Heroes of the Storm - We REALLY need gifting to be added to the game. I can't believe we have come this far without this basic feature being added.

We REALLY need gifting to be added to the game. I can't believe we have come this far without this basic feature being added.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 04:42 AM PST

I really, really would love to see this feature added so badly. I've just seen my friend say that they can't afford Lucio today but they're a support main. I'd love to be able to surprise them with an in-game gift. We have problems with toxicity, I know, but we're limiting how nice we can be to our fellow players by not having this available :-(

submitted by /u/MasRemlap
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This is Korean Zeratul...

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:35 AM PST

Heroes of the Dorm 2017 Starts in 2.5 Hours!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:30 PM PST

Program Info

Heroes of the Dorm is Blizzard's premiere collegiate tournament for Heroes of the Storm, featuring hundreds of teams battling it out for the ultimate grand prize: their college tuition fees.

For more information on this year's program, click here.

This Week's Games

This week kicks off our Group Stages, where teams fight for their path to the Ro64!

Games start at 17:00 PST!

Day 1

  • UT San Antonio VS. Texas A&M
  • Georgia VS. U South Carolina
  • San Fran VS. UNLV
  • Santa Clara VS. Utah Valley

Day 2

  • RIT VS. UM Baltimore C
  • WM VS. Université Laval
  • UI Urbana-C VS. Indiana University
  • Iowa State University VS. Michigan State

Where to Watch

Heroes of the Dorm 2017 will be featured exclusively on Facebook Live! To watch all of this year's games, head to our Heroes Esports Facebook page or straight to HeroesoftheDorm.com/Watch!


For Group Play this year, we have 4 new casters joining us in sunny Southern California! The HGC casting team will take over once the Ro64 starts, but we're very excited to help coach you through the action! More Info

Here are the casters for the Group Play phase:

More Info

If you'd like to learn more about the program, keep track of brackets as we enter Ro64 and more, you can head straight to HeroesoftheDorm.com!

submitted by /u/Rathmyr
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Artanis's Master skin should have a warpblade

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:44 PM PST

It's stated in Starcraft lore that Artanis, after training from the Dark Templar, is able to manifest one warpblade (the green blades that Zeratul and the rest of the Dark Templar use) as well as one psiblade (the blue blades normal Protoss use), as can be seen in this cinematic from Legacy of the Void: https://youtu.be/v0kcHS0Tcu0?t=53

I think adding one warpblade and one psiblade to Artanis's master skin would make it seem like a greater advancement and progression of skill, just as he progresses in skill in the RTS games.

submitted by /u/lohit123
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Blizzard should Introduce an ingame spectation option

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:57 AM PST

This post might have been made before, but is something I've thought a lot about. Almost all major games are featuring this option.

Atleast I would use this while waiting for friends to finish their games, instead of hanging out in the main menu waiting for them to finish before starting the next game together.

Further, it would enable a nice way to "waste time" in the nexus when needed.

submitted by /u/currycurrylol
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Never-Ending Murlocs

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:52 PM PST

Valeera buffs in action

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:48 AM PST

Lucio Winrate: 55.4% after 653 games. Reverse Amp is good!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:27 AM PST

This is not a nerf thread, yeah he most likely needs a bit of a tone down on his level 16 healing talents but I don't think he needs much toning down to fall in line. Mainly I'm just bringing awareness to the fact that Lucio is actually rather good folks. Please stop suggesting damage buffs and talents for him :D.



I also want to draw attention to folks calling Reverse Amp weak. It's got the better win rate right now. Remember that it has a very strong passive attached to it AND you can switch tracks without stopping Reverse Amp at will just like you can during normal songs and Amp It Up. Sound Barrier is good too, so looks like 2 perfectly viable heroics.



Also remember that Lucio makes heroes like Arthas, Johanna, Butcher, Medic, Dehaka, and others DISGUSTING. Heroes that normally don't have a way to stick on their target, engage, or disengage can now do so thanks to Lucio. Seriously, imagine a world where Butcher has 20% movespeed and doesn't need to charge to engage :D. Medic is particularly scary, he heals the AOE damage she can't, gives her movespeed, heals her, and can also peel off of her. If your goal is Mocus Forales, he makes that a heckuvalot harder.



Disclaimer: The sample size is smallish but after 653 games it should be within the ballpark and it'll just narrow down and the % will become more and more confident from here.



EDIT: The confidence interval is tightening up so we are a bit further narrowed in on the win rate. Looks like we are currently at 54% overall win rate, 51.6% in Master/diamond and the win rate between his 2 heroics are now withing 2% of each other at 53.6% (Sound Barrier) and 55.6% (Reverse Amp) respectively. This isn't his win rate going down, this is just getting full accuracy on it. Once we reach 1,500 games I think it's safe to assume his win rate will be stable. So far it looks like Blizzard has done a helluva job releasing him in a very viable state that does not appear to be broken atm.



EDIT 2: Lucio is behaving uniquely regarding his win rates. I can no longer just list a single mode and just have people understand QM is higher. I now need to list all them them. This is gonna be a toughie.

  • Hero League: 54.8% win rate with 1722 games. 3rd highest and within 2% of 12 other heroes. Heroic win rates in HL are Reverse Amp (59%), Sound Barrier (53.5%). From Hero League you'd conclude that he's towards the top of the stronger Hero League heroes and Reverse Amp is the superior Heroic in Hero League by alot.

  • Quick Match: 59% win rate with 1909 games. Top win rate with only 2 heroes within 2% of him. Heroic win rates in QM are Reverse Amp (56.5%) and Sound Barrier (60.9%). From Quick Match you'd conclude he is entirely broken and that Sound Barrier is the superior Heroic in Quick Match by alot.

So depending on the mode the heroic that is far stronger is different. He's also much stronger in QM than in HL. I don't think he needs much of an adjustment for HL, because any healing or healing talent nerfs will also affect Reverse AMP via the passive. But he's plainly out of control in QM. But he performs quite differently in each mode it seems.

Yet he's still 51.6% win rate in Diamond/Master Hero League oddly enough, LOWER than his other win rates. I do not envy Blizzard on balancing this one lol. It seems there is no easy answer that won't screw him in one mode or another.

submitted by /u/Ralathar44
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Comparisons of the healing areas of Lucio and Brightwing.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:51 AM PST

Healing areas of Brightwing and Lucio

When I started playing Lucio I was astounded by how much healing I was doing. I often had between 120k-150k in a game. With Brightwing, who also is an AoE healer, I'd normally expect half that in a similar game.

There are several reasons for this. First is that his heal/second is larger and he has an on demand heal boost every 15 seconds. But the main reason is that he's not only hyper mobile so he can get within healing range on teammates much easier than Brightwing, but his heal area is significantly larger. With Brightwing, you often have to choose between having front and backline as your heal target. The Soothing Mist area just isn't very big and often, if you want to split push, you have to pass up on the area increase talent at level one since your Z is at 55 second cooldown these days.

Lucio on the other hand has a much bigger area on his heal and he is also much faster. It was very rare that I wasn't able to have all four team members within the area in a team fight.

Looking at Lucio's design, it feels like the nerf of Unfurling Spray from +33% to +20% increased area of Soothing Mist was a bit heavy handed.

submitted by /u/Duerfian
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Did Blizzard do something to the matchmaking system?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:40 PM PST

Seriously, all my queue times today have been below 20 or so seconds. The last time I remember getting in games this quickly was before they reworked the matchmaking system. Has something been changed? Because if these queue times are here to stay, I am more than a happy customer.

Edit: Quite a few people are saying that it's due to the WoW event. This is hard to believe since I can't imagine that they managed to get to level 40 in the space of around a day or so.

submitted by /u/triomino_guy
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Unpopular Opinion: The current support meta is actually pretty great!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:52 PM PST

I keep reading off-hand comments about how "stale" or "boring" the current support meta is in HotS almost daily, and I don't get it. I focused on playing support heroes this Hero League season, and I'm continuously surprised by how varied and fun my support experiences have been in the current meta!

From my experience in Plat/Diamond/Master this season, practically every single support hero is viable in various situations. You can't say the same about almost any other class of hero. I see the same few tanks in almost every single game. I see the same few assassins in almost every single game. When it comes to supports, I see different heroes in almost every game, often with different builds based on the team's composition. Obviously there are exceptions, as supports like Morales will always have a pretty straightforward build/play-style, but even our favorite focused-medic can mix things up and still be effective. Almost all of the current supports have an alternate build that focuses on damage or CC that can be used with double support comps, which is awesome. I love playing support heroes, because I always feel like I have so many options available to me depending on what heroes I'm playing with/against.

I'm not saying that Blizzard should stop releasing new supports, or that existing supports couldn't use some tweaking, but it just surprises me that people complain about supports right now. I remember the days when you were limited to 3-4 supports, and it sucked. I love that I can now grab Uther against gank heroes, or pick up Auriel with a strong mage. I can spec Kharazim or Tyrande as formidable assassins. I can use Lili to cripple an AA team or BW to stop dive comps in their tracks. Of course, I can always just pick Malf if I want an easy win. ;)

TL;DR - Personally, I think There's Never Been a Better Time™ to play a support in HotS, and I hope the current support meta stays this interesting for a long time!

EDIT: Tyrael = Tyrande :P

submitted by /u/smi1ey
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"We're currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts."

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:33 AM PST

First world murky problems: Can't try endless murlocs because team wins too fast :(

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:44 AM PST

But for real though, i've done 5 matches this morning and each has every pretty fast. Endless Murlocs seems so fun

submitted by /u/EZMONEYSNIP3R
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Bakery's HGC Vlog | Episode 1

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:36 AM PST

Lucio's healing, especially later in the game is way overtuned.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:39 AM PST

Current build: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/lucio#kD73


Got done spamming Luigi in HL and determined that at least in a HL setting hes a top tier pick. I've been running reverse amp for the extra second of healing and the OP slow. The extra second of healing/speed is constant value vs the shield, and then you get the strong active.


I keep seeing everyone say he's just padding his numbers and it's because of his passive AoE healing and his numbers aren't that great and his burst healing isn't that great, but it's the exact fucking opposite.


Let's assume we went reverse amp and have 4 seconds on E.

At level 13 you'll heal 880 over 4 seconds. For comparison, although instant, Monk's AoE heal is 482 this level. It has a 15 second CD and you have to toggle between speed/healing, but you can easily leave healing on the full duration when needed. Now, this is where his numbers get fucking retarded and I have no idea how you guys don't see that it's more than him just padding his stats.


At level 16 you'll heal 988 over 4 seconds, and assuming you've taken the 3 percent healing talent (which you should), you'll heal a total of 988 + 12 percent hp in a giant area. Then comes his level 20. I truly believe this to be the most broken level 20 in the game right now.


At level 20 you'll heal 1156 over 4 seconds + 12 percent max health. But suddenly you got this awesome talent called Bonus Track which basically doubles this (I know there's a slight delay switching back and forth), but you'll be doing 2312 + 24 percent health~ over 8 seconds. This is a 15 second CD, there is a 7 second down time.


On top of these redickulus numbers, he does have the passive sustain healing (more like regen, but hey its free), movement speed, and a 60 percent MS buff. His utility is through the roof. Cleanse isn't even needed in most scenarios. If the enemy team can't 100-0 a teammate during the stun time you'll save them more times than a NA cleanse would. You'll have them run at double mount speed, and then you have the option to slow the enemy by 45 percent too. You usually turn the speed boost on for 1-2 seconds, then switch over and give then healing for 2-3 seconds.


Basically, no, he's not padding his stats. No, his healing isn't bad and isn't slow. If you begin to outdamage the healing you switch to speed boost for a quick second to create space between you and the danger, then use the remaining duration on the heal. Also, although I didn't emphasize it, the MS is probably the most broken part of the kit. Being able to constantly switch between positioning and healing over 4 seconds is crazy.


Some clips that show how quickly he heals/how strong the MS is. And here's the current build: http://www.heroesfire.com/hots/talent-calculator/lucio#kD73

Level 16 healing: https://clips.twitch.tv/horsepants/PerfectHerdCoolCat (double this in your brain at level 20).

More healing/using MS instead of heal 2 pce: https://clips.twitch.tv/horsepants/AggressiveQuailNoNoSpot

Using MS Boost + Reverse + Knockback to catch people: https://clips.twitch.tv/horsepants/ClearGoatHassanChop

A bit of everything: https://clips.twitch.tv/horsepants/DifferentTarsierSriHead

Level 20 speed shenanigans: https://clips.twitch.tv/horsepants/SuperSalamanderArsonNoSexy

Level 20 healing/speed/lightsywatch https://clips.twitch.tv/horsepants/ThankfulHerdDeIlluminati


Big dick tip: Your E is 15 second CD and needs to be used correctly. You also need to rapdily switch between speed and heal. Sometimes it's better to switch to sonic speed for 1-2 seconds, even when your teammates are missing health, to get them out of the enemies threat zone (you ended up healing them more with movement speed than healing since you prevented the damage altogether). You'll steal have the last 2 seconds or so to burst heal the team, then you have the sustain regen. As long as your teammates didn't die you'll heal them back to full pretty quickly.



Went a bit off the original topic since I just wanted to add some things without having to post again in the future.

submitted by /u/HORSEPANTSU
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Stitches Rework

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:39 PM PST

I've been thinking for a long time about Stitches, as he's one of my favorite tanks in the game, despite being somewhat useless at peeling and only being super useful for the hook gimmick, which has been somewhat replaced by Artanis' dash-swap. So here's my proposal for a stitches rework:

First off, let's consider the fantasy of Stitches. He's a big, gross pile of infested corpses sewn together in a grotesque Frankenstein-style monstrosity. He also stinks. I'd like to have most of his talents and abilities reflect that fact. I want to make being near stitches as punishing as possible. First thing's first, let's fix the most boring part of his kit, Slam. I think the solution is deceptively simple.

40 Mana Cooldown: 8 seconds Deal 176 (84 + 4% per level) damage to enemies within the target area. Enemies affected by Vile Gas are stunned for 0.75 seconds.

Bam! Suddenly you go from a tank with zero peel and a boring, low damage AoE to a hero with the ability to wade into the fray and generate lots of value from high-risk play. His other two abilities are fine as-is, but definitely need some talent love.

All of these talents reflect one of 3 different build paths. One is the typical tank. Absorb damage, heal it back, stun, displace, and get in their face. Second is the bruiser. Dish out damage from a bulky body and threaten kills. Third would probably never be a dedicated build, but the rest of his talents are meant to increase his waveclear and PvE potential.

Level 1

  • Gassy (!): Enemy Heroes near Stitches are automatically infected with Vile Gas. This can only occur once every 6 seconds. Once 30 enemy heroes have been infected by Vile Gas, increase its radius by 50%.

  • Overwhelming Stench: Vile Gas does 300% more damage to non-Heroes.

  • Savor the Flavour (!): Using Devour on an enemy Hero permanently increases your Health Regeneration by 2 per second. After using Devour on a Hero 15 times, Gain 25 Armor for 5 seconds after using Devour on a Hero.

Level 4

  • Restorative Fumes: Whenever Vile Gas damages an enemy Hero, you are healed for 28.08 (+4% per level) Health. Increase this amount by 25% for each Hero affected by Vile Gas.

  • Last Bite: If an enemy dies within 3 seconds of being damaged by Devour, its cooldown is reduced by 12 seconds.

  • Mega Smash (!): Range and arc of Slam increased by 25%. After hitting two or more Heros with Slam 10 times, increase its damage by 50%.

Level 7

  • Tenderizer: Basic Attacks slow enemy Movement Speed by 25% for 1.5 seconds.

  • Come On and Slam: Slam deals double damage to Heroes hit by Hook in the last 5 seconds.

  • Putrid Ground: Enemies hit by Slam are infected with Vile Gas. Enemies already infected with Vile Gas have its duration increased by 4 seconds.

  • Hookshot: Reduce the range of Hook by 50% and the target is pulled behind Stitches.

Level 13

  • Flea Bag: Whenever you are stunned or rooted, reduce your Basic Ability cooldowns by 6 seconds.

  • Indigestion: Using Devour also creates a Retchling that applies Vile Gas Poison when it attacks.

  • Take a Chunk Out: Using Devour on a Hero deals bonus damage equal to 6% of the Hero's maximum Health.

Level 16

  • Smell the Fear: Gain 15% movespeed when near a Hero infected with Vile Gas.

  • Bad for What Ails You: Enemies infected by Vile Gas receive 20% reduced healing.

  • Shish Kabob: Hook can pull up to 2 targets.

Level 20

  • All Aboard!: Allies can be targeted by Gorge. This does not damage them. Any healing Stitches receives while an ally is Gorged is applied to them as well. Reduce Gorge's cooldown by 30s when used this way.
submitted by /u/Skandranonsg
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Please, let Lucio's music be heard louder.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:33 AM PST

During the game, Lucio's music could be heard louder and hopefully continuously. Please?

submitted by /u/milfisandre
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Honestly I just glad I can play QMs and be confident both teams will have a sup now.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 03:16 AM PST

Those duo and triple ques where you think someone better choose sup or this game is gonna be a shit storm. Love a support release. I will mostly play warrior anyway so all bases covered.

submitted by /u/StayMoist
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HGC Highlights - Week 4

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:07 AM PST

[FanArt] Valla

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:26 PM PST

Made some artz of Valla that I'm pretty pleased with!


Didn't even realise she was on rotation this week when I started so seems appropriate!

submitted by /u/Chipstickz
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No changes for Valeera combo point indicator planned, according to Blizz.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:04 PM PST

Kure and his Dorm team are poised for greatness in 2017

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:42 PM PST

Medivh was in rotation yesterday, today he got swapped for sylvanas?!?!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 09:31 AM PST

title says it all .... this is the post of the rotation, which includes medivh but not sylvanas https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/heroes/topic/13604571130 yesterday i was able to play medivh, today i am not ...

submitted by /u/ChiLLkroet3
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Heroes listed in order from most to least HP as of 2017-2-14

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:46 AM PST

I know there is probably a website that already lets you sort heroes by HP or stats, but I'm not aware of one, so just decided to make my own and post it.

Cho - 3686

Stitches - 3016

Azmodan - 2847

Muradin -2738

Diablo - 2670

Chen - 2652

Artanis - 2568

Leoric - 2566

Tyrael - 2566

Johanna - 2549

Dehaka - 2531

ETC - 2525

Arthas - 2500

Sonya - 2434

Zarya - 2314

Butcher - 2240

Varian - 2214

Uther - 2136

Rehgar - 2130

Valeera - 2128

Anub - 2083

Ragnaros - 2080

Kharazim - 2026

Tychus - 2002

Alarak - 1976

Xul - 1976

Greymane - 1960

Zul'jin - 1950

Auriel -1924

Gazlowe - 1899

Thrall - 1858

Misha - 1832

Rexxar - 1794

Gul'dan - 1768

Malfurion -1749

Kerrigan - 1747

Illidan - 1716

Samuro - 1716

Zagara - 1708

Nazeebo - 1703

Sgt. Hammer -1703

Zeratul - 1686

Tyrande - 1654

LiLi - 1614

Lt.Morales - 1589

Kael'thas - 1580

Medivh - 1528

Brightwing - 1528

Sylvanas - 1514

Lucio - 1508

Lunara - 1487

Tassadar - 1483

The lost Vikings Olaf - 1480

Jaina - 1419

Falstad - 1419

Nova - 1404

Chromie - 1375

Raynor - 1354

Valla - 1323

Li-Ming - 1281

Tracer - 1254

The Lost Vikings Baelog - 1138

The Lost Vikings Eric - 797

Murky - 791

Abathur - 712

Some things I learned:

  • Tychus is the highest HP ranged Assassin

  • Uther is the highest HP support but Rehgar has almost the same amount

  • Butcher is the highest HP melee assassin

  • Stitches has the highest HP in the game aside from Cho

  • Olaf has more HP than Jaina or Falstad

  • Fat dudes have the most HP

submitted by /u/S1nistar
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