Diablo - If we're going with power creep, can we pet-loot low level mats now?

If we're going with power creep, can we pet-loot low level mats now?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:21 PM PST

The rationale for not having pets pick up all the crafting mats under the sun was because it would be a power creep, where they were then invalidated by being so readily available (stopping to click a few times a minute is a sufficient workaround).

Now that we're going ahead with primal ancients, can we admit that it won't be the end of D3 if our pets pick up crafting mats? It's a quality of life fix that players have been asking for for years, and now that we're getting another reason to be disappointed at the book of Cain, please just throw us a bone.

submitted by /u/TheRybka
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PTR : New graphic effects

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:44 PM PST

The gameplay in this is just so smooth and polished, nothing really compare to it

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:05 AM PST

I don't play this game anymore, but I constantly think about playing it again. There was nothing more satisfying to me than playing an Uliana's monk, so much so that no other game compares.

I've played my fair share of ARPGs and sure, D3 isn't as deep as some others, but my god the actual gameplay is second-to-none, even after almost 5 years.

I fully expect to buy the Necromancer expansion, give him a brief shot, and then go back to playing a Uliana's monk or Jade WD after only a few days.

submitted by /u/jktstance
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Blizzard please, no bloody set dungeon conquest in S10

Posted: 14 Feb 2017 11:55 PM PST

It sucks so much, and it's even worse now that many of us have already finished them all for the wings.

submitted by /u/freet0
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Primal Ancients Poll - Which Version Do You Prefer?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 12:47 PM PST

Primal Ancients were initially going to have higher stat ranges than Normal Ancients. A recent change on the PTR will now make Primal Ancients roll Perfect Ancient stats.

Some people are happy with the changes, while others are not... I'm curious how the community feels towards this change, or even Primal Ancients in general.

Strawpoll Link - Vote Here

submitted by /u/8906
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Sum up your criticisms of D3 in three words

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:06 PM PST

I'll start:

Story wasn't cohesive

And guys, make sure to upvote too, or our post won't go anywhere lol.

submitted by /u/forthewarchief
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Are there any other [non-seasonal] players out there that are also frustrated with the implementation of seasons?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:39 PM PST

This is just my opinion; I know plenty of people out there do enjoy seasons, and if you're one of them, then good for you! But as somebody who has been playing this game on and off since its release in 2012, I just feel nauseous thinking about them... I know, I know, "then don't play it." I wouldn't, if it weren't for the extra stash space.

For a player like me who has spent thousands of hours on D3, it is sadly not an feasible option for me to just ignore the extra space. I adore the game's amazing breadth of possible builds and niche methods of playing, but as it stands I already don't have enough space for one of each set, let alone legendaries, and I'm not even a hoarder. I get rid of things that aren't the best or that I won't use. But even still, I simply don't have enough space and I am forced to play seasons because of the way I enjoy the game.

I exclusively play in Hardcore mode, and while trying to grit my teeth and quickly push through the same seasonal grind that I have literally done hundreds of times in the past five years, sometimes my character ends up dying and I just want to cry. All I want to do is play my normal character, but I have to restart the entire season grind over if I die. By the time I finally complete the endless season journey, it's time for a new season again... I just think it is absurd that the stash space is so far into the journey. As someone who wants the other cosmetics available from seasons, I would be okay not having them because it would be optional. But as it stands, it is not really optional for players like myself to play without the extra stash tabs.

Since the release of Diablo 3, I have leveled so many more characters than I can count on both softcore and hardcore, and I'm just so sick of leveling and grinding the same progression ladder over and over. I don't want to lose all of my progress every couple of months. I'm okay with losing hardcore characters but I don't have the endurance to lose all my legendary gems and crafting materials and all that.

Aside from the Season Journey, there are now a grand total of 340 unique tags you can set when creating a game, and you can only play with people that happen to pick the same one you did. I'm already in a minority since I don't play seasons and I play in hardcore, so I hardly run into other people at all and I have not had much luck finding non seasonal clans.

Does anyone else share similar feelings? Or do people on the opposite side and think that seasons are perfect as is? Also, to other people who don't play seasonal, do you play solo or with others?

submitted by /u/ouendanation1
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It looks like the cat is riding the cow

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 08:35 PM PST

A Saner solution to power creep, ancients, primals. just suggesting.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:33 PM PST

Power creep is currently the only thing standing betwixt the player and the highest G R clear possible. Primals and ancients have added a bit to the creep, but not to the extent that players can scale all the way into max level GR.

what i am about to suggest will be a way to continue scaling this creep AND dial back the amount of sheer power earned from set bonuses.

the math on this isnt fleshed out but i used placeholder numbers to give you an idea of what kinds of changes i suggest to take place.

what it basically amounts to is having the Legacy of Nightmares set bonus applicable at all times.

for every ancient item equipped, final damage is boosted a certain % factor. cal it 50%. with 13 ancient items your final damage boost just from items will be 750% on top of your 6 pc set bonus.

for primal items, each primal would be 75% boost, so a full load of 13 primal items would yield 975% boost.

this means all set bonuses can be cut in half (for more sane number crunching) and with this kind of baked in damage boost players could still reach their old maximums, with some room for growth that comes from normal power creep and GR adjustments.

so whirlwind 6pc set bonus can be cut down to 400% or lower (making t6 great again) but with each new ancient piece or primal piece, the player can climb.

the whole point is to start at the bottom right? T4-6 is the bottom right ?

is this not saner? have i overlooked something completely obvious?

submitted by /u/Zukuto
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The State of GR-Fishing in 2.4.3 & 2.5.0

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:32 AM PST

Just started playing Diablo today

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:18 PM PST

It's a lot of fun, just thought I'd let you guys know.

submitted by /u/guitarmaniac004
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Drop Greater Rift Keystones

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 07:06 PM PST

For some reason I cannot figure out how to do this - but I cannot drop items like greater rift keystones, infernal machines, etc.

They are taking up inventory space - how do I get rid of them?

Edit: You can sell them to merchants. I actually forgot merchants even existed in this game... holy crap XD Apparently other people have as well

submitted by /u/angery
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Anyone know the FB WD Breakpoints

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:39 PM PST

I'm trying to decide between 10% damage and 7% IAS on my staff for my FB WD and can't find the breakpoints online for the build anywhere.

Does anyone know which is preferred?

I don't have any mana problems when i use rush of essence.


submitted by /u/captainsolo77
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When will the necromancer character be released?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:32 PM PST

Does anyone have any speculation? Every time I look around the google machine I can't find anything. Can't even find rumors!

submitted by /u/Scottrocket333
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EPIC RELICS CONCEPT: The Necro sale booster?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 02:31 PM PST

EPIC RELICS CONCEPT: The Necro sale booster?

Greetings! I've posted something similar earlier, but now I think I've learnt my lessons and improved the system by the criticisms and suggestions.



A new system wider than Kanai's Cube or Legendary gems to increase the build variety and the excitement of the looting.

  • Every Ancient and every Primal would now roll with a random Relic imbued to them.

  • Cube Recipe to remove unnecessary RNG: -The Relic may be taken away from the item and used into another item by an expensive recipe.

  • When a character equips correct Relics, it forms a Relic Revelation that gives player a certain legengary ability or a group of affixes.

  • One Relic can be part of multiple Relic Revelations!


Relic Revelation Examples Need much more thinking of contradictions than this! And more and better Revelations.



Item Examples:



The idea is to have a huge amount of additional opportunities how to handle the builds. The Relic removing cube recipe should be so expensive that there would be a time when player might use the weaker legendary just to get the Revelation bonus. Even the unused legendaries would have a chance to be used if they form a powerful Revelation.


Primals could have second Relic by the cost of one affix if desired (not necessarily if people dislike that idea).


If you like it and if we consider together how to improve the system and use our voice as a huge community, we might have some wicked on our hands by the end of the 2017.

submitted by /u/ToBeRuined
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Experienced DH players, what are my next steps? What do I farm or upgrade?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:42 PM PST

The link to my character is here: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Jordan-2139/hero/89880873

Please note I'm still quite new, so excuse if I look weird with stupid stats.

Very much appreciated!

submitted by /u/heyimdee
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All builds require set pieces and exclusive weapons, but what spells do I use when fresh 70 farming the set?

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 05:14 PM PST

Icy veins has some sort of "fresh 70" guide but it doesn't seem right.

Everyone's got their own unique builds, spells etc but I'm sort of new (just finished gearing my season Dh on hardcore, Yang's took me a while)

Can you direct me anywhere apart from icy veins on somewhat decent spell combos etc while farming specific sets?

submitted by /u/heyimdee
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Season Crusader - Having difficulty with conquests and fast rifts

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 10:02 AM PST

Hi all! I figured I might as well reach out to the community for help. I started season 9 as a crusader, and am using the thorns set. I've managed to get past the "Champion" journey rank, and I'm now working on "Destroyer". I'd like to keep using/upgrading the thorns set if possible since I really enjoy the playstyle. However, I'm having difficulty with conquests and beating an XII rift in under 6 minutes. In fact, any challenge that requires speed is proving to be pretty tough for me. Are there any tips you all could share about completing this with the thorns set? My ultimate goal is to get the stash tab reward.

Thank you all!

Here's a link to my profile.

submitted by /u/Baknik
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Does Blizzard still intend Primal Ancients to be shared with group members.

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:16 AM PST

With the level 70 GR Solo restriction. If someone gets a Primal Ancient in a public game who has cleared GR 70 Solo, and someone else in the game who has not completed it, can they still trade it as before other items would.

submitted by /u/Blazing_Saddles
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Do not waste the chance to bring new gameplay with Shadow Set!

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 06:12 AM PST

OK! Here we go! Basically it all boils down to one central question!

In current meta GenMonk kills Elites/RG: Elites for the most part, the RG basically alone! conditions: benefitting from trash in various ways; kills take some time (hammering elites down in continuous fashion!)

It is obvious that here lies Shadow DH's place: As an alternative!!! conditions: X

For starters: The GenMonk rolls away every stat with AoE and completely lets the WD do the trash killings in 4-pl-play!

That's exactly how the skill Impale naturally works! Yes, you could add or buff AoE aspects of the runes etc. but basically it IS a knife throw against one target! Makes no sense to artifically alter it!

Now the only task Blizzard has is to decide on the conditions and the numbers.

Basically Blizzard has 2 options:

  1. Tweak it that SDH kills in overall the same tempo like the Monk. -> in this case we end up conventional: condition can be the same as our usual play: Pile up masses of mobs, etc..

  2. Tweak it that SDH kills them significantly faster! -> In this case progress by trash MUST be significantly lower or non-existent otherwise GR progress would be faster and nobody would play GenMonk anymore!

Lets assume GR 100+ on the DPS edge of what a certain char can clear. Then GenMonk needs 30 to 60 seconds to kill an Elite group and 3 to 5 minutes for the RG. During this process WD kills trash and delivers additional progress.

Now, you boost SDH single target damage (Set Boni, Impale, Items) to whatever say half time! Then you have to lower trash progress as well.

You could certainly do that but in my opinion the progress equation can be solved far easier if saying no trash at all! Because in this case the only question is: How many elites more do we need on average to make up for lost trash progression?

And don't come with this: It is not possible bull!@#$. The game is AoE and so on "fact".

If they want to give this set a special role for gameplay reasons and preserve it as "special" or "extreme" then they could easily give the 6pc various 40.ooo% or whatever! Till it's enough!

Just a question of what to WANT! Or lets say: Same gameplay as always or new one in addition! (should NOT replace it but bring more variety!)

submitted by /u/blackwarx
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terrible conquests in S10, the worst ever

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:15 AM PST

You can see them in this video. I am ok with the 3 gems level 65, and kill bosses in 20 min, then i have no idea which other one I can do.


submitted by /u/greenertree
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Diablo 3: Fall of Valor

Posted: 15 Feb 2017 01:04 PM PST

So we've all obviously seen the massive release coming from GGG with POE and you have to commend them for it. It really shines a negative light on the Necro DLC imho.

I think it's totally reasonable to assume that a new expansion with new features could ressurect D3 from the dead. While it's clear the team is struggling resources, I think we all have some awesome ideas we could share that we would love to see.

Here is what I would like to see:

Diablo 3: Fall of Valor


Background Story:

Zoltun Kule has been right all along. The angels despise humanity, and while the nephalim helped them vanquish Diablo, Imperius blames humanity and all of sanctuary for the fall of Malthael and the Angiris Council and the destruction of high heaven. Without the influence of Tyrael, he has truly become wreckless.

Lorath and Tyrael have successfuly reunited the Horadrim (they were actually doing something!) and have established a new stronghold for the Order with Zulun Kule's help within the jungles of Kehjistan with the Priests of Rathma. We can all it the Temple of Cain (for our boy, RIP, I cry evertim). This is why the Necromancer has returned.

The invasion begins, and the remaining angel army, lead by Imperius, wreck havok on sanctuary. The horadrim move everyone important to the temple and we join them there. All the previous acts are in ruin, towns destroyed, etc. (gonna jack this straight from PoE if thats okay, great way to rework the old acts! haha). Tristram? Ruins. Pandemonium fortress? Ruins. Survivor enclave? Ruins.

Other prime-angels can betray Imperius throughout the story. Maybe we find out Diablo possesed Imperius, maybe Diablo is just gone until D4 and Imperius is our ultimate enemy. All of this culminating in your fight with Imperius, and begin a new day in sanctuary with the Horadrim, no angels and no demons.


Story Mode:

A new hub, The temple, sits in the Kehjistan jungle. This is a new area with new zones.

The idea here would be to turn the entire world of sanctuary into a living battlefield, with each waypoint representing a "contested" zone, guarded by an Angel mini-boss. The player must recapture all the old areas they visited in Sanctuary and recapture them for Humanity. Then they can fight their way back into High-heaven to defeat Imperius once and for all.

In a perfect world, this would be a huge, open-world with servers and 50+ players per server. The battles would rage on for months with all of the players working together for humanity to recapture sanctuary. This feels entirely out of scope however.

So it can be based around the existing structure, but more open ended. Quests exist to go capture areas, which unlock a boss fight for the entire act, which reclaimes the act. Once all 6 acts (old 5 plus new one) have been reclaimed, you can move into the High-heaven, capture some more zones, and work your way to Imperius.


Adventure Mode:

Bounties have been replaced with Mini-boss fights that exist as each waypoint somewhere in the zone (like the keywarden). These bosses drop unique mats, and the old mats that act had(like the keywarden), that are used to create primals, or other items. Beating the boss captures the zone (just like in story mode, or similar to completing a bounty in current version). Restarting the game resets the entire world to hostile again.

New main hub

  • all new bosses

  • New item tier (super rare)

  • new crafting mats


Necro Class:

I think we are all excited to see this.

New Mini-bosses and main Bosses:

Battle all new mini-bosses (guardians of the zone) and do epic battle with the prime angels of the Angiris council. Unique boss mechanics, unique drops, etc.


New Crafting Mats:

Craft Primal/Ancient items. Similar to existing bounty system. 6 new mats, new recipe in cube. Combine mats to upgrade to ancient.


New Item Tier:

20 new unique items of a new item tier. Extremely rare. Game changing legendary affixes. No sets on this tier, mostly weapons and jewelry and stuff like that. Maybe a few helms.


New Rift Modes:

Ironman: 1 death allowed, no timer, killing X enemies spawns rift guardian, starts over when guardian is killed on a higher difficulty. Highest number of guardian's killed and time taken is the record.

Elite/Unique/Boss Only: no trash mobs, only elite packs (of increased size, imagine a pack of 10-15!) and unique monsters. Could mix in Rift guardians as well, and introduce an ultimate rift guardian boss type.

Random Portals: Tons of Portals at the edge of the map spawn in random enemies, no set mob type for a floor. It would be like the shrine events where the mobs spawn in around you, but they would spawn in off screen when the rift starts.

Wave/survival: Similar to shrine events, continually spawn in waves of enemies and see how high you can get.

Objective rift: Rfits based around clearing objectives -- ie., close X portals throughout rift, Kill X elite packs, escort rifts (from point A to B), protect/defend a point (ie Zoltan Kule casting a spell), fortress siege (complete a number of objectives to open area, more objectives, boss area, etc.)

submitted by /u/RDS
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