Guild Wars 2 - Came across this glorious man while waiting for Tequatl.

Came across this glorious man while waiting for Tequatl.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:49 PM PST

It's nice to see these things in my Tyria travels.

Not sure if this will embed or not, first non-text only post.

submitted by /u/ShadowOfMen
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Show Health Bars of Allies

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:50 PM PST

Currently, the game does not have an option or toggle to show health bars of allies. This means that the only way a healer can estimate the state of health of allies is by looking at the party/squad or hoovering over the ally with their mouse. This makes healing for classes like Druid harder than necessary. Especially now that a large proportion of the game requires dedicated healers (raids, t4 fractals and PvP/WvW). Previously, I believe ArenaNet has made a statement that they rather do not want to clutter the screen too much with UI elements. However, it would make healing a lot more accurate if we could at least have an option to toggle this on/off in parties and squads.


This is one of those subjects that have been discussed many times before but I want to address it again now that ArenaNet has made an official stance with regards to DPS meters. I know there are mods out there that give the ability to the player to show the health bars of allies as shown by Brazil in one of his latest YouTube videos. I was wondering, in case we are not going to have health bars of allies implemented by ArenaNet, whether we are allowed to have a third party app to provide this functionality?

submitted by /u/Bonoboo
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Profession Locking Poll!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:22 AM PST

List of QoL Suggestions and Items I'd like to see in game at some point.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:41 AM PST

While I don't expect all of these to be implemented, I would hope at least some are considered. FYI these are not in any particular order, just what came into mind.

  • Get rid of these gold spammers in PvP Lobby. I've reported so many, but still get spammed.
  • Build Templates.
  • Allow (Permanent) Bank Access Express to remain open while character is moving. Much like the Tarrktun Personal Delivery Portal. This also helps 1 time use versions from being wasted because of an accidental problem, like a mob pushing the character and forcing it to close.
  • Allow Mystic Forge to craft multiple repeat recipes at once. Like crafting Mystic Clovers, or upgrading items like lodestones.
  • Make Personal Merchant, or Personal Trading Post icons on the map, only visible to the owner.
  • Solution to this Rune and Sigil inventory problem. Maybe ability to mark things as Trash?
  • Quick Slots. Much like Shared Inventory slots, these would go down near your skills. You can place food, or other most used items (like shovels), in these.
  • More Guild Slots. 5 is too little.
  • Still waiting on that Key Ring Solution.
  • Section for Tonics, Toys, and Instruments.
  • Dyeable Backpieces.
  • Be able to right click a WayPoint linked in chat and hit "Teleport to Location".
  • Skippable Dialog for Stories you have already completed. Only skippable if everyone in party has already been through it once already.
  • Be able to right click stacked items and hit "Open / Use All". If the inventory gets full, it stops opening. You could also split the items up and use a certain amount that way, like for Tomes of Knowledge.
  • More Home Instance Nodes. Jungle Plant, Mussel, Advanced Cloth Rack (Linen, Silk, and Gossamer), Advanced Leather Rack (Rugged, Thick, and Hardened), Blooming Passiflora, Toxic Seedling, Noxious Pod.
  • Mystic Forge Recipes to convert items like Preserved Queen Bee, Chak Egg Sac, or other Exotic only items, into infusions so they can be used in Ascended.
  • The Ability to name Bank Tabs.
  • An Option to automatically accept bouncy chests.
  • Better Particle Effects control.
  • Remove Upgrade Extractors from Gemstore. Offer Permanent Extractor instead for X Gems. Single Use Extractors aren't worth it. You can buy the sigil or rune cheaper on the trading post.
  • Faster Crafting. Crafting some items like Darksteel Ingots are a lot faster than say crafting Elder Wood Planks, but why not just have 1 crafting timer for batch crafting. Craft all 1000 in 1 go.
  • Be able to wear any helmet with any outfit.
  • Allow stacked items in shared inventory slots to automatically combine together when collected. Like if you have pact crowbars in an inventory slot, and you get more for completing events, they would automatically go into the shared slot, instead of separating into the inventory.
  • More Shared Inventory Slots.
  • A redesigned character selection screen to show more detail and more characters in like a grid view.
  • Internal Game clock on mini map that lets you know the in game time if its day or night.
  • Option to enable Automatically Deposit Materials after salvaging or looting.
  • Sell/"buy more" items on TP directly from bank/material storage.
  • Add the ton of requested items to material storage (like doubloons and other things that you can't deposit yet).
  • Display Account name along with Character name when receiving mail. So like.. "Character (Account.####)".
  • Ability to mass message your friends list. Useful for letting everyone know you are hosting an event, instead of whispering 1 by 1.
  • Remove 2 mail limit if both players are friends with each other.
  • Give Engineers the option to keep their kit-specific backpieces.
  • Right click Accessory/Ring > Equip in off-hand/2nd slot.
  • Add in a similar option for Bank and Inventory slots to be able to stack more than 250 items at once. Like how you can store 2000 items in material storage. Could be sold as gemstore upgrade.
  • Add in more possible ways to get Mastery Points for both Tyria and HoT.

Black Lion Chest items I'd like to see:

  • Endless Revive Orb (2-5 min cooldown while in instanced content, and banned from raids, pvp, and wvw obviously)
  • Permanent Teleport to Friend Contract (2 min cooldown)
  • Permanent Total Makeover Contract

Anyways let me know what you guys think, and if I should add more onto this list.

submitted by /u/SaiyanOfDarkness
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We need backpack color variations

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:00 AM PST

We can't dye backpacks and we are basically limited to what colors Anet chooses for them. Unless Anet plans on making them dye-able in the future (I doubt), I think it would be a good idea to release backpacks in multiple color variations.
This would be great for players and Anet since they could put more stuff into gem store, resulting in more profit.

submitted by /u/gapybo
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TIL: The "teleporters" in Divinity's Reach are actually tunnels

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 09:55 AM PST

[Profession Mechanics]Will Arenanet Continue These?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:38 AM PST

I bet a lot of people enjoy these environment profession mechanics:

  1. Thieves lock picking

  2. Engineers using Turrents left in the environment

  3. Necromancers using minions left in the environment

  4. Rangers taming dogs (EDIT)

I'd love to see more of these in the game!

I kind of wanted people to show some love for them and maybe find more examples in the comments.

submitted by /u/Jezepe
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Stonemist Castle

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:18 PM PST

So much for "all" boons

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:01 AM PST

Seems like a majority of pets are still living Pre-Specialization patch.

I was fiddling around and noticed the Plasma bundle from the Siamoth doesn't have Stability, Quickness or Resistance.

Old pets need some love Anet :(

submitted by /u/Synqq
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I'm Full of Skritt

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:13 AM PST

I'm not an artist...but I had an idea and I tried to draw it. Hope you like it as much as I do. :) Here is my picture:

submitted by /u/Mordrem_Moth
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Thank you Anet and GW2!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:35 PM PST

I've been playing this game since launch, and I was lucky enough to get into a decent guild early on. I made some good friends in this guild and they unknowingly kept me going during a couple of difficult years in sixth form.

Together we weathered through various guild dramas and became better friends for it, to the point that tomorrow, I'm boarding a plane to meet many of them in Amsterdam!

You often hear about people becoming friends online and meeting up in reality, but as an EU guild with members spread across Europe I never expected it to happen. I mean, who would spend hundreds of pounds/euros on meeting people you only know online? But we are, and I think that's a testament to how brilliant GW2 is at pushing people together and encouraging cooperation (and we don't even raid!).

So cheers Anet! Thanks to you I've got a fantastic international group of friends I can't wait to meet in the flesh! Thanks! <3

submitted by /u/Wickendenale
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Amazing Fractal Box?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:00 AM PST

Please deal with level up rewards

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:02 PM PST

At this point I now have 20 characters and every time I make a new one I get those irritating level up rewards. They're basically useless to me at this point and the gear can't even be salvaged or sold. So please ANet, if you won't let us salvage or sell that stuff, give us the option not to get level up rewards at all. I'll happily miss out on a few small rewards to not have to click through 80 of those things.

submitted by /u/BeckaPL
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Guild Wars 2 is one of top subredditts! [repost from dataisbeautiful]

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:52 PM PST

We got an exchange vendor for the account bound fractal tonics. Can we get one for the blade shards?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:28 AM PST

It's another account bound item that most people might not have a use for once they make the backpieces (or if they don't care for them to begin with). I always feel disappointed when I get them as the reward for the fractal 100 CM bosses instead of something I could actually use. Even if it's just fractal relics, it would be nice to be able to exchange them. /u/Anet_Ben can this happen?

submitted by /u/Kantoku83
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[SPOILER] Demmi Beetlestone

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:18 PM PST

I'm kinda miffed that she doesn't acknowledge my rank as a former (?) Lightbringer of the Order. I'm kinda forced to think that she's mad at me for letting Tybalt die at Claw Island.

I'm also apologizing in advance if this doesn't come out as spoiler, I'm posting in mobile.

submitted by /u/ReisukeNaoki
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Organizing a series of GW2-related workshops for fan-based content creators and programmers funded by the Erasmus+ Educational Program of the EU

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:47 AM PST

Hi Guild Wars 2,

I have been a player since launch and two things that kept me playing it were the overall great community and later on, with the release of the API, fan-generated content, like gw2bltc, gw2efficiency and other websites or tools that make great use of it.

Many of the developers behind these projects also mostly do this because they are fans of the game and invest alot of personal time and effort.

In the past, Anet already promoted the development of tools for the game with the Overwolf challenge.

In real life, I am a Pedagoge for Vocational and Postgraduate training and have been involved with experiental education all around the world. For the next couple of years, I am planning to be involved in projects focussing on international exchange for students and young professionals funded by the Educational Program of the European Commission, Erasmus+.

Even though I am focussing on different industries, the idea dawned on me that workshops related to fan-based content could be funded by this program.

What does funding mean?

With this program, the EU supports international exchange periods for students and professionals to give them the opportunity to work in different countries and experience new cultures.

Funding for individuals usually covers travel costs to and from the workshops and a daily allowance that covers accommodiation and food.

Funding for the host organisation (Anet/NC-Soft) usually covers administrational and organisational costs for venues, logistics etc.

Who is eligible for funding?

Its mostly for individuals and organisations based or registered in a EU member states but expections apply.

Individuals from outside the EU may be eligible for funding, if they are involved in an educational role. So Anet employees based in Bellevue and fans that already created tools or other fan-based content for the game should be able to get funding, if they are involved in leading a workshop.

Individuals that would like to attent those workshops because they want to learn how to create their own tools and content, would need to have citizenship of a EU member state or a couple of other countries and territories.

Where could this happen?

As the host organisation needs to be registered in the EU, the NC-SOFT offices in Brighton, UK, should be a great venue, depending on the progress of the Brexit in the next years. If I am not mistaken, the Localisation-Teams for german, french and spanish are based there as well and they might be able to provide venue and work space.

As host organisation, the company should be eligible for funds as well.

When could this happen?

There are application deadlines for grants twice a year but preparation takes anywhere between 6 months and a year, so a realistic start would be early or mid-2018.

Funds to eligible educational projects are granted for a period of 1 or 2 years, depending on scope and goal.

What kind of workshops could be held?

To take up on a current discussion: We could lock Chris Cleary and some other devs into a meeting room with 10 dps-meter programmers in trebuchet range of Brighton Beach for a week and see what they come up with, if they work together.

Additional workshops can be held about for example successfully creating streaming or youtube content, blog/guide content, API tools related to different permissions like trading or account unlocks, overlay apps and tools etc.

Depending on interest from the community and Anet, I think it would be feasable to have around 5 workshops per year on different topics. About one every two months and 2 months for evaluation and documentation.

The first workshop would mostly be directed at professionals from Anet or NC-Soft and individuals that already created popular fan-based content and tools, who will be tasked with leading additional workshops later on on specific topics. In that workshop they will get to know each other and will have the possibility of learning how to lead their workshops and a few other educational skills, if they havent done that before. They will also organise in small teams that will be leading one workshop each.

Between the first and the 2nd workshop, these teams collect ideas with the help of the general community, what problem their specific workshop should resolve or what features and tools people would like to see. And during the 2nd workshop, they will prepare their third and final workshop.

Those final workshops will be open to aspiring web developers, programmers or content creators from all over Europe that would like to learn from the professionals.

How many can participate?

This depends on many factors, for example, wether its a 1 year or 2 year long project.

You also have to consider a healthy relation between professionals and "students". For a 2 year project 30-40 professionals and 160-170 students spread over 7-8 individual workshops seems feasible.

The last workshop could be a conference to present results and all participants to meet each other, which could be open to the public, if there is interest from the regular player base to attend.

Please leave some feedback on the general idea or your suggestion on specific workshops you would like to see or participate in.

Or which persons you would like to lead that workshop, be it Anet employees or popular fan-based content creators.

submitted by /u/rude_asura
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I somehow managed to find this gem on YouTube

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:02 PM PST

Easy Dailies Update

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 01:08 PM PST

The "Easy Dailies" thread, which enormously useful, is still missing some recent info. Is it possible to unlock that thread for new comments?

For instance, today's daily, "Heart of Maguuma Vista Viewer," doesn't appear on the main post or in the comments. I'd like to add a comment that there's a super easy one: The Jaka Itzel Vista is steps from the Jaka Itzel WP, [&BOAHAAA=].

submitted by /u/MrSquamous
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Secret Taimi notes

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:47 AM PST

[hT] Hero Points/Vinetooth Prime and more done quick

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:49 AM PST

Hey guys,

we are back with some Open World PvE Content. We had a lot of fun doing this and a lot of people were happy to get ez hps (Especially one guy camping the Mushroom Queen, who reloged to more than 5 chars LUL).

If you got any good ideas for more speedclearing in open world let us know! So enjoy, stay slothy and break the baaar!

Guild: No Hesitation [hT]

submitted by /u/Moorbazan
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QoL: Multiple quick achievements

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 08:59 AM PST

Please allow to switch between "dailies" and "following achievements" by clicking on the Achievement icon. I have to look everytime I accomplish a daily on what I have to do next. Just a small thing to help us enjoy the game more.

submitted by /u/Rancorax
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Got my girlfriend a gift as a late Valentine's Day/early Anniversary gift

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:48 PM PST

My girlfriend's not too big into getting outfits or new gliders, but likes saving up for practical stuff to help her out while playing. So while she's at work I hopped on her account and gave her a boost of sorts:

Not pictured: Living World Season 2, new character slot, and 150 gold. I can't wait to see how she reacts.

submitted by /u/RevenantXero
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