurricane Pike. Can be disassembled.

  • Attack Range Bonus (Passive): Increases attack range of ranged heroes by 140.
  • +12 Strength
  • +13 Agility

Other Information

Terrorblade on the Dota 2 Wiki

Dragon Lance on the Dota 2 Wiki

The aim of the regular Discussion series is to encourage newbie friendly discussion about one of Dota2's many heroes & items.

Ask questions or share tips, both for playing the hero and for playing against them.

Previous discussion

Next week we'll start a new hero rotation with a new format. Please provide feedback on the hero discussion format here so we can cover more of what you'd like to see!

Feedback form

submitted by /u/BecomeTheGamer
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I just realized how incredibly lacking the dota 2 tutorial system is.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:00 AM PST

All they teach you is how to move your hero, how to buy a couple of items and tell you to last hit a few creeps.

The entire support role is omitted from the tutorial.Nothing about how to buy and place wards, nothing about pulling, almost nothing about how to earn gold and xp on any role.

Theres nothing about mechanics like how stuns work, how slows work, how to chain stun, how armour works, damage types,backdoor etc.

Theres not even a mention of the fact that dota is a team game, how to position yourself in lane/in fights/in pushing, why you take roshan,why you should bother killing neutral creeps,why tps are good.

The lack of teamwork and farm emphasis is probably why so many low mmr players have no idea how to farm and have no idea how to use spells along with their teammates to get kills.

I don't believe this is too much for valve to add. They can just make it in text form if they're feeling lazy. It could even give incentive to replay the tutorial a few times in the first 100 or so hours for a new player learn the game without having to look elsewhere. Before 7.00 tips used to be displayed in the loading screen but I guess valve decided to remove that too basically saying fuck you to anyone who wants to learn the game just by playing.

submitted by /u/BurnsyCEO
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Splitting stacks of wards

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:41 PM PST

Is there anyway to toggle between wards and sentrys that are combined in a stack and still use my quickcast keybinds? If there is not, how do you prevent the stacks from combining?

submitted by /u/Raiju
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Is there a way to que to only fight other beginners?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:58 PM PST

Hello I recently started playing dota 2 again after a very long time of not playing ( and even then I wasn't too familiar with the game ). My question is basically the title. Is there anyway to do this? I am constantly getting qued up with hard core elitists in a casual match. Also how come when I have my language pref set to english my teamate are constantly only spanish speakers that don't know any english, or dont speak it in game at least.

submitted by /u/Dorian2112
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Any veno jungle players here?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:33 AM PST

I'm struggling to find the most efficient pattern for jungling veno in the new patch. If anyone can share some replays of some really efficient patterns I'd appreciate it. I'll share some replays as well if I figure out some new patterns.

submitted by /u/Wakawakayukayuka
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Proud of this game, won through teamwork and dedication!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:11 PM PST

Should I play unranked until my toxic mmr goes up?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:05 PM PST

Right now I'm at 5200 Toxic mmr and I had 9k toxic mmr like 2 weeks ago. I'm sad about this and It's effecting my game. Should I just go unranked to get it back up?

submitted by /u/StivoDivo
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MKB on meepo vs PA?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:24 PM PST

Since the stats are handled differently on meepo illusions (until aghs), does MKB work properly on PA with meepo illusions? Or does it only affect the meepo carrying the item?

submitted by /u/Inous
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About blocking and playing with high ping

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:15 PM PST

I come seeking advice.

A. Blocking. I always attempt to block the first creep wave, and if I'm mid the first few if the lane is pushed, but I always fuck it up by falling behind the creeps and letting one or two through.

  1. What should I do or not do to prevent this from happening?
  2. Who can I watch to improve my blocking?
  3. How important is blocking creeps really, and should I bother blocking waves other than the first as the mid?

B. Playing with high ping. My home server is South Africa, to which I get 60-80 ping, which is quite playable. However, because there are so few South African players, ranked games take forever to find so I resort to playing on EUW instead. I get 200-220 ping on EUW. I calibrated at around 2.3k two years ago, and only started playing ranked again a few months ago. I've been able to stomp to 3k (~75% winrate over 50+ games) despite having high ping, but I'm afraid that at some point my ping will become the limiting factor in how high I can climb, not my skill.

  1. Is there anything I can do to lower my ping?
  2. What adjustments can I make to my playstyle to make up for my disadvantage?
  3. How much of a limiting factor is ping really?

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/prayforplagues9
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why veil on QOP?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:37 AM PST

Qop's ult is pure damage so it seems like bad synergy with veil. Yes obviously her other skills are magic, but still.

submitted by /u/The_Godlike_Zeus
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Itemization on Zeus 7.02?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:28 PM PST

I play Zeus quite a lot, and he's definitely one of my top heroes. After watching several pros play him, I see that they definitely play him in a different playstyle. They go for as much sustain as possible, which is to go for soul ring and bloodstone, in which I usually don't.

Is it better to have as much burst as possible, regardless of mana? Or better to due less damage but sustain for longer in a teamfight. My build is usually full damage build which goes for Arcanes, Veil, Aether Lens, Forcestaff/blink, Octarine, into whatever I need late game, which is usually these 3 items : Dagon, E-blade and Refresher.

TL;DR Is it better to go for sustain zeus to last longer, or full burst zeus to kill enemies as fast as possible.

submitted by /u/AmbyValkrine
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Lich sacrifice doesn't count as creep deny? Doing the deny quest in the tree path.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:04 PM PST

I play support a lot in my games and thought Lich would be ideal for this quest, but his sacrifice isn't considered a deny.

I am wondering if there is a way to make this quest more doable as a support considering it is quite difficult to go around denying creeps in the current meta of grouping and pushing as 4 or 5.

It just seems bad for the team to go out of your way to deny creeps instead of helping them push or supporting them. Even if you stay in lane for the first 15 mins its going to be pretty difficult to achieve it.

Would love some advice for it as I am trying hard to get that gorgeous purple tree set.

Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/ry_ryan
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Creep Aggro a mess?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:16 PM PST

Is there a reason why about 30% of the time im sidepulling / doing a pullthrough the neutrals will nope and turn around half way through?

What ways are there to deaggro neutrals? Maybe im rightclicking my own lanecreeps by mistake? Maybe theres a summon / enemy hero i missed nearby? Does vision play a role?

Im checking these things and i dont think thats what im doing wrong so i begin feeling cheated by aggro rng at times :D

submitted by /u/yinyie
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Season 11 Sign-Ups for the Redditors' Dota 2 League Are Open!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:10 AM PST

RD2L is kicking off their 11th Season! This season runs from March until June. Signups end on Friday, March 3rd.

What is RD2L?

The Redditors' Dota 2 League (RD2L) is a casual and competitive league for individual players of all skill levels. It's a great way to experience organized Dota 2 without the heavy time commitments and scheduling uncertainty involved in forming a team for a typical league.

You can either sign up as a captain or a player. Captains get to draft from the available players in their division to form a team of 7 (6 + captain). This team plays through an 8 week season culminating in an inter-divisional playoff for the top teams in each division. Each week your team plays a Captain's Mode BO2 against a team of similar skill.

Why Play RD2L?

  • All skill levels welcome! While the average MMR in RD2L is high 3k - low 4k, we have players from 1k - 6k in the league. More experienced players can improve their team work, communication, and leadership skills while helping the lower MMR players improve their game skills.
  • Balanced matches. By drafting teams (similar to fantasy football), teams tend to be generally even in overall player skill. Also, regular season matchmaking pits teams with similar records against each other each week to avoid unbalanced matchups.
  • A great way to build a stack. Through inhouses and regular season matches, build a group of friends to stack and queue with. Teams made up of RD2L players regularly play in Battlecups, AD2L, JDL, and Valve Event Qualifiers.
  • Develop your captaining and leadership skills. Whether you captain this season or are mentored by one, RD2L is a great place to improve at CM. Drafting, strategy, and team play are all much more important than your average ranked pub game.

Signing up:

Captain and Player Sign-Ups and Information: Captains get to draft players and run their team. New captains must be at least 3k solo MMR (4k in CET-WED), and must be approved by an admin vouch.

Players sign up to be drafted into a team. To sign up as a player you must have played at least 500 games and have 250 wins. Your steam profile / dota stats must also be public to successfully sign up. There is no minimum MMR for players.

Sign-ups work on a first come first serve basis. The number of players we can support each season is limited by the number of captains that sign up, so being a captain is the best way to ensure you get a spot. (However, we typically ask for volunteers from returning players and previous captains if more are needed after sign-ups end, so don't feel pressure to sign-up as a captain.) If as a player you go undrafted, you can still be added to a team that needs you during the season as a Free Agent.

Season 11 Schedule (Schedule will be updated soon. See our subreddit post for a detailed schedule.)

If you're having signup issues, refer to this FAQ for troubleshooting. If that doesn't work, send a message to an admin in Discord. Please have screenshots or other helpful information for identifying and resolving the problem.


When you sign up you will choose a division for a day/time where you'll be regularly available. For the entire regular season, your matches will start at the same time on the same night of the week! For example, the EST-SUN division plays every Sunday on US East Servers at 9 PM EST.

Divisions list:

Match Time Server Days
9 PM CET EU West Wednesday or Saturday
9 PM EST US East Sunday or Monday
9 PM PST US West Sunday or Monday

The RD2L In-House League

The RD2L IHL provides a way to play competitively between matches and before/after the season starts.

IHL rules and sign-ups can be found here.

Once you have signed up you can then participate in lobbies like this hosted on EUW and USE. All ranked IH games will be played on our IH Ticket.

Games are typically organized through our Discord servers. You can find the invites to both the EU and NA servers on the sidebar of /r/redditdota2league.

If you have any questions you can always send me a PM via reddit or find me in Discord and PM me there.

Helpful Links

submitted by /u/ransom00
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Ward Spots So My Team Doesn't Rage at Me

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:47 PM PST

I need suggestions of ward spots so my team doesn't yell at me while I solo support.

I've been using the "default" wards, and I was doing a good job of dewarding those spots with sentries and providing vision to the map.

But my team didn't like it at all.

So, I guess I have to up my game.

I like warding Rosh for the rune and Rosh awareness. I kind of put it on the stairs nearby on one of the sides.

Sometimes I throw a ward into a lane to provide vision, but I don't know any canonical "lane wards."

submitted by /u/lookseedooso
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Tips for playing oflane

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:23 PM PST

So few minutes ago i got absolutely stomped while playing Timbersaw on the oflane. I was playing agains a lich and a troll. During the entire laning phase all i could do is stan on the edge of the xp range. If i tried to get closer to contest the troll's farm, i would die. What do i do in this situation? Do i just let him farm and get exp? Do i leave the lane and try to farm myself?

submitted by /u/Tobix55
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coldsnap: How many quas levels to blink these skills?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:41 AM PST

Assuming it procs as soon as possible, how many levels of coldsnap is necessary to block:

  1. QOP blink
  2. Antimage blink
  3. Storm spirit zap
  4. other interesting skills that I'm forgetting to ask
submitted by /u/fot1
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Templar Assassin lane

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:34 PM PST

I really like this hero, yet I don't want to take her mid. I am very comfortable playing pos 1 and it is my favorite role. How viable is playing a TA safelane and farming up? I see many things which say TA is a carry, yet I don't know when the last time I saw her in a pos 1 slot. Is this viable/worth or should I lock another carry instead? Should Treads be picked up instead of phase?

submitted by /u/Nateinater
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Totally new player: How good could I be if I receive coaching session since the beginning?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:34 PM PST

Hi reddit! :). This is my first post in this subreddit. I'm practically new into the game, I just played a few games with some friends long time ago but that's all. I dont know anything about the items, meta, champions/heroes, etc, so I thought that a good way to start was posting here and maybe receiving some coaching sessions. And It could be pretty interesting if someone make a video about the process to see how far I can reach in the MMR system. (Sorry for my bad english)

submitted by /u/Mortyferus
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I think (know) I'm bad at itemization. Please critique my LC games.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:18 PM PST


LC is my most played hero by far, I know she's not the strongest in the meta but I enjoy playing her.

While I feel I have a good grasp on her concept and build order (Usually 4-1-1-1, sometimes 3-1-2-1) but I feel like I'm missing something. I have good games and I have bad, but when I have good games I don't feel like it was my play that did it and when I have bad games I feel like it was only my fault.

I feel pretty stale, I've been at, around, the same mmr my entire dota2 career (2.5k). I've never been one for jumping on the meta or fotm heroes just to win, I just want to play the heroes I enjoy.

TBH I'm not even sure what I'm after, I guess any tips or recommendations or help in general would be helpful.

I know one issue I have is deciding between SB > SE or Blink. I have won games with both and I have lost games with both. I Know blink is usually the better choice, but when is that not the case?

submitted by /u/kickazzgoalie
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Anyone can coach me by watching my replays?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:08 AM PST

I also wanted to improve my english. We can open mic via discord or something.

submitted by /u/Satan-Himself-
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Luna - Damage or MS

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:30 AM PST

One of Luna's talents is a choice between damage and MS.

What I always thought was that MS isn't normally a problem on Luna and I usually go the damage.

But is the MS really better because of Jungle rotations and less kiting while 15 damage isn't super great later on?

submitted by /u/GotSodium
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Helping players learn Support

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:43 PM PST

Hey everyone, it's Ger here.

First off I wanted to say that I am new to this Subreddit, I have a passion to help people improve in the game and also become better myself always.

Since I am a support player, a role which is not frequently played, I thought it would be a good chance to try to help anyone who might be even slightly interested in it, I have been playing support constantly for 90 ish games and by no means I am perfect but I have learnt quite a bit which I could use to help. I can link my ID below if you want to see, granted some matches go terrible for me as I have yet to master a lot of stuff but practice makes perfect. :D


Thank you, and if you want to ask me anything please do below or on messages.


submitted by /u/Gerrraxxx
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[1.8k MMR] Only play 1-3 heroes?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:15 AM PST

So I've had some advice that in order to rapidly get better I should restrict myself to playing 1-3 different heroes and get really, really comfortable with them.

The concept was that even if those heroes don't fit in a particular line up, you will power through that just by being really good at that hero. Makes sense right?

Now, if you could only play 3 heroes at 1.8K MMR which 3 would you pick?

I'm thinking 2 carries and 1 support.

submitted by /u/geralt922
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When playing jugg against a PA, when do you build MKB?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:53 AM PST

As above. Assuming a standard early game build of Phase - Aquila - HoD. Do you complete manta into MKB? Casual yasha into MKB into finishing manta? even Full manta -> maelstrom -> MKB?

submitted by /u/Apoth75
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