Learn Dota 2 - A 1k player's guide to Lich |
- A 1k player's guide to Lich
- Lycan agility gain from 1.9 to 1.5 and from 1.5 to 1 in 2 patches
- Is Templar Assassin trash-tier in 7.0, or is there a fundamental change I haven't appreciated?
- When to do what as a support
- Bot game problem
- How could I have won this match?
- Did 7.02 just revive Pugna ?
- Faceless Void tips
- Item build for zeus this patch
- Helm of the Dominator or Vlad's on Lycan?
- Queen of pain lost blademail lifesteal amd lvl 25 talent from 35 int to -3s shadow strike cd
- Dota 7.02
- why do people get dragon lance on meepo?
- Quickcast & tps
- What is considered D to S tier DPS for practice dummy?
- How to play bone fletcher?
- Weaver vs Kunkka midlane
- bloodseeker jungle?
- How to Brood mid?
- How Do I Stop Being Toxic?
- Stacking Ancients - Prowler Problem
- Trying to do the antimage quest. Don't know how to play antimage. Help!
- Deso and satanic?
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:47 PM PST I am a 1k player, ad I have a 63% win rate on Lich over 121 matches. Since a lot of new players will start dota at the 1k-2k level, maybe someone will find my thoughts on the hero useful to them. The role of LichLich is best played as a lane support - he plays differently as safelane support compared to offlane support, but both are fine. Lich mid can work but is usually a last resort kind of deal when your draft has gone sideways badly. Lich doesn't need a lot of farm to accomplish his goals. All he needs is health regen for sustain on the map, since he eats lane creeps for mana. Everything after that is gravy. That's why he works as a position 5 support rather than needing items to function. MatchupsLich does well vs rightclick-heavy heroes, preferably not strength-based, so the nukes hurt more. Lich especially likes multiple melee rightclickers, because they group up. Lich does not like being ganked, so if your opponents choose spirit breaker, weaver, bounty etc, you are probably going to have a bad game. Choose Ogre instead. Hero characteristics and gameplayLich has a decent move speed, but he's quite frail. Positioning is very important on Lich, so you will learn better positioning by playing him (the hard way). Aside from his nuke which is a bit short-ranged, his abilities allow you to sit back in fights, so that's where you should aim to be. At early levels, Lich's small mana pool can be restricting because his nuke is mana-intensive, and sometimes using his sacrifice might result in you wasting some of the mana it generates. Often you'll end up doing nuke/nuke/sacrifice just to get the most value from sacrifice. Towards the mid game, you nuke people and slow them for your allies to kill, and use your ult to punish enemies that group up (the classic scenario is 2 melee heroes attacking you or an ally - you ult and it keeps bouncing between them, killing them both. Note that the slows of your nuke and frost armour will make it even harder for them to delta split away from the bounces) In the late game, you're too fragile to go toe to toe, so you frost armour your team, occasionally nuke anyone who comes into range, ult when there's a definite teamfight (or keep the threat of ult to deter diving), and use items like force and glimmer to save allies. At all times, good ward placement will win you matches. You don't have an escape, so if you're going to ward offensively, smoke up, preferably with someone else, drop wards in their jungle or behind towers you want to kill, get a pick off and teleport back to a lane to keep the pressure up. Starting ItemsI generally follow Torte Delini's guide - tango, courier, RoP, 2 wards, branch. One ward can be given to the offlaner or mid (ctrl-click the ward onto them). Keep one ward for the safe lane - it's important to spot rotations with. Try not to leave your carry alone without a ward covering the rune or the river near their T1 - these are the two most common routes used to gank safelane. Here are some common spots to ward against those ganks. The ring of protection is for building into Tranquils. If don't get harassed too much, then you can share any remaining tangos with your carry once you get the ring of regen. Safelane LaningAs safelane support, Lich works well to keep the lane from pushing, and harassing the offlaner with the goal of getting kills or running them out of regen. If that's not possible (dual tanky offlaners, or an aggressive offlane), then you become defensive with frost armour on your carry. Since frost armour costs less mana than your nuke, you can be more choosy when using sacrifice, especially when the lane is pushing hard. When your T1 is busy killing creeps, it's a lot safer for their offlaners to dive and kill you and your carry, and you probably lose the tower as well. If you have to nuke their wave to push a bit before you sacrifice, then do it. After that, you're probably ready to spend some gold on small items. Some options are:
Offlane laningIn the offlane, you get to nuke a lot more. Pulling the lane back is still important, but you're unlikely to worry about it pushing past your own T1 unless it's a really competent safelane pair (which is rarely) You need to ensure you have a tp scroll for rotations, especially once you get level 6. Teleporting in and ulting a pair of enemies diving your safelane T1 is a good way to pay for the next item :) Skill buildsTo start with, follow Torte Delini's build. It's a solid skill build. However, if you need to be defensive, you must deviate and pick up a level of frost armour after level 1. Just bear in mind that autocast will interrupt what you're doing, so don't leave it on unless you like to do things like not getting nukes or ults off, or dying because you stopped to frost yourself while running away. Sacrifice keeps your mana up as well as providing a constant stream of XP. Use it on ranged creeps at the start of the game to deny the most XP to the offlaners. After a while your mana needs become greater, so you may need to eat the occasional melee creep. Siege creeps are great to eat, since they're a lot of gold denied and lots of mana regained. I usually eat the 7 minute catapult. After that, it depends whether you're pushing or not. TalentsL10: move speed vs +125hp. Go for health if you have wind lace, or move speed if you built want/bracer. Personally, I take health a lot because I'm usually fast enough with tranquils + wind lace. L15: -3s frost blast cooldown vs +125 range. (Cooldown is relatively new) Good if you have someone to tank for you or you have a big mana pool (arcanes or lens or something). Go range if you don't have that, for safety. L20: +120 gold/min vs +150 damage. I rarely take the gold because I usually have everything I need. I tend to take the damage so I can chip away at buildings or get in the occasional hit in fights (i don't go seeking to rightclick, but opportunities happen) L25: Skadi effect vs +35 frost armour on buildings. Classic offensive vs defensive pick. The frost armour bonus is really legit if you need it. itemisationAfter you pick up some early items, you need to decide what to build next. Some common options are:
After one or two items like that, I usually get aghs or scythe of vyse, assuming I get that far. ConclusionTLDR; Lich is squishy and is great to teach you to be justifiably scared of being out of position. He wrecks face with nukes, and his fire-and-forget ultimate breaks up teamfights into bite-sized pieces for your team to eat. Try him out. [link] [comments] |
Lycan agility gain from 1.9 to 1.5 and from 1.5 to 1 in 2 patches Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:42 AM PST Anyone could explain the effect this has on the hero? Seems like a pretty big nerf taking away 50% of the agi gain. Should we dismiss all together treads and hotd (also nerfed) for dmg items and forget about attack speed? Just curious how this affects him. Seems pretty big nerf [link] [comments] |
Is Templar Assassin trash-tier in 7.0, or is there a fundamental change I haven't appreciated? Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:41 PM PST I used to be very happy with my TA games. Even in the worst of them, I could identify mistakes I or other made. I would usually win mid comfortably, have 1-3 kills from ganks by 12 mins, and have a number of ancients to farm. Now, I often do OK for farm but not a steamroll like before. By ganks all fail as the enemy just stroll away. I cant work out how to farm ancients since they decided to stack auras. And I generally just feel like a glorified creep in the early game, and maybe a mega creep thereafter. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:52 PM PST I mostly play core heroes and I've gotten to the middle of the 3k bracket from calibrating in the 1k bracket a year or two ago. I think I have a decent grasp for when to farm and when to fight as a core, but as a support I don't really know when to zone an offlaner, when to pull or if I should stack first, when to go gank, when to farm (or even how to farm without taking core farm). Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:39 AM PST My gold never decrease. Whenever i buy an item in bot game the gold level stay the same and the item immediately go to my bag. How can i change everything to normal? [link] [comments] |
How could I have won this match? Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:31 PM PST |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 07:09 PM PST Maybe I do not understand this one correctly, but for a character with Pugna's mana pool and his tendency to keep it full (suck suck), this is spooky:
Any thoughts on how much this will affect things ? I think the all ward Pugna build is gonna become monstrous. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:14 PM PST I'm looking to improve with this hero. I mostly play him in offlane, which I would say I'm fairly good at, but I struggle after the laning stage. I typically build treads, vlads, manta, diffusal and then BKB, but I often get locked down in fights and killed before I can have a good impact. Any advice would be great! ~2k mmr [link] [comments] |
Item build for zeus this patch Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:13 PM PST so got the winter battlepass and it seems to me msot of the quests can be done by zeus, ive already played him a couple of times but his item build seems like a mystery to me one of the most important things ive noticed is that most of the items that people get now lacks mana regen, be it aether/veil/octa/aghs/blink/force, the only item that i feel like would really help zeus is bloodstone, how legit is it on zeus now ? feel like you can fight much better and safely with aether and initiation/escape item instead but at the cost of the sustain that bs provides [link] [comments] |
Helm of the Dominator or Vlad's on Lycan? Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:46 PM PST I've recently started playing Lycan, and the lifesteal aura seems really strong for sustaining your wolves and necrobook minions, however HOTD offers stats, attack speed and another member to your army. Which is better? [link] [comments] |
Queen of pain lost blademail lifesteal amd lvl 25 talent from 35 int to -3s shadow strike cd Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:47 AM PST So, queen of pain blademail nerf seems like a big deal for games where that item build was viable. And loosing 35 int doesnt help her for when she has to go for a right click build. Any thoughts and opinions on how this will affect the hero? -3s shadow strike cd seems pretty garbage in comparison to the 35 int. Only useful for canceling blinks and the short range will get you killed of you try to apply it [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:15 PM PST |
why do people get dragon lance on meepo? Posted: 09 Feb 2017 01:47 PM PST i have looked on dota buff and seen a lot of builds with dragon lance. is it just because of the value or is there something else. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 12:23 PM PST Noob here, can you help? [link] [comments] |
What is considered D to S tier DPS for practice dummy? Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:38 AM PST I have a hard time comparing rightclicker or caster heroes against each other. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 10:31 AM PST I had a game where I couldn't do anything. Enemy had sentries, gems, dusts, euls. I couldn't kill sniper because he was literally staying under his tower most of the time, not even going to farm jungle, probably because enemy saw me leaving and pinged to him. They also started running together pretty early. If this happens on such low skill dota, I'm terrified how terribly you get countered at 2-3-4k doto. What items should I buy to counter euls/force staffs? Enemy can just simply run away from me using force staff. When should I get solar crest? Does desolator stack with 2nd skill? How do I run around map when there's sentries/gems? How do I play at the endgame? If someone is interested, link to dotabuff in comments so bot dont shadowban me again. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 06:12 AM PST I had a good game where I snowballed as Weaver. However I kind of got crushed in mid lane vs kunkka, tidebringer took away 1/3 of my hp every time he used it (I kept trying to get out of range but the range it has is just ridiculous), does anyone have any tips about laning vs kunkka? How are you supposed to go for last hits vs tidebringer? I tried to harass a bit to get him to be more cautious but he just turned around and whacked me once which did more damage. I went for Aquila for the armor which helped a bit I guess. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:11 AM PST Im here again (last post was like a month ago LUL) and I have more questions. I've saw people playing bloodseeker jungle and it looks strong. But when i tried it out on a bot match it's hard to farm early cause some of the camps have high damage and high HP. Is there any specific paths of jungling? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 08:42 AM PST Yes, I just watched the Cloud 9 Game. I like to play Brood and haven't lost a lane since ages with her, but when do I pick her mid? Against Invoker it seems awesome, PA too. Or let's say, against whom not? (Legion, Jungle Axe, Silencer, Jakiro?) I think I can play around Zeus with good Spider placement. Shadow Friend seems.. hmn... difficult. EDIT: I think I win most of my 3-3,5k MMR games by just outplaying the enemies because they never played against someone who doesn't feed Spoders. Last game was against a Ember + Lich and I still won the lane. But Lich died dewarding about 5 times in a row haha. I don't wanna spam her in Mid, but sometimes I have to play mid and I would like to add her there. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 08 Feb 2017 11:42 PM PST Hey guys, longtime dota player here. I get low priority every single day for the last 2 years of playing. I get out, and within only 1 game I'm back in. I was hoping you could help me. I play solely unranked all pick and random draft. Sometimes I will do single draft. I get really frustrated losing because it often seems like valve is matching me with 4 twelve year olds from the mental hospital on my team and 5 teenage korean boys who have been playing all night on the enemy team. Here are the main situations that cause me to be toxic: 1. People on my team telling me I'm awful or getting mad because they have to buy wards, etc.
I am really sick of being like this...HOW do I stop flaming and getting sent to low priority? Thanks very much in advance. [link] [comments] |
Stacking Ancients - Prowler Problem Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:53 AM PST I was playing Sven last night and the timing was just right. I could stack the ancient camp (it would be 3 full camps on top of each other) and then kill it with my ult. I tried to aggro the creeps out of the box, but I got rooted by a prowler! Needless to say, the prowler rooting me caused me to miss the respawn timing so I didn't get to stack the camp. Is there some way to avoid getting rooted while stacking an ancient camp with a prowler in it? [link] [comments] |
Trying to do the antimage quest. Don't know how to play antimage. Help! Posted: 09 Feb 2017 05:07 AM PST Hi everyone. I'm looking for some advice on how to play AM in 7.02, as I'm trying to finish the quest to get the set. My last couple of games with him have been less than spectacular. I've tried to go an early fighting build with him but it didn't feel very effective. I also tried the traditional farming build but it felt that I could not help my team because I was so squishy. I do not play the carry role very much so general tips would be appreciated as well. Here is a link to my dotabuff. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/33000192 Thank you. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 09 Feb 2017 03:27 AM PST I THOUGHT actives > passives so if I have deso and satanic I can activate satanic to receive the lifesteal and if I don't it does -armor. But it doesn't appear to do that. Has it always been like this? It seems like whichever I pick up first (I can drop an item on floor to change it) takes effect [link] [comments] |
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