Civilization - Could City States be fixed so that they give us more realistic quests? Zanzibar is literally asking me to have another Civ declare war on myself.

Could City States be fixed so that they give us more realistic quests? Zanzibar is literally asking me to have another Civ declare war on myself.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:36 PM PST

We did it Reddit!

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:14 PM PST

CivilizationEDU takes the strategy franchise to school !

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:35 AM PST

Scout's Honor

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:36 AM PST

When you late game and you don't even care anymore

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 05:50 PM PST

"An unmet player has been defeated" - VI

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:57 AM PST

Literally every single game I've played so far throws that notification at me during the ancient era. Yet, I've never actually seen any other player really defeated by the AI. What is that about?

submitted by /u/dannyjerome0
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Tyre finally had enough of Mongolia's shit.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:36 PM PST

What Civs/Leaders do people think we'll see or want to see in future expansions?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 12:17 PM PST

Victory Type Suggestion - Economic (Long Text)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 02:27 PM PST

First I will start by saying this is not meant to be balanced against other victory types(not yet at least). If anything, something like this would be more difficult, not easier. Also, all numbers are placeholders.

What conditions would allow a country economic domination over a world? I thought of a few basic ones.

1: Access to and Influence with global markets

2: Lots of money

3: Resource control and monopolies

How would these translate into civ conditions?

1: Must have a city with both a commercial hub and trading post on every continent(that has a civ). Another option would be to be in trade range of every single city.

2: 25-50% of world's GDP must be made by you( unsure of how to do scaling with players yet.)

3: Must have at least one more copy of every strategic resource than the player with the next highest amount.

New game play elements that would make this victory type feasible. When players reach the atomic era, or discover a certain tech, these traits are added to that civ.

1: +2% GPT for each unique civ you have a trade route with. (10% cap)

2: -5% GPT for each unique civ you are at war with. (20% cap) The thinking behind these is that in the atomic and later eras, international trade is usually good for the economy, and war is extremely costly. There is economic incentive to stay friendly with nations, just like in real life.

Any thoughts?

submitted by /u/DeletedTaters
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Posted: 16 Feb 2017 11:09 AM PST

I heard y'all like maps, so here's my 62-civ domination game as of turn 445

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:01 PM PST

ELI5: Why does Alexander of Greece rapidly expand and have such a high tendency of warmongering? (CIV V)

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:04 AM PST

Obviously I get that each Civ has traits assigned to them based on how they acted throughout history - I knew that Ghengis Khan would be an aggressive civ but why is Greece depicted as being particularly aggressive? Was the Greek empire this aggressive in history?

submitted by /u/Wiremouse302
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Is there some problems with diplomacy or am I just bad? - Civ 6

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 04:21 PM PST

Can't seem to get the hang of the diplomacy in CIV 6 yet. Just now in my single player game Japan declared surprise war against me and I fought him back and captured a city which caused every other AI to denounce me. Then I made peace with Japan and Greece talked shit to me because I made peace, WHAT IS THIS!?

tl;dr Anyone have a good guide to the finer points of diplomacy in Civ 6?

submitted by /u/j-cron
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If I can run Civ V on low settings, could I run civ 6?

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:22 PM PST

Title. I'm also a noob at PC so I don't know my specs. Sorry.

submitted by /u/JediChamp5
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Civ 5 tales

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:11 PM PST

What I did as Japan

Start game

Have revolutions, reform and rule, 3 units per tile, leadership reformation, mercenary camps and civ IV diplomatic features enabled

Rush optics

Colonise Korea

Name colony "Busan"

Korea steals Busan in war

Make peace with Korea because not dealing with that army

Captured city starts rioting and rebelling

City eventually becomes an independent nation and rejoins the motherland

Use this as a window to rush Korea

Beefing up my army, so far I have an army of Yari Ashigaru (Pikemen)

Korea spent most of their army fighting the rebellion

Steamroll Korea and make them my vassal

I now control the Korean peninsula, Korea controls some of Manchuria

China and Mongolia declare war


Few centuries of attrition warfare before I get Samurai

Make Mongolia and China vassals, take Beijing

Rebellion begins to stir in my lands


Pile my units outside cities to forcefully reduce unrest

Rebel units begin to appear


Rebellion is devastating, every tile in my lands are pillaged

Gaining culture and gold by killing rebel units

Siam and Russia declare war a few years later

Vassals defend me as I fight the guerilla's

Russians repelled by Mongolia

China overrun by Siam

Rebellions intensify, lose Beijing and several other cities

I'm taking my ball, and I'm going home

Pull back to the island and build tall

Unlock riflemen awhile later and re-invade Korea using Busan as a launchpad

Retake the old colonies and raze them until they're all size 2 (cities must be size 3+ to rebel)

Happiness is better than last time I tried to do this

Mongols have continued being my vassal this whole time

Liberate China from Siam only to immediately declare war to make them my vassal

Give China all its cities back

Tax them 25% of their GDP

Mongolia is loyal

Mongolia is honourable

Mongolia is useful

Don't tax Mongolia because they are friendly to me and consistently join my wars

Give Mongolia open borders as reward for their service

The Japanese Empire sets its sights on Siam

Decide to play it cool this time, now that world powers are watching me I need to be diplomatic

Siam chose communism

Choose Autocracy

Look for nations that chose Autocracy

Babylon, America and Brazil chose Autocracy (very nice)

Denounce everyone those 3 powers have denounced

Siam denounces me


Do everything to piss Siam off

Few turns later Siam declares war

Move army to Indochina itself with navy while my vassal keeps them busy

Seize capital

Capital flips back when Puffy Mcdumface figures out what's up

Take it back

Lose it again

Take it back

Lose it again, this time I'm out of units

I can replace my soldiers, but Siam can't replace the dead citizens (not in a few turns that is)

Siam agrees to become my vassal


Tax them 25% because they destroyed my last Empire

India denounces me

Declaration of friendship with Brazil and Babylon

America denounces me for it

Begin building cities on the pacific islands

Keep cities at 2 population for now with avoid growth until I can improve my luxury resources

Slow expansion until I bump into Australia

Straya tells me to back up

Denounce them

Henry rolls up his sleeves, sharpens his teeth and personally leads a naval fleet against my colonies

Lose some fringe islands

Stalemate island warfare for the next 1000 years because I'm unwilling to stop until I get my islands back

Rebellions begin to occur in the mainland China colonies

I don't care at this point so I just stack 3 artillery in all the important cities (I have a mod for it)

Gandhi, America, Poland, Britain, Inca, Assyria, Morocco and Zulu all declare war on me

By this time I've amassed a fortune from constant warfare and vassal taxes

Had defensive treaties with Brazil and Babylon as well as my 4 vassals

Turns out Poland dominates all of Europe and has little or no rebellion, nice

Pour all my saved up gold into buying the strongest mercenary units available including Wehrmacht, Prachina, Panzers and B17's

Massive standing army, solid core of veteran soldiers and experienced great generals plus some cities completely encased in citadels and forts

The nation forged in war is ready for more

For the Emperor

For the Empire

Dispatch bombers to the South Pacific to hold back the Australian advance

Poland uses their Russian vassals railroad to invade me

Mongolia, my beloved servant holds them off efficiently

Siam recovered well from my war with them and holds off India for a good few turns

I can hold this

For the Emperor

For the Empire

Timelapse to 2000 years in the future

I've been slowly losing ground, a few cowards have tried to make peace through the years

While the enemies of the Emperor still draw breath there can be no peace

My Empire and vassals have grown to encompass almost half of the Eurasian continent

Holding off the American Blitzkrieg at Honolulu (which I settled about 5000 years ago)

Australia the beast is being held at bay in Indonesia

Poland is proving to be a formidable opponent

China (the region, as well as the vassal) has been nuked multiple times

Everyone has nuked my outer cities

No-one has been able to bring a nuke in range of Japan itself

I can win this

For the Emperor

For the Empire

Timelapse another 10000 years

The year is 20450 AD

No hope

No light

No peace

In the grim darkness of the Japanese Empire, there is only war

Vassals have been reduced to rump-states with piss-poor armies

My army is still going strong however and I'm still rich from the constant killing of units for culture and gold

Mainland Japan bathes in atomic fire

Conscript workers to scrub it

Buy even more mercenaries and keep producing units nonstop

Production is hindered by the bombings

Polish war machine has slowed down due to rebellions in conquered territories

Push them back, liberate my vassals cities

Lost one of my best generals, had a really powerful trait that let me conscript defeated units

Still have the rest of my veteran generals so his loss isn't as bad

Looks like I might actually win the war...

But then...

He came...

Skin like tough leather hardened by the sun

Arms like tree trunks

Legs like locomotives

Oiled, muscled abs hard enough to block tank shells

Shaka Zulu has arrived...

I will crush this gnat

Suicidal fool sends his army un-escorted across the sea

Plan to crush him with navy

Forgot I only had one ship that wasn't locked in combat with Australia


Have nothing to confront them with

All islands are overrun

Some of them are killed but they just keep coming

Philipines and Indonesia fall to Australia

Build a navy to stop them but it's too late

Zulu's land on Japan, land army tries to hold them at bay

Immediately sacrifice a great general for a citadel

Call another great general to the motherland

Hold them off for a couple turns, even kill a good number of units

They just. Keep. Coming.

Poland India and Australia rip my Empire and vassals apart

I am alone...

My other generals and the rest of my army is trapped on the mainland and surrounded by enemies

Income cut off

Brazil takes Washington -- good to know I've been avenged...

For the Emperor...

For the Empire...

submitted by /u/Nortarus
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(Civ VI) - Making AI Good Again - A pretty fun match

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 10:44 AM PST

Like many of you, I've been struggling with the intelligence and rationality of the AI. After playing a few games, I was hoping for a Game of Thrones-style experience, so I created a game with the following specifics:

1) Medieval Era mod (but started in the Classical era, I think) 2) MOAR Units mod 3) Pangaea, standard 4) AI+ 5) I think semi-deity or immortal, can't remember. 6) Online speed 7) Me as Japan 8) Turned off score victory, unlimited turns. 9) Used the mod to make the unit models very small but increased by a factor of three (battles look much cooler).

I also did a few more things that seemed to help. I modified the xml files to reduce the spacing between civilizations and city states. I set it so that about 30 civilizations started. In effect, we all began as city states.

This game is awesome!

First off, the science vs. production balance is great. It takes a long time to research technologies, but I can pump out a unit every turn or two in my capital.

When I started, I attempted to start a religion, but I failed. I then tried to expand, but most of the space around my city state was taken. My second city began to grow well, but Scythia surprised attacked me and we began a costly war. I lost the city, but Scythia, failing to expand itself, became landlocked with only two cities. With both of our armies devastated and Brazil growing in strength, we called a truce.

Meanwhile, I had cultivated a relationship with my city-state neighbors, Jakarta and Amsterdam ($$). Germany, my neighbor across the Great Lake to the south, attacked Jakarta. I levied it's military, surprised attacked myself (city-state commanders are incompetent), and pushed back the German advance. An icy isthmus and a lack of siege weapons hindered my advance, but I was able to attack Germany and achieved a truce.

Now Sumeria attacks from the north without warning, seizing my new coastal city. With my Japanese coastal advantage and veteran army, I defeat the Sumerians and reclaim my city. I seize one of theirs, and pillage their ziggurats, and use their secret knowledge to advance my research into…samurai.

Now I seek revenge upon Brazil! As I am preparing, I am pre-empted, however, and resist their advances until my samurai are available.

After a series of engagements on interior deserts, my samurai arrive and I raze the Brazilian adjacent to my capital. The war continues, and the Brazilian empire becomes no more. Pedro is executed, and I prepare to finish off Scythia. Scythia is landlocked, saturated with horse archers, and well-defended, so I bolster my forces.

At this point, Greece, fearing similar aggression, declares war. Germany follows suit. Greek knights flank my archers and kill off many of my most experienced samurai. They siege my newly conquered western cities, but I quickly rally my troops from the Scythian border and push back their initial advance onto Greek territory. It's a Pyrrhic victory, as I lose even more samurai and archers to the Greek Defender of the Faith knights and crossbowmen.

At this point, I'm struggling. I'm vulnerable to attack from the Romans across the northern mountain range, and fear that an engagement with Scythia could cost me. The Greek city I am attempting to conquer is resisting a siege, and I am technologically outclassed by Greece in both range and artillery. I'm a hundred turns from achieving parity.

The samurai-vs-knight dynamic is interesting. I can weaken the knights, although they do heal quickly with promotions. My samurai do full damage, but as the aggressor, I have more difficult time making use of this advantage since they are likely to be killed by focus fire from crossbowmen.

I've having fun this game (as you can see). Perhaps because the strategy is less complex (neighbors are close by, almost every hexagon is claimed), technological advancement is even, and the medieval period seemed to me a less complex world dominated by war and trade, I don't feel too much immersion breaking that I've had in the past. It's been relatively difficult to defeat my AI opponents, and I have indeed lost cities due to surprise attacks, or in the first case, a slow, violent war against an opponent with a unique advantage. I might try another game like this in the near future.

submitted by /u/unduthrowaway
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My city naming is on point.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:07 PM PST

[Civ V] Quick Question, could make the difference this game

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 06:06 PM PST

If I trade with another Civ to have them vote in my favor at the World Congress, then move that diplomat to another Civ, do I lose the first Civ's vote?

submitted by /u/LonePorkchop
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Halfway through my first game of Civ 6, and I'm having such a good time.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:31 PM PST

1) War is so much more fun, because it is actually advantageous to have more cities, unlike in 5. 2) Diplomacy is much more interesting 3) I'm loving the government policies

Just thought I'd let you know

submitted by /u/no-sound_somuch_fury
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Recommendations for good Civ VI playthroughs.

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 07:19 AM PST

I'm particularly interested in seeing someone for for a culture or religion win but I'm interested in any recommendations. I was enjoying /u/quill18's Japan series but I'm not sure if it's going to be updated. I also watched Quill's religious Norway run which was fun and I'd love to see another religious game. I won't be able to play Civ VI for quite a few months (away from home with a laptop that wouldn't be able to handle it) so I've been looking for god playthroughs to tide me over. Cheers!

submitted by /u/ojeb
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Top 5 Essential Mods for Civilization 6

Posted: 16 Feb 2017 03:13 AM PST

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